Activity 1

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Student’s name: Franco Vega Jesús Enrique

Account number: 1125179

Group: S-5

Subject: English 5 – C1

Teacher’s name: Isabel Barrera Grajeda



1. Be 27. Put 53. Pay

2. Have 28. Mean 54. Meet
3. Do 29. Keep 55. Include
4. Say 30. Let 56. Continue
5. Go 31. Begin 57. Set
6. Get 32. Seem 58. Learn
7. Make 33. Help 59. Change
8. Know 34. Talk 60. Lead
9. Think 35. Turn 61. Understand
10. Take 36. Start 62. Watch
11. See 37. Show 63. Follow
12. Come 38. Hear 64. Stop
13. Want 39. Play 65. Create
14. Look 40. Run 66. Speak
15. Use 41. Move 67. Read
16. Find 42. Like 68. Allow
17. Give 43. Live 69. Add
18. Tell 44. Believe 70. Spend
19. Work 45. Hold 71. Grow
20. Call 46. Bring 72. Open
21. Try 47. Happen 73. Walk
22. Ask 48. Write 74. Win
23. Need 49. Provide 75. Offer
24. Feel 50. Sit 76. Remember
25. Become 51. Stand 77. Love
26. Leave 52. Lose 78. Considere
79. Appear 87. Stay 95. Pass
80. Buy 88. Fall 96. Sell
81. Wait 89. Cut 97. Require
82. Serve 90. Reach 98. Choose
83. Die 91. Kill 99. Decide
84. Send 92. Remain 100. Pull
85. Expect 93. Suggest
86. Build 94. Raise
A. Write questions and answers using the prompts and the verb be.

1.- Pablo/Italian? (No/Spanish)

Is Pablo Italian? No, he’s Spanish.

2.- you/tennis player? (No/football player)

Are you a tennis player? No, I’m not. I’m a football player.

3.- we/colleagues? (Yes)

Are we colleagues? Yes, we are.

4.- Hugh and Jack/teachers? (No/students)

Are Hugh and Jack teachers? No, they’re students.

5.- Alison/at home? (Yes)

Is Alison at home? Yes, she is.

B. Read the answers and write questions.

1.- A: What’s his name?

B: Brian Roberts.

2.- A: Who are they?

B: They’re my friends, Tom and Susan.

3.- A: Is he from Hungary?

B: No, he’s not form Hungary. He’s from Poland.
4.- A: How old is he?
B: He’s 32.

C. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verb be.

1.- A: Is he the new boss?

B: Yes, he is.
A: Where is he from? Machester?
B: No, he isn’t. He’s from Brighton.

2.- A: How old are you?

B: I’m twenty-seven. What about you?
A: I’m twenty-five.


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