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Subject: Science 8

Grade Level: Grade 8

Objective: Identify the subatomic particles of an atom.

Describe the subatomic particles of an atom.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics: Students can explore the concept of subatomic particles through

mathematical models and calculations, understanding the relationships between
particles in an atom using numerical values. This connects with Science 8 as it
involves understanding the structure of atoms on a deeper level.

2) History: The history of the discovery of subatomic particles such as electrons,

protons, and neutrons can be studied, showing how scientific knowledge has
evolved over time. This historical context can help students appreciate the
significance of identifying subatomic particles in Science 8.

3) Language Arts: Students can write a creative story or poem personifying

subatomic particles, describing their roles and interactions within an atom. This
activity can enhance students' understanding of the characteristics of subatomic
particles in a unique way.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Visual Aids

1) Idea - Students will participate in a role-playing activity where they act as different
subatomic particles and interact with each other to understand their functions within
an atom.

2) Idea - Use a mystery box filled with items representing subatomic particles.
Students will pick an item and explain how it symbolizes a specific particle.

Activity 1: Atomic Structure Models

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Styrofoam balls, toothpicks, markers

Significance: This hands-on activity allows students to create models of atoms,

placing subatomic particles in their correct positions to visualize atomic structure.

Instructions: Students will build atom models using the materials provided, ensuring
the correct representation of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Rubric - Accuracy of model construction - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How are protons, neutrons, and electrons arranged within an atom?

2) What is the charge of a proton, neutron, and electron?

3) How do the number of protons and electrons determine the atomic number?


Teaching Strategy: Discussion

The teacher will facilitate a discussion where students explain the properties and
functions of each subatomic particle, encouraging interaction and clarification of


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1 - Students will research and create a poster illustrating the subatomic
particles of a specific element and present it to the class.

Task 2 - Students will design a 3D model of an atom, labeling each subatomic

particle and presenting its characteristics.

Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification

Question 1 - What is the role of protons in an atom?

Question 2 - How do isotopes differ from regular atoms in terms of subatomic


Question 3 - Explain the concept of atomic mass and how it is calculated based on
subatomic particles.


1) Design a comic strip that showcases the interactions of subatomic particles within
an atom.

2) Research and write a short essay on the impact of discovering subatomic particles
on the field of chemistry.

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