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V.K. Gupta et al.

/ Materials Science and Engineering C 31 (2011) 1062–1067 1062

Materials Science and Engineering C 31 (2011) 1062–1067

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Removal of the hazardous dye—Tartrazine by photodegradation on titanium dioxide

Vinod K. Gupta a,b,⁎, Rajeev Jain c, Arunima Nayak a, Shilpi Agarwal c, Meenakshi Shrivastava c
Keywords: dose. In order to evaluate the effect of electron acceptor, the effect of H 2O2 on the degradation process was also monitored and
Photo catalytic degradation it was found that the hydroxyl radical formation and retardation of electron–hole recombination took place simultaneously.
Titanium dioxide The adsorption studies of tartrazine at various dose of TiO 2 followed the Langmuir isotherm trend. In order to determine the
Tartrazine quality of waste water, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) measurements were carried out both before and after the treatment
UV light
and a significant decrease in the values was observed, implying good potential of this technique to remove tartrazine dye from
aqueous solutions.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Department of Chemistry, Roorkee, 247667, India b King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals, Chemistry Department, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia c Jiwaji University,
Department of Environmental Chemistry, Gwalior-474011, India

article info abstract

Article history: The removal of the dye—tartrazine by photodegradation has been investigated using titanium dioxide surface as photocatalyst
Received 8 November 2010 under UV light. The process was carried out at different pH, catalyst dose, dye concentration and effects of the electron
Received in revised form 8 March 2011 acceptor H2O2. It was found that under the influence of TiO2 as catalyst, the colored solution of the dye became colorless and
Accepted 10 March 2011 the process followed a pseudo first order kinetics. The optimum conditions for the degradation of dye were 6×10 −5 M dye
Available online 17 March 2011 concentration, pH of 11, and 0.18 mg/L of catalyst

1. Introduction and physico-chemical methods. Alternative methods, such as

activated carbon adsorption and dissolved air flotation are not only
Almost every industry uses dyestuffs to dye their products. Over costly but result in phase transfer of pollutants. Hence there is
7×105 tons and approximately 10,000 different types of dyes and considerable current interest in developing alternative and more
pigments are produced worldwide annually. It is estimated that 10% to cost-effective methods. Photocatalytic oxidation using a
15% of the dye is lost in the effluent during the dyeing process [1,2]. semiconductor such as TiO2 as photocatalyst is one of the advanced
Discharge of such effluents into the ecosystem is a source of aesthetic cost effective, clean and green technology which has attracted
pollution, eutrophication and perturbations to aquatic life. Recent considerable attention for the eradication of toxic organic and
reports reveal that several color-causing substances are micro-toxic to inorganic pollutants from wastewater [17]. The ability of this
aquatic biota [3–5]. Amongst the different industrial wastewaters with technique to completely degrade organics into water and carbon
different types of color-causing substances, synthetic textile organic dioxide, without generating any harmful byproducts has
dye wastes occupy a prominent position. As international popularized its role as a waste water purifier [18–22]. This
environmental standards are becoming more stringent, technological technique has also been employed for the photomineralisation of a
systems for the removal of such dyes have been developed. The large number of dyes such as methylene blue, azo dyes etc.
treatment of textile wastewaters in order to reduce visual color and Titanium dioxide which is a metal oxide semiconductor is the most
dissolved organic contaminants to meet the increasing environmental favored material in this technique, since it is chemically and
demands has continued to attract the interest of research groups [6– biologically inactive, cheap, photostable and very photoactive,
15]. Most textile dyes are photo catalytically stable and refractory although it has a large band gap (3.2 eV) and only absorbs in the
towards chemical oxidation [16] and these characteristics render them UV region.
resistant towards decolonization by conventional, biochemical There are three different types of titanium dioxide, anatase,
rutile and brookite. Most of the studies have been carried out with
anatase and rutile types. The adsorptive affinity of the anatase type
for the degradation of organic compounds is larger than that of
⁎ Corresponding author at: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Department of Chemistry,
rutile type.
Roorkee, 247667, India. Tel.: +91 1332285801; fax: +91 1332273560. E-mail addresses:, (V.K. Gupta).
Irradiation of TiO2 particles with photons of energy equal to greater
than the band gap energy (hνNEg=3.2 eV; λb390 nm) results in the
0928-4931/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. promotion of anelectron from valence band (vb) to the conduction
band (cb) of the particle. TheanataseTiO 2 has a band gap energy of
3.2 eV. The outcome of this process is the region of positive charge
in the vb, termed as hole (h +) and a free electron (e −) in the cb (Eq. 2. Materials and methods
Water soluble dye, tartrazine (Fig. 1) selected for the present
TiO2 þ hν→TiO2ðhþ þ e−Þ investigation was obtained from Aldrich. Anatase titanium dioxide
(325 mesh), 99% used as such without further treatment was also
The photo generated holes migrate to the particle surface to react obtained from Aldrich. Other chemicals used in the study such as
with the surface bound hydroxyl groups (OH¯) and water molecules HNO3, NaOH, H2O2 etc were obtained from Merck. For
(H2O) to form hydroxyl (OH.) radical (Eqs. (2) and (3)) [14]. photocatalytic degradation,

hþ þ OH−→Hþ þ OH• + -
+ - N
NaO 3 S N N
hþ þ H2O→Hþ þ OH•
O - +
The generation of OH• depends on the solution pH. SO 3 Na
The photo generated electrons react with adsorbed molecular O 2,
Fig. 1. Structure of Tartrazine dye.
reducing it to superoxide radical anion O2•− (Eq. (4)):

O2 þ e−→O2•− 0.01 M stock solution of Tartrazine dye was prepared in double

distilled water. Aqueous solutions of desired concentrations were
In the absence of an electron acceptor, electron–hole prepared from
recombination predominates. The presence of oxygen prevents stocksolutions.Doubledistilledwaterwasusedfornecessarydilutions.All
recombination by trapping electrons through the formation of laboratory reagents used were of analytical grade.
superoxides ions, thereby maintaining electron neutrality within the
TiO2 molecule. 2.1. Instrumentation
The final product of the reduction is commonly hydroxyl
radicals (OH•). The hydroxyl radicals are known to be powerful, Experiments were carried out in an ultra-violet photocatalytic
indiscriminate oxidizing agents. During photocatalytic reactions, reactor using a 6-W UV lamp, placed inside the wall of a Quartz glass
they can react with organic compounds and bacterial species photo reactor of capacity 150 mL. To prevent UV radiation leakage the
adsorbed onto, or very close to the semiconductor surface, resulting reactor was covered with a black color wooden box. The lamp emits
in complete degradation into small inorganic species (Eqs. (5) and predominantly UV radiation of 10 mW/cm 2 at a wavelength of 254 nm.
(6)) The UV intensity of reactor can be varied from 8 mW/cm 2 to 16
OH• þ RH→H2O þ R•
pH metric measurements were done on Decibel DB 1011 digital
pH meter fitted with a glass electrode, which was previously
standardized with buffers of known pH in acidic and alkaline medium.
For carrying out the COD experiments, reagents were prepared as per
R• þ O2→ROO•→CO2
standard methods (APHA, 1991) [40]. Usual 2 h open reflux method
This technique has been used for the removal of dye pollutants was applied for the COD determination. Chemical oxygen demand
from residual textile treatment waters [23–33]. Interest in this photo (COD) of colored and photocatalysed solutions was recorded using
COD digestion apparatus (Spectra lab-2015-S).
catalytic process stems mainly from its low cost, combined with the
non-toxicity, insolubility, stability, high photo activity of the
2.2. Procedures and analysis for photocatalytic studies
catalyst (TiO2).
The dye “tartrazine” chosen as model compound for the present
To carry out the photocatalytic reactions, 100 mL of a dye solution
study finds vast applications. Tartrazine is an acidic azo dye with a
of desired concentration (varying from 2×10 −5 M to 8×10−5 M) was
sulfonic group as an auxochrome that is highly water soluble and
taken in a 250 mL flask, maintained at desired pH (varying from 2.2 to
polar. It is widely used to dye sweets, chewing gum, jellies,
11) and an appropriate amount (varying from 2 to 20 mg) of solid TiO 2
puddings, juices, jams, mustard, sodas, drugs and cosmetics [34].
catalyst was added into it at 30 °C. The pH of the solution was kept
Tartrazine has been implicated as the food additive, most often
constant by adding 0.1 M NaOH or 0.1 M HNO3. The mixture was
responsible for allergic reactions, having thus been targeted by the
irradiated with UV light to provide energy to excite TiO 2 loading. To
scientific community. Although urticaria, asthma, purpura and
ensure thorough mixing of the TiO 2 catalyst, oxygen was continuously
eczema have been described, chiefly affecting individual's allergy to
bubbled from the side of the reactor. About 2–3 mL aliquot of the dye
aspirin, the underlying immunologic mechanism has proved elusive
was withdrawn after a specific time interval (varying from 10 to 60
[35]. Some authors have studied the carcinogenetic and mutogenetic
min) and analyzed spectrophotometrically at λmax 429 nm after
effects of tartrazine with variable results [36–39].
centrifugation. The rate of decrease of color with time was
Thus keeping the hazardous and toxic effect in view, it was
continuously monitored. Once the dye solution became completely
considered worthwhile to carry out a systematic TiO 2- catalyzed
colorless, the reaction was thought to be completed. At this stage
photodegradation of Tartrazine dye under UV light. In order to
measurements were stopped and the solution was withdrawn from the
develop a practical waste water treatment system, the present study
reactor. All experiments were carried out at room temperature (30 °C).
has given major emphasis on various operational and kinetic
It was found that at all pHs and dye concentrations, a pseudo first
parameters. Results are presented for the kinetics of degradation of
order kinetics for the photocatalytic oxidation process was followed.
Tartrazine under different conditions, such as reaction pH, substrate
The decolorization rate constant was determined from (Eq. (7)) [15]:
and catalyst concentration, and presence of an electron acceptor.
V.K. Gupta et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 31 (2011) 1062–1067 1064
ln Cð t = CoÞ = −k t equilibrium, b is the Langmuir adsorption constant, and Q 0 is the
amount of dye adsorbed corresponding to monolayer coverage.
2.4. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) studies
Co dye concentrations (g/L) at times t=0
The chemical oxygen demand test is widely used as an effective
Ct dye concentration (g/L) at time t=t, k
technique to measure the organic strength of wastewater. The test
pseudo first order rate constant (min−1)
allows the measurement of waste in terms of the total quantity of
oxygen required for the oxidation of organic matter to CO 2 and water.
The decolorization rate constants were determined from the slopes In the present work results of chemical oxygen demand were taken as
of the plots of ln (Ct/Co) vs time. one of the parameters to judge the feasibility of the photochemical

1064 V.K. Gupta et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 31 (2011) 1062–1067
process for the degradation of colored dye solution. Photocatalytic
The rate constant of the reaction (k) was determined using the experiments were run on (TiO2 +UV+H2O2). Tartrazine dye (100 mL),
expression (Eq. (8)) [15]: the catalyst dose (0.18 g/L) and H2O2 were taken in a photochemical
reactor and exposed to UV light for up to 40 min. Dye samples of
ð Þk = 2:303 × Slope about 2–3 mL were taken out at a regular interval from the test
solution, centrifuged for 15–20 min and their absorbance was recorded
at 429 nm.

2.3. Adsorption studies 2.5. Quality assurance/quality control

Adsorption experiments were carried out at 30 °C using batch To establish the accuracy, reliability and reproducibility of the
technique. Different initial dye concentration (2×10 −5 M to 8×10−5 M) collected data, all the tests were replicated thrice and the
was prepared by diluting 0.01 M stock solution in a series of 100 mL experimental blanks were run in parallel. Check standards and
graduated conical flask containing 25 mL of solution of each blanks were run. Multiple sources of National Institute of Standard
concentration. For every adsorption isotherm study, a series of and Technology (NIST) traceable standards were used for
volumetric flasks containing equal volumes (25 ml) of adsorbate instrument calibration and standard verification. All jars, conical
solutions at varying flasks, and containers used in the study were prepared by soaking in
concentrationswereemployedatdesiredpH(rangingfrom2.2to11).The 5% HNO3 solution for a period of 3 days before being doubly rinsed
pH of the solution was kept constant by adding 0.1 M NaOH or 0.1 M with distilled, deionised water and oven dried. In different
HNO3. A fixed amount of TiO2 of particle size 325 mesh was then experiments, blanks were run and corrections made wherever
added in to each flask and was intermittently agitated. The mixture was necessary. All observations were recorded in triplicate and average
irradiated with UV light to provide energy to excite TiO 2 loading. To values were reported.
ensure thorough mixing of the TiO 2 catalyst, oxygen was continuously
bubbled from the side of the reactor. Water samples were drawn from 3. Results and discussion
each flask after regular intervals to calculate the progress of
adsorption. When the equilibrium was thought to be established, 3.1. Preliminary observations
supernatant was carefully filtered through Whatmann filter paper (No.
41) and analyzed by Spectronic 20 D+Thermospectronic Photocatalytic studies were carried under three different
Spectrophotometer at λmax 429 nm. The experiments were repeated conditions, that is
three times and average values were reported. Standard deviations
1. by keeping the TiO2 containing solution in the absence of UV light
were found to be +/−1.4%. Further error bars for the figures were so
but in the presence of TiO2 and O2,
small as to be smaller than the symbols used to plot the graphs and
2. in the presence of UV light but in the absence of TiO2 and O2; and
hence, not shown. The dye uptake q e (mol/g) was determined by (Eq.
(9)) [15] 3. Finally in the presence of UV light, TiO2 and O2.

The results obtained are presented in Fig. 2, where a plot of

qe = ðC0−CÞV= W absorbance vs. contact time under above mentioned three
conditions at pH 11 and concentration 6.0×10 −5 M of tartrazine is
where presented. It is apparent from the figure that in the absence of UV
light and O2, TiO2 does not catalyze the degradation of the dye. Fig.
C0 initial dye concentration (mol/L) 2 also indicates that the absorbance of dye solution does not change
C final dye concentrations much in the absence of TiO2 solution and in the presence of UV
(mol/L), V volume of solution (L) and W light. But the reaction is very slow in the absence of both TiO 2 and
weight of adsorbent (g). O2. However with the introduction of small amount of TiO 2 into the
solution in the presence of UV light and O 2, the absorbance of the
dye decreases. This clearly indicates that the presence of TiO 2
The data obtained from the adsorption experiments were fitted to
strongly affects the photodegradation of Tartrazine in the presence
the Langmuir equation [41] represented by (Eq. (10)). of UV light.
1 1 1 1
3.2. Effect of catalyst concentration on photocatalytic degradation
=+; ð10Þ qe Q0 bQ0 Ce
The effect of photocatalyst concentration on the degradation
where Ce is the concentration of the dye in solution at equilibrium, q e is kinetics of tartrazine was investigated in the run (UV+TiO 2)
the amount of dye adsorbed per unit weight of the catalyst at employing different concentrations of anatase TiO 2 varying from
0.02 g/L to 0.2 g/L at a fixed dye concentration of 6×10−5 M.
The degradation efficiency for catalyst loading of tartrazine is surface of TiO2. Thus, an increase in the number of substrate ions
depicted in Fig. 3, which reveals that initial slopes of the curves accommodating in the interlayer spacing inhibits the action of the
increase greatly by increasing catalyst loading from 0.02 to 0.18 g/L catalyst which thereby decreases the reactive OH• and O22− free
and thereafter the rate of degradation remains almost constant. radicals attacking the dye molecules and degradation efficiency
[49]. Neppolian et al. [50] also observed similar results while
conducting photocatalytic degradation of three commercial textile
log absorbance
dyes (Reactive yellow, Reactive red and Reactive blue) using TiO 2
0.2 as photocatalyst under solar light.
( a)

0.15 ( b)
0.1 5
0.05 -1 4
, min
0 k x2.5
-2 10
0 20 40 60 80
Time in min
Fig. 2. Photocatalytic degradation of tartrazine (a) in absence of UV light but 0.5
presence of TiO2 and oxygen (b) in presence of UV light but in absence of TiO 2 and 0
oxygen (c) in presence of TiO 2, oxygen and UV light, at conc. 6×10 −5M, pH 11.0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
and temp. 30±0.1 °C. Dose in g/L
Hence, the maximum degradation is observed with 0.18 g/L dose of
TiO2. Similar investigations were carried out by Muruganandham Fig. 3. Variation of the rate constant with different concentrations of TiO 2 at
and Swaminathan [42]. The color removal rate increased conc.6×10−5 M, pH 11.0 and temp. 30±0.1 °C.
significantly by increasing the amount of catalyst. The increase in 4
the amount of catalyst increases the number of active sites on the 3.5
, min
TiO2 surface that in turn increases the number of OH• and O2¯ 3
radicals. The photocatalytic destruction of other organic pollutants 2.5
has also exhibited a similar type of dependency on catalyst dose k
-2 x 10
[43,44]. This can be explained on the basis that optimum catalyst
loading is found to be dependent on initial solute concentration. 1.5
This is because with an increase of catalyst dosage, total active 1
surface area increases [45].At the same time, due to an increase in 0.5
the turbidity of the suspension and with high dose of photocatalyst, 0
there will be a decrease in penetration of UV light and hence 0 2 4 6 8 10
photoactivated volume of suspension decreases [46]. Thus it can be Dye conc. x 10-5 M
concluded that a higher dose of catalyst may not be useful both in
view of aggregation as well as reduced irradiation field due to light Fig. 4. Variation of the rate constant with different substrate concentrations at pH 11.0
scattering. Therefore, the catalyst dose 0.18 g/L was fixed for and temp. 30±0.1 °C.
further studies.

3.3. Effect of substrate concentration on photocatalytic degradation 3.4. Effect of pH on photocatalytic degradation

It is important both from the mechanistic and from the The pH of the reaction medium has a significant effect on the
application point of view to study the dependence of photocatalytic surface properties of the TiO2 catalyst, which include the surface
reaction rate on the substrate concentration. charge of the particles, the size of the aggregate of catalyst particles it
The effect of substrate (tartrazine) concentration on the rate of forms, and the band edge position of TiO 2. Because a photocatalytic
photocatalysis was studied by varying the substrate concentration degradation reaction takes place on the surface of the catalyst, the
from 2×10−5 M to 8×10−5 M at a fixed amount of catalyst (0.18 g/L), photocatalyst reaction in general is pH dependent [51,52].The number
and at pH 11. Fig. 4 exhibits the relationship of rate of of positive charges on the TiO 2 surface decreases with increasing pH
photodegradation and different concentrations of dye (2×10 −5 to and reaches zero at pHZPC. Therefore pH significantly affects the
8×10−5 M). It is observed from Fig. 4, that the rate of adsorption–desorption properties of the model compounds on the
photodegradation decreases from 2×10−5 to 6×10−5 M and then it surface of the catalysts. The photocatalytic degradation of tartrazine
becomes almost constant up to 8×10−5 M. Fig. 4 shows a high has been studied in the pH range of 2.2 to 11 at a fixed dye
efficiency at low initial concentration of dye (2×10 −5 M), which concentration of 6×10−5 M and TiO2 dose (0.18 g/L). The results are
illustrated in Fig. 5. It is observed that the degradation rate increases in
decreased with the increase in substrate concentration from 2×10 −5
the neutral to alkaline range as compared to the acidic pH conditions.
M to 6×10−5 M and then it became almost constant at 7×10 −5 M
Enforcement of the reaction rate under alkaline conditions could be
onwards. Increasing the dye concentration from 2×10 −5 M to 8×10−5
attributed to the increase of hydroxyl ions, which in turn induces the
M decreased the degradation efficiency from 96.12% to 41.89%.
formation of more hydroxyl radical formation. The formed hydroxyl
Similar results were obtained earlier by other workers [47,48]. Such radical initiates the degradation process.
observation stems from the fact that with the increase in initial
concentration of dye, keeping the UV light irradiation period and 3.5. Effect of electron acceptors on photocatalytic degradation
catalyst dose constant, more dye molecules are adsorbed onto the
V.K. Gupta et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 31 (2011) 1062–1067 1066
In photocatalytic degradation, it has been observed that an electron Fig. 8 illustrates the adsorption isotherm of tartrazine dye over
acceptor like H2O2 is a key factor that can significantly influence the TiO2, where qe is plotted as a function of Ce in the presence of UV
degradation of the dye [18]. Experiments were conducted in the light. Ce is the concentration of tartrazine remaining in the bulk
UV+TiO2 with different amount of H2O2 ranging from 0.2 to 1.5 mM at solution upon the attainment of adsorption equilibrium in the presence
fixed dye concentration, catalyst amount and temperature; the results of UV light and qe is the amount of dye adsorbed per unit weight of the
of which are shown in Fig. 6. It is apparent from the figure that by catalyst at equilibrium. The isotherm showed a type of L-shape (Fig.
increasing the addition of H 2O2 the rate of degradation is markedly 8) according to the classification of Giles et al. [56]. The L-shape
enhanced. This phenomenon explaining the effect of H 2O2 as electron isotherms mean that there is no strong competition between the solvent
acceptor can be attributed to the fact that in the presence of H 2O2, the and the dye to occupy the TiO2 surface sites.
UV light induces the formation of OH•

min 1.90
2 (
1.8 -2
k ×1.60
-1 1.6
, min
1.2 1.30
k x 10
-2 1
0.8 1.00
0.6 5 8 11 14 17
0.2 Intensity (mW/cm2)
2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 7. Variation of rate constant with different UV light intensity at conc. 6×10 −5M, pH
pH 11.0 and temp. 30±0.1 °C.
Fig. 8. Tartrazine adsorption isotherm on TiO2 (pH 11.0, temperature 30 °C).
Fig. 5. Variation of rate constantwith different pH at conc. 6×10 −5M and temp. 30±0.1
1066 V.K. Gupta et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 31 (2011) 1062–1067
3 4.5

-1 4


2 3





/qe x

1 1.5
0.5 1

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Milimoles of H2O2
-5 -1
1/Ce x1 L
Fig. 6. Variation of rate constant with different concentrations of H 2O2 at conc.
0 mol
6×10−5M, pH 11.0 and temp. 30±0.1 °C.
3.8. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)

radicals from H2O2 [53,54] causing degradation of dye. The Comparison of the COD value of the initial dye solution with
phenomenon is better represented by (Eqs. (11)–(13)) photocatalysed solution indicates the COD value is substantially
H2O2 + hν→2OH• ðλb300 nmÞ ð reduced. It is observed that the COD value shows a significant
decrease from 1580 to 108 mg/L indicating good potential of
employing photocatalytic technique. The photodegradation
OH• + Dye→Dye intermediate ð efficiency was found to be 93.57%.

ð 4. Conclusion
OH• + Dye intermediate→Mineralization product:
3.6. Effect of illumination intensity on photocatalytic degradation
Photocatalytic processes with UV light and anatase TiO 2
photocatalysts can be efficiently applied for the degradation of
In order to study the variation in degradation rate of dye with UV
hazardous dye Tartrazine. In particular the following conclusions
light intensity, the experiments were carried out at the optimum initial
can be drawn from the results of the present study.
concentration (6×10−5 M), catalyst dosage (0.18 g/L) and pH (11). The
range of light intensity selected for study was 8 mW/cm 2 to 14 1. The photocatalytic process increased with increase in
mW/cm2. A linear relationship is observed between light intensity and catalystconcentration but decreased with increase in dye
dye degradation rate constant as seen in Fig. 7. The rate of degradation concentration. The degradation rate of dye followed the pseudo-
increases with increase in UV light intensity as more radiations fall on first order kinetics. Alkaline pH was found to be favorable for
the catalyst hence more OH radicals are produced which leads to high dye removal.
rate of degradation [55]. 2. The maximum degradation efficiency of the dye was achieved
with the combination of UV+H2O2+TiO2
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