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‘Because of this, oxalates — forms of oxalic acid - should be avoided by people ‘ith kidney stones, (Consumption of adequate liqulds s the best prevention against kidney stones, but people with a history of kidney stones should pete bao wy ls wit Management of food preparation and setvice Activities Factors to consider when planning the layout of a kitchen | 1m planning the layout or design of a kitchen, the total environment of the Jatchen must be considered. This includes consideration of the location of the ksitchen within the general plan of the house, the layout of the work area, the floor, walls, cabinet and counter surlaces, storage areas, and the lighting and ventilation. ‘The kitchen should be located close to the dining room, if iis a separate room, and with direct access from the outside so as to assist with the off loading of groceries and waste to be disposed. Since food preparation and service Isa major activity, the cooking area has to be properly organized with all the equipment laid out to obtain maximum efficiency from the arrangement. The needs of the family will determine what other activities fare undertaken in the kitchen area, These would then be reflected in the layout. ‘Special attention must be paid to the selection of the appropriate material {or the wall floor covering and work surfaces because of the nature of the tasks undertaken in the kitchen. Walls ‘Avwide variety of wall treatments is available. The maintenance and care that ‘each requites must be considered. 172 Home Economics for CSE" Examinations: Food and Nutiien Management of fo0s proparaton and service 173 Paint, either alkyd (il base) or latex (water hase, isthe least is the least expensive and easiest treatment. There are three finishes, at, semi-gloss and gloss Flor walland —_—_Semiegloss and gloss finishes produce a shiny surface that cleans easly and ‘unser fics both of these are recommended for kitchens . ‘Wall coverings come in paper, vinyl and fabric, They cost more than paint and can be purchased with any of three finishes for easy maintenance: watersensitive finishes which can be ‘wiped’ olf; water-resistant finishes ‘which can be washed with mild soap and detergent; scrubbable finishes which are washable and scull resistant, ‘Wood panelling of slid woad, hardwood plywood or hardboard can be used, but in an area that Is fee from moisture. Its attractive, durable and easy to maintain. Ceramic tile and laminated plastic are other finishes used for certain walls or sections of walls in the kitchen, ‘Whether the floor is made out of wood or concrete, sheet vinyl (popularly known as marley) and viny tiles are commonly used because they are least expensive for kitchen and other floors in the home. The maintenance cost is i Tow. They are durable, resist stains and grease and vary widely in colours and patterns, Ceramic tiles and clay tiles are also used for kitchen floors. These | | are more durable but also more expensive. They are showcased in a wide variety of colours, designs and sizes. Cabinets and work surfaces Kitchen cabinets commonly wed nowadays may be constructed of solid trond, plywood or chipboard (pail board). Sheet plastic laminated to Plyweott sna mal fesametimes ised, Whether latory bult or cist tnade, special eatures canbe included o sult your needs The wrk surface fan be chosen to complement the ebinet and the foo } Counter tpscan be of cemmic tle inated plas oral. Alothese are durable. heat restant and easy to maintain, though the hardhes ofthe ile and the use of grout between ies may be seen as advantages The work triangle ‘The refrigerator, the cooker or range! and the sink are the three major appliances within the kitchen. Fach appliance forms the cente of @ major autvity in food preparation: the refrigerator for storage, the coker or range for cooking and the sink for preparation and cleaning, They are usually inked by Work surfaces, Together, thee appliances and the work surfaces near them form she work triangle. Asa rule, the sum of the sides of the work tangle should othe smaler than 15 fet (Sm of larger than 22 fet (65m). Where a great deal of space i avalale the sun may be increased 10 26 fet (8m) | oe | “The sink should be placed between the refrigerator and the rangelcooker | er] forthe greatest ellcency Placing the sink and the range/cookeron the same | ‘counter Pane ‘wall or on adjacent walls helps in the management process because, during - “es ‘tous | {ood preparation, most of the activity takes place between or near to these 174 Home Economies for O$66" Exarin tone: Food and Nutiion | Management of food prapavation ana service 175 | Kitchen designs You can vary the kitchen designs through the use of an island or a peninsula where the kitchen is large. Each provides additional under- ‘counter storage space as well as a counter area for working, 4m planning the layout of a kitchen four basic designs are common, These are: the one-wall or panel kitchen, the two-wall or corridor kitchen, the L-shaped or comer kitchen and the U-shaped or two-comer kitchen ae ase iho designs Lshape ] vs eines religersor uo ‘The island may be movable or permanently installed. Where itis movable it =a can be used for mixing and serving as well as eating, A permanently installed terwasner sae | {sland may have a sink or even a range/cooker unit. inneg 'A peninsula is generally used as part of a U-shaped kitchen. It allows for on Aesign features such as wall cabinets extended [rom the ceiling with glass “wow doors on both sides or even a stem glass holder attached to the underside of , these cabinets, It may also serve as a buffet, dividing the kitchen and dining 176 Home Economies for CSEC" Examinations messes ‘Management of food preparation and service 177 ‘ithe design using ‘penta Activity centres and kitchen storage areas ‘Base and/or wall cabinets are placed next to each major appliance. Counter tps over the base cabinets form the counters or surface work areas. The type ‘of work done in a particular area helps to determine the natute of the work centre as well a5 the materials and equipment stored close by. * The sink centre is for food preparation and clean up, * The cooker/range centre is for surface cooking and baking. 178 Home Econemics ter CSEC* Examinations: Food and Nuttin «The refrigerator centre is for food preparation and mixing. «+ The prepared food has o be served for eating, therefore the service centre hhas to be near the dining area or a kitchen counter or table. ‘well-organized storage is important in any home. One basic principle that saves time and energy and facilitates efficient accomplishment of activities is to organize storage according to the tasks performed at the different "The cabinets attached to each of the main work centres should provide areas of storage for the items used there. Some of these include: Sink centre: dish washing liquids, detergents, scourers, bleach, dish cloths and sponges, dish dralner and dish pan, dish towels Cooker/range centre: lighter/matches, kitchen tool set, pots, pans (some ‘cookers have an empty space below, which can be used for storage of baking pans for bread, cakes, pies) Refrigerator centre: small electrical appliances, measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls and spoons Service centre service dishes, cutlery, glassware, tea and coffee pats, jugs Lighting and ventilation Adequate lighting is important and required for various purposes. General ‘overall illumination is necessary to see and move about. Sometimes cose lighting over work centres and under wall cabinets is required. ‘Good ventilation makes it comfortable to work in the kitchen. Cooking ‘edouts and smoke need to be removed, The placement of the sink and the dining table near a window are advisable. Conserving energy during food preparation Bort must be made to conserve energy during food preparation: fuel energy as well as personal energy: This can be done in a variety of ways. Fuel energy ‘The high cost of energy, in whatever form its available lor food preparation, should encourage us to utilize conservation practices whenever possible. Fuel energy, whether electricity or gas, Is used for cooking, lighting, running labour-saving devices, as well as the larger appliances. Some measures 10 reduce the amount of fuel used are: + Plan meals propery. Steam loods over other items being botle + Water at sea level is not going to boil or get any Hotter than 212°F (100°C); tse the lowest setting possible for maintaining the temperature + Iris not always necessary to preheat the oven. Menagement ot food preparation and service 17 TTT t~S er + Use the oven at full eapacity when iis it * Use the smal broiler-oven, if avalabe, for small quick-cooking amounts of food. Ss ‘crac jules rom cs fats | Hos eal cone, comes wi jug * Avoid unnecessary opening of the oven door as this causes the loss of about pe ees 2 parte 20 per cent of the oven heat when opened. attachment ofthe foo processor * Open the door of the refrigerator and frezer as infiequenty as posible to | ede the fss of cold air. Collect all hat i needed at the beginning of the ees ‘as les rom ris and | task if posible vegetable bends and | + Test the door seals for tightness. Close the door on a dollar bill. You should homogenize foods | \ not be abe t pl tout. | * Avoid overloading the refrigerator or freezer as this will keep the Coffee maker “Makes coffee Pipeliee Meer oben aber ot compressor running more than it should. oe * Coverall liquids in the refrigerator. Moisture is drawn into the ait from 5 | uncovered liquids, This makes the fridge work longer Tie Toasts bread 2.04 sie, pop-up bread warmer / + Do not allow frost wo bulld up to more than Fin (Simm). — + Make use ofthe pressure coker as it cooks items in a quarter to thied of Blender Chops, purdes, rates “Arange spect, pub oF ‘the normal time ‘econic contol + Keep tight-fitting lds on pots and pans when cooking asi necessary, Don't 00k food for too long. Cake miser Whisks, reams, kneadsminturex| Hand or ble with a varie of + Use Saucepans and Irying pans that ft the burner. beats ad bends awachmens, eg. meat grinds, * When using appliances like the blender, food processor or mixer, run them. Paste: as recommended by the mantlacturer, * Do not leave the hot water, oF for that matter any tap, running while ——s ices grates chops miner | Has ating Wades or ds for rinsing dishes, depending on design specialized functions | + Sotch lights off If there i deat lighting inthe ktchen. Sow cooker Cooking at food over along | May be used for dep frying Personal energy pid of tie removable crock o sinplify ‘Movements to and irom the major appliances require a great deal of personal | oan coer a mck human energy ca he save by aot making uses ts — Pare Eee Ea | 7 nme i a ou ag ine sd ea cc wien _| aie eon Preparing food. Some good management practices worth remembering are: aa oc sani ype sealing deve * Collect utensils and equipment needed for the various tasks. | awe pies et ae Beer Z + Measure and weigh the ingredients forthe item/s o be prepared ie + Break, peel and grate items lke cocomuis or breadiuit belorchand eae ‘eas water ‘Regular o jug: metal or laste + Set the table beforehand (or the night before) ag * Make use of labour-saving equipment like food blenders, mixers and ‘Steamer ‘Steaming foods Ress wi: e ‘processors, eee + Use the minimum number of pleces of equipment. Avotd leaving too many a soiled dishes or equipment inthe sink, Wash up YoU work Foruble ovensibroer ovens | Baking broiing wasting small | May be combined with a rotisene | quantities of food anit Time- and labour-saving devices used in food preparation Ee Thawing warming. or coking | Can bea microwave alone ora | and service au ‘with elecromagnetc waves | eombinauon oven which aio | Cooks, ils or bakes 3 | Below are some common time- and labour-saving smal appliances fond in convection oven | the kitchen today. The table provides information on thelr use, the types available and some feattes. 180 Home Economics for CSEC* Examinations: Food and Nuttion Management of food preparation and service 181

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