Module 3 Initiation Unit 7 What A Week!

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A1: Basic

Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!
A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!

Warm up
 What's more important to you when you travel - comfort and relaxation,
or stimulating new experiences?
 How often do you go on vacation?

 Where did you travel to on your last vacation trip?


_____________________________________ ____________________________________

_____________________________________. ____________________________________

 Name the images and choose

between these sightseeing
activities and explain your choice:
o At an island or beach resort
o Festivals and fairs
o Remains of an ancient or
archeological sites
o Natural parks
o Museums
A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!

Grammar Focus

Forming the past tense of regular verbs.

In Simple Past Tense you have to add –(e)d after regular verbs.

Be careful!

 To a regular verb that ends in –e we only add –d.

move  moved

 Y changes into –i in the end of the regular verbs if there is a consonant before it.
try  tried

 The consonant doubles in the end of the regular verb, if it is a one-syllabled word
which is short if we pronounce it and if there is a vowel in front of the last letter
stop  stopped

Sentence construction in the Simple Past Tense with a regular verb.

affirmative sentence

subject + verb + ed + object + adverb of place + adverb of time

e.g. I dusted the shelves in the living-room yesterday.

negative sentence

subject + did + not (didn’t) + verb + object + adverb of place + adverb of time

e.g. I did not (didn’t) dust the shelves in the living-room yesterday.

interrogative sentence

(Wh-question) + did + subject + verb + object + adverb of place + adverb of time

e.g. Did you dust the shelves in the living-room yesterday?

When did you dust the shelves in the living-room?

A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!

Let’s practice!
I. Rewrite the sentences into the Simple Past Tense.

1. John cleans the car.


2. The people climb on the big


3. Mandy cooks the lunch.


4. He cries.

5. The boy and the girl dance at the


6. Father and his son fish next to the


7. Tim hoovers the carpets.


8. Mr Taylor hunts in the forest.


9. Mrs Brown irons the clothes.

Task 2 - Match the pictures with the
correct sentences and write the number 10. She laughs at the comic.
of the sentence into the box provided ________________________________
next to each picture.
A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!

III. Rewrite the sentences into the Simple Past IV: Rewrite the sentences into the Simple Past.
Tense. Then write a negative sentence. Look at Then write an interrogative sentence. Look at the
the example below. example below.

I dust the shelves. I dusted the shelves. I didn’t I dust the shelves. I dusted the shelves. Did I dust the
dust the shelves. shelves?

1) The dog barks in the garden. 1) Peter dresses in his room.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________

2) The flowers bloom in the park. 2) She drops the ball.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________

3) Peter borrows Mary’s pen. 3) Mum dusts the shelves.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________
______________________________________ _________________________________________

4) Terry brushes her hair. 4) We enter into the room.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________

5) They call him Dick. 5) Tiny fetches the ball.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________

6) They carry books in their bags. 6) The disco finishes at 10 o’clock.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________

7) I change my dress. 7) Mother and father help me.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________

8) The man checks the machines. 8) I hope my dreams will come true.
_________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________

9) I close the window. 9) The children jump on the bed.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________________

10) You comb your hair. 10) Ben kisses Jane every morning.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________
_____________________________________ _________________________________________
A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!

V. Put the verbs in the brackets into Simple VI. Change the following sentences into
Past Tense. interrogative then give short answers according
to the sign. Look at the examples.
1) He _____________ (knock) at the door.
2) Tom _____________ (lie) his mum. 1) Lots of people smoked cigarettes.
3) Mum _____________ (lift) her bags. _____________________________________________
4) They _____________ (like) this _____________________
2) The boy sneezed.
5) You _____________ (listen) to the radio _____________________________________________
in June. _____________________
6) We _____________ (live) in Cambridge.
7) He _____________ (lock) the gate. 3) You started the car.
8) I _____________ (look) at the photos. _____________________________________________
9) Mike _____________ (love) dancing. _____________________
10) I _____________ (believe) her.
4) We stayed at this hotel.
11) She _____________ (visit) her
parents in London.
12) They _____________ (paint) a
beautiful picture. 5) I stepped on this stone.
13) My mum _____________ (ask) me. _____________________________________________
14) Dogs _____________ (hate) cats. _____________________
15) John _____________ (marry) Susan.
16) The cars _____________ (move) in 6) The car parked in front of the house. 
the street.
17) You _____________ (open) the gate.
18) Dad _____________ (pack) the 7) Barbara studied Maths.
dresses into the wardrobe. _____________________________________________
19) I _____________ (pass) by the _____________________
20) You _____________ (pick up) every 8) They talked about the new film.
litter in the street. _____________________________________________
21) Paul and you _____________ (play) _____________________
9) You thanked him for his help.
22) I _____________ (pour) some water _____________________________________________
into the kettle. _____________________
23) Dick _____________ (push) the door.
24) The Lees _____________ (quarrel). 10) Mandy tidied her room on Saturday
25) It _____________ (rain). afternoons. 
26) He _____________ (remember) _________________________________________
everything. _________________________
27) We _____________ (repair) our car
in the garage. 11) He travelled a lot.
28) Grandma _____________ (sew) my ____________________________________
trousers. ______________________________
29) The family _____________ (ski) in
30) The baby _____________ (smile).
A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!

Reading comprehension and pronunciation

Read the following text:

Last summer, Joel and Sara travelled to England for two weeks. They travelled
in August and stayed in a college with other students in Brighton, the South of
England. It was really fantastic because they talked to a lot of students of
different nationalities and learned a lot about other cultures and customs. Of
course, they learned a lot of English too because they practiced it every day. In
the morning they studied a little, they asked the teacher to speak slowly when
necessary and answered her questions. In the afternoon they visited different
places or played different sports at the college. It was so much fun. They often
walked down to the beach with their new friends and played or chatted. In the
evening they were tired so they sometimes watched videos or played board
The best days were Saturday and Sunday because they travelled to London. The
city is very big and they visited all the monuments like Big Ben, The London Eye
and Buckingham Palace. They wanted to see the Queen but they didn’t see her,
only her guards!
They liked everything in the city but their favourite thing was the museums,
especially Madam Tussards. There were lots of realistic figures of famous
people there.
At the end of the two weeks, they were sad to return home. The holidays were
fun and different from usual. They cried a little when they waved goodbye to
their new friends and promised to write or send emails when they arrived

Answer the following questions.

What did Joel and Sara do in the afternoon? Regular Verbs

Did they learn a lot of new things?
What did they like the best?
What did they visit in the capital? True or false? Correct the false ones.
Did they like the museums? Joel and Sara travelled to England for three weeks.
___________________________________________. ___________________________________________.
What museum did they like the best? They stayed in a college.
___________________________________________. ___________________________________________.
Did they see the Queen? Brighton is in the North of England.
___________________________________________. ___________________________________________.
Were they happy at the end of the holidays? Explain. They asked the teacher to speak fast.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________.
___________________________________________. They sometimes walked to the beach.
What did they promise to do when they arrived ___________________________________________.
A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!

Listening and practice

Let's prove your good ear! Listen to this short story, pay attention to the verbs in the
narration, and choose them from the box. Remember to change them into the simple
past tense before putting them in the blanks. (Not all of the verbs below are necessary)

Need Don´t Wait Stop Train

Want Check Watch decide Phone

Listen Paint Walk Rain wash

Yesterday morning, Betty ___________ her e-mails and then ______________ her friend
Alisson. Betty ____________ to go for a walk in the park. Betty _____________ at the bus
stop one Hour but the bus was late. So, She ____________ walk. Betty __________,
___________ and ___________. Did Betty enjoy her walk in the park? No, she _________.
It ___________ for one hour. When did the train stop? It ____________ after she went

Talking Freely
Talk to the class about the most interesting and fascinating activities you did last year.
Did you go sightseeing in Colombia? Did you visit museums, national parks etc.?
A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!
A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!
A1: Basic
Module 3: Initiation
Unit 7: What a week!

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