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INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions
1. It is not advisable to apply fresh farmyards manure because A. its heat of decomposition may cause
scorching of plants B. some micro organism in the manure may die C. the manure may increase in soil
acidity D. the manure may increase in soil alkanity
2. Magnesium deficiency in crops can be corrected by the application of A. dolomite B. limestone C.
quicklime D. urea
3. The atmosphere gains carbon dioxide through the following ways except A. burning of fuel such as coal
and wood B. respiration by plants and animals C. photosynthesis in plants D. death and decay of plants
and animals
4. Mechanization is difficult to practice where the A. land is fragmented B. farmer is wealthy C. farm
holding is large D. soil fertility is low
5. Which of the following equipment is not used in farm surveying? A. Gunters chain B. Measuring tape C.
Ranging pole D. pick axe
6. Farm surveying is important because it determines A. soil fertility B. size of farm land C. yields of crops
D. types of implement to use
7. Bush fallowing is necessitated by A. population increase B. reduction in soil fertility C. cost
consideration D. rural-urban migration
8. In crop rotation, deep-rooted crops should follow shallow-rooted crops because deep-rooted A. are
resistant to diseases B. are early-maturing C. feed from different soil layers D. attract different kinds of
9. If crop is planted at a space of 100cm 50cm, calculate the plant population require for an hectare of farm
land A. 200 B. 2,000 C. 5,000 D. 20,000
10. Which of the following land tenure systems allows for individual ownership? A. land pledge system B.
freehold system C. leasehold system D. tendency at the will of government.
11. The development of agriculture in West Africa is not generally affected by A. ignorance B. religious
beliefs C. poor marketing D. population size
12. The most common grazing system in West Africa is A. continuous grazing B. strip grazing C. rotational
grazing D. zero grazing.
13. Which of the following is not a role of government in agricultural production? A. provision of labour B.
provision of subsidies C. building of storage facilities D. provisions of loans and credits
14. The main reason for establishing game reserves is to prevent wild life from A. being poached B. being
hunted periodically C. attacking tourists D. becoming extinct
15. Which of the following practices promotes agricultural development? A. growing disease-resistant crops
B. planting late-maturing crop varieties C. banning importation of pesticides D. encouraging communal
land tenure system
16. The biotic factor which derives much benefit from livestock and reduces productivity is a A. predator B.
parasite C. pathogen D. microbe
17. The removal of top soil from a small area of soil surface due to the impact of raindrops is known as A.
sheet erosion B. rill erosion C. gully erosion D. splash erosion
18. Which of the following group of crops grow best in the savannah zones of West Africa? A. cotton,
millet and groundnut B. cocoa, kola and oil palm C. cotton, cocoa and guinea corn D. banana, rubber
and millet
19. High temperature and pressure convert sand stone to A. basalt B. quartzite C. coal D. limestone
20. Which of the following factors is both a physical and chemical agent of rock weathering A. temperature
B. Animal C. water D. oxygen
21. Physical properties of clay soil include A. low porosity and low capillarity B. high porosity and high
capillarity C. low porosity and high capillarity D. high porosity and low capillarity
22. Streak disease of maize is caused by A. virus B. nematode C. fungus D. bacterium
23. In the carbon cycle, atmospheric carbon dioxide is replenished by A. respiration B. transpiration C.
lightning D. denitrification
24. The following farming practices expose the soil to agents of erosion except A. bush burning B. land
clearing C. crop rotation D. overgrazing
25. Which of the following effects is not due to water-logging? A. inhibition of crop development B.
enhancement of leaching C. inhibition of the activities of soil micro organisms D. wilting of crop roots
26. An advantage of sprinkler irrigation is that A. it assists farmers to raise a greater variety of crops B. it is
easy to install C. large areas of land can be irrigated D. it can be afforded by peasant farmers
27. The main sources of farm power in West Africa is A. wind, solar and mechanical B. human, animal and
mechanical C. mechanical, solar and human D. electrical, mechanical and solar
28. The objectives of farm mechanization include the following except A. obtain higher farm yield B. carry
out farm mechanization quickly C. improve the quality of farm produce D. produce disease-resistant
crop varieties
29. The survey instrument used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles on the field is the A. theodolite
B. prismatic compass C. offset staff D. arrow
30. A farmstead should be located close to a source of water because of the following reasons except A.
reduction of overhead cost B. operation of efficient irrigation system C. processing of farm produce D.
erosion of farm structures
31. Which of the following activities are cultural practices? I. harrowing II. Filling-in III. Mulching A. I &
II only B. I & III only C. II & III only D. I, II & III
32. Training of yam vines is important to A. ease passage in the farm B. suppress weeds C. increase
photosynthesis D. prevent rodent attack
33. Grafting involves the A. fusion of the gametes of two plants B. inducement of rooting from two stems C.
transfer of a bud from one plant to another D. joining of two parts to related parts
34. Which of the following products is not from coconut A. candy B. copra C. oil D. jam
35. The most convenient method of fertilizer application used when crops have been planted in rows is A.
folia application B. broadcasting C. drilling D. ring replacement
36. Which of the following is not a characteristic of weeds? A. resistant to trampling B. produces numerous
seeds C. seeds have short period of viability D. aggressive growth habit
37. A major raw material of the paper industry is A. pulp B. gum C. latex D. bark
38. Which of the following farm practices are cultural methods used to control pests and diseases? I. crop
rotation II. Mixed farming C. monoculture A. I & II only B. I & III only C. II & III only D. II, II & III
39. Which of the following plants is a pasture legume? A. cyndon plectostachyus B. stylosanthes gracilis C.
panicum maximum D. pennisetum purpureum
40. Corns, rhizomes and tubers are examples of A. underground stems B. underground roots C. modified
leaves D. aerial stems
41. Which of the following characteristics is not important in beef cattle breeding? A. high fertility B.
increased butterfat percentage C. good feed conversation efficiency D. high yield of lean meat
42. The milk let down hormone in farm animals is called A. adrenalin B. oestrogen C. oxytocin D.
43. Rabbit can digest roughages because they possess A. large intestine B. enlarged caecum C. long colon
D. small rectum
44. Natural immunity can be conferred on newly-born animals through A. vaccination B. administration of
antibiotics C. feeding with colostrums D. strict sanitation
45. The average gestation period in sheep is A. 30 days B. 50 days C. 150 days D. 270 days
46. Feed given to animals mainly to sustain their live weight is called A. balanced ration B. maintenance
ration C. production ration D. weaner ration
47. Which of the following fish species is found in freshwater? A. sardine B. tilapia C. salmon D. herring
48. The disease which affects only animals other than humans is A. anthrax B. rinderpest C. brucellosis D.
49. Mating in poultry is known as A. serving B. treading C. tupping D. breeding
50. The fish preservation method that results in the greatest water loss is A. freezing B. steaming C. salting
D. smoking.

INSTRUCTION: Answer Five (5) Questions

1(ai). What is malnutrition in farm animals?

(ii). Highlight five (5) malnutrition diseases, causes and corrections
(bi). Define balanced ration in livestock production
(ii). State six (6) functions of protein in the body of farm animals

2(ai). What is agricultural extension?

(ii). State four (4) agricultural extension
(bi). Highlight five (5) principle of agricultural extension
(ii). State five (5) roles of agricultural extension

3(ai). Highlight five (5) problems facing agricultural extension

(ii). State three (3) advantages and disadvantages of mass method
(bi). State three (3) advantages and disadvantages of individual method
(ii). Highlight five (5) qualities of agricultural extension workers.

4(ai). State five (5) importance of fish farming

(ii). Highlight six (6) methods of preserving fish
(bi). Define fishery
(ii). Highlight five (5) methods of harvesting fish

5(ai). State five (5) basic laws and regulations of fishery in Nigeria
(ii). List and explain the four (4) types of fish pond
(bi). Enumerate five (5) factors to be considered before the establishment of fish pond?
(ii). Highlight five (5) steps in establishing a fish pond

6(ai). What is agricultural credit?

(ii). List and explain the three (3) major classes of farm credit
(bi). State four (4) importance of agricultural credit
(ii). Highlight six (6) sources of agricultural credit

7(ai). What is artificial insemination?

(ii). State three (3) advantages and disadvantages of artificial insemination
(bi). What is agricultural insurance?
(ii). Highlight six (6) agricultural risk

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