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Understanding the Growth of Hair: How Do External Factors Affect Hair?

Sumeen F. Faizi

Michigan Islamic Academy

Senior Project

Mrs. Samar Abbasi

December 21, 2023


Hair is a large part of many people’s identity and can provide confidence. However, this

is not easily achieved if the hair is damaged. This can include heat damage, dye damage, and

other treatments and external factors that can affect the hair. Often, people will seek the use of

overpriced or trending products that claim to reverse the damage without paying much attention

to the functionality. Without the desired results, they become frustrated. Hair is a complex organ

that can only be understood by learning about its components, how it grows, harmful & helpful

ingredients, and popular treatments that are available for hair growth.

The hair on the scalp is made up of unique components. Hair mostly comprises specific

elements including iron, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur (Wall et al., Advances in hair

growth 2022). The hair is grown at the root of the hair follicles where they require essential

nutrients. If these conditions are not met, the hair will be deprived of proper health. The hair

follicle will be forced to grow brittle and weak hair with whatever little nutrients are left.

The hair on the body is constantly undergoing a cycle, which is referred to as the hair

cycle. The hair cycle comprises three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Some experts say that

there is a fourth stage called exogen. The anagen phase can last anywhere between 2 and 6 years

and it is the growth phase of the hair cycle (Augustyniak & Mc Mahon, Dietary marine-derived

ingredients for stimulating hair cell cycle 2023). This phase directly affects hair length and can

limit someone to a certain length (Augustyniak & Mc Mahon 2023). Catagen is a brief phase that

helps anagen smoothly transition into telogen (Augustyniak & Mc Mahon 2023). Catagen will

last for about two weeks, allowing the hair to stop growth and prepare for telogen (Augustyniak

& Mc Mahon 2023). Telogen can last for a few months as the hair works out of the hair follicle

(Augustyniak & Mc Mahon 2023). The additional phase, exogen, is thought to be the phase

where the hair fully detaches itself from the head and falls. However, some scholars think that

this is still a part of the telogen phase (Natarelli et al., Integrative and mechanistic approach to

the hair growth cycle and hair loss 2023). The hair can end up in a hairbrush, pillowcase, hat, or

any other object that is in touch with the hair.

Similar to any other part of the human body, errors occur. In the hair cycle, these errors

occur because of certain factors that trigger the anagen phase to become shortened and switch

over to telogen too quickly. For example, inflammation is a common symptom seen in people

with alopecia (Natarelli et al., 2023). Another trigger is specific hormones like

dihydrotestosterone (or DHT), estrogen, and thyroid hormones. Over time, DHT can shrink the

size of the hair follicles and lead to hair loss (Natarelli et al., 2023). Stress is also a factor, with

the ability cortisol levels have to affect the hair cycle (Natarelli et al., 2023). Often these factors

that inevitably appear in the scalp as hair loss, will cause further stressors. Most people will take

medications or cut out certain foods from their lives in hopes of increasing hair growth.

However, these are the two factors that people have the most control over yet abuse regularly.

Lacking the proper nutrients in someone’s diet not only fails to give the hair a chance to grow,

but also causes numerous other health problems. On the other hand, taking extra medication can

cause an overdose of hormones and supplements, which can leave the hair in poorer condition

than it was before (Natarelli et al., 2023). A person with these issues will likely experience

shorter and weaker hair. They will also experience frequent hair fallout because of the rapid

movement from anagen to telogen. The hair will continually fall and can result in bald spots and

hair loss without the anagen growth phase to replace the hair

Specific ingredients can be used to encourage the hair on the scalp to grow. For example,

situation-specific vitamins, oils, or herbs, which can all be used in different ways. Some vitamins

that can be used include Vitamin B3, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E (Wall et al.,

2022). Oils like rosemary, primrose, salmon, and grape seed oil can help nourish the hair in areas

that are lacking (Wall et al., 2022). Beneficial herbs include nettles, sage, and hibiscus rosa

sinensis, showing improved hair growth (Wall et al., 2022). There are a variety of ingredients

from nature that can be used to help stimulate hair growth.

While there are ingredients that can encourage hair growth, there are others that

discourage or harm the hair as well. These ingredients will appear in various hair products

including shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, etc. For example, the most commonly known

chemicals are sulfates and parabens. Sulfates give the customer the satisfying feeling of having

shampoo lather onto the hair. The sulfates harm the scalp to produce this satisfaction, leaving

only dryness and a lack of natural oils (Bundy, 8 ingredients to avoid in your shampoo and

Conditioner 2021). In addition, it can disrupt the hormones and damage the kidneys (Bundy,

2021). These can show up in the ingredients list as Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth

Sulfate (SLES), and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) (Bundy, 2021). Parabens are even more

detrimental, causing neurotoxicity and deterioration of the reproductive system in an attempt to

elongate shelf life (Bundy, 2021). Others like Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), Triclosan, and

Formaldehyde can lead to cancer and hinder human growth at birth (Bundy, 2021). Polyethylene

Glycol is a thickening agent usually made from petroleum and causes split ends (Bundy, 2021).

On the other hand, Triclosan causes infertility, harms babies, and can weaken the immune

system (Bundy, 2021). Formaldehyde is another preservative that can not only seep into the

scalp but also permeate the air if sitting in a bottle for long enough, resulting in possible asthma

and cancer (Bundy, 2021). Its most common name is quaternium-15. (Bundy, 2021).

While some chemicals are clearly written down, others can be hidden behind names,

lulling the customers into a false sense of security. Manufacturers are law-bound to give accurate

ingredient lists, however, the search for loopholes continues. A prime example of this is

synthetic fragrances and colors. Companies will list this in their ingredients section as, “synthetic

fragrances and colors,” without providing any extra information, preventing them from listing

the exact ingredients (Bundy, 2021). These ingredients could be a variety of harmful chemicals

that the user would never be aware of because of the lack of explanation. Synthetic fragrances

and colors in most hair products have chemicals that can lead to infertility, cancer, and hair loss

(Bundy, 2021).

Another factor that affects hair growth is diet. A lack of proper nutrients can lead to

female pattern hair loss, different forms of alopecia, and reduction of the anagen phase (Gou &

Katta, Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use 2017). Unfortunately,

hair loss is a common occurrence, affecting around 50% of adults by the time they hit 50 years of

age (Gou & Katta, 2017). When people are experiencing hair loss, one of the first “solutions”

they turn to are vitamins and supplements. However, many people are unaware of the fact that

FDA is not responsible for verifying these pills, leaving the responsibility in the hands of the

manufacturer who may neglect proper checkups (Gou & Katta, 2017). In addition, overtaking

vitamins/supplements like Vitamin A and Selenium can cause an imbalance of hormones and

lead to hair loss and toxicity (Gou & Katta, 2017).

The most globally common type of nutrient deficiency is iron deficiency or ID, which

can specifically be caused in women who are menstruating or are in menopause due to blood loss

(Gou & Katta, 2017). People who choose to be vegetarian or vegan have about 1.8 times the risk

of higher iron deficiency than the average person due to the lack of consumption of meat (Gou &

Katta, 2017). Another important element is zinc because of how it indirectly controls hair follicle

growth (Gou & Katta, 2017). Zinc deficiency can cause weak hair strands that are susceptible to

breakage and remove most nutrients from the hair (Gou & Katta, 2017). Solidifying this claim,

there was a study done with 312 men with alopecia, who all proved to have zinc deficiency (Gou

& Katta, 2017).

From an Islamic perspective, taking care of hair is similar to fulfilling a responsibility

that Muslims are rewarded for. Allah (swt) has explained the importance of cleanliness and

tidiness of a person’s physical appearance on multiple occasions in the Quran. He states, “. . .

God loves those who turn to Him, and He loves those who keep themselves clean” (The Quran,

2:222). This shows that staying in a messy and untidy appearance is disliked and that Muslims

should strive for organization. The physical appearance is important and should be pleasing to

others and not thought of as unkempt. The Prophet (saw) mentioned many hadiths that added

onto what was written in the Quran. For example, he said, “Whoever has hair, let him take care

of it. . .” - Abu Dawood (Abdullah, Hair: An Islamic perspective - al jumuah magazine 2023).

This was expressed through a situation when one day a man came to consult the Prophet (saw)

about a matter with an untidy beard (Abdullah, 2023). The Prophet (saw) saw this and made

hand movements, gesturing for the man to go back and comb his beard (Abdullah, 2023). After

he had done so the Prophet (saw) said, “Is this not better than one of you coming with disheveled

hair, looking like a devil?” - Malik in Al-Muwatta" (Abdullah, 2023). This shows that the

Prophet (saw) disliked untidiness and he placed importance on all aspects of the body including

hair. In a similar hadith the Prophet (saw) said, “Whoever has hair should honor it” - Abu

Dawood, showing that hair should not be taken for granted (Abdullah, 2023). The Prophet (saw)

acted on this by regularly combing his hair starting from the right side to keep out the tangles

(Abdullah, 2023). Also, he would oil his hair (as would many other Sahabas) and apply henna

(Abdullah, 2023). These were only a few of the sunnah practices.


There are other rulings that describe what can and cannot be done with the hair of both

genders. For example, the Prophet (saw) said, “Do not pluck gray hairs as they are a Muslim’s

light. Never does a Muslim grow gray hair in Islam except that Allah writes for him, due to that,

a good deed, and He raises him a degree. And He erases for him, due to that, one of his sins.” -

Abu Dawood and Ahmed (Abdullah, 2023). Having gray hair may seem like a burden in this

world, but in the Hereafter, gray hair will be the reason for reward. In terms of gender specific

conditions, men are allowed to cut and shorten their hair if it is equal in length on all sides

(Abdullah, 2023). Women should not cut their hair very short to the point that it imitates the hair

of a man unless due to medical conditions or damaged hair (Abdullah, 2023). An additional

ruling is that men and women alike should not wear or make wigs because false hair is forbidden

by the Prophet (saw) (Abdullah, 2023).

For people who experience hair loss there are different types of possible treatments.

These therapeutics work by lengthening the anagen phase, delaying the catagen phase, and

preventing telogen phase (Wall et al., 2022). The two main types of treatments that people turn

to are finasteride and topical minoxidil. Finasteride can be a pill or lotion and is only used on

men because of how it can cause infertility in women (Wall et al., 2022). It has been shown that

the lotion version of this treatment was effective on the balding spot of men, however, this

process was slow and took about 48 months (about 4 years) to increase only 24% of hair growth

in participants (Wall et al., 2022). Further research showed that some individuals experienced

side effects from taking finasteride pills. The men's sexual health was mildly affected, though

most symptoms disappeared after they terminated their intake (Wall et al., 2022).

Minoxidil is a therapeutic for both men and women. While shortening telogen and

lengthening anagen, minoxidil also works by enlarging small hair follicles (Wall et al., 2022). Up

to 40% of people will experience significant hair growth when the topical version (lotion) is

applied twice a day consistently for six months (Wall et al., 2022). The topical version is much

faster than finasteride and provides less risks. The only disadvantage is the application process.

The minoxidil has low solubility, meaning it easily separates from the solvent, which is usually

water, evaporating and leaving a powdery substance behind (Wall et al., 2022). There are

multiple other treatments, including microneedling, platelet rich plasma, low level laser, etc.

(Wall et al., 2022).

To connect with students and their hair, a survey will be done by the end of January on

grades six through twelve (middle and high school students). This survey will be composed of a

series of questions, each of which will provide different types of information. For example, the

first question will ask about the haircare routine of students. The research will show if most of

the student body properly observes essential steps in their routines or not. To add on to this

question, a question will be asked about student hair goals, which will supply what the students

generally think their hair needs work on or what is lacking. The last few questions were

regarding ingredients. These were especially important because they show how many students

and what age of students are correctly able to identify harmful and beneficial ingredients. This

will also show if students are regularly checking and looking for ingredients in their own hair


In conclusion, understanding hair requires the understanding of many other subtopics,

including the components of hair, the hair cycle, harmful and/or beneficial ingredients, diet,

treatments, and the Islamic perspective. The two main reasons for hair loss are due to possible

reduced anagen stage and lack of proper nutrients. Allah (swt) and the Prophet (saw) have told

the Muslims on many occasions about the importance of properly taking care of oneself. The

presentation of a person should be neat and tidy, which includes the hair on the head. Hair is a

responsibility, and it is necessary that it is kept healthy, which can be seen through the sunnah.

This also means that people should be aware of what they apply onto their hair. There could be

harmful ingredients that can dry out or remove nutrients while others can potentially harm the

different parts of the body.



Abdullah, A. (2023, August 13). Hair: An Islamic perspective - al jumuah magazine. Al Jumuah

Magazine - A Guide To An Islamic Life.

Augustyniak, A., & Mc Mahon, H. (2023, May 8). Dietary marine-derived ingredients for

stimulating hair cell cycle. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy.

Bundy, R. (2021, February 22). 8 ingredients to avoid in your shampoo and Conditioner.

Genesis College.


Gou, E. L., & Katta, R. (2017, January 31). Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and

supplement use. National Library of Medicine.

Natarelli, N., Gahoonia, N., & Sivamani, R. K. (2023, January 23). Integrative and mechanistic

approach to the hair growth cycle and hair loss. Journal of clinical medicine.


The Quran,

Wall, D., Meah, N., Fagan, N., York, K., & Sinclair, R. (2022, January 12). Advances in hair

growth. Faculty reviews.

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