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Unit 8

• Modal Verbs


1. Complete the gaps with the correct modal verb form of the verbs in brackets.

1. You don ́t have to pay to use the library. It’s free.

2. I’m not sure where my husband is at the moment. He might be ather dance class.

3. I can ́t stop and talk to you now. I have to get to the library.

4. “Children, you mustn ́t cross the street if the lights are red !”

5. I’m sorry but I can ́t give you a lift because my car is broken.

6. You shouldn ́t come to the party if you don’t feel well.

7. I don’t know where Kelly is. She might be at her sister’s .

8. You shouldn ́t smoke in your car, especially if there are childrensitting in the back.

9. You don ́t work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.

10. John doesn’t need a calculator. He can do sums in his head.

11. Passengers must open the door when the train is moving.

12. It might rain today. It’s getting cloudy already.

13. I don ́t have to pay for the tickets because I got them from Samfor free.

14. You don’t have to shout. I can hear you very well.

15. (During an exam) Excuse me, may I open the window? It is veryhot here.

16. It was very difficult, but we managed to organise everybody’s work schedules for the
whole month.

17. I didn’t go to swimming lessons when I was a child, so I couldn ́t swim when I was 5 years old.

18. If I study very hard, I can/ will be able to pass the English exam.

19. (To a friend) Can I ask you a favour?

20. A: Mary, can I go to the bathroom? B: No, you can ́t.

• Countable and Uncountable Nouns



1. Complete the gaps with the correct quantifier: some, any, many, much, few, a few, little, a
little, a bit of, a lot of. Make any necessary changes to the nouns from the sentence. In some
sentences, you may not need to add any quantifier.

1. We are really busy now. I have little time to spend with my family.

2. There was very little space left to park. We had to park two streets away.

3. A: Have you got anything to read? B: Yes, I have some magazines.

4. People eat a lot of cheese in this country. They seem to love it.

5. I always put much salt in my food. The doctor has told me that I should cut down on using salt
since it is not good for me.

6. My daughter has many toys. She is always playing with all of them.

7. I asked some questions, but they didn't give me any answers.

8. A: Do you have any jokes to tell us? B: Yes, a few.

9. Children spend a lot of time on social media platforms. They are becoming addicted to them.

10. The woman we met yesterday spoke little English and we couldn't really understand her.

11. My new Chinese neighbour speaks much English, so we can understand each other.

12. There were very few parents at the meeting. So there were a lot of empty seats in the meeting

13. We spent a lot of money to redecorate the house. It was so expensive.

14. There are a few apples left, we don't need to buy any more yet.

15. Can you put some sugar in my coffee?

2. For each dialogue, fill in the gaps with the words in the box.

A: How many friends do you have on Facebook?

B: I have a lot maybe one thousand. But from all those Facebook friends, very few are my real
friends. And you?
A: Well, I don’t have much time for social networks because I'm always working. So I don't have
any friends at all.
B: I don't have much time now either, because I work long hours too, but I think I'm addicted to
A: Come on, man! If you spend the little time you have on Facebook, you should really go to


A: I have lots homework to do and very little time to do it.

B: What kind of homework do you have?
A: Trigonometry.
B: Don't worry. I have lots of experience in Maths and Science, and I have a few hours to spare this
afternoon. Would you like me to help you?

Unit 9

• Relative Causes


1. Read the text and choose the correct relative pronoun in italics.
Most people (1) which/that do regular sport are healthier, and often feel happier, than those
(2)who/whose do little or no exercise. Care must be taken, though, to avoid the injuries (3)
when/which sport can sometimes cause. People who run or do the long jump, for instance,
often injure themselves (4) when/which they don’t warm up properly. Training (5)
where/that involves doing the same exercise again and again can cause serious damage,
particularly to athletes in their teens, (6) whose/which bodies are still developing. It is
important not to do too much too soon. Everyone should ‘warm up’ before they begin - if
possible in the place (7) who/where they are going to exercise. It is important, too, for
people to follow any safety advice (8) when/that they receive.

2. Complete the sentences with where/which/when/who/whose or that. Sometimes there

may be more than one possible answer.
1. The TV series that starts tonight is about doctors.
2. People who swim a lot are usually quite fit.
3. This is the park where I fell over and injured myself when I was younger.
4. I had a horrible cough that took about two weeks to go away.
5. Elena has a brother whose name is Ryan.
6. Winter is the time when many people get the flu.
7. This is the athlete who won the 100m race.
8. The runner, when train
9. I first saw Ronaldo play in 2015, when I went to the Final Cup.
10. Matt, who was taking part in the bike race, was injured when he hit a rock.
11. It’s the most famous court in the UK, where the Wimbledon tennis final is played.
12. The local sports centre, which was built in 1950, now needsto be repaired.ers were old,
couldn’t run very well.

3. Make one sentence from the pairs in 1-5, using a relative pronoun and making any
other necessary changes.
1. There’s the man. He lives in the flat next door.
There’s the man who lives in the flat next door.
2. That’s the girl. Her father was my nurse in hospital.
That’s the girl whose father was my nurse in hospital.
3. 2010 was the year. Our team won the cup.
2010 was the year when team won the cup .
4. This is the church. My parents got married here.
This is the church where my parents got married.
5. My only brother moved to Australia 5 years ago. He is a pilot.
My only brother, who is a pilot moved to Australia 5 years ago.

• Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

• Practice Human Body Systems

Unit 10

• Condicional Clauses



1. Complete the following sentences using Zero Conditional.

1. (I / wake up late / I / be late for work)
If I wake up late, I am late for work.

2. (my husband / cook / he / burn the food)

If my husband cooks, he burns the food.

3. (Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke)

If Julie does not wear a hat, she gets sunstroke

4. (children / not eat well / they / not be healthy)

If children do not eat well, they are not healthy.

5. (you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock)

If you mix water and electricity, you get a shock.

6. (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat)

If people eat too many sweets, they get fat.

7. (you / smoke / you / get yellow fingers)

If you smoke, you get yellow fingers.

8. (children / play outside / they / not get overweight)

If children play outside, they don´t get overweight.

9. (you / heat ice / it / melt)

If you heat ice, it melts.
10. (I / speak to John / he / get annoyed)
If i speak to John, he gets annoyed

2. Complete the following sentences using First Conditional.

1. If I go (go) out tonight, I go (go) to the cinema.

2. If you get (get) back late, I be (be) angry.

3. If we don´t see (not /see) each other tomorrow, we will see (see) each other next week.

4. If he comes (come), I will be (be) surprised.

5. If we wait (wait) here, we will be (be) late.

6. If we go (go) on holiday this summer, we will go (go) to Spain.

7. If the weather don´t improve (not / improve), we won´t have (not/ have) a picnic.

8. If I don´t go (not/go) to bed early, I will be (be) tired tomorrow.

9. If we eat (eat) all this cake, we will feel (feel) sick.

10. If you don´t want (not / want) to go out, I will cook (cook) dinner at home.

3. Complete the following sentences using Second Conditional.


1. If I were (be) you, I would (get) a new job.

2. If he was (be) younger, he would travel (travel) more.

3. If we weren´t (not / be) friends, I would be (be) angry with you.

4. If I had (have) enough money, I would buy (buy) a big house.

5. If she wasn´t (not / be) always so late, she would be (be) promoted.
6. If we won (win) the lottery, we would travel (travel) the world.

7. If you had (have) a better job, we would be (be) able to buy a new car

8. If I spoke (speak) perfect English, I would have (have) a good job.

9. If we live (live) in Mexico, I would speak (speak) Spanish.

10. If she pass (pass) the exam, she would be (be) able to enter university.

4. Complete the following sentences using Third Conditional.


1. If you hadn´t been (not / be) late, we wouldn´t have missed (not / miss) the bus.
2. If she had studied (study), she would have passed (pass) the exam.
3. If we had arrrived (arrive) earlier, we would have see (see) John.
4. If they had gone (go) to bed early, they would not have woken (not / wake) up late.
5. If he had become (become) a musician, he would have recorded (record) a CD.
6. If I had been (be) born in a different country, I would have learnt (learn) to speak different
7. If she had gone (go) to university, she would have studied (study) French.
8. If we hadn´t gone (not / go) to the party, we wouldn´t have met (not / meet) them.
9. If he had taken (take) the job, he would not have gone (not / go) travelling.
10. He would have taken (take) a taxi if he had (have) enough money.
11. I would have called (call) you if I hadn´t forgotten (not / forget) my phone.
12. We would have come (come) if we had been (be) invited.
13. He would have been (be) on time if he had left (leave) earlier.
14. She would not have done (not / do) it if she had known (know) you were ill.

5. Complete the following sentences with the correct conditional form from the verbs in
1. If I see (see) John, I will tell (tell) him your news tomorrow.

2. Meg sleeps only 5 hours a day. If she slept (sleep) longer, her health would improve
(improve) fast.

3. If you freeze (freeze) water, it turns (turn) to ice.

4. If she wanted (want) to talk to me, she would ring up (ring up). But she doesn't.

5. If you need (need) help with your car tomorrow, my father will help (help) you.

6. We will have (have) a picnic if the day is (be) fine.

7. I would understand (understand) Mr. Brown if he spoke (speak) slowly. But he doesn’t.

8. If you see (see) a policeman, he always can show (show) you the way.
9. I will finish (finish) the job tomorrow if I can (can).

10. If I go (go) on a boat, I always feel (feel) sick.

11. You would make (make) a fortune if you took (take) my advice. Too bad that you never
listen to me!

12. I wouldn´t need (not need) an umbrella if it didn´t rain (not rain).

13. If they catch (catch) a bus now, they will arrive (arrive) at half past nine.

14. If he doesn´t know (not/know) the word, he always looks (look) in a dictionary.

15. She would get (get) fit if she walked (walk) every day 3 km. But she is too lazy.

16. If I thought (think) that about him, I would say (say) so aloud. But I actually don't.

17. If he promised (promise) to behave well, his mum would forgive (forgive) him in some

18. If you want (want) me to, I will come (come) for a walk with you next weekend.

19. If we could (can) come on Sunday, we would come (come). I am really sorry but we

20. If you heat (heat) water till 100 degrees Celsius, it boils (boil).

21. He would lose (lose) weight if he stopped (stop) eating so much. However, it's only an

22. Life would be (be) boring if we had (have) nothing to do. That’s nice it isn't so.

Unit 12

• Reported Speach

1. Rewrite the sentence into Reported Speech structure.

1. She said: "I can get home on my own".

She said (that) she could get home on her own.

2. They said: "We haven't been to an art gallery for ages".

They said that they hadn´t been to art gallery for ages.

3. He said: "I'll think about it."

He said that he would think about it.

4. Mary said: "I should have phoned my mother".

Mary said that she should have phoned her mother.

5. The doctor told me: "You have to cut down on your smoking."
The doctor said that I had to cut down on my smoking.

6. My parents said: "We are going on holiday tomorrow."

My parents said that they were going to holiday the next day.

7. My sister said: "I always eat lots of fresh fruit and salad."
My sister said that she always ate lots of fresh fruit and salad.

8. The workers said: "We didn’t have enough time to finish the job."
They said that they hadn´t had enough time to finish the job.

9. Jack said: "We must leave soon."

Jack said that they had to leave soon.

10. She said: "It's been a long time since I had such a good meal."
She said taht It had been a long time since she had such a good meal

11. "He works in a bank" - She said.

She said that he worked in a bank

12. "We went out last night" - She told me.

She told me that they had gone out the night before.

13. "I'm coming!" - She said.

She said that she was coming.

14. "I was waiting for the bus when he arrived" - She told me.
She told me that she had been waiting for the bus when he arrived.

15."I'd never been there before" - She said.

She said that she had never been there before.

16. "I didn't go to the party" - She told me.

She told me that she hadn´t go to the party.
17. "Lucy'll come later" - She said.
She said that Lucy would come later.

18. "He hasn't eaten breakfast" - She told me.

She told me that he hadn´t eaten breakfast.

19. "I can help you tomorrow" - She said.

She said that she could help me the next day.

20. "You should go to bed early" - She told me.

She told me that I should go to bed early.

Unit 13

• Grammar presentation: Comparative and Superlative ?

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