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Radical Philosophy :Thl.. leell

Wlllch, WIII,gellslelll
alld Ma.. xlsm

Ted Benton
assessment of the place of Wittgenstein in
A Introduction
British intellectual history?
In the course of these investigations, I hope,
This paper suffers from a certain 'instability' some steps are made towards the development of an
deriving from its having been written some years adequate conception of ideology - a conception
ago, and then substantially modified more recently which would, in my view, be a necessary condition
to serve quite different purposes. This modifica- of any satisfactory situating of Wittgenstein's
tion,has, unfortunately, been insufficiently work in its social and intellectual context. The
thorough, although the instability of the paper present paper, then, is to be understood as
may be itself of some interest. simultaneously an exercise in critical history of
The work for the original paper was produced in ideas and an attempt at conceptual analysis and
the late '60s, in a context of extensive political production.
radicalisation of 'intellectual' youth in the
advanced capitalist countries, and also in the B The Effects of Wittgenstein's work: the case
Eastern Block. The realisation of the complicity of Peter Winch
of the US intellectual establishment1 in the
imperialist war against Vietnam was of particular In order to conduct the first investigation -
significance. It led, both in the USA and in 'what just~fied the rejection of Wittgenstein as
Britain, to students questioning not only the a bourgeois philosopher?' - it is necessary to
social relationships within which 'knowledge" was distinguish the philosophical achievements pre-
'transmitted' in the universities and colleges, sent in Wittgenstein's work from the assimilation/
but also the very content of that knowledge. In appropriation of Wittgenstein's work by British
this, philosophy students were no exception and intellectual culture - particularly, in the fields
attempts were made to establish precisely what of philosophy, ethics and sociology. To quote
was the social/political significance of philo- the Italian philosopher, Rossi-Landi:
sophy. The dominant tendencies of 'linguistic Don't look for the meaning of a philosopher,
philosophy' and 'linguistic analysis' at that time look for his use: the meaning of a philosopher
were not always clearly distinguished, and those is his use in-;-culture. 5
on the neo-Marxist left tended to reject the whole I want to argue that in the particular case of
of their philosophy curricula as 'bourgeois ideo- Wittgenstein there are important differences
logy'. Either, following Marcuse~ linguistic between the meaning of the philosopher and his
philosophy was conceived as merely a new variant use in the culture. To illustrate this point I
of empiricism, so that it could be subjected to shall consider one text only: Peter Winch's
the already well-established general critique of Idea of a Social Science. My argument will be
empiricism, or, following Perry Anderson,3 that the general methodology of the social stu-
Wittgenstein and other linguistic philosophers dies which Winch argues for in The Idea is not
were regarded as professional defenders of the only misconceived on its own account, but more
conceptual status-quo, and so as, intentionally importantly for present purposes, that quite
or not, politically conservative. In that general opposite methodological conclusions for the
context, I wrote this paper in order to defend social sciences can be drawn from a development
what I considered to be genuinely intellectually of aspects of Wittgenstein's work which Winch

t" liberating aspects of W~ttgenstein's philosophy

against this tendency to submerge its particular
! . characteristics into an ill~efined and amorphous
1 N Chomsky, American Power and the New Mandarins,
Pelican, 1969
;, 'bourgeois culture'. It was also my objective to 2 H Marcuse, One Dimensional Man, Sphere Books,
indicate a path from Wittgenstein to Marx which 1968, Ch.7
could be followed, I thought, without turning away 3 Perry Anderson - 'Components of the National
from some of the central philosophical advances , Culture' (originally in NLR50 and reprinted in
;,present in Wittgenstein's work. Student Power, ed. IR.Blackburn
;, Since I wrote the original paper there have 4 See, for instance, Tony Manser, The End Qf
~,~ppeared several defences (or partial defences) 4 Philosophy: Marx and Wittgenstein, Inaugural
,~f Wittgenstein from a leftist and even Marxist Address, Univ. of Southampton, 1973; John Moran
tandpoint by academic philosophers on the left. 'wittgenstein and Russia', NLR73; K T Fann,
t therefore now seems to me to be necessary to 'wittgenstein and Bourgeois Philosophy,RP8;
onduct a series of distinct investigations: Also relevent are E Burke, 'wittgenstein's'
" ,(i) What, if anything, justified the original Conservatism, RP10; and the contributions by
diSmissal of Wittgenstein as a 'bourgeois Richard Norman and Tony Skillen to RPl
philosopher'? 5 F ROBsi-Landi 'Per un uso Marxiano di
(ii) What, if anything, is in the more recent Wittgenstein', trans. Prof. Tony Manser. I am
attempts to uncover a 'progressive' greatly indebted to Tony Manser both for his
Wittgenstein and connect him with Marx? translation, and for the stimUlation of his ex-
(iii) Can we use the answers to these questions cellent inaugural address on Marx and
to achieve a more reliable and objective Wittgen~tein.

neglects. that social action. I shall begin by outli~ing
Winch represents his task in The Idea as ex- ·a conc~ption of what i t is to 'understand the
tending Wittgenstein's treatment of the notion meaning of' which (a) is present explicitly or
of 'following a rule' from the analysi~ of lin- implicitly in much of the argumentation of The Idea
guistic meaning to forms of interaction other andiwhichl(h)wouldlcarry, as implications of its
than speech - to non-linguistic social actions being~ accepted as the only conception of socio-
and interactions which can nevertheless be said
logical understanding, some of Winch's most ex-
to have a symbolic character. In this way, it
treme and controversial methodological p~escrip­
should be possible to develop a conception of
tions. The proposition '2 x 2 = 4' is a meaning-
sociological understanding along the same lines
ful arithmetical proposition. Let us suppose that
as Wittgenstein's conception of what it is to
a teacher wishes to discover whether a pupil 'un-
'understand the meaning of' in connection with
derstands .the meaning of' the proposition. Perhaps
linguistic meaning. Already there are diffi- he/she may do this by getting the pupil to carry
culties with this method of procedure: out various movements with pairs of counters or
(i) 'Social action' is not, generally, taken other objects on a desk, maybe by getting him/her
as the sole object of knowledge in the social to carry out other arithmetical exercises involv-
studies. Winch seems to suppose that i t must ing the use of 'x' and '=' signs', as well- as the
be without justifying his assumption. numerals 1-4. Consistent success in these exer-·
(ii) It can not be .correct for Winch to charact- cises will satisfy the teacher that the pupil
erise thi.s task as extending the application of understands.
Wittgenstein's treatment of linguistic meaning to Being able to perform certain tasks which in-
'forms of social interaction other than speech', volve the relevant arithmetical rules, then, may
since Wittgenstein's account of linguistic meaning be allowed to count as 'understanding the meaning
already involves the concept of social action: of' a proposition such as '2 x 2 = 4'. Similarly
'I shall also call the whole, consisting of langu- wi th the meanings of words. To be able to use
age and the actions into which it is woven, the words in the correct contexts, according to the
"language-game" .' (P. I, Part 1, § 7) grammatical and other rules for their us~, is to '
and qualify as 'understanding the meanings of' those
, Here the term "language-game" is meant to bring words.
into prominence, the fact that the speaking of Similarly, we might go on to give an account of
language is part of an activity, or of a form of what it is to 'understand the meaning of' a social
life.' (P.I, Part 1, §23) action in terms of the ability to perform those
We should rather view Winch as offering a further practices which form the context of the action in
elucidation of Wittgenstein's conception of mean- question. The performance of a social action
ing by developing the notions of language-game (like the utterance of a statement) will generally'
and form of life beyond their rather primitive qnd occur within a definite social situation and with
gestural status in Wittgenstein's own work. the expectation of some kind of response. Only a
limited range of responses will count ,as meaning-
(iii) Winch, without ever making i t explicit, pre- ful responses to .the original act. 'Responses'
supposes the validity of the argument: outside that range indicate a failure to under-
Social actions are meaningful. stand the meaning of the original act.
The social studies aim at the understa~ding of An obvious example here is provided by the mul-
social action. tiplicity of ways in which acts of economic ex~
Therefore: 'Understanding' in the social studies change can be performed. Where, for instance, the
is understanding of the meanings of social ac- eventual sale-price of articles is customarily
tions. arrived at by a complex process of bluff, counter-
Of course, the argument, once explicitly formu- bluff and negotiation, the outsider who innocently'
lated, can be clearly seen to be invalid, but takes the first demand of the salesman as a state-
Winch's whole project of using Wittgenstein's work ment of the price of the article may be said to
to shed light on the proper method in the social have 'misunderstood the meaning of' social
studies depends upon it. act.
In general, then, it may be said that someone
My main purpose in this section is to examine understands the meaning of a social act if he/she
Wipch's presentation of the implications of is able to participate successfully in the social
Wittgenstein's philosophy for the methods of the practice to which that social act belongs. In
social studies. I shall try to show (1) that this sense, the ability to understand the meanings
these implications, as presented by Winch are, of social acts is a precondition for living any
indeed, intellectually and politically conservat- kind of social life at all.
ive. It is, perhaps, 'appropriations' of It is understanding of this kind, which Winch
Wittgenstein's work such as Winch attempts which has in mind when he compares the sociologist's
formed the basis (such as it was) for a rejection understanding of social phenomena with the engin-
of Wittgenstein's work itself as 'conceptual con-
servatism'. (2) I shall try to show that there ABBREVIATIONS
are elements in Wittgenstein's work which could
form the basis of a methodology for the social I.S.S. - Peter Winch, The Idea of a Social Science
studies quite other than that proposed by Winch, R & K P, 1958
and having none of the latter's conservative im- R.F.G.B. - L Wittgenstein - 'Remarks on Frazer's
plications. It would be a methodology, indeed, Golden Bough, trans A R Manser (University of
having much in common with a certain way of under- " Southampton, Philosophy Department)
standing Marx's method. Such a presentation of P.I. - L Wittgenstein - Philosophical Inves~iga­
Wittgenstein's work may be thought to justify tions
more recent claims to the discovery of a 'progres- R.F.M. - L Wittgenstein, Remarks on the Founda-
sive Wittgenstein'. tions of Mathematics, trans. G E M Anscombe,
(1) I suggested above that implicit in Winch's Oxford 1964
position was the assumption that to understand a G.I. - K Marx and F Engels, The German Ideology.
sociai action was to understand the meaning of Part I, ed. ~,JiArthur, London, 1970

~ ..

eer's understanding ofnis colleagues' activities: what Winch says about the nature of the under-
His (the social student's) understandi~g of standing of social life that certain sorts of
social phenomena is more like the engineer's mistake about the character of one's own social
~nderstanding of his colleagues' activities life would be impossible (compare the orientation
than it is like the engineer's understanding of most of the debate over Winch towards the ques-
of the ~echanical systems which he studies. tion of understanding 'alien' societies).6
(I.S.S. p88) There are at least two fairly obvious ways in
If this is, indeed, the conception of undsr.- which, even on Winch's terms, someone could be
standing which Winch has in mind, then the appar- mi~taken about the meaning of an act. Such a
ently very extreme restrictions which he places on mistake could occur as a result of a misperception
the formation of concepts in sociology become in- of the physical movement involved (eg the dispute
telligible. This is what he says: over the famous Harvey sm~th 'V'-sign) i This
Now i f the position of the sociological invest- would be analogous to mis-reading or mis-hearing
igator ... can be regarded as comparable, in a word. Alternatively, someone may be insuffici-
its main logical outlines, with that of the ently well socialised, or familiar with an estab-
natural scientist, the folIowing must be the lished way of life, to recognise an act for what
case. The concepts and criteria according to it is. This would be analogous to having in-
which the sociologist judges that, in two situ- sufficient grasp of a language - to not yet being
ations, the same thing has happened, or the 'master of the technique'. (P.I.§199)
same action performed, must be understood in However, there is no conceptual room at all in
relation to the rules governing sociological Winch, as so far expounded, for this sort of sit-
investigation. But here we run against a diffi- uation: a situation in which all, or most of the
culty; for whereas in the case of the natural participants in a form of life are, not just
scientist we have to deal with only one set of occasionally, but quite generally, mistaken about
rules, namely those governing the scientist's the character of their social life. This is ruled
investigation itself, here what the sociologist out by Winch, I think, because his yonception of
is studying, as well as his study of it, is a participants' understanding makes the last arbi-
human activity and is therefore carried on ters as to the character of any social action
according to rules. And it is these rules, those to whose social life the act belongs. No
rather than those which govern the sociologist's sense can be attached to their misunderstanding
investigation, which specify what is to count such acts since, in general, their practice
as 'doing the same kind of thing' in relation to provides the criteria by which all attempts to
that kind of activity. (I.S.S. pp86/7) understand their social life are to be judged.
Now, this, restriction on the sociologist - that Now, it is precisely this sort of situation ruled
he must accept the criteria of identity for ac- out by Winch, which many sociologists (and anthro-
tion of those who participate in the social acti- pologists) believe it to be their task to detect
vities he studies is regarded by most sociologists and expose. This is essentially the poi~t which
correctly I think, as the denial of the possibil- MacIntyre makes (Aristotelian Society, Supplement-
ity of the scientific study of society. Why does ary Proceedings, 1967) when he says that Winch's
Winch say it? conception of sociological understanding, if
Well, it does follow, I think, from the concep- accepted, would require sociologists to cease
, tion of 'understanding the meaning of' which I using the concepts of 'ideology' and 'false con-
just outlined. Someone who did not distinguish sciousness'. It would also rule out any cross-
between kinds of acts in more or less the same way cultural social science. The sense in which
as others with whom he/she participated in social Winch's drawing out of the methodological implic-
practices would not be able to participate success- ations of Wittgenstein's work is conceptually,
fully in those practices (cf. my example of the and hence politically conservative is, then,
misunderstanding of the practice of 'bargai ing') fairly clear. The notion of social science as a
[I overlook here the complexities of th~' concept critique of the dominant (or even 'all-pervasive',
bf 'ability' but I don't think this ?~ ects my since cultural uniformity is also a presupposi-
argument.] tion of the Winchian methodology) ideology by
A condition of successful participation in a which a given social order understands and justi-
social p~actice, then, will be that the participa- fies itself is a conceptual impossibility.
tor accepts (in his/her practice, at any rate) the The jtory of Winch's 'appropriation' of
criteria of identity for actions of those with Wittgenstein's work to support a conservative
. whom he/she participates. methodology in the social studies could be paral-
~~If To identify sociological understanding with par- leled by other examples of 1'Ji ttgensteinian moral
~ffticipants' understanding will thus involve restric- philosophy, philosophy of religion, philosophy of
'ting the sociologist to the criteria of identity - education and so on. The relatively superficial
to the classifications - of actions employed by observer of the philosophical scene, assuming he
those whose activities he/she studies. takes these readings of Wittgenstein to be authen-
It is true that Winch goes on to qualify this tic, might well be justified in concluding that
iew, and I shall consider his qualification later, Wittgenstein's main intellectual concern was with
ut for the moment it will be worthwhile to con- conceptual apologetics. Hence, the 'bourgeois'
ider this unqualified statement of his. It is Wittgenstein!
is statement, suggesting, as it does, that (2) But is the Winchian appropriation of
. ciological understanding of a form of social Wittgenstein the only plausible one? There is in
~~tivity, in order to count as 'understanding' at Winch's work itself a conception of understanding
l~ll" must be couched in terms of only those con- which seems to go beyond 'participants" under-
')~epts involved in the activity itself, which has standing as described above, but which plays a
"~led to most of .the controversy surrounding relatively small part in Winch's over-all argu-
'Winch', s work. ment. This conception of understanding, though,
I 'shall consider here only one (central) diffi-
culty with this (unqualified) 'Winchian' notion 6 For a useful collection of some of the key items
of what i t is to understand social activity. in this debate see B R Wilson, Rationality,
~This difficulty is ·that it seems to follow from Oxford, 1974

and a distinction tpat goes with it, is, I shall '1 have a sharp pain in my knee' and 'I have a
argue, quite central to the philosophy of sharp pencil in my pocket' we may be led to think
Wittgenstein. of 'pains' as a strange kind of 'thing' which we
Early in Winch's Idea of a Social Science he cannot share with others, which no-one else can
claims that it is the central problem of both perceive, and so on. In this way philosophers,
sociology and epistemology to 'elucidate' or psychologists and others are led to think of 'men-
'throw light on' the concept of a 'form of life'. tal' predicates as referring to strange 'private'
Winch does not give an account of what 'elucida- objects which may be investigated only by intro-
tion' is, but presumably it amounts to more than spection or may be entirely inaccessible to other
merely participation, or the capacity to partici- persons.
pate, in that of which elucidation is sought. Although most of us are quite capable of using
Again, following his analogy between social stu- such words as 'pain' quite correctly in every-
dents and engineers, Winch says: day contexts, we are readily misled by the gramma-'
I do not wish to maintain that we must stop tical fonns of our sentences, and fall into con-
at the unreflective kind of understanding of fusion when we attempt to give accounts of their
which I gave as an instance the engineer's use (~Part 1, S664). Giving an account of
understanding of the acti~ities of his collea- the use of any item of language in such a way as ~~
gues. But I do want to say that any more to avoid these confusions involves describing the
reflective understanding must necessarily pre- part it actually plays in human social interac- ~
suppose, i f it is to count as genuine under- tions ('forms of life' and 'language-games'). l
standing at all, the participant's unre[lect- This is to give what Wi ttgenstein calls the 'depth' .~
ive understanding. (1.S.S. p89) as distinct from the 'surface-grammar' of the ~
Sometimes Winch characterises this more reflective expression. Again, if linguistic expressions f
kind of understanding as involving technical con- have both a depth'- and a surface-grammar perhaps
cepts which presuppose the concepts of unreflect- social actions, and forms of social action, too,
ive understanding, whilst elsewhere it seems that have depth- and surface-grarr~ars? Might not the
he might have in mind the distinction betwe~n surface appearance of some social actions and
reflective and unreflective application of a relationships belie Lheir true character, and so
rule; the distinction between being able to follow 'bewi the intelligence' of anyone who would
a rule and being able to make explicit, or give give an account of them?
an account of, the rules one is following. If this were so, then at least part of the task
This distinction is given much more prominence of the social scientist could be characterised as
in Wittgenstein'~ work, and is connected with the exposing mistaken interpretations of forms of
distinction between depth and surface gra~nar. social activjty in so far as they result from the
To return to the example of the arithmetical pro- 'bewitchment of the intelligence' by the super-
position '2 x 2 = 4', a criterion of 'unreflective' ficial appearance of those forms of interaction.
understanding of this proposition would be the The complementary task of providing 'correct'
ability to correctly manipulate the symbols of interpretations would consist in laying bare the
which the proposition consists. A criterion of 'depth-grammar' of forms of social interaction.
reflective understanding would be the ability to It would consist in giving what Wittgenstein calls
state the relevant arithmetical r:11es. That 'perspicuous representations' of those activities
these are different conceptions of understanding wllose interpreta tion. is in dispute. Wi ttgenstein 's
is indicated by the possibility that someone conception of philosophy as a battle against the
qui te unskilled at ari th.rnetic might \,'ell satisfy bewitchment of our intelligence by means of langu:"
the second criterion and, equa.lly, that a highly age, t.ogether with his distinction between depth-
skilled mathematician might well be entirely in- and surface-grammar ·::ould, then, plausibly found
capable of satisfying it. a conception of 'understanding' in the social
Winch's linking of propositional meaning with sciences which amounts tc exposing ideologies as
the meaning of actions suggests the further ques- misrepresentations of social life.
tion: might not successful participants (or This, perhaps, is that underlies the claim that,
participant-observers) in forms of life remain ~'Vinch, Phillips a!l.d co nobli thstanding, ,there is
quite incapable of making explicit or giving a 'progressive Wittgenstein' awaiting his presen-
accounts of the rules that govern their practice? tation on the philosophical scene.
Provided it is accepted that the intellectual
distance separating participation in forms of C Wittgenstein and Marx; Wittgenstein er Marx?
life and elucidating, or giving dccounts of such
forms of life may sometimes be very great,this
In this section, I shall begin by drawing atten-
distinction between participant.s' 'unreflective'
tion to three ar_eas of enquiry in \vhich Marx Clnd
understanding, and reflective understanding might
Wittgenstein share similar or analogous positions.
have yielded methodological implications quite
These apparent similarities may seem to ~ive even
contrary to the ones which Winch actually drew.
more basis to the 'progressive Wittgenstein' in-
The conception of the task of the social studies
terpretation. I shall, however, conclude the
which might have been developed would have been
section with a brief sta temen t of scule of the
analogous to vJittgenstein' s own conception of
fundamental differences betVleen the t.heoret_ical
philosophy as the description of language-games
positions of Marx and Wittgenstein.
(P.I. Part l,~l09), though it would not get its
purpose from specifically philosophical problems.
1 Wi ttgenstein and Marx
But this task of describing language-ga~es is
not such an innocent exercise as i t sowlds. (a) Tlle rela tionships between lanyuaye and social f
Wittgenstein also described philosophy as a battle life. An insistence on the practical character of
against the 'bewitchment of our intelligence by language, on language as an assortment of instru-
means of language' (~. Part I I § 109). It is ments or 'tools' which have a variety of uses is'
one thing to be a language-user, quite another to present in the work of both thinkers. The indis-
be able to give an.adequate account of the uses pensably social character of language was also
of language. One is constantly misled, for in- argued by Wittgenstein through his analysiS of
stance, by the superficial grammatical forms of the notion of 'following a rule' and the connec'Led-,::
sentences. From the gr~~atical similarity of 'private-lantuage' argument. The concepts of ~

'language-game' and 'form of life' which appear in resolution of philosophical puzzles is to be \
Wittgenstein's later work are also introduced at achieved by bringing language, thought, and
least in part to establish this point. The same social practice back "into contact with one
point is made in a strikingly similar way by Marx another. Compare Marx and Engt!ls:
and Engels: For philosophers, one of the most difficult
Language is as old as consciousness, 'language tasks is to descend from the world of thought
is practical consciousness that exists also to the actual world ••• The philosophers would
for other men, and for that'reason alone it only have to dissolve their-language into
really exists for me personally as well; •. ordinary language from which it is abstracted,
language, like conscious~ess, only arises to recognise it as the distorted langUage of
from the need, the neces~ity, of intercourse the actual world (G. I.)
with other men. (G. ~. Part I, pSl) with Wittgenstein:
There is even', in Wittgenstein I s notes on Frazer' s What we do is to bring words back from their
Golden Bough,the elements of a materialist con- metaphysical to their everyday use.
ception of ritual practices and even of general (P.I. Part 1, 116)
intellectual life: Finally, for both Marx and Wlttgenstein, this
There can have been no trivial reason, i.e. on method of resolving philosophical puzzles also
the whole no reason that caused certain races spells the end of philosophy, strictly speaking,
of men to venerate the oak tree except that and the beginning of a new practice.
they and the oak tree were united in a form of Compare Marx and Engels:
life; thus it developed not from a choice but When rea1i ty is depicted, philosophy as an
like the relation of the flea and the dog with independent branch of knowledge loses its
each other. (If the f1e. developed a ritual, medium of existence. (G.l. Part 1, p48)
. it would be concerned with the dog). with Wittgenstein:
It could be said that it is not the union (of The real discovery is the. one that makes me
.oak and man) which caused the ritual, but in a capable of stopping doing philosophy when I
certain sense their separation. want to. (P.I. Part 1, 133)
For the awakening of the intellect goes with
a separation from the original soil, the (c) What is to replace philosophy? The battle
original foundations of life itse1f. 7 . against the bewitchment of the intelligence that
(R.F.G.B. Manser tr. ppS/9) Wittgenstein proposed, involving the description
Compare this with two quotations from Marx and and invention of language-games so as to display
Engels in the German Ideology: the depth, as distinct from surface-grammar of
1 The production of ideas, of conceptions, of expression could, I have argued, be extended to
consciousness, is at first directly interwoven found a social-science methodology of ideological
with the material activity and the material exposure. Such a methodology is closely analog-
intercourse of men, the language of real life. ous to Marx's way of representing his own criti~~e
Conceiving, thinking, the mental intercourse of certain categories of Classical Political
of men, appear at this stage as Economy in Capital. Particularly relevant here
efflux of their material behaviour. are Marx's treatment of the ideological effects
(~p47) of the commodity-form (Capital, Vol.l, Ch.I) in
2 Division of labour only .becomes truly such the well known concept of 'commodity-fetishism',
from the moment when a division of material and the similar treatment of the wage relation
and mental labour appears •.. From this moment and the category of 'value and labour' (Capital,
onwards consciousness can flatter itself that Vol.l, Ch.XIX).
it is something other than consciousnes~ of If we substitute for Marx's distinction between
existing practice, •.• from now on conscious- 'phenomenal forms' and real or 'essential' rela-
ness is in a position to emancipate itself tions Wittgenstein's distinction between surface-
from the world and to proceed to the formation and depth-grammar, Marx's argument can be repres-
of 'pure' theory, theology, philosophy, ethics, ented plausibly enough. In the case of the wage-
etc. ---(G.!: pS2) relation, Marx can be represented as arguing that
For Marx and Engels, then, 'pure' theoretical the 'surface gr~mar' (Marx actually speaks of
disciplines arise from a separation of mental and 'the surface of bourgeois society') of the rela-
manual labour, whilst for Wittgenstein 'the awak- tionship between capitalist and worker has 'be-
ening of the intellect' goes with a parallel wit~hed the intelligence of smith, Ricardo and
'separation from the soil'. their followers, as well as capitalists and workers
themselves. Marx'sbattle against this bewitch-
(b) The Conception of Philosophy. Philosophy,
ment is to display the 'depth-grammar' of the re-
like other intellectual disciplines, arises from
lationship - to display it as principaliy a pro-
·a separation of language, or of intellectual
duction-relation, and only in virtue of this an
practices involving language, from practical
exchange-relation. This exposure of the dual-
life, from social practice. This is so for both
character of the wage relation enables Marx to
Marx and Wittgenstein. Compare Marx and Engels
distinguish between 'labour' and labour-power,
(and in quote 2 above):
and to expose the wage-relation as exploitative.
Hitherto men have constantly made up for them-
selves false conceptions about themselves,
2 wittgenstein or Marx?
about what they are and what they ought to be.
They have arranged their relationships accord- Despite these Similarities and analogies, there
ing to their ideas of God, of normal man, etc. are nevertheless fundamental differences between
The phantoms of their brains have got out of
their hands. They, the creators, have bowed 7 I am indebted to Prof. A R Manser for this
down to their creations. (G.I. p37) translation~ The 'Remarks' were first published
with Wittgenstein: ---- in Synthese, Vol.XVII, 1967, with an introduct-
The confusions which occupy us arise when or~ note by Rush Rhees. A partial translation,
language is like an engine idling, not when omitting the passage I quote, by A C Miles and
it is doing work. (P.I. Part 1,§132) Rush Rhees was published in The Human World,
Again, for both Marx and Wittgenstein, the No.3, Nay 1971

the theoretical positions of Marz and Wittgenstein. something that is just spontaneously recognis-
Unfortunately I have space only to summarise these: able - or why speak of "a 'battle' against bewitch-
ment? wittgenstein's answer, presumably, is:
(a) The typified episodes of interaction w~ich
'The real discovery is the one that makes me
Wittgenstein gives as examples of language-games
capable of stopping doing philosophy when I want
are not related by him to the more-or-less endur-
to' (P.l. Part 1,§133). One trouble with this is
ing social practices from which he abstracts them.
that it is a purely personal and subjective crit-
Moreover, there is no conception of the relation-
erion - some are prepared to stop doing philo-
ships of such practices to the social totalities
sophy earlier than others. Also, it fails to come
('forms of life') which they constitute. The no-
to grips with the persistence of several mutually
tion of 'form of life' itself has an extremely
incompatible accounts of particular language-
shadowy existence in Wittgenstein's work. There
games, and forms of life. Each account may be
are no criteria of identity and difference for
seen, from the standpoint of the others as the
'forms of life', nor any conception of what con-
result of a bewitchment of the intelligence.
stitutes the unity of a ~ocial formation (these
In the case of Marx, the conception of scienti-
questions become crucial for Winch, for whom the
fic practice as 'ideological exposure', as a
unity of a 'culture' becomes surreptitiously iden-
stripping away of the veil of appearance to reveal
tified with the unity of a social formation).
the underlying reality seems to suggest, again,
There are, in the Marxist tradition, at least
that reality (='depth grammar') is somehow just
attempts to solve these problems with concepts
spontaneously recognisable as such. But not only
such as mode of production, articulation or modes
does this conception, like Wittgenstein's threat-
of production, juridico-political superstructure,
en to descend into epistemological relativism, but
determination-in-the-last-instance, and so on.
it also has the defect of concealing the work of
(b) There is the merest recognition in Wittgen- theoretical production of new concepts with which
stein that language-games, and thus forms of life, to grasp the nature of social reality in a scient-
are subject to change: ific way (at least in Wittgenstein there is no
. •. but new types of language, new language- claim to scientific status). There are, however,
games, as we may say, come into existence, and other, perhaps more fruitful ways of reading Marx
others become obsolete and get forgotten. on these questions. In particular, the attempt
(~ Part 1,§23) to build upon Marx's own conception of sciences
also: as a distinctive mode of theoretical production
The sickness of a time is caused by an alter- (outlined, not in Capital,. but particularly in the
ation in the mode of life of human beings, 1857 Introduction to the Grundrisse) seems to hold
and it was possible for the sickness of phil- out most hope of real progress.
osophical problems to get cured only through
a changed mode of thought and life, not through D Situating Wittgenstein
a medicine invented by an individual.
(R.F.M. pS7, quoted in Manser 1973) Finally, the attempt to adequately situate
But there is in these occasional references to Wittgenstein in British intellectual culture is
the 'fact' of change "no conception of the causes clearly well beyond the "scope of this paper. A
of historical and cultural changes, no conception number of memoirs and biographical documents,
of the historical process, nor even of language together with investigative reports 8 are now
and culture as themselves historical products. available, and between them they contain the raw
The timelessness of the forms and language and materials for some such future attempt. But lest
thought in the Tractatus remains in the Investi- the latter parts of this paper have tended to re-
gations conception of language. instate the 'conservative' Wittgenstein, perhaps
I had better conclude with an extract from
(c) There is, in Wittgenstein, no connection be-
Wittgenstein's own assessment of his intellectual
tween 'the bewitchment of the intelligence by
means of language' and ~e interests of antagon- Even more than to this - always certain and
istic social classes, as there is in Marx. Indeed forcible - criticism I am indebted to that
the whole notion of 'shared' forms of life, cen-
which a teacher at this University, Mr P.
tral to Wittgenstein's conception of language and Sraffa, for many years increasingly prac-
meaning is quite inconsistent with any conception
tised on my thoughts. I am indebted to this
of class remotely r~sembling the Marxian one. stimulus for the most consequential ideas of
(d) For Marx, the relations between thought, this book. (P.!. "Preface, pviii) ~
language and social relations are theorised as 'Mr Sraffa' is a Neo-Marxist economist.
part of a general theory of history - of social
formations and their transformations. By contrast
the philosophical practice of the later Wittgen- 8 See for instance, P Engelmann, Letters from
stein - the description and invention of language- Ludwig wittgenstein with A Memoir, Oxford, 1967;
games and forms of life - has a deliberately ad K T Fann, Ludwig wittgenstein: The Man and his
hoc character. There is no attempt at a general Philosophy, NY, 1967; N Malcolm, Ludwig'
theory, the interest in forms of social life and wittgenstein: A Memoir, London, 1958, with a
their description getting 'its light, that is to biographical sketch by G H Von Wright. J Moran's
say ~ts purpose, from the philosophical problems'. 'Wittgenstein and Ru~sia, NLR, 1973, is full of
(P. I. Part 1, §l09) interesting information, but is relatively weak
(e) Finally, both Wittgenstein's notion of philo-
sophical practice, and the representation of
Marx's methods of ideological exposure which I
have given, fall foul of epistemological object-
ions - but of rather different sorts. In the case
of Wittgenstein, the questions arise: how do we
know when a 'puzzle' has been resolved, when a
language-game has been perspicuously presented,
or accurately described? Surely this cannot be

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