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DOCTOR MARIA: Good morning, I am Doctor Maria, with who I speak?

Who am
I speaking with?
ALANIS: Good morning I am Alanis.
DOCTOR MARIA: Hello Alanis what is the reason for your call? What can I help
you with today? (suena más a algo que diría un doctor)
ALANIS SITUATION 1: My arm hurts so I can't use my computer. I have to finish
a report by tomorrow, it's very important because is my definitive final note grade of
the semester, what should I do, Doctor?
DOCTOR MARÍA: (No sé qué tan importante sea lo realista que es la
conversación pero en mi opinión debería preguntarle en qué parte del brazo le
duele y si hizo mucha fuerza o algo) You should drink take a diclofenac, it'll is
help you reduce inflammation and ease the pain. But if it still hurts you should make
rosemary water,have in mind the water must be hot, you use take a towel and d you
wet it the towel with the water and then you put the towel on your arm. You
shouldn’t heavy things to carry because you can get worse of your arm pain. Don't
try to carry any heavy things or use strenght, it'll worsen the pain.
ALANIS: Oh thank you doctor I will follow the recommendations.
DOCTOR MARÍA: You'´re welcome, can I help you with anything else?
ALANIS: No doctor, thank you, bye.
DOCTOR MARÍA: goodbyeBye.

DOCTOR ALANIS: Hello I’m my name is Doctor Alanis and today I will attend to
your situation I will be your doctor, tell me your name and what’s the situation.
MARÍA SITUATION B: Hello doctor, my name is Maria.
I've got terrible backache; I can't walk well. I'm going on holiday tomorrow and I've
got two heavy bags to carry, I’m going to travel alone and there isn't a person to help
me load my bags. I already took acetaminophen but my back still hurts, what should
I do?
ALANIS: I recommend you massage yourself with arnica, it is an anti-
inflammatory, and also you should drink ginger tea, this will relieve the pain, take
good care of yourself because back pain can become dangerous if you do not take
care of it. You should also buy in the pharmacy Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
MARÍA: Can you send me a message with the names of medicines?
ALANIS: Of course, I’ll write in the chat text it to you.
MARÍA: Thank you doctor.
ALANIS: You’re welcome, goodbye.

DOCTOR MARIA: Good morning, I’m Doctor my name is Maria, and today I
will help you with your situation be your doctor, tell me, what is the problem?
ALANIS: Hello doctor, I have got a headache and a bad sore throat. I've got have an
important interview for a new job tomorrow. Could you recommend something to
ease the pain while I go to the hospital?
DOCTOR MARIA: Does your throat burn when you eat?
ALANIS: Yes, a little.
DOCTOR MARÍA: Oh, you may have pharyngitis, you should drink paracetamol,
it'll is help you reduce inflammation and ease the pain also you should also gargle
(no estoy segura si es make gargles) with warm water and salt for to remove
bacterias. Regarding with the headache, you should take and drink Advil or you
should drink ginger tea, this will ease your headache.
ALANIS: Really thank you very much.
DOCTOR MARÍA: You’re welcome, that you are well take care a lot, goodbye.
ALANIS: Bye, thank you.

DOCTOR ALANIS: Hello, my name is Alanis and today I will be your doctor. Can
I help you?
MARÍA: Hello doctor. My leg hurts so I can’t walk very far. My friends invited me
to a party and I want to dance but my leg has been bothering me a lot. I haven’t
taken anything for the pain, what should I do?
DOCTOR ALANIS: If you have muscle pain, I recommend applying ice to the area
for about 15 minutes, stretching and massaging very carefully. You should go to the
pharmacy andto buy ibuprofen or paracetamol. I would think you should better rest
at home, but if you prefer to go to the party be careful with your leg.
MARÍA: And how long will the medicine last?
DOCTOR ALANIS: TheIt will effect will last for in three hours or four hours.
MARÍA: Perfect for going to the party.
DOCTOR ALANIS: Oh yes! Jajajaja.
MARÍA: Thank you doctor.
DOCTOR ALANIS: You’re welcome, goodbye.

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