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Front-End/Full Stack/UI Developer | | (347) 337-0912 | Jersey City, NJ

 Front-end/Full Stack/UI Developer with 10 years of hands-on experience. Proficient in leveraging
cutting-edge web technologies to create seamless and engaging user interfaces.
 Strong expertise in HTML/CSS, JavaScript (ES5/ES6), Java, Typescript, jQuery, ReactJS, Angular,
 Solid understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP).
 Demonstrated expertise in working with the Express.js framework, streamlining the development of
robust and scalable server-side applications.
 Expertise in building user interface/SPA with ReactJS along with React-router.
 Experience in CSS Preprocessors (SCSS, SASS, LESS), and knowledgeable of Compass.
 Hands-on experience in using React.js with ES6 features to develop reusable components and using
Redux to enable predictable state change and improve maintainability of the code.
 Proficient in OAuth2 and Azure Application Registration, with hands-on experience.
 Proficient in creating wireframes using Figma through code implementation.
 Experience in using Redux to manage the application state and applying middleware such as redux-
thunk, redux-actions, redux-promise, and redux-saga.
 Experience in responsive web design using CSS3 media queries and frameworks such as Bootstrap,
Material-UI and Ant Design.
 Expertise at working with RESTful Web Service and third part API to implement AJAX call using
jQuery, fetch and Axios along with JSON format data.
 Experience in checking cross browser compatibility, working on different browsers like safari, Internet
explorer, Firefox, and Google chrome, and debugging and troubleshooting with debugging tools
(Firebug, Chrome Inspector, and IE Tester).
 Configured and implemented Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policies to enable secure
communication between frontend applications and different origins.
 Experience in version control tools GIT, task runner Gulp, and package manager NPM, Yarn and
 Developed scalable backend solutions using Node.js and MongoDB, reducing server response time by
30% and enhancing overall system reliability.
 Designed and implemented Single Page Applications (SPAs) utilizing Angular, optimizing user
experience and reducing page load times through asynchronous data loading
 Integrated Angular applications with RESTful APIs, ensuring efficient communication between the
frontend and backend for data retrieval and updates.
 Skilled in integrating D3.js with other frontend technologies such as React.js or Angular.js to develop
dynamic and responsive web applications.
 Applied Next.js to implement Micro Frontends (MFE) architecture, breaking down monolithic
frontends into modular components. This agile development approach enabled independent feature
deployment, boosting team autonomy and accelerating feature delivery.
 Demonstrated proficiency in Next.js, utilizing API routes for efficient data fetching and optimizing
communication between frontend and backend, thereby enhancing overall application performance.
 Developed and executed comprehensive unit tests for frontend components using Jest, ensuring the
reliability, functionality, and maintainability of isolated code units.
 Developed and executed integration tests to assess the interactions between different frontend
components, ensuring seamless collaboration and functionality.
 Proficient in utilizing the Enzyme testing framework to conduct comprehensive testing of React
components, ensuring their functionality, reliability, and adherence to design specifications.
 Applied Jest's snapshot testing, capturing component outputs and comparing them to stored snapshots to
ensure UI consistency in the absence of unexpected changes.
 Conducted cross-browser testing and ensured responsive design using Cypress, guaranteeing a
consistent user experience across different devices and browsers.
 Experience in deployment and troubleshooting various application servers like JBoss, Apache Tomcat,
and Oracle WebLogic.
 Strong knowledge of J2EE design patterns like MVC, REST, SOAP Web services, Singleton, etc.
 Strong development experience by using Java8, J2EE, RESTful Web Services, Maven, JSP, JDBC,
Java Beans.
 Proficient in using Node.js for server-side JavaScript development, enabling the execution of JavaScript
code outside the browser environment.
 Developed RESTful APIs using Node.js, facilitating seamless communication between frontend and
backend systems and ensuring efficient data exchange.
 Experience with the mockup data API services using NodeJS.
 Implemented GraphQL in frontend development to streamline data querying, enhancing precision in
information retrieval and reducing data transfer overhead.
 Defined GraphQL schemas for clear data modeling and optimized queries, ensuring streamlined
communication between frontend components and backend services.
 Demonstrated expertise in leveraging Apollo Client for frontend applications, managing GraphQL data
efficiently, optimizing caching, and ensuring effective state management.
 Skilled in SQL and PLSQL, applying expertise in database operations to support robust and efficient
data handling within frontend applications.
 Skilled in implementing security best practices and compliance standards within AWS environments.
 Established automated deployment workflows utilizing CloudFormation templates and AWS
CodePipeline, enabling Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), significantly reducing
deployment cycles and enhancing delivery efficiency.
 Integrated DynamoDB into frontend applications to store and retrieve data, ensuring seamless interaction
between the frontend and the NoSQL database.
 Proficient in writing SQL queries for retrieving, updating, and managing data within relational databases.
 Proficient in utilizing a variety of browser developer tools, including Chrome DevTools and Firefox
Developer Tools, to efficiently debug frontend code. Capable of leveraging features such as console
logs, breakpoints, and network analysis to identify and address issues promptly, ensuring smooth user
experiences across different browsers and devices.
 Orchestrated CI/CD pipelines using GitLab, streamlining the continuous integration and deployment
processes for efficient and automated delivery of frontend applications.
 Implemented Jenkins for establishing a robust Continuous Integration pipeline, automating code
integration, building, and testing processes.
 Experience in using JIRA and following Agile development process, and deep understanding in
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including requirements analysis, design, testing,
implementation, and maintenance.

 Programming Language: JavaScript(Typescript), Java, C, SQL
 Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Less, jQuery, Bootstrap, ReactJS, Angular12, Vue.js, D3.js,
Highcharts, Redux, ES5/ES6, AJAX, JSON, Typescript, Next.js 13, Nest, Tailwind, AG Grid, Cypress,
Jenkins, Material-UI, Jest
 Back-end: NodeJS, Java, Spring Boot(Spring MVC), GraphQL, Express, .Net, Next.js
 Database: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL
 Package Control: Webpack, Babel, Git, Gulp, Yarn, NPM
 IDE: Sublime, Notepad++, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, VScode, WebStorm

 Master of Engineering | Computer Engineering | Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
 Bachelor of Science | Computer Science | Tianjin Polytechnic University


UBS Bank | Weehawken, NJ | Sr. Front-End / React Engineer | July 2022 – December 2023

Project Description:
Project 1: The project aimed to create a new web application tailored for prospective UBS clients. It
encompassed the development of multiple crucial pages: a login page, information verification page, legal
information page, 'Get Started' page, required information page, confirmed information page, terms and
conditions page, and a congratulatory page, all optimized for various screen breakpoints (XS, S, M, L &

Project 2: The project (trading app) was an integral component of the UBS-STARS trading function within
the Home Dashboard. It is a project migration using React and Typescript. The Trade to Target, options page
aimed to facilitate users in executing trades across diverse accounts and various destination companies while
adhering to specific restrictions. After executing these trades, the page displayed comprehensive visual
representations of trade information for different accounts. Additionally, the project involved calling API
requests from the UBS system, such as Aladdin risk analysis, to showcase and address related risks
associated with trade execution.

 Created Front-end client onboarding Application using HTML5, CSS3(less), JavaScript, Typescript,
ES6, ReactJS, Angular12, XML and Axios.
 Built legal information page, required information page, terms and conditions for all breakpoints.
 Identified and addressed cross-browser compatibility issues, ensuring the application's seamless
performance across major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
 Involved in using React JS functional components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations. To build
all components that needed.
 Led the redesign and implementation of a responsive user interface, ensuring a consistent and user-
friendly experience across various devices and screen sizes.
 Developed an interactive onboarding application using Angular 12, enabling seamless user navigation
and engagement throughout the onboarding process.
 Implemented dynamic data binding and component-based architecture in Angular 12 to create responsive
and user-friendly interfaces for the onboarding app.
 Integrated Angular 12 with backend APIs to fetch and display relevant user data, ensuring real-time
updates and personalized experiences for users.
 Included in Agile team use Jira software and joined stand up backlog refinements and demo on a daily
 Used AG Grid, WebSDK, uwr/react-widgets, and wma-ui-common-bundle such libraries to build the
page according wireframe from UBS design team.
 Utilized type definitions and interfaces extensively throughout the codebase to define structures and
enforce specific data types with Typescript.
 Wrote custom CSS to modify the page looks like the design wireframes.
 Wrote unit-test code use react-testing-library for the pages that build and reached cover rate to 85%.
 Configured Jest to generate detailed code coverage reports, assessing the quality of the project's test suite
and identifying untested portions of the code.
 Did the project migration from old legacy project to new one using React and Typescript.
 Used Gitlab to do version control and remote code collaboration and share in the team.
 Improved code robustness by using TypeScript in unit tests, ensuring type safety within the testing suite.
 Implemented comprehensive unit tests for individual components using testing frameworks such as Jest,
ensuring the reliability and functionality of isolated code units.
 Conducted end-to-end testing using tools like Cypress, simulating user interactions across the entire
application to validate its behavior and responsiveness.
 Collaborated with the backend team to integrate the frontend with third-party APIs, enabling seamless
data exchange and enhancing the application's functionality.
 Collaborated with team members to establish and maintain project testing standards, ensuring
consistency in testing practices across the team.
 Implemented Cypress for end-to-end testing, automating critical user paths and ensuring seamless
application functionality.
 Managed HTTP headers, including 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' and others, to define acceptable
origins and control cross-origin requests.
 Integrated GraphQL subscriptions to enable real-time updates in frontend applications, delivering
dynamic and interactive user experiences.
 Collaborated closely with backend development teams to refine GraphQL APIs, ensuring seamless
integration and efficient frontend-backend interactions.
 Experienced in collaborating with team members to debug and troubleshoot complex frontend problems,
ensuring timely resolution and optimal performance.
 Implemented MFE to enable flexible deployment of individual features, reducing deployment
dependencies and accelerating time-to-market for new functionalities.
 Established a CI/CD pipeline using tools like Jenkins, automating the build and deployment processes
and reducing release cycles by 50%.
 Ensured that the executed application architecture aligns seamlessly with project objectives, delivering
solutions that meet both functional and non-functional requirements.
Environment: HTML, CSS, LESS, JavaScript, ES6, NodeJS, ReactJS, JSON, Testing-library, Axios.

TD Bank | New York, NY | Sr. Front-End / UI Engineer | August 2020 -May 2022

Project Description:
Project 1: The project was to build a web application for user identifications to avoid credit card fraud or
other potential losses. This application matched the user’s common purchaser name, purchase location, and
consumer terminal to predict the consumption of the cardholder. Was responsible for implementing the
brand-new design and built the Website architecture and user-friendly layout and other functionalities.
Worked extensively on redesigning and improving the existing forms and pages to be easier-to fill and
navigate and making them more informational.

Project 2: Worked on the Spending and Budget Tracking Systems project. Contributed to the project with
designs and implementations for small components such as categorized transaction lists, monthly spending
bar chart and Budget creation/deletion button.

 Created Front-end Online Product Sell Statistic Analysis Application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,
Typescript, ES6, ReactJS, Angular, Redux, AJAX, XML and JSON.
 Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application, improve employee access speed by
 Developed an interactive onboarding application using Angular 12, enabling seamless user navigation
and engagement throughout the onboarding process.
 Implemented dynamic data binding and component-based architecture in Angular 12 to create responsive
and user-friendly interfaces for the onboarding app.
 Applied Jest's snapshot testing to capture and compare component outputs, guaranteeing UI consistency
and preventing unintended changes during development.
 Collaborated with design teams by utilizing Adobe Illustrator to seamlessly integrate graphical elements
into frontend development projects.
 Implemented a financial dashboard using Highcharts in React to visualize complex financial data,
providing stakeholders with clear insights into market trends and performance.
 Experience in creating interactive data visualizations, charts, and graphs using D3.js to enhance user
understanding and engagement.
 Monitored performance improvements in terms of catchable errors during development and potentially
enhanced runtime performance due to TypeScript's optimizations.
 Involved in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept to
create Comment, Histogram View Component and Product View Component.
 Developed Internal Employee management webpages with ReactJS pages, Web services calls and AJAX
calls for the application with axios library to access products sell statistic from server side.
 Collaborated closely with backend development teams to refine GraphQL APIs, fostering seamless
integration and optimizing frontend-backend interactions for enhanced application performance.
 Developed RESTful APIs using Node.js, ensuring seamless communication between the frontend and
backend systems for enhanced application functionality.
 Used ReactJS in development of the web application to bind the data/model that is being retrieved from a
database through services provided in a controller to the view using scope.
 Used redux form to manage form state in redux.
 Utilized Highcharts' interactive features to create user-friendly interfaces, allowing users to zoom, pan,
and interact with data points for a more engaging experience.
 Used React-Autocomplete for creating google map’s location search on the webpage and attached
retailers’ locations together with google map.
 Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality to drag products directly into users’ cart using React-
 Created React/Redux UIs to enable and show new customer workflows on Employee Management
 Successfully created products add and delete features using new ReactJS web components for
collaborative user editing.
 Used Bootstrap and React to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients such as add a
product to cart, pay bill, and product report button, and then send request to server.
 Used Webpack as module bundler and Babel for compiling and build component based React
architecture and SASS preprocessing for configuring tasks.
 Worked closely with the project management and marketing team to completely define specifications to
help ensure project acceptance.
 Created reusable Templates and style sheets based on UI standards and guidelines.
 Worked with GIT to do the project version control, to commit the updated code and checked the code
from the GIT server with SourceTree.
Environment: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, ES6, NodeJS, ReactJS, Redux, MongoDB, JSON, XML,
MVC Framework, AJAX, Bootstrap, Eclipse IDE, Material UI

Gap, Inc. | San Francisco, CA | Front-End Developer | January 2019 - July 2020

Project Description:
Project 1: The project was to analyze, design and improve the Merchandise Management System (MMS).
Built the website architecture and a user-friendly layout. Was responsible to build components that displayed
detailed information about the merchandise, materials, date, type, origin, etc., provided users with a query-
able information interface and a back-end management system. Provided full support for the team regarding
issues, feature discussions and enhancements to achieve business goals.

Project 2: The project was aimed at visualizing the retail marketing trends for sub brands of Gap Inc in
collaboration with Gap Operation Analytics (GAO) teams for both browser and phone. Was responsible for
building a scalable Single Page Application (SPA) to submit datasets and display analytical results using
React and create mobile UI components using React Native.

 Involved in designing and implementing the web application using HTML5, CSS/CSS3, NodeJS, React,
Redux and AJAX with RESTful web service.
 Interpreted Wireframes’ requirements and divide tickets into progressive steps.
 Used Axios AJAX request to get movie information from backend based on user interface input and post
updated data back to backend.
 Implemented Redux along with react for states maintain, created actions and reducers to pass stateless
data around components.
 Added redux-promise, redux-thunk as middleware to handle actions with promise payloads and multiple
action dispatches situations.
 Implemented Responsive web design using media query, Flexbox with the help of Bootstrap as well as
building original styles from base.
 Used Lodash as a handy method tool to trim complex data retrieved from backend to meet front end
 Proficient in Adobe Illustrator for creating and editing vector graphics, enhancing the visual appeal of
web interfaces.
 Collaborated with backend teams to ensure consistency in multi-region architectures, aligning frontend
practices with backend resiliency strategies.
 Used conditional rendering based on the membership status, implemented High Order Component
(HOC) to reuse member status checking components.
 Fulfilled progressive loading such as continuous scroll and lazy loading when scroll down using jQuery,
vanilla JavaScript, and Ajax.
 Used Webpack bundler and Gulp task runner in developing and deployment. Modified configuration
according to the demand requests.
 Communicated frequently with backend team for API requirement issues and data passing standard, use
RegEx to limit the user interface input.
 Interacted with QA, project manager, test user to fixing issues and make desired changes.
 Adopted GIT as version controlling tool. Commit, merge branch, and push codes on GIT.
 Developed Development-Document during application building processes.
 Communicated with the Business Team for requirement confirmation.
 Ensured cross-browser compatibility of API implementations, accommodating variations in browser
behavior to maintain consistent performance across different environments.
 Worked under JIRA, Agile environment, attending regular meetings monthly and weekly for requirement
issue and ticket dispatch.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Redux, JEST, JIRA, Axios, Git, Visual Studio Code.

Target | Minneapolis, MN | Front-End Engineer | September 2016 - December 2018

Project Description:
Project 1: Worked on an internal tool for work planning and scheduling. The tool connected registered local
technicians with job requests submitted from a nearby facility. Oversaw the development of functional
components, utilized data retrieved from the company's back-end database and added more features such as
dashboard banners that displayed weekly work counts, future appointments, etc. Built on the existing
Calendar component in React to enable a detailed view of weekly scheduled appointments. The tool was
well-received by in-store coordinators and technicians, reducing the average submission-to-order time by

Project 2: Contributed significantly to the enhancement of the Single Page Checkout project as a React
Frontend Engineer. Improved the shopping cart module with user-friendly and responsive React components.
Collaborated closely with backend teams for seamless data integration and incorporated React animation
libraries for an engaging user experience. The outcome was a streamlined and visually appealing Single Page
Checkout application, elevating overall user satisfaction.

 Enhanced the shopping cart module by implementing user-friendly and responsive React components,
optimizing the overall user experience.
 Collaborated closely with backend teams to ensure seamless data integration, fostering a cohesive and
efficient checkout process.
 Incorporated React animation libraries to introduce engaging visual elements, resulting in a more
dynamic and visually appealing user interface.
 Developed a Gift module with coding standards which is Multi-Modular (Multiple Bundles).
 Worked to develop the user interface and implemented the webpages using HTML5, CSS3, Angular 6
and ReactJS.
 Leveraged Angular 6's module system to organize the application into maintainable and scalable
modules, improving code organization and readability.
 Fully utilized Angular’s integration with RxJS for managing asynchronous data flows, improving
application responsiveness and performance.
 Hands-on experience in developing web APIs, creating endpoints, and defining API contracts to facilitate
seamless communication between frontend and backend systems.
 Employed Angular CLI for project configuration and building, streamlining workflows, and boosting
development efficiency.
 Followed and maintained coding standards with ES6 Features.
 Used GIT for version control. Implemented Unit test controls to test the new features
 Prepared generic components in ReactJS to re-use throughout the application.
 The project had sub-module project structure which included controller for API call and SAGAs to use
for mother project structure.
 Updated React components with received data from dispatching SAGA written in different modules.
 Worked on Business Logic Components for development.
 Handled data transfer from multiple modules.
 Experience in DOM, React Props, Lifecycle methods, working with React States and Events.
 Basic Module Testing of the application.
 Implemented React.js Controllers to maintain each view data and used various properties, parameters in
 Used Redux-Saga for asynchronous data fetching and accessing the browser cache.
 Fostered collaboration among development teams by implementing MFE, allowing teams to work
independently on specific features and ensuring smoother integration.
 Successfully prepared Gift Message module with auto populating data by selecting the message
 Implemented robust and validating user inputs using Angular 6's reactive forms, enhancing form
handling efficiency and user experience.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS, Redux, Redux-Saga, React Material UI,
JSON, Ajax, Bootstrap, Agile methodology, Responsive Web Design, YUI, DOM.

Safeway Insurance Group | Chicago, IL | Software Engineer | March 2014 - August 2016

Project Description:
Worked on an internal web project where users could input insurance amount, years of insurance, and
interest rate and the system would perform a thorough analysis and output the plan with maximum benefits.
Participated in developing the features including registration, login, logout, access controls based on user
authorizations, etc.

 Was involved in building interactive portable widgets for internal users using HTML, CSS, jQuery, and
the latest AJAX libraries.
 Implemented robust registration, login, and logout functionalities, ensuring secure access to the system.
Configured access controls based on user authorizations to safeguard sensitive information.
 Designed and developed Webpages using HTML, CSS, and XML.
 Developed mockups and prototypes using HTML and CSS.
 Used CSS Borders and jQuery Menus as part of the UI navigation.
 Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop-up Screens.
 Gathered data from API/web services via AJAX-JSON calls and updating the DOM within the result
 Optimized frontend performance to ensure quick loading times and responsiveness, contributing to a
smooth and efficient user interaction with the insurance planning system.
 Effectively implemented AJAX in developing dynamic web pages
 Developed web applications compatible with all browsers. Used Firebug, Chrome developer tools to
view and debug HTML, DOM, and JavaScript errors.
 Resolved trouble tickets regarding profile errors, development, and compliance issues.
 Participated in analyzing the requirements and depicted them through use cases and scenarios.
 Collaborated closely with the backend development team to integrate frontend components seamlessly
with backend services, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, SVN, JSON, and XML

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