Hadassah Chemistry SSS 3 Question

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Instructions: Answer all questions

1. Two immiscible liquids with different boiling points can be separated by _____ A. The use of
separating funnel B. Evaporation C. Distillation D. Decantation.
2. A mixture of CaCl2 and CaCO3 in water can be separated by ______ A. Evaporation B.
Sublimation C. Distillation D. Decantation.
3. What is responsible for metallic bonding? A. sharing of electrons between the metal atoms B.
attraction between the atomic nuclei and the cloud of electrons C. Transfer of electrons from one
atom to another D. attraction between positive and negative ions.
4. 25cm3 of 1.5M solution of NaCl are added to 50cm3 of 3M NaCl. The molar concentration of
the resulting solution is ________ A. 2.5M B. 3M C. 2.25M D. 4.5M
5. A solution of salt formed from HCl and NH3 solutions is _____ A. Acidic B. Basic C.
complex D. Neutral
6. Which of the following elements will burn in excess oxygen to form a product that is neutral
to litmus? A. carbon B. Hydrogen C. Sulphur D. Sodium
7. A current was passed for 10 mins and 0.2mole of Cu was deposited. How many grammes of
Ag will it deposit? (Cu = 64, Ag = 108) A. 43.2g B. 21.6g C. 10.8g D. 5.4g
8. Pollution of underground water by metal ions is very likely in a soil that has high ________
A. Acidity B. Alkalinity C. Chloride content D. Nitrate content
9. which of the following form a coordinate covalent bond with H+? A. CO2 B. O2 C. H2O D. N2
10. Silver chloride turns grey when exposed to sunlight because _____ A. The silver ion is
reduced to silver B. The silver ion is oxidized to silver C. Silver is a transition metal D. The
silver chloride forms complexes in the sun.
11. Which of these compounds exhibits resonance?
A. Benzene B. Ethanol C. Propene D. Butyne
15. Hydrolysis of CH3COOCH2CH3 in dilute HCl produces ______ A. CH3COOH + CH3CH3 B.
16. Calculate the volume of CO2 measured at s.t.p produced on heating 250g of potassium
hydrogen trioxocarbonate (IV) strongly. (K = 39, H = 1, C = 12, O = 16) A. 28dm3 B. 2.8dm3
C.5.6dm3 D. 11.2dm3
17. The boiling points of water, ethanol, methylbenzene and butan-2-ol are 373.0K, 351.3K,
383.6K and 372.5K respectively. Which liquid has the highest vapour pressure at 323.0K?
A. Water B. Methylbenzene C. Ethanol D. Butan-2-ol
18. The conclusion from Rutherford’s alpha scattering experiment is that ______ A. Atoms are
mostly empty space with a small nucleus B. Emissions from radioactive substances consist of
three main components C. There is a nuclear pull on orbital electrons D. Electrons are deflected
by both magnetic and electric fields.
19. Elements P, Q and R have atomic numbers 9, 16 and 20 respectively. Which of them would
gain electron(s) during ionic bonding_____ A. Q and R B. P and R C. P and Q D. P, Q and R.
20. Which of the following has the lowest PH? A. 5cm3 of M/10 HCl B. 10cm3 of M/10 HCl. C.
20cm3 of M/8 HCl D. 15cm3 of M/2 HCl
21. Which of the following is an acid salt?
A. (NH4)2CO3 B. CHCOONa C. KHSO4 D. MgSO4.7H2O
22. Cr2O2-7 + 14H+ + 6I → 2Cr3+ + 3I2 + 7H2O. The change in the oxidation number of oxygen
in the equation above is _______
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 7
23. During electrolysis of CuSO4 solution using platinum electrodes, which of the following
occurs ______ A. Acidity increases at the cathode B. Oxygen is liberated at the cathode C. pH
decreases at the cathode D. pH of solution increases.
24. Which of the following ions is a pollutant in drinking water even in trace quantities?
A. Ca2+ B. Pb2+ C. Mg2+ D. Fe2+
25. The solubility of a salt of molar mass 100g at 20 oC is 0.34mol/dm3. If 3.4g of that salt
dissolved completely 250cm3 of water at that temperature, the resulting solution is ________
A. A suspension B. Saturated C. Unsaturated D. Supersaturated
26. Catalyst is important in in chemical industry in that ______ A. it affects the purity of the
products B. it affects the quantity of the products C. it increases the time for reaching equilibrium
D. Bond breaking is slowed down.
27. An alkanioc acid has a molecular mass of 88. Name the acid.
(C = 12, O =16, H = 1) A. Propanioc acid B. Botanioc acid C. Pentanioc acid D. But-2-ionic acid
28. Ethyne undergoes the following reactions EXCEPT
A. Polymerization B. Addition C. Combustion D. Ether attraction
29. How many electrons are present in the 2p orbital of an element represented as 199X?
A. 10 B. 7 C. 6 D. 5
30. The number of hydronium ions produced by one molecule of an acid in aqueous solution is
known as ________ A. Basicity B. Acid strength C. pH D. Concentration
31. Which of the following pollutants is associated with genetic mutation?
A. Carbon (II) oxide B. Radioactive fallout C. Biodegradable waste D. Sulphur (IV) oxide
32. Which of the following methods is most suitable for preventing the rusting of petroleum
pipelines? ___ A. Painting B. Greasing C. Electroplating with tin D. Cathodic protection with
33. A sample of local gin that turned brown through storage in a rusty metal drum can be
purified by____ A. Fermentation B. Distillation C. Filtration D. Electrolysis
34. What is the oxidation number of boron in Na2B4O7 ________ A. +3 B. +1 C. +5 D. +2
35. Which of the following is a good conductor of electric current? A. Mixture of petrol and
kerosene B. Aqueous solution of sugar C. Mixture of ethanol and water D. Aqueous solution of
table salt
36. An oxidizing agent can be defined as _____ A. an acceptor of oxygen B. a donor of ions C.
an acceptor of hydrogen D. a donor of electron
37. Metal P will be above metal Q in the activity series if P A. has a higher relative atomic mass
than Q B. displace ions of Q from solution C. is a better conductor of electricity than Q D. has a
higher melting point than Q.
38. C3H4 belongs to the same homologous series as A. C5H6 B. C5H8 C. C5H10 D. C5H12
39. Vegetable oils are converted into margarine by A. saponification B. Esterification C.
Hydrogenation D. polymerization
40. The tensile strength of natural rubber is increased by heating with_______ A. Carbon black
B. Sulphur C. Nickel catalyst D. Hydrogen
41. How many moles of oxygen are required to burn one mole of C4H8 completely? A. 2 B. 4 C.
6 D. 8
42. Which of the following will react without producing a precipitate? A. BaCl and H2SO4
B. HCl and KNO3 C. ZnCl2 and AgNO3 D. CuCl2 and NaOH
43. A sample of local gin that turned brown through storage in a rusty metal drum can be
purified by A. Fermentation B. Distillation C. Filtration D. Electrolysis
44. The use of silver salts in the photography is based on the process A. oxidation of silver to
silver halide B. reduction of silver to silver ion
C. double decomposition to form silver halide D. direct combination of silver with halogen
45. Which of the following method is most suitable for preventing the rusting of petroleum
pipeline? A. painting B. greasing C. electroplating with tin D. cathodic protection with
46. Effects of water pollution includes the following except A. depletion of dissolved oxygen B.
depletion of heavy metals C. ecological changes D. increased in turbidity
47. Which of the following pollutants is associated with genetic mutation? A. carbon (ii) oxide
B. radioactive fallout C. biodegrable waste D. Sulphur (vi) oxide
48. Soldering wire in an alloy of tin and___ A. Al B. Pb C. Fe D. Cu
49. In the extraction of iron in the blast furnace, the role of limestone is to ____ A. decompose
the iron ore B. remove the silicate impurities C. convert iron (iii) to iron (ii) compounds D.
oxidize red hot coke to carbon (iv) oxide
50. Electron will occupy equivalent orbital singly as far as possible with the same spin. This is
the statement of _____ A. Hundu’s rules B. Pauli Exclusive Principle C. Periodic law D. Aufbau

Instructions: Answer questions 1, 6 and 7 and any other two.

1. (ai) Consider the following atoms

(ii) State the phenomenon exhibited by the two atoms
(iii) What Is the difference of the two atoms
(iv) Give two examples of the element that exhibit the phenomenon stated in 1(ai)
(v) If T is 17 write the electronic configuration of the element

(bi) Consider the reactant represented by the following equation.

Na2Co3(aq) + MgCl2(aq) 2NaCl(aq) + MgCO3(aq). Calculate the mass of Sodium
Hydrocarbonate (v) reaction to produce 3.36g of Magnessium Trioxocarbonate (iv). (C=12, O=16, Na=23,
(ii) State three characteristics of transition metals.
(iii) Write the electronic configuration of 30Zn
(iv) Explain briefly why Zinc is not considered as a typical transition element

(ci) Define Structural Isomerism

(ii) State the class of alkanol to which each of the following belongs.
(a) CH3 C(CH3)2 OH
(b) CH3 CH(CH3) CH2 OH
(c) CH3 CH2 CH (CH3) OH

(di) A gaseous hydrocarbon R of mass 7.0g occupies a volume of 22.4dm3 at STP. If the percent are
composition by mass of hydrogen is 14.3 determine the (a) Empirical Formula
(b) molecular formula. H=1, C=12, molar volume of gas at s.t.p. 22.4dm3.

2. (ai) Write the formulae of the product formed in the following reaction.
CH3 CH2 COOH C4H9OH heat(s)
Conc. H2SO4
CH3 CH2 CH2CH2OH H+ KMnO4(s)

(ii) Name the major products of each of the reaction in 2(ai)

(iii) Draw the structure of the Isomer of Alkenes with the molecular formular C4H8

(bi) Define Esterification

(ii) Give two uses of alkanaote
(iii) Give the product of Alkaline hydrolysis of ethane ethanoate.

(ci) Consider the reaction. 2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O6. Calculate the value of unused oxygen gas
3 3
when 40cm of hydrogen gas is sprinkled with 30cm of oxygen gas.
(ii) What is Fermentation?
(iii) Name the catalyst that can be used for the process
(iv) Draw the structure of Glucose

3. (a) Consider the reaction below

Cr2O72-(aq) + C3O42-(aq) Cr3+(aq) + CO2
(i) State the reducing and Oxidizing agents in the reaction
(ii) Define the term reducing and Oxidizing agent
(iii) Balance the redox reaction

(b) Calculate the oxidation number of the central metal atom and name the compound
(i) KMnO4 (ii) K2Cr2O7 (iii) Pb(NO3)2 (iv) Na2S2O7
(c) State four differences between conductor and Electrolyte.
(ii) State three factors that affect the preferential discharge of ion.
(iii) 0.222 of a divalent metal is deposited when a current of 0.45A is passed through a solution of the salt for
25mins. Calculate the atomic mass of the metal (1Faraday=96500c).

4. (ai) What is Functional group?

(ii) State four uses of methane
(iii) Identify two chemical properties of Methane
(iv) Briefly explain the term Homologous series

(bi) An hydrocarbon having the formula C10H22 was cracked to produce C6H4 and the hydrocarbon is p
(a) Give the molecular formula of P (b) Draw the structure of two isomers of P (c) Giver a reason why p
could be polymerized (d) What is Polymerization

(c) Element J has the following electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3d2 (i) How many unpaired electrons
are found in J (ii) State wether J have good oxidizing or reducing agent (iii) Give a reason for the answer in

5. (a) What are nucleon?

(b) State Graham law of diffusion
(c) State three example of periodic properties
(d) State the types of reaction represented by each of the equation
(i) C2H6 + Br2 C2H5Br + HBr
(ii) C2H4 + Br C2H4Br2
(e) Name the product of the reaction in d(i) and (ii)
(f) State three test to distinguish between Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes
(g) Explain briefly why 3o alkanol does not oxidize
(h) Explain the term acid derivatives
6. (a) 150cm3 of ethanedioic acid H2C2O4 solution in a corked flask or botted labelled “An” these should all be
the same containing 4.50g of H2C2O4 per dm3 of solution.

(b) 150cm3 of Potassium tetraoxomanganate (vii) solution in a corked flask or bottle labelled “Bn”. These
should all be the same containing 3g of KMnO4 per dm3 of solution.
From the information provided. Calculate
(i) Conc. of A in moldm-3
(ii) Conc. of B in moldm-3
If the volume of A used is assumed to be 25cm3, calculate the volume of B
2MnO4- + 5C2O42- +16H+ Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10CO2

7. (a) A is a solution of 0.050moldm3 of H2C2O4 and B is a solution of KMnO4 of unknown concentration (a)
Assuming that 25cm3 of A was pipetted into the conical flask and 10cm3 of dilute H2SO4 was added. The
mixture was heated about 40oC and titrated with B while still hot. The titration was repeated and a constituent
titre value was obtained from the value of B obtained from question question6, tabulate your result.

(b) From your result above, calculate

(i) Conc. of MnO4 in B in moldm-3
(ii) Conc. of MnO4- in B in gldm3
(iii) Volume of CO2 gas evolved at s.t.p. when 25.00cm3 of H2C2O4 reacted completely
K=39, Na=55, O=16, C=12, H=1 Molar Volume of a gas at s.t.p = 22.4dm3


1. Complete the table below with necessary conclusions

Tests Observations Inferences

a. C(s) + distill water Partially dissolves
b. Filtrate of C+AgNO3(aq) White precipitate formed
+ HNO3(aq) Precipitate insoluble
+NH3(aq) Precipitate soluble
c. (i) Residue + dilute. H2SO4 (aq) Effervescence occur
Gas turned lime water milky
(ii) solution from c(i) + NaOH (aq) in n drops then in
White gelatinous precipitate formed
excess Precipitate remain undissolved
(iii) solution from c(i) + HN3 (aq) White gelatinous precipitate formed
in drops then in excesss Precipitate dissolved

2. (a) 150cm3 of ethanedioic acid H2C2O4 solution in a corked flask or botted labelled “An” these
should all be the same containing 4.50g of H2C2O4 per dm3 of solution.

(b) 150cm3 of Potassium tetraoxomanganate (vii) solution in a corked flask or bottle labelled “Bn”. These
should all be the same containing 3g of KMnO4 per dm3 of solution.
From the information provided. Calculate
(i) Conc. of A in moldm-3
(ii) Conc. of B in moldm-3
If the volume of A used is assumed to be 25cm3, calculate the volume of B
2MnO4- + 5C2O42- +16H+ Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10CO2

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