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Deptt. of IT, GCECT

1. Project title: Comparison of Different Parallel Graph Searching Techniques

Description: Graph Searching techniques systematically explore the vertices and
edges of a graph. They can be used to compute many interesting properties of
graphs and are at the heart of many graph algorithms. They can uncover hidden
patterns, discover the shortest paths, and identify clusters in the graph. Parallel
Graph Searching uses multiple processors simultaneously to search a given graph so
that the time required for the searching process is reduced. As parallel searching
takes less time, so, more sophisticated problems can be performed in the same
amount of time. This gives competitive advantage. In this project, different graph
searching techniques will be implemented in both sequential and parallel manners.
For each graph searching technique, by comparing the sequential and parallel
implementations it will be shown that the parallel implementation is better. Finally,
the parallel implementations of the different graph searching techniques will be
compared to find out which graph searching technique is best. The programming
language used will be C and the operating system used will be Linux.

2. Topic: Ocular Disease Intelligent Recognition (ODIR) (SK)

About: Early ocular disease detection is an economic and effective way to prevent
blindness caused by diabetes, glaucoma, cataract, age-related macular degeneration
(AMD), and many other diseases. Rapid and automatic detection of diseases is
critical and urgent in reducing the ophthalmologist’s workload and prevents vision
damage of patients. Computer vision and deep learning can automatically detect
ocular diseases after providing high-quality medical eye fundus images.
Objective: Experiments and approaches towards building an advanced classification
model using convolutional neural networks written using the TensorFlow library.

3. Title: Medical Data Analysis using Machine Learning (MM)

The objective of the project is to develop models that relies on algorithms to
automatically identify patterns in medical data set and can make predictions or
decisions without explicit programming. To achieve this, algorithms are trained with
large amount of healthcare data to find the patterns that allow medical professionals
to recognize new diseases, make decisions about risks and predict treatment
4. Topic: Analyzing OppNet Performance Based on Static Node Locations (RM)
An Opportunistic Network (OppNet) is a special type of MANET, where node
(mobile devices capable of communicating wirelessly) mobility, plays a crucial role.
This project aims to analyze the performance of an OppNet with strategically
positioned static nodes. The simulation will be conducted using the ONE simulator.

5. Dominant Node Detection in Citation Network (AP)

Finding important nodes is a classic task in network science. Typically, central nodes
are assumed to be important, and numerous network centrality measures have been
proposed. Dominant nodes can dominate many others and are not dominated by
many others. A citation graph (or citation network), in information science and
bibliometric, is a directed graph that describes the citations within a collection of
documents. Identifying dominant nodes in a citation network will be helpful to
choose influential documents in a citation network.

6. Deep fake Image tampering identification (PD)

Image tampering is quite a common phenomenon in today’s digital era. In our
previous work, we have identified tampering using noise residual from ordinary
forged images. But for deep fake images, as deep neural networks are used to fake
the images, we also need counter measures using deep neural networks.

7. Solving Synchronization Problem in Parallel Processing (SM)

In parallel programming execution time is less & efficiency is more .So, in a short-
time many complex problems can be solved. Parallel programming has numerous
applications in today’s world. Synchronization problem is a very important problem
in parallel programming. In this project we will solve synchronization problems
using thread programming in C.

8. Project Title: Deep learning method to detect infection caused by “Novel

Corona Virus pneumonia” from High resolution CT images. (PA)
Project Description: Computed tomography (CT) is the preferred imaging method
for diagnosing COVID-19 pneumonia. The proposed project aims to construct a
system based on deep learning for detecting COVID-19 pneumonia on high
resolution CT for its cost effectiveness over RTPCR test. In this project a model
based approach is to be adopted on top of powerful training algorithms for medical
image segmentation and identification. To train the model CT images may be
randomly chosen from the available dataset. A survey work may be performed
among the available network architectures related to this work.

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