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Single Option Correct Type Questions: -
1 1
Q1. The value of cos (2 cos−1 8) is equal to
(a)3/4 (b)-3/4 (c)1/16 (d)1/4
Q2. The inequality sin−1(sin 5) > x 2 − 4x holds if
(a) x = 2 - √9 − 2π (b) x = 2 + √9 − 2π (c) x ∈ (2 - √9 − 2π , 2 + √9 − 2π) (d) x > 2 + √9 − 2π
π x π x k
Q3. The value of sin−1 {(sin 3 ) }− cos −1 {(cos 6 ) }, where (2 < x < 2k, k > 0) is
√(x2 +k2 −kx) √(x2 +k2 −kx)
2x2 +xk−k2 x2 +2xk−2k2 x2 +2xk−2k2
(a) tan−1 (x2 −2xk+k2 ) (b) tan−1 ( x2 −2xk+k2 ) (c) tan−1 (2x2 −2xk+2k2 ) (d) None of these
3 3 3
Q4. Sum of infinite terms of the series cot −1 (12 + 4) + cot −1 (22 + 4) + cot −1 (32 + 4) + ⋯ is.
(a) (b)tan-12 (c)tan-13 (d)tan-14
Q5. Solution set of the inequality (cot −1 x)2 − (5 cot −1 x) + 6 > 0 is
(a) (cot3, cot2) (b) (−∞, cot3) ∪ (cot 2 , ∞) (c)(cot2, ∞) (d) None of these
1 2 4 2n−1
Q6. Sum to infinite terms of the series tan−1 (3) + tan−1 (9) + tan −1
(33) + ⋯ + tan −1
(1+22n−1 ) + ⋯
π π
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c)π (d) None of these
2−√3 √12
Q7. The value of cos−1 [cot (sin−1 √ + cos −1 ( )+ sec −1 √2)] is
4 4
π π π
(a)0 (b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 2
Q8. The value of lim cos(tan−1 (sin(tan−1 x))) is equal to
(a)-1 (b)√2 (c)-1/√2 (d)1/√2
Q9. Complete solution set of [cot x] + 2[tan x] =0, where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, is equal to
-1 -1

(a) (0, cot1) (b) (0, tan1) (c)(tan1,∞) (d) (cot1, tan1)
Q10. The number of integer x satisfying sin |x - 2| + cos (1 - |3 - x|) = 2 is
-1 -1

(a)1 (b) 2 (c)3 (d)4

−1 (cosec
Q11. If the equation x + bx +cx+1=0, (b < c), has only one real root α, then the value of 2 tan
3 2 α) +
−1 (2sin 2
tan α sec α) is
π π
(a)- π (b)- 2 (c) 2 (d) π
Q12. The number k is such that tan {arc tan (2) +arc tan(20k)}=k. The sum of all possible values of k is
(a)-19/40 (b)-21/40 (c)0 (d)1/5
Q13. The value of ∑∞
r=2 tan
(r2 −5r+7) is
π π 3π 5π
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 4
1 π
Q14.The value of tan−1 (2 tan2A) + tan−1 (cotA) + tan−1(cot 3 A) for 0 < A < 4
(a) 4tan-1(1) (b) 2tan-1(2) (c)0 (d) None of these
Q15. The sum ∑∞ n=1 tan
( 4 2 ) is equal to
n −2n +2
1 2 π
(a) tan−1 2 + tan−1 3 (b) 4 tan-11 (c) 2
Q16. Number of solution(s) of the equation’s cos-1(1 - x) – 2cos-1x = 2
(a)3 (b)2 (c)1 (d)0
Q17.Number of solutions of the equation log10 (√5 cos−1 x − 1) + 2
log10(2 cos −1 x + 3) + log10 √5 = 1 is
(a)0 (b)1 (c)more than one but infinite (d) None of these

By Sidwartha Sankar Roy (SSR) B.Sc (gold medalist), M.Sc (gold medalist)

Single Integer Answer Type Questions: -

Q1. Let f(x)=tan−1 ( ), then 26f’ (1) is
x2 +2x+2
Q2. Let f(x) = (arc tan x)3 + (arc cot x)3. If the range of f(x) is [a, b), then find the value of 7a.
n2 +n+4
Q3. If ∑∞
n=0 2 arc cot ( 2
) = kπ, then find the value of k.
Q4. Find the number of solutions of the equation tan(∑5r=1 cot −1(2r 2 )) = .
sin−1 z
Q5. lim [{max(sin−1 x + cos−1 x)2 , min(x 2 + 4x + 7))}. z
] is equal to (where [.] denotes the greatest integer
13 a√3
Q6. If sin (30° + arc tan x)= and 0 < x < 1, the value of x is , where a and b positive integers with no common
14 b
factors. Find the value of ( 2 ).

Q7. Let f: R → (0, ] defined as f(x) = cot -1 (x 2 − 4x + α). Find the smallest integral value of α such that f(x) is into
Q8. Let L denotes the number of subjective functions f : A → B, where set A contains 4 elements and set B contains
3 elements, M denotes number of elements in the range of the function f(x) = sec-1 (sgn x) + cosec-1(sgn x), where
sgn x denotes signum function of x and N denotes coefficient of t5 in (1+ t2)5 (1+ t3)8. Find the value of (N – LM)

Single Option Correct Type Questions: -
Q1. a Q2. c Q3. d Q4. b Q5. b Q6. a Q7. d
Q8. d Q9. d Q10. b Q11. a Q12. a Q13. c Q14. a
Q15. a Q16. c Q17. b
Single Integer Answer Type Questions: -
Q1.9 Q2.4 Q3.1 Q4.0 Q5.3 Q6.8 Q7.4

By Sidwartha Sankar Roy (SSR) B.Sc (gold medalist), M.Sc (gold medalist)

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