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1. Where did you go for your last 26.

Did you not eat breakfast this

vacation? morning?
2. What did you learn at school 27. Did they watch the movie last
yesterday? night?
3. What was your first memory? 28. Did she call you yesterday?
4. Who was your first friend? 29. Did we go to the park on
5. What did you eat for breakfast? Saturday?
6. What was the last thing you 30. Did he finish his homework on
bought? time?
7. What was the last sport you 31. Did you enjoy the party last
played? night?
8. What did you do during the 32. Did they attend the meeting
winter vacation? yesterday?
33. Did you play basketball with
9. What did you do before school you last week?
today? 34. Did we visit our grandparents
10. What did you have for dinner last weekend?
yesterday? 35. Did he clean his room
11. When was the last time you yesterday?
exercised? 36. Did you order a pizza for
12. What was the last movie you dinner?
saw? 37. Did they study for the test last
13. What was the last book you night?
read? 38. Did she read the book you
14. When did you last have a bad recommended?
dream? 39. Did we go to the beach on
15. When did you last tell a lie? vacation?
16. What did you watch on TV last 40. Did he go to the gym
weekend? yesterday?
17. When did you last have an 41. Did you take the bus to work
argument with someone? this morning?
18. How did you travel to school 42. Did they practice their
today? instruments yesterday?
19. When was the last time you 43. Did she paint a picture for her
cried? friend?
20. What was the last thing you 44. Did we try the new restaurant
cooked? downtown?
21. Who was your first teacher? 45. Did he visit his parents last
22. What was your favorite toy as weekend?
a child? 46. Did you write the report for the
23. Who did you meet at the meeting?
weekend? 47. Did they finish the project on
24. Where did you go last time?
weekend? 48. Did she go to the concert with
25. What was the first concert you her friends?
went to?} 49. Did we buy groceries on our
way home?
50. Did he attend the party with his

What were you doing when you saw your wife for first time?
What were you doing this time two days ago?
What were you doing at 8 o’clock this morning?
What were you doing before this class?
What were you doing yesterday at noon?
What were you reading last year?
What were you watching on TV last year?
Where were you living this time last year?
Where were you going to school this time last year?
What were you doing when you heard about 9-11?
What snack were you eating five years ago?
What were you watching on TV five years ago?
What were you doing this time last month?
What were you doing this time last week?
What were you doing before you went to bed yesterday? What were you
doing before you came to this class?

What were you eating at lunchtime yesterday?

What kind of music were you listening to 5 years ago?

What were you doing at 9 pm last night?

Who were you talking to the last time you spoke English?

Where were you going the last time you were on a bus?

How were you feeling the last time you saw a doctor?

What were you doing last Sunday afternoon?

Who were you with the last time that you laughed?

What were your parents doing for work 10 years ago?

What exercise were you doing to stay healthy last month?

Where were you the last time that it started raining?

What were you buying the last time you went shopping?
What was your best friend doing on their birthday last year?

What were you dreaming of becoming when you were a child?

What sports were you playing 5 years ago?

Where were you living 2 years ago?

Was it raining last Tuesday at 3 pm?

What were you reading about last week?

What kind of clothing were you wearing 3 years ago?

What were you doing the last time that your telephone rang?
What were you cooking the last time you made a meal?

Who were you with the last time you got angry?

Where were you going the last time you saw a rainbow?

What were you doing to stay warm last winter?

What tv series were you watching last year?

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