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Car Sharing - Situation in Croatia

Article · October 2014


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Aleksandar Erceg
University of Osijek


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Review of contemporary business, entrepreneurship and economic issues

Prethodni naslov do prosinca 2013./ Uredništvo / Editorial Board Lektorica i prevoditeljica za engleski jezik / Časopis izlazi dva puta godišnje /
Previous title to December 2013: Dražen Barković, Đula Borozan, Ivan Ferenčak, Ja- English Language Editor and Translator Published biannually
sna Horvat, Mirna Leko Šimić, Marcel Meler, Josip Ljerka Radoš
Mesarić, Sunčica Oberman Peterka, Željko Požega, Adresa uredništva /
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Domagoj Sajter, Nataša Šarlija, Antun Šundalić, Ma- Address of the editorial board
rijana Zekić Sušac, all from Josip Juraj Strossmayer Croatian Language Editor Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku,
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University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku
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U OSIJEKU, EKONOMSKI FAKULTET U Radovi objavljeni u časopisu referiraju se u:
ka, Faculty of Economics, Croatia, Suzana Mar- 31000 Osijek
ković, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Croatia
OSIJEK, FACULTY OF ECONOMICS IN OSIJEK • CAB Abstract, Wallingford, United Kingdom
Hospitality Management, Croatia, Thomas Cleff
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Economics and Business, Slovenia, Igor Jakomin,
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Urednik novak / Assistant Editor
and Transportation, Slovenia, Allan Gibb, Dur-
Dario Šebalj, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of
ham University, United Kingdom, Jerome Katz,
Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia
Saint Louis University, USA.

2 3
Original scientific articles / Izvorni znanstveni članci Review articles / Pregledni članci
1. Ljudevit Pranić, Snježana Pivac ................................................................................................................. 9 1. Milija Bogavac, Ljubomir Miljković, Zoran Lalić, Vesna Šotra, Vladimir Stojanović ..................... 145
Job satisfaction and attitudes of restaurant staff regarding the smoking ban – a case study Enterprise performance measurement systems
Zadovoljstvo poslom i stavovi ugostiteljskog osoblja o zabrani pušenja – studija slučaja Sustavi mjerenja performansi preduzeća

2. Ivana Šandrk Nukić, Josipa Matotek ......................................................................................................... 25 2. Irena Bosnić, Dejan Tubić, Jelena Stanišić ............................................................................................... 153
Importance and trends of organizational culture in construction in eastern Croatia Role of destination management in strengthening the competitiveness of Croatian tourism
Značaj i trendovi organizacijske kulture u građevinarstvu istočne Hrvatske Uloga destinacijskog menadžmenta u jačanju konkurentnosti hrvatskog turizma

3. Filip Cvitić, Mirna Leko Šimić, Jasna Horvat .......................................................................................... 41 3. Marina Budimir ............................................................................................................................................ 171
Genesis, visual attributes and contemporary communication features of the alphabet An overview of research on technological and telecommunication development
Geneza, vizualno određenje i današnje komunikacijske odlike abecede Teorijski osvrt na tehnološki i telekomunikacijski razvitak

4. Aleksandar Erceg ........................................................................................................................................... 183

Carsharing situation in Croatia
Preliminary communications / Prethodna priopćenja Carsharing u Hrvatskoj
1. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Muhammad Azam, Muhammad Ejaz Qureshi ............................................... 59
Analysis of consumption behaviour concerning current income and lags consumption:
Empirical evidence from Pakistan Professional article / Stručni rad
Analiza ponašanja u potrošnji u odnosu na trenutni dohodak: iskustvo Pakistana 1. Jelena Legčević, Katarina Taučer ............................................................................................................... 199
Krizni menadžment u funkciji nove teorije menadžmenta
2. Ana Udovičić, Željko Požega, Boris Crnković........................................................................................... 71 Crisis management in the function of a new theory of management
Analysis of leadership styles in Croatia
Analiza stilova vodstva poduzeća u Hrvatskoj
Book review / Prikaz knjige
3. Julia Perić, Anamarija Delić ....................................................................................................................... 81 1. Katica Križanović ......................................................................................................................................... 211
Social entrepreneurship in Croatia: Do regional disparities influence young people’s Prikaz knjige: 3. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske – vizija i razvoj
perception of social entrepreneurship as a potential career path? / 3rd International Scientific Symposium Economy of Eastern Croatia – Vision and Growth
Socijalno poduzetništvo u Hrvatskoj: Utječu li regionalne nejednakosti na percepciju
mladih ljudi o socijalnom poduzetništvu kao potencijalnoj karijeri?
Guidelines for authors ........................................................................................................ 215
4. Sandra Odobašić, Luka Burilović, Zrinka Tolušić .................................................................................. 93
Main determinants of profitability of the largest banks in the Republic of Croatia Upute autorima .......................................................................................................................................... 217
Glavne determinante profitabilnosti najvećih banaka u Republici Hrvatskoj

5. Ivan Ferenčak, Boris Crnković, Stjepan Rudan ....................................................................................... 113

State and market
Država i tržište

6. Morana Mesarić ............................................................................................................................................ 127

Ratio analysis and Piotroski scoring system in the automobile industry in Croatia
Analiza omjera i Piotroski bodovni sustav u automobilskoj industriji u Hrvatskoj

4 5
Marina Budimir An overview of research on technological and telecommunication development Aleksandar Erceg Carsharing situation in Croatia

Marina Budimir
Aleksandar Erceg UDK 656.1:348.47] (497.5)
Saponia d.d. Osijek Review article
M. Gupca 2, 31000 Osijek Received: April 14, 2014
Teorijski osvrt na tehnološki i telekomunikacijski Phone: +38531513412 Accepted for publishing: May 30, 2014



Mnogi će se autori, počevši od sredine druge polovice prošloga stoljeća pa nadalje, znanstveno i stručno
početi baviti izučavanjem tehnološkoga i telekomunikacijskoga razvitka s pojavom promjena u poslovnim CARSHARING SITUATION
procesima i načinima svakodnevnoga privatnog i poslovnog ophođenja uvjetovanih posredovanjem i
upotrebom tadašnjih novih medija i novih tehnoloških inačica u praksi. Tehnološki i telekomunikacijski
razvitak u vrlo će kratkom vremenskom razmaku potaknuti značajne i sustavne promjene porastom potre-
ba za prilagođavanjem kako bi se uhvatio korak s vremenom i konkurencijom, a što će potaknuti ozbiljnije
bavljenje tom tematikom i problematikom s obzirom na prihvat, upotrebu, koristi i posljedice za svjetske
ekonomije i društvo, ali i interdisciplinarni karakter međusobno isprepletenih područja uvjetovanih, uz-
Carsharing is becoming very popular in the western world as an effective method to contain rising prices
rokovanih ili zahvaćenih tim promjenama.
of fuel and vehicles. It was brought about as a possible solution to the changing condition of growing
Tehnološku i telekomunikacijsku prednost imaju one zemlje u kojima je uspješno usklađen gospodarski rast economies and population where there is an increased need for travel but there is also a need for expense
i napredak s odgovarajućom razinom upotrebe i koristi od informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija, economizing. Due to its role in reducing fuel consumption, controlling pollution and traffic congestion,
a što vrlo jasno statistički i deskriptivno prikazuju odgovarajući pokazatelji. Stoga će se u prvom dijelu there is an increased usage of carsharing services as an alternative transportation option in big cities. Today,
rada pojasniti osviještenost potrebe izučavanja naslovne teme rada s osvrtom na objavljena istraživanja worldwide several different carsharing methods are being used.
iz prošloga stoljeća i u novije vrijeme, dok će se u drugome dijelu rada pozornost posvetiti suvremen-
This paper examines the current situation of carsharing in the world and two initiatives for starting car-
im tehnološkim i telekomunikacijskim trendovima u svijetu, Europi i domicilno, a biti potkrijepljeno
sharing programs in Croatia. The main goal of this paper is to define what carsharing is, how successful
statističkim pokazateljima objavljenima u najnovijim službenim izvještajima. Praćenje tržišnih potreba
it is in the world and if there is potential for it in Croatia. The most developed carsharing regions in the
i profitabilnosti tehnoloških i telekomunikacijskih usluga postaje prioritet sa svrhom smanjenja raspona
world are Western Europe and North America. In the last several years Asia, Australia and South America
između broja korisnika razvijenih, zemalja u razvoju i nerazvijenih zemalja.
have started carsharing projects and have the biggest growth in members and vehicles. Carsharing is still
not recognized in Croatia. There were a few initiatives for starting the program but they failed. In order to
Ključne riječi: tehnološki razvitak, telekomunikacijski razvitak, informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije determine the possibility and potential of carsharing in Croatia it is necessary to conduct further market

Keywords: carsharing, transport alternative, transport economy, cost savings

1. Introduction times it is difficult to reach their destination using

public transportation or without combining differ-
ent transportation models in case one does not own
Transportation has always been important for peo-
a car. Carsharing might be a solution for these prob-
ple either for business or private purposes. Today
lems that is gaining in popularity as a transporta-
people are facing several problems among which
tion model that can fill the gap between transit and
are the number of cars and the increase of traffic
private cars (Sperling and Shaheen, 1999).
and how to reach certain destinations. The number
of cars and other transport vehicles is growing every Carsharing is a term used to describe the program
day and traffic congestion is increasingly becoming of open access vehicles that can be shared and in-
a major issue, especially for people living in big cit- tended for occasional trips in case a person needs
ies. In order to reach their destinations people have a car. Ball et al. (2005: 2-1) state that carsharing
to use different means of transportation and some- programs share among others the following charac-

182 God. XXVII, BR. 1/2014. str. 171-182 God. XXVII, BR. 1/2014. str. 183-195 183
Aleksandar Erceg Carsharing situation in Croatia UDK 656.1:348.47] (497.5) / Review article

teristics: an organized group of participants, one or 2. Carsharing history some cases and on some markets there was a sig- Britton (2000) stated that by adding a carsharing
more shared vehicles, usage booked in advance, rent- nificant time gap before carsharing services started program to their transport possibilities, cities could
als for short time periods (increments of one hour or again. As carsharing grew, there were less experi- provide a functional, integrated and multi-modal
During the last 70 years since carsharing was first
less) and self-accessing vehicles. In some countries ments and demonstrations even in the new markets. transportation system, which can offer an alterna-
introduced in the 1940s, the car sharing market has
(mostly Great Britain), the term carsharing is used tive to private cars. In order to be a successful al-
steadily grown in volume as people found carshar-
for carpooling or ride sharing so it is needed to dif- ternative and part of the transport system, carshar-
ing an effective method of containing the rising
ferentiate the terms. In Great Britain the term car- ing needs to have other transport options (walking,
prices of fuel and vehicles. The first attempt to es- 3. Carsharing
sharing is used for privately owned vehicles that can public transit, rent-a-car, taxi) available to potential
tablish a carsharing program in Europe was in 1948 3.1. As a transport alternative
be shared for a particular trip while the term “car members of the program. As a transport alterna-
in Zurich, Switzerland when the cooperative Sefage
clubs” is used for vehicles that are owned by sepa- tive carsharing provides options for middle distance
(German Selbstfahrergemeinschaft) started to oper-
rate organizations and shared between a number of The carsharing model and the concept of a carshar- trips for which there is a need for flexibility or for
ate (Shaheen and Cohen, 2008). This cooperative
different users who may use them at different times ing market was brought about as a possible solu- reaching destinations that are not covered by public
was working until 1998. After Sefage, throughout
(Danielis, Rotaris and Valeri, 2012). Thus, the term tion to the changing world of growing economies transport (Ball et al., 2005).
Europe several carsharing experiments started but
car clubs in Great Britain is used as an alternative and population in which there is an increasing need Frost and Sullivan (2011) showed in their report
stopped with operations. Britton (2000) mentioned
term for carsharing that is used in the United States. for travel and movement. However, there is a need that carsharing can fulfill needs and allow users to
some of them: Procotip (France), Witkar (Nether-
The term carsharing is mostly used in Europe and to economize expenses. The carsharing transport do without a private car or a second car. One of the
lands), Green Cars (Great Britain), Bilpoolen and
will be used in this paper as well. Most of the au- model can help in reducing car ownership while en- carsharing benefits is its mobility insurance because
Bilkoopeartiv (Sweden). Successful carsharing
thors who have published papers about carsharing suring a high level of mobility for urban residents it provides more confidence than other transport al-
experiences in Europe started in the 1980s espe-
use a description of what carsharing is instead of a (Gossen and Scholl, 2011). Britton (2000) refers ternatives to people who need transport for shorter
cially in Denmark, France, England, Ireland, and
definition. Craig (2004: 10) defined carsharing as to carsharing as the “missing link” in the package distances (Craig, 2004). Figure 2 shows different
Italy where there are now more than 200 carshar-
an organized neighborhood-based short-term car of transport alternatives. He pointed out that car- transport alternatives based on travel distance. Car
ing organizations in more than 350 cities. Due to
rental program in which pre-approved members sharing has its place somewhere between public sharing is placed for city transport and shorter dis-
the increased number of these organizations, the
have access to a variety of vehicles that are strategi- transportation, walking, taxis, private vehicles and tances and can be used by people traveling from
European Car Sharing organization was founded in
cally placed in a number of locations throughout a cycling. Craig (2004) stated that carsharing should suburbs and those who are on intercity trips.
1991 (Shaheen, Sperling and Wagner, 1998) in or-
community. Laurino and Grimaldi (2011: 3) stated be viewed not as a freestanding concept but as part
der to support further development and growth of As a transport alternative even in the most transit
that the main idea of carsharing is that a vehicle is of the greater whole. Other authors (Muheim and
carsharing in Europe. In North America, carsharing and pedestrian friendly environment, carsharing
used by different people at different moments of the Partner, 1998; Harms and Truffer, 1998; Shaheen et
was far more limited in relation to Europe. It started can enhance travel options with its speed and flexi-
day determining a more efficient use of a resource. al., 1998) place carsharing as part of an overall sus-
in the early 1980s with Mobility Enterprise at Pur- bility (Duncan, 2010). Slavulj et al. (2013) concluded
This shows the main characteristics of carsharing – tainable transport system. Figure 1 shows that car-
due University and Short-Term Auto Rental in San that carsharing is a relatively new option for urban
one can use a car whenever they want and for as sharing can be related to other models of transpor-
Francisco (Shaheen and Cohen, 2012) as the first transportation, which seeks to benefit the environ-
long as one needs a car. Duncan (2010) stated that tation; it is connected with other transport models;
two carsharing organizations. Mobility Enterprise ment by reducing emissions from the use of private
another important characteristic of carsharing is and it correlates based on distance and flexibility of
stopped work after the research at Purdue Univer- cars, reducing traffic congestion and cutting down
that it is a membership-based service. Carsharing needed travel.
sity was finished and the one in San Francisco failed on the demand for parking.
is different from traditional rent-a-car services. In
due to economic reasons. Today nine different car-
regard to its organizational aspects, Danielis et al.
sharing operations exist in Northern America and
(2012: 104) found the following differences: “users Figure 1. Carsharing in relation to other modes of Figure 2. Transport alternatives
they share a similar operation model (Briton, 2000).
are members of a club and have been pre-approved transportation
to be admitted to the program; reservation, pickup, All early carsharing experiments have one charac-
and return is self-service; vehicle locations are dis- teristic in common – they failed shortly after they
tributed throughout the service area, and often lo- started. According to Ball et al. (2005), the main
cated for access by public transport; carsharing time reasons for their failure included inadequate plan-
window is 24h a day and is not limited to office ning, financial management and lack of support
hours; vehicles can be rented by the minute and by from local governments. Although carsharing origi-
the hour, not only by the day as with a rental service; nated in Europe, it has expanded worldwide and
and insurance and fuel costs are always included in made the shared-vehicle system popular through-
the rates”. Lu, Han and Cherry (2013) found that the out the world. Shaheen and Cohen (2008) conclud-
most important difference between carsharing and ed that early carsharing companies, while entering
rent-a-car service is that carsharing is mainly used new markets, most often consisted of demonstra-
for short distance trips within a city, rather than tion projects with the single aim of showing how
long distance travel for which rent-a-car services is carsharing works. Over time, the market matured
mostly used. and most of these projects were replaced with per-
manent carsharing companies. It is notable that in Source: Adapted from Britton, E. (2000) Source: Adapted from Frost and Sulivan (2011)

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Aleksandar Erceg Carsharing situation in Croatia UDK 656.1:348.47] (497.5) / Review article

Figure 3. Different carsharing models and Cohen, 2012) and on organizational forms (Ball These numbers increased and in 2010 there were
et al., 2005). Recently, franchising, outsourcing and more than 1,000 cities with 32,000 vehicles that
replication programs in carsharing have been intro- were shared by more than 1.2 million individuals
duced across the world in order to further promote (Shaheen and Cohen, 2012).
the use of carsharing. In addition, in 2012 there were 27 countries on 5
continents with around 1.8 million members us-
ing more than 43,550 vehicles with several more
4. Carsharing in the world countries planning to start carsharing organiza-
tions (Shaheen and Cohen, 2013). Currently, the
Carsharing is very popular in big cities in North global carsharing market is very competitive and
America and Europe where people do not want to fragmented with several international, regional, and
have additional costs of having their own car. Mod- community based carsharing companies operating
ern carsharing originated in Switzerland, and has on the market (Koncept Analytics, 2011). Carshar-
since spread across the world. Currently, carshar- ing companies generally compete in several areas
ing is present on five continents - Europe, North that include primarily price, fleet range, carsharing
America, South America, Asia and Australia. Al- locations, and marketing expertise.
though Europe is the biggest carsharing y hub, oth-
The two largest continents are North America with
er regions of the world are also showing significant
50.8% of total members and 36% of total vehicles
growth. Today successful carsharing is mostly asso-
and Europe with 38.7% of total members and 47%
ciated with dense populated areas. However, there
of total vehicles. In 2012 South America joined
are some programs in Europe that provide services
carsharing – with 1,500 members and 60 vehicles
in rural areas. Slavulj et al. (2012) noted that low-
(Shaheen and Cohen, 2013). In the worldwide mar-
density areas are more difficult to offer carsharing
ket the carsharing leader is Zipcar, Inc., followed by
due to the absence of other models of transporta-
Hertz on Demand and Enterprise WeCar from the
tion and larger distances users have to travel by car.
USA, Communauto and Modo Coop from Canada,
Graph 1 shows changes in the number of carsharing Mobility Car Sharing from Europe, and City Hop
members and vehicles in the world during the last from Australia (Shaheen and Cohen, 2012). There
decade. In 2006 carsharing was present in 600 cit- are some well-known names from rent-a-car com-
ies worldwide with 11,700 vehicles that are shared panies present on the world carsharing market. In
by almost 350,000 individuals (Shaheen and Cohen, 2013 Avis Budget Group bought world leader Zip-
Source: Adapted from Barth and Shaheen (2002) driven between multiple stations and is usually con- 2008). Car and with this became more competitive with
nected with resorts, national parks and university Hertz who already had their own carsharing com-
3.2. Carsharing models campuses. pany “Hertz on Demand”.
This model can be linked to transit and its advantage Graph 1. Changes in the number of carsharing
At present, there are several different carsharing is that vehicles can be used for one-way trips instead members and vehicles 2006-2012
models being used worldwide. According to Bart of two-way trips as in the neighborhood carsharing
and Shaheen (2002), these models include neigh- model. It has introduced flexibility for users and
borhood carsharing, multi-nodal shared-use vehi- complexity for managing carsharing due to the nec-
cles and station cars. These three models are shown essary vehicles relocation. The station carsharing
in Figure 3 and will be explained in more detail. model has been implemented internationally but
The neighborhood carsharing model originated mostly used in the United States (Shaheen, 1999).
in Europe and it is a basic model of carsharing. In It focuses on a link between the transit station and
this model, vehicles are often placed in residential the workplace (Ball et al., 2005). At first station car
neighborhoods and less frequently in business ar- models consisted of a fleet of vehicles stationed
eas and usage and vehicle costs are shared among at railways stations and were initiated by railway
a group of individuals. The main characteristic for companies. Characteristics of this model are a low
this model is that it results in increased transit rid- user-to-vehicle ratio in contrast to other carshar-
ership because users become more conscious of the ing models (Barth and Shaneen, 2002). During the
individual costs of each travel (Barth and Shaheen, 1990s this model grew in Asia due to the integration
2002). A more generalized carsharing model is mul- of electronic technologies. Other researchers divid-
Source: Adapted from Shaheen and Cohen (2012)
ti-nodal shared-use vehicles in which vehicles are ed carsharing based on parking policies (Shaheen

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Aleksandar Erceg Carsharing situation in Croatia UDK 656.1:348.47] (497.5) / Review article

Figure 4. Key carsharing organizations in Europe Graph 2. Changes in the number of carsharing
members and vehicles 2006-2013

Source: Adapted from Shaheen and Cohen (2013) 4.1. Carsharing in Croatia
The growth of carsharing in North America is seen
in Graph 2. In 2013 carsharing membership grew Presently, there is no carsharing organization in
24% in the USA and almost 54% in Canada and Croatia. There have been two initiatives: ODDO
the growth in vehicles is almost 24% in the USA Carsharing and Orix Carsharing. Other rent-a-car
and 36% in Canada. In 2013 a carsharing program companies (Hertz, Avis Budget, Sixt, Europcar) that
started in Mexico with 60 vehicles and 620 mem- are present in Croatia are evaluating the market
bers. Additionally, two car producers’ carsharing situation and they will change their presence in case
organizations (Daimler Car2Go and BMW Drive- the market condition changes. The two largest rent-
Now) have almost a 30% share in the total vehicle a-car agencies are Hertz and Avis Budget. Although
number in North America showing the interest of they offer carsharing worldwide, their service is still
carmakers for this model of car usage. not in Croatia. In the next part of this paper both
initiatives will be presented.
In other parts of the world carsharing is unknown
and is still in its early phase of development. Other During 2011 in Croatia there had been an initiative
parts of the world have around 11% of total world to start carsharing as a startup company – Autodivi-
Source: Adapted from Frost and Sulivan (2011) members – South America 1%, Asia 9% and Aus- sion Croatia but their project “ODDO Carsharing”
tralia 1%. Although they have a small share in total ended because they could not find investors for this
Besides Avis and Hertz other traditional rent-a- vehicles. The leading carsharing countries in Europe
world members, their growth rates are significantly kind of business. In order to proceed with this pro-
car companies have started to copy the carsharing are Switzerland, Germany, England, Ireland, Italy,
higher than those in Europe and North America. ject the company needed help from the city, which
model so companies like U Haul’s U Car Share and Norway and France where most of the carsharing
Carsharing in Australia has increased in the last five had to provide resources such as public spaces and
Daimler’s Car2Go can also be found on the mar- activities are found and where the largest car shar-
years on average 25% and this has been partly due also the possibility of using public transport for car-
ket. Berman et al. (2013) stated that the worldwide ing companies exist. In most of the other European
to the continual climb in world crude oil prices and sharing users in order to have modular transport
carsharing market has grown from an informal countries carsharing is being evaluated and there
the demand for cost-efficient and convenient inner- (Kukec, 2011). They wanted to start with 20 cars in
network of small companies and organizations to have been some experiments in Eastern Europe for
city transport. The leaders of carsharing in Asia are autumn of 2011 in the Croatian capital Zagreb with
a market driven by major multinational corpora- starting carsharing programs. According to Mezei
Japan and Singapore where the largest business seg- three categories of cars: budget, business and travel.
tions. Today we are witnesses to a strong partner- (2013) Avalon Car(e) Services launched a carshar-
ments are residential neighborhoods linked to rail Based on an interview with Bojan Dragojević (2013)
ship between carsharing companies, well-known ing system in Budapest, Hungary targeting busi-
and business (Barth et al., 2006). There are several who was ODDO Carsharing project manager a lot
rent-a-car companies, larger automotive manufac- nesses with a plan of having 50 cars in their fleet by
carsharing companies in Japan (18 with 176 vehicles of work had been done for this project but the pro-
turers and a range of public institutions including December 2013.
and 3,500 members) and Singapore (4 with 432 ve- ject was never implemented due to many obstacles.
municipalities, universities, and public transporta- In North America in 2013 (Shaheen and Cohen, hicles and 12,200 members). There have been some The main obstacles for project realization were:
tion agencies. 2013) there were 46 carsharing companies (25 in the initiatives in Malaysia, South Korea and China for • City government did not understand the concept
Most of the carsharing organizations are located USA, 20 in Canada, 1 in Mexico) having more than starting carsharing companies in recent years. at the time Autodivision Croatia was starting the
and operating in Europe. Figure 4 shows that car- 1 million members and more than 15,500 vehicles in
sharing in Europe is found in 15 countries and the USA, Canada and Mexico.
has around 700,000 members with almost 21,000

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Aleksandar Erceg Carsharing situation in Croatia UDK 656.1:348.47] (497.5) / Review article

Graph 3. Revenue from Carsharing Services According to Berman et al. (2013) global carshar- 6. Potential in Croatia
ing services reached 937 million US dollars in 2013
and should grow to 6.2 billion US dollars by 2020
Although currently there is not a carsharing organi-
(Graph 3). Frost and Sullivan (2011) stated that the
zation operating in Croatia, potential exists. The
carsharing market will grow from 2.3 million us-
potential can be found with business people and
ers in 2010 to 26 million users in 2020. Europe and
the many tourists that are visiting Croatia. Danielis
North America should remain the two largest car-
et al. (2012) noted that tourists represent an inter-
sharing markets since they already have conditions
esting target group for carsharing programs since
for carsharing growth – large urban areas, high
they often visit locations without their private car. If
transportation costs and public transport in urban
tourists want to visit different locations, then car-
areas. It is important to state that the predicted
sharing organizations are the best possible solution
growth of these two regions will be lower than the
for them since public transportation is probably not
predicted growth in other world regions.
available with the necessary frequency and flex-
The potential for expansion in Asia and Pacific re- ibility. Carsharing organizations can compete with
gion exists with a higher growth rate than in North public transport, rent-a-car and taxis on cost and
America and Europe but is limited due to the poten- flexibility characteristics mostly depending on cost
tially smaller number of countries with carsharing structure, service organizations and tourists’ needs.
characteristics. Growth rates in Latin America, Af- Banas (2014) found that the most important car-
rica and the Middle East will be higher than in Eu- sharing benefit is cost – carsharing can save travel-
rope but their total revenue potential will be smaller ers and tourists up to 40 percent and provide them
than in other world regions. with benefits of choosing their car. Today there are
Carsharing is emerging as an additional business several carsharing programs intended for tourists
opportunity for automotive manufacturers such as worldwide and include: Car Sharing Vancouver for
BMW, Daimler, Volkswagen and PSA Peugeot Cit- Tourists, Green Car-sharing by the hour at Hawai-
Source: Adapted from Berman, B., et al. (eds) (2013) Currently, there are not enough potential members
roen. This can be seen as their opportunity to retain ian hotels, Travelling & Car Sharing Llanarmon.
for carsharing in Croatia so Orix did not continue
with further development of their carsharing mod- customers and achieve long-term sustainability, Both carsharing initiatives in Croatia were intended
• Car sellers in Croatia were not interested in part- el. Another reason is that Orix is the leader on the (Gossen and Scholl, 2011; Frost and Sullivan, 2011) for tourists and business people. One was situated
nership in this project; Croatian market of rent-a-car services, having al- as an alternative or supplement to personal vehicle on the Adriatic coast and the second one in Za-
most 50% of the market. They have about 1,900 cars ownership and can provide potential drivers with greb. The initiative based on the Adriatic coast was
• A big investment for starting the business, pur-
in 30 different categories and a network of 19 offices a convenient and affordable personal transporta- counting on tourists that are coming to the sea-
chasing cars and equipment;
around Croatia. tion option (Berman et al., 2013). When carsharing side without their own car and want to see more of
• There was no interest in advertising space on ve- companies manage to achieve sufficient revenue per Croatia. The second initiative was based in Zagreb
hicles for the first six months of business; vehicle to have a sustainable and profitable busi- and was intended for business people visiting the
• No strategic partner in project implementation. ness, the carsharing market will grow rapidly. As Croatian capital as well as tourists. There have been
5. Is there potential for carsharing growth? the key question for future carsharing development significant barriers for successfully starting both
Currently, the project is on hold and no one is work- and growth, it is important to see how carsharing initiatives, especially on the Adriatic coast. The
ing on its implementation. However, in case there In today’s world carsharing is seen as a possible fuel will impact car rental and how car rental will im- biggest impact on future potential of carsharing in
will be interest in the future, it is possible to restart consumption reduction tool. Based on its effective pact carsharing due to the fact that many rent-a-car Croatia is exerted by the government, banks and
the project. role in pollution control and reducing traffic con- companies have also started or bought carsharing other stakeholders (Bičak, 2013; Dragojević, 2013),
Another initiative for starting a carsharing program gestion, it is possible to see a trend of increased us- companies – Hertz, Sixt, Avis Budget (Gossen and who do not understand the concept. Furthermore,
in Croatia came from Orix Rent-a-Car company. age of carsharing as an alternative transport option Scholl, 2001; Shaheen, 2013). there may be too few potential users who recognize
They were considering implementing this program (Koncept Analytics, 2012). An additional trend is this way of transport. Therefore, there is need for
based on the globally increased interest of this the growing use and popularity of the peer-to-peer further market research since the carsharing poten-
popular service. A market research done by Orix carsharing model in the world. One reason for the tial is still unknown and needs to be examined care-
in 2012 concluded that the Croatian market is not growing popularity and usage of carsharing is the fully before the carsharing program starts in Croa-
ready for this kind of service (Bičak, 2013). The re- rising world urban population. Other reasons are tia. This research should cover tourism companies,
search also stated that development or purchase of the growing traffic congestion and rising fuel costs rent-a-car agencies and potential entrepreneurs
technology and software is extremely expensive, a worldwide. It is important to state that if carshar- who have some contact with the car sales industry.
great number of vehicles are needed in order to pay- ing is to be successful, people need to change their Market research results will reveal if there is a po-
off the investment and finally there is a need for a lifestyle, which is a major challenge for the further tential for carsharing in Croatia.
huge number of members. growth of carsharing usage in the world.

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