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Resource for Students

(Adapted from “IBM EdTech Youth Challenge – Project Logbook” developed by IBM
in collaboration with Macquarie University, Australia and Australian Museum)




AI Project Logbook

PROJECT NAME: Plant Disease Detection

SCHOOL NAME: Ramagya School, Noida

YEAR/CLASS: 2023-2024/Class 12th

TEACHER NAME: MRS. Santosh Rawat



1. Divyanshu Jain 12th A

2. Ali Shezam 12th B

3. Tejas Dutta 12th A

1. Introduction
This document is our Project Logbook, and it will be where we will record our ideas, thoughts
and answers as we work to solve a local problem using AI.

Refer to the AI Project Guide for more details about what we did at each step of our project.

2. Team Roles
2.1 Who is in your team and what are their roles?

Role Role description Team Member Name

Data Expert Find out useful Data for our Ali Shezam

Coder creates software by converting a task Ali Shezam

into a set of commands for the
system to process and execute

Design Producing a host of ideas, Divyanshu Jain

selecting the best ones

Prototype and Create a Prototype and test the Tejas Dutta

model for errors
Divyanshu Jain

Information conducting experiments and Tejas Dutta

analyze data to find solutions to
Researcher diverse computing problems

2.2 Project plan

The following table is a guide for your project plan. You may use this or create your own version
using a spreadsheet which you can paste into this section. You can expand the ‘Notes’ section to add
reminders, things that you need to follow up on, problems that need to be fixed urgently, etc.

Phase Task Planned Planned Planned Actual Actual Actual Who is Notes/Remarks
start end duration start end date duration responsible
date date (hours, date (hours,
minutes) minutes)
Preparing for Coursework, 1/07/2023 05/07/2023 40 mins 1/07/2023 05/07/2023 40 mins ALL Done
the project readings
Set up a 06/07/2023 10/07/2023 40 mins 06/07/2023 10/07/2023 40 mins Done
team folder
on a shared
Defining the Background 11/07/2023 15/07/2023 40 mins 11/07/2023 15/07/2023 40 mins ALL Done
problem reading
Research 16/07/2023 20/07/2023 40 mins 16/07/2023 20/07/2023 40 mins Done
issues in our
Team 21/07/2023 25/07/2023 40 mins 21/07/2023 25/07/2023 40 mins Done
meeting to
issues and
select an
issue for the
Complete 26/07/2023 30/07/2023 40 mins 26/07/2023 30/07/2023 40 mins Done
section 3 of
the Project
Rate 31/07/2023 31/07/2023 40 mins 31/07/2023 31/07/2023 30 mins Done
Understanding Identify users 01/08/2023 05/08/2023 40 mins 01/08/2023 05/08/2023 40 mins ALL Done
the users
Meeting with 06/08/2023 10/08/2023 40 mins 06/08/2023 10/08/2023 40 mins Done
users to
Interview 11/08/2023 15/08/2023 40 mins 11/08/2023 15/08/2023 40 mins Done
with user (1)
Interview 16/08/2023 20/08/2023 40 mins 16/08/2023 20/08/2023 40 mins Done
with user (2),
Complete 21/08/2023 25/08/2023 40 mins 21/08/2023 25/08/2023 40 mins Done
section 4 of
the Project
Rate 26/08/2023 26/08/2023 40 mins 26/08/2023 26/08/2023 30 mins Done
Brainstorming Team 27/08/2023 31/08/2023 40 mins 27/08/2023 31/08/2023 40 mins ALL Done
meeting to
ideas for a
Complete 01/09/2023 05/09/2023 40 mins 01/09/2023 05/09/2023 40 mins Done
section 5 of
the Project
Rate 06/09/2023 06/09/2023 40 mins 06/09/2023 06/09/2023 30 mins Done
Designing Team 07/09/2023 11/09/2023 40 mins 07/09/2023 11/09/2023 40 mins ALL Done
your solution meeting to
design the
Complete 12/09/2023 16/09/2023 40 mins 12/09/2023 16/09/2023 40 mins Done
section 6 of
the logbook
Rate 17/09/2023 17/09/2023 40 mins 17/09/2023 17/09/2023 30 mins Done

Collecting and Team 18/09/2023 22/09/2023 40 mins 18/09/2023 22/09/2023 40 mins ALL Done
preparing data meeting to
discuss data
Collecting and Data 23/09/2023 27/09/2023 40 mins 23/09/2023 27/09/2023 40 mins ALL Done
preparing data collection

Data 28/09/2023 02/10/2023 40 mins 28/09/2023 02/10/2023 40 mins Done

and labelling
Complete 03/10/2023 07/10/2023 40 mins 03/10/2023 07/10/2023 40 mins Done
Section 6 of
the Project
Team 08/10/2023 10/10/2023 40 mins 08/10/2023 10/10/2023 40 mins Done
meeting to
Prototyping Train your 11/10/2023 15/10/2023 40 mins 11/10/2023 15/10/2023 40 mins ALL Done
Testing model with
input dataset
Test your 16/10/2023 22/10/2023 40 mins 16/10/2023 22/10/2023 40 mins Done
model and
keep training
with more data
until you think
model is
Write a 23/10/2023 28/10/2023 40 mins 23/10/2023 28/10/2023 40 mins Done
program to
initiate actions
based on the
result of your

Complete 29/10/2023 01/11/2023 40 mins 29/10/2023 01/11/2023 40 mins Done

section 8 of
the Project
Rate 02/11/2023 02/11/2023 40 mins 02/11/2023 02/11/2023 30 mins Done
Team 03/11/2023 07/11/2023 40 mins 03/11/2023 07/11/2023 40 mins Done
meeting to
testing plan
Testing Invite users 08/11/2023 12/11/2023 40 mins 08/11/2023 12/11/2023 40 mins ALL Done
Creating the to test your
video prototype
Conduct 13/11/2023 17/11/2023 40 mins 13/11/2023 17/11/2023 40 mins Done
testing with
Complete 18/11/2023 22/11/2023 40 mins 18/11/2023 22/11/2023 40 mins Done
section 9 of
the Project
Rate 23/12/2023 23/12/2023 40 mins 23/12/2023 23/12/2023 30 mins Done
Team 24/11/2023 28/11/2023 40 mins 24/11/2023 28/11/2023 40 mins Done
meeting to
Write your 29/11/2023 03/12/2023 40 mins 29/11/2023 03/12/2023 40 mins Done
Film your 04/12/2023 08/12/2023 40 mins 04/12/2023 08/12/2023 40 mins Done
Edit your 09/12/2023 13/12/2023 40 mins 09/12/2023 13/12/2023 40 mins Done
Completing Reflect on 14/12/2023 18/12/2023 1 hr 14/12/2023 18/12/2023 50 mins ALL Done
the logbook the project
with your

Complete 19/12/2023 23/12/2023 1 hr 19/12/2023 23/12/2023 40 mins Done
sections 10
and 11 of the
Review your 24/12/2023 28/12/2023 1 hr 24/12/2023 28/12/2023 1.5 hr Done
logbook and
Submission Submit your 29/12/2023 31/12/2023 1 hr 29/12/2023 31/12/2023 1 hr ALL Done
entries on
the IBM

2.3 Communications plan

Will you meet face-to-face, online or a mixture of each to communicate?

How often will you come together to share your progress?

Who will set up online documents and ensure that everyone is contributing? What

tools will you use for communication?

2.4 Team meeting minutes (create one for each meeting held)

Date of meeting: 8th September 2023

Who attended: ALL Members were Present
Who wasn’t able to attend:

Purpose of meeting:

Project Discussion

Items discussed:
1. Data Collection
2. Project Logbook

Things to do (what, by whom, by when)

1. Project Overview

3. Problem Definition
3.1 List important local issues faced by your school or community

Equipments Maintenance: Aging school buildings and

community facilities may require costly repairs or upgrades to
ensure safety and functionality.

1. Maintenance and

2. Low Speed for Technology: Ensuring access to reliable
of Internet
internet and digital resources is increasingly important for both
schools and communities.

3.2 Which issues matter to you and why?

1. Time Management

3.3 Which issue will you focus on?

3.4 Write your team’s problem statement in the format below.

~How can we help [ We can help users to get better and accurate precisions for predicting
any plant for disease . ] [ a specific user or group of users]

~Find a way to [ Identify the best algorithm for most accurate results ] [do what]

~So that they can [ get better understanding the affected plants ] [ do something not done
before that can be measured].

Rate yourself Problem Definition
point - A local problem is described
points - A local problem which has not been fully solved before is described.
points - A local problem which has not been fully solved before is explained in detail with supporting research.

Financial Losses: Inaccurate predictions can lead to financial losses for investors,
traders . They may make decisions based on faulty information, resulting in poor
investment outcomes.
4. The Users
Missed Opportunities: Users may miss out on profitable opportunities if the model
fails to predict significant price movements or trends correctly.
4.1 Who are the users and how are they affected by the problem?

Farmers and Risk: Relying on
Growers: inaccurate
They predictions
are directly can
affected byincrease risk in investment
plant diseases as these
diseases canleading to potential
reduce losses
crop yields, for asset
damage managers
plants, and hedge
and impact theirfunds.
Farmers need to detect diseases early to minimize crop losses and optimize their
resource use.
Reputation Damage: Financial analysts and professionals may suffer damage to their
Agronomists if they
andprovide recommendations
Plant Pathologists: based on who
Professionals unreliable stock
provide predictions.
expertise in
crop management and plant health. They rely on disease detection systems to if
Limitations: Academic researchers may face limitations in their research
the Plant disease
diagnose Prediction
and manage models
diseases they use do not produce accurate results,
affecting the quality and reliability of their studies.
Agricultural Extension Services: Organizations or agencies that support farmers
with information and resources. They use disease detection tools to provide

4.2 What have you actually observed about the users and how the problem affects

The problem of plant disease detection affects these users
by impacting crop yields, economic stability, food security,
and environmental sustainability. Effective disease
detection solutions can help mitigate these negative effects
and promote more efficient and sustainable agricultural

4.3 Record your interview questions here as well as responses from users.

In summary, the users of plant disease prediction

models can be directly or indirectly affected by the
accuracy and reliability of these models, with
potential financial, reputational, and regulatory

4.4 Empathy Map

Map what the users say, think, do and feel about the problem in this table

What our users are saying What our users thinking

What our users are doing How our users feel

4.5What are the usual steps that users currently take related to the problem and
where are the difficulties?

1.Problem Identification ; Difficulties: Identifying the root cause of complex problem

2.Research and Information Gathering ; Difficulties: Finding accurate and up-to-date


3.Decision-Making ; Difficulties: Balancing multiple factors,

4.Execution and Action ; Difficulties: Overcoming procrastination

5.Monitoring and Evaluation ; Difficulties: Gathering relevant data

6.Seeking Help and Collaboration ; Difficulties: Building effective collaboration, finding the
right experts, and communicating needs clearly.

7. Learning ; Difficulties: Resisting resistance to change

8. Resource Management ; Difficulties: Balancing competing demands

9. Emotional and Psychological Resilience ; Difficulties: Coping with emotional setbacks

10.Legal and Ethical Considerations ; Difficulties: Navigating complex legal regulations

4.6 Write your team’s problem statement in the format below.

Team Members [a specific user or group of users]

are experiencing issues with [ Data Requirement problem] today

because of Network Issues and lack of data [cause]

Rate yourself The Users 3

point - The user group is described but it is unclear how they are affected by the problem.
points - Understanding of the user group is evidenced by completion of most of the steps in this section.
points - Understanding of the user group is evidenced by completion of most of the steps in this section and thorough investigation

5. Brainstorming
5.1 Ideas

How might you use the power of AI/machine learning to solve the users’ problem by increasing their
knowledge or improving their skills?

AI Idea #1 Recommendation Systems: AI-driven recommendations can suggest relevant

courses, articles, or resources to users based on their interests and progress.

AI Idea #2 Content Creation: AI-generated content can provide users with new insights,
summaries, or explanations on various topics.

AI Idea #3 Personalized Learning: AI can create customized learning paths for users, adapting
to their pace and level of understanding.

AI Idea #4 Predictive Analytics: AI can analyze user behavior to predict areas where they may
need additional learning or resources.

AI Idea #5 Accessibility: AI can make learning more accessible through text-to-speech,

language translation, and other assistive technologies.

5.2 Priority Grid

Evaluate your five AI ideas based on value to users and ease of creation and implementation.


High value to users, easy to create High value to users, hard to create

Low value to users, easy to create Low value to users, hard to create

Easy Hard

5.3 Based on the priority grid, which AI solution is the best fit for your users and for
your team to create and implement?

Briefly summarize the idea for your solution in a few sentences and be sure to identify the tool that you
will use.

Rate yourself Brainstorming 3

point – A brainstorming session was conducted. A solution was selected.
points - A brainstorming session was conducted using creative and critical thinking. A solution was selected with supporting argum
points - A brainstorming session was conducted using creative and critical thinking. A compelling solution was selected with suppo

6. Design
6.1 What are the steps that users will now do using your AI solution to address the

1. Define the problem clearly.

2. Input relevant data and context.
3. Engage with the AI by asking specific questions or providing
4. Review and interpret the AI-generated responses.
5. Iterate and refine the interaction as needed.
6. Implement the insights gained from the AI to solve the problem
7. Monitor and adjust the solution as circumstances change.

Rate yourself Design
point – The use of AI is a good fit for the solution.
points - The use of AI is a good fit for the solution and there is some documentation about how it meets the needs of users
points - The use of AI is a good fit for the solution. The new user experience is clearly documented showing how users will be bette

7. Data

7.1 What data will you need to train your AI solution?

~ Image Data: High-resolution images of plants, leaves, or affected parts of the plant. These images
should cover a wide range of plant species and various stages of disease progression.

~ Annotations: Labels indicating whether each image contains a healthy plant or one with a specific
disease. Precise annotations are crucial for supervised learning.

~ Metadata: Information about the plant species, location, climate conditions, and growth stage at the
time the images were captured. This metadata helps contextualize the data.

~ Environmental Data: Weather data (e.g., temperature, humidity, rainfall) at the time of image capture,
as environmental conditions can influence disease development.

~ Historical Data: Historical disease outbreak data to identify trends and patterns over time.

~ Data from Multiple Sources: Diverse sources of data to account for variations in lighting, camera
quality, and environmental conditions.

7.2 Where or how will you source your data?

Where will the Do you have Ethical

data come Who owns the permission to considerations
Data needed from? data? use the data?
Google and Market Google Yes FIT
Data Exchanges


Nice to have

Rate yourself Data
point – Relevant data to train the AI model have been identified as well as how the data will be sourced or collected.
points - Relevant data to train the AI model have been identified as well as how the data will be sourced or collected.
1 There is evide
points - Relevant data to train the AI model have been identified as well as how the data will be sourced or collected. There is evide
8. Prototype

~ A Plant Disease Prediction model typically generates decisions or outputs

Python ; Jupyter Notebooks ; Pandas ; NumPy ; Scikit-Learn ; TensorFlow
related to the identification and management of plant diseases. The actions that
or PyTorch ; OpenCV ; Matplotlib or Seaborn ; GitHub or GitLab ;
be taken after a decision
; Feature is made
Engineering depend
; Natural on the specific
Language decision
Processing (NLP)or
Optuna or Hyperopt ; Docker ;
; Custom byCode
the Plant Disease Prediction
; Quantitative Libraries model. These
; Machine actionsFrameworks
Learning are
designed to enable proactive disease management, reduce crop losses, and
8.1 Which sustainable
AI tool(s) agricultural
will you use practices.
to build your prototype?

8.2 Which AI tool(s) will you use to build your solution?


8.3 What decisions or outputs will your tool generate and what further action needs to
be taken after a decision is made?

Rate yourself Prototype

1 point – A concept for a prototype shows how the AI model will work. 2 points - A prototype for the solution has been created and
3 points - A prototype for the solution has been created and successfully trained to meet users’ requirements.

9. Testing
9.1 Who are the users who tested the prototype?
~ Team Members

~ Agricultural Experts Mainly Farmers

~ Focus Groups

9.2 List your observations of your users as they tested your solution.

9.3 Complete the user feedback grid

What works What needs to change

Questions? Ideas

9.4 Refining the prototype: Based on user testing, what needs to be acted on now so
that the prototype can be used?

9.5 What improvements can be made later? [ The Model can be trained and
refined with the latest dataset. ]

9.6 How did you actively work with others in your team and with stakeholders?

10. Team collaboration

Effective teamwork and collaboration are essential for the success of
any project. By following these principles, individuals can work
effectively with their teams and stakeholders to achieve common goals
and deliver successful outcomes.

Rate yourself

Team collaboration

point – There is some evidence of team interactions among peers and stakeholders.
points - Team collaboration among peers and stakeholders is clearly documented in this section. 3 points - Effective team collabora

11. Individual learning reflection
11.1. Team Reflections

A good way to identify what you have learned is to ask yourself what surprised you during the
project. List the things that surprised you and any other thoughts you might have on issues in your
local community.

Team member name:

Team member name:

Team member name:

Note: Add more boxes if there are more members in your team

Rate yourself

Individual Learning Reflection

1 point – Some team members present an account of their learning during the project. 2 points - Each team presents an account of th
3 points - Each team member presents a reflective and insightful account of their learning during the project.

12. Video link

Enter the URL of your team video:

Enter the password (if any):

Recommended Assessment Rubric (for Teachers)


Steps 3 points 2 points 1 point Points
Problem A local problem which has not A local problem which has not A local problem is
definition been fully solved before is been fully solved before is described
explained in detail with described.
supporting research.

The Users Understanding of the user group is Understanding of the user group The user group is described
evidenced by completion of all of is evidenced by completion of but it is unclear how they
the steps in Section 4 The Users most of the steps in Section 4 are affected by the problem.
and thorough investigation. The Users.

Brainstorming A brainstorming session was A brainstorming session was A brainstorming session was
conducted using creative and conducted using creative and conducted. A solution was
critical thinking. A compelling critical thinking. A solution was selected.
solution was selected with selected with supporting
supporting arguments from arguments in Section 5
Section 5 Brainstorming. Brainstorming.

Design The use of AI is a good fit for the The use of AI is a good fit for the The use of AI is a good fit
solution. The new user experience solution and there is some for the solution.
is clearly documented showing how documentation about how it
users meets the needs of users.
will be better served than they
are today.
Data Relevant data to train the AI Relevant data to train the AI Relevant data to train the AI
model have been identified as model have been identified as model have been identified
well as how the data will be well as how the data will be as well as how the data will
sourced or collected. There is sourced or collected. There is be sourced or collected.
evidence that the dataset is evidence that the dataset is
balanced, and that safety and balanced.
privacy have been considered.
Prototype A prototype for the solution has A prototype for the solution has A concept for a prototype
been created and successfully been created and trained. shows how the AI model
trained to meet users’ will work
Testing A prototype has been tested with a A prototype has been tested A concept for a prototype
fair representation of users and all with users and improvements shows how it will be tested.
tasks in Section 9 have been identified to meet
Testing have been completed. user requirements.
Team Effective team collaboration and Team collaboration among peers There is some evidence of
collaboration communication among peers and and stakeholders is clearly team interactions among
stakeholders is clearly documented documented in Section 10 peers and stakeholders.
in Section 10 Team Team collaboration.
Individual Each team member presents a Each team presents an Some team members present
learning reflective and insightful account of account of their learning an account of their learning
their learning during the project. during the project. during the project.

Total points

Points Given
3 – excellent
Criteria 2 – very good
1 – satisfactory

Communication The video is well-paced and communicated, following a clear and

logical sequence.

Demonstrations and/or visuals are used to illustrate

examples, where appropriate.

Accurate language The video presents accurate science and technology and uses
appropriate language.

The video demonstrates passion from team members about their

chosen topic/idea.

Sound and
image quality
The video demonstrates good sound and image quality.

The content is presented in the video within a 3-minute


Total points

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