Q - Rosetta Stone 2024

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Name:_______________________________ Mr.

Hour:____ 8 points
Unit 2: Rise of Civilization
European Rivalry: Champollion and Young

1. Describe where/when/how the Rosetta Stone found? (1 point)

2. Where does the Rosetta Stone reside today? (1/2 point)

3. After the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, how many years did it take to make any real progress
in deciphering it? (1 point)

4. What was the Rosetta Stone’s translation (what was it saying) and what were the first clues
that helped the language scholars? (2 points)

5. Despite his discoveries, discuss why Young failed to crack the code of the Rosetta Stone?
(1 point)
6. Where and in which year did Champollion crack the code of the Rosetta Stone? (1 point)

7. How did Dr. Thomas Young perceive Champollion’s break through? Why do you believe he
thought this way? (1.5 point)

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