Arrest Report and Adjudication

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PRINT DATE: 06/22/2023 NUMBER: 2023060535 Page 4

Agency: MPD Author: DOE,J

Incident No: 2023060535 Title: DUI Report Type: I
Date Entered: 6/16/2023
On June 16, 2023 approximately 0210 hours, I Officer Chism 525 was traveling north on 1-55 and
noticed a strong odor of marijuana. I noticed a BMW 528 in front of me and no other car was in front
of me. I continued to follow the vehicle and continued to smell the strong odor of marijuana. While
following the vehicle, I noticed that the passenger side tires completely crossed over the painted
solid line. I initiated my blue lights to conduct a traffic stop.

When the vehicle was pulling over, I noticed that the vehicle completely pulled off the interstate onto
the grass before coming to a stop. When the vehicle stopped, I exited my vehicle and continued to
smell the strong odor of marijuana. I walked to the driver side and noticed that the marijuana smell
was coming from that vehicle. I made contact with Angelique Charb6ne Lee. I informed her that I
noticed she could not maintain her lane and informed her that I could smell the odor of marijuana
coming from vehicle while following her. I asked her if she was smoking and she stated that she was
smoking earlier in the day around 2200 hours. While talking to her, I noticed that she had blood shot
eyes and a strong odor of burnt marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. While looking inside the
vehicle, I noticed smoke inside the.vehicle it appeared to be coming from the air vents. I noticed that
Lee demeanor was extremely relaxed.

-I asked for her driver's license and insurance. When she handed over her driver's license, I asked
her to step out of the vehicle and she complied. When she got in front of my vehicle, I asked so you
-stated that you smoked earlier and she stated yes she was with elected officials at a gathering. She
continued to state that's where she was smoking marijuana. While talking to her, I noticed the
. strong odor of marijuana coming from her mouth and person. I asked her if she would do field
sobriety and she stated she would.

I instructed and demonstrated Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus to Lee. I checked for equal pupil size
and resting nystagmus. She had equal pupil size and did not have resting nystagmus. I checked
her for equal tracking and she had equal tracking in both eyes. I checked for lack of smooth pursuit
and she did not have lack of smooth pursuit. I checked for distinct and sustained nystagmus at
maximum deviation and she did not have nystagmus at maximum deviation. I checked for
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees and she did not have nystagmus prior to 45 degrees. She did not
have Vertical Gaze Nystagmus. I received a total of O clues. While conducting the test, I noticed that
she was smiling and I had to inform her not to move her head multiple times.

I demonstrated and instructed the Walk and Turn to Lee. She could not maintain the starting
position during the instruction phase. She had to use her arms to balance and would sway while in
the starting position. she missed heel to toe step three times on the first series of steps. After her
turn, she attempted to take the first step and stepped off the line nearly losing her balance. She
missed every heel to toe step on the second series of steps. I got a total of 3 clues.

I demonstrated and instructed the One Leg Stand to Lee. When I instructed her to begin, I noticed
that she immediately started to sway and use her arms to balance. She placed her foot down
multiple times and hopped multiple times. I got a total of 4 clues. She stated that no one could

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