Sameen Faizi - Research Paper Outline

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Senior Project Topic: How to stimulate hair growth and combat possible hair loss

1) Introduction
a) Provide an overview of basic definitions and give any background information
b) Thesis: The hair is a complex organ that can only be understood by learning about its
components, how it grows, harmful & helpful ingredients, and popular treatments that
are available.
2) Paragraph 1: What is the hair made up of?
a) Hair is made up of iron, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur
b) Source
3) Paragraph 2: hair cycle
a) Discuss the three, possibly four phases of hair growth - anagen, catagen, telogen,
i) Anagen – growing phase for 2 to 6 years for 85% of hair, determines hair length
ii) Catagen – transition phase for up to 2 weeks, hair stops growing
iii) Telogen – lasts 1 to 4 months and is the resting phase, hair starts to fall out
iv) Exogen - the final stage of hair cycle and releases hold of hair, hair falls out
b) Anagen phase shortens with age making the hair weaker and possible shorter
c) Sources:
4) Paragraph 3: possible factors that cause anagen to result in telogen too quickly
a) Inflammation – has been seen in people with alopecia and can contribute to hair loss
b) Hormones – thyroid, dihydrotestosterone (DHY), estrogen, and testosterone
c) Thyroid Hormone – an increase or decrease of this hormone can cause hair loss, can
cause anagen to phase out to telogen
d) DHT/dihydrotestosterone - with time, can cause the hair follicles to shrink and alopecia
e) Estrogen to testosterone ratios
f) Stress – can cause hair loss, cortisol can affect cycle
g) Poor diet
h) Medication affecting hair cycle
i) Sources:
5) Paragraph 4: ingredients to use in hair products
a) Niacin (vitamin b3)
b) Vitamin B complex
c) Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
d) Tocopherol (vitamin E)
e) Grape seed
f) Rosemary oil
g) Sage
h) Nettles
i) Hibiscus rosa sinensis
j) Ingredients to improve hair texture and help brittle hairs
i. Essential fatty acids (primrose and salmon oil)
ii. Amino acids (L-cysteine and L-methionine)
k) Sources:
6) Paragraph 5: ingredients to avoid in hair products
i) Sulfates
1. Makes your shampoo foam when you rub it
2. When it is washed out of the hair it leaves flakes and dryness
3. Removes any nourishing oils and natural color
4. Can increase the risk of cancer, damage kidneys, and make
hormones imbalanced
5. These mainly show up as: Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium
Laureth Sulfate (SLES), and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
ii. Parabens
1. This preserves hair products, so they have a longer shelf life
2. Another name for it is xenoestrogens
3. Can cause hormone imbalance, irritate the skin, deteriorate
reproductive health, and neurotoxicity
4. Can come as: butylparaben, ethylparaben, and methylparaben or
anything ending in paraben
iii. Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
1. It makes hair care products thicker
2. Usually made from petroleum and other ingredients that cause
breaking of the hair
3. It is a developmental toxicant – can damage human development
4. Also leads to cancer
iv. Triclosan
1. Can lead to cancer
2. Causes infertility, fetal harm, damage to the immune system,
depression, etc.
v. Formaldehyde
1. Carcinogen
2. Is a preservative
3. The scalp can take in this chemical
4. Or the chemical can permeate the air after sitting in the packaging
for too long
5. Can cause asthma and cancer
6. Can come as: quaternium-15
vi. Synthetic fragrances and color
1. When companies list this, it is a trick, which allows them not to list
the ingredients in those synthetic colors and fragrances.
2. They can add a variety of harmful chemicals without the customer
3. Can lead to infertility, hair loss, cancer
4. Synthetic colors come from petroleum and coal-tar, which is
extremely dangerous
5. Comes as: FD&C or D&C with a number attached to it
vii. Dimethicone
1. A type of silicon that makes the hair feel silky
2. It encases the hair, leaving it without any way to receive nutrients
3. The dirt, sweat, and silicon will gather onto the hair over time
viii. Retinyl Palmitate
a. Causes skin irritation, cancer, toxicity, etc
a) Sources:

7) Paragraph 6: diet
a) Discuss what happens with a lack of iron, zinc, niacin, fatty acids, certain vitamins, etc
b) What ds it result in? Usually a form of alopeica and hair loss
c) Source:
8) Islamic Perspective & Emotional Effect:
a. The Prophet (saw) said, “Whoever has hair, let him take care of it. . .” (Abu Dawood)
b. Another hadith. “Whoever has hair should honor it” (Abu Dawood)
c. Sahaba used to honor their hair by oiling it and putting henna in their hair
i. Putting henna in hair is sunnah not fardh
d. Do not imitate the opposite gender
i. Women shouldn’t shave their hair
ii. Men can shave hair as long as it's all of it
e. Do not wear or make wigs, false hair is forbidden by the Prophet
a) Source:
9) Paragraph 8: Solutions, Treatments (therapeutics)
a) Discuss some popular treatments: finasteride, minoxidil, topical prostaglandins, topical
cetirizine, microneedling, low level laser, platelet rich plasma, etc
b) Source:
10) Conclusion
a) Conclude all ideas together
b) Restate thesis - The hair is a complex organ that can only be understood by learning
about its components, how it grows, harmful & helpful ingredients, and popular
treatments that are available.

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