Stat Notes Excerpt

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Lecture 1/17/22
Statistical hypothesis: Hypothesis in terms of numbers.

Goal of inference is to get an idea of the variability is and make inference.

Nominal: just names

Ordinal: Category are ordered, but distance between values is not fixed

Discussion of frequency tables and bar graphs. Discrete and continuous.


Discussion of mean
Median is used for skewed distribution.
Mean is used for symmetric distributions.
Mode is used for nominal distributions.
Adding a constant to everything adds the constant to the mean.
Measure of variability: range: max-min+1 or count up from the min to the max
Semi-interquartile range is another measure of variability, but not going to get questions on it.
31 January 2023

Went over probability.

Empirical distribution: occurs naturally.
Theoretical distribution: occurs through mathematical formula.

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