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Mireia Gamez

Film reviews wanted

“La sociedad de la nieve”

The last movie I saw it’s a spanish film, which is called “La sociedad de la nieve” and
his producer is very famous who is Juan Antonio Bayona. I went to see it about a
month ago at the cinemas of Gracia’s neighborhood.

The movie was about a real fact that happens many years ago. It consist about one
Uruguayan rugby team that made a trip to compete. During the trip a misfortune
happened and the plane crashed. The whole movie is about how they survived until
they were found.
So, as you could imagin, this film is very intense and a bit horrifying.

We can also find positive points such as the resilience and courage of the players to
not give up until they find them.
On the other hand, it is very hard to think of the consequences that these players may
have suffered after their misfortune.

In conclusion, it is a movie that made me long because of the suffering, but it generated
my interest because it is based on real events. I found it all very brave.
Mireia Gamez

Essay: Atending a concert

In my opinion, both ideas about watching music concerts are good if possible. So, both
conditions depend on our own preferences and also the situation that you can be living in.
But, if I have to choose, I would like to prefer attending concerts because I think that you feel
it more.

Firstly, I would say that there are lots of different places to do concerts. If it’s in a palace or
covered space maybe it would be more comfortable because it usually has chairs or stands.
Instead of covered areas, there exist street concerts, beach concerts, bar concerts… That
place can be minus convince. So according to attending a concert It’s better to go to a
comfortable place to watch it.

Secondly, as I said before, atmosphere conditions also affect your experience of attending a
concert. So, I always search for a place to watch it comfortably and quietly with my
company. In this case the type of concert will also come into play. If it is rock or classical
music, if it is a quiet or rowdy singer, if the audience is young or old... Everything will
influence the environment.

To sum up, I would like to highlight that all concerts I had attended had been attending in
person. So I am clearly convinced that watching a concert attending is much better in
contrast of whatchin on a Tv or at home.

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