Crusades Worksheet 2 7°

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The Crusades SLMS/09

The Crusades Results of the Crusades

•The term ‘Crusades’ generally refers to a •The results of the Crusades cannot be
series of Holy Wars that lasted nearly 200 evaluated simply on the basis of their mili-
years between Christian Europeans and the tary success or failure. Clearly, they were
Muslim Turks of the Middle East. considered military failures for Western
•The first Crusade was initiated by Europe, however, they yielded important
Pope Urban II in 1095 at the Coun- social, political and economic effects.
cil of Clermont. The Byzantine Em- •Economic Effects: One of the largest and
peror Alexius I asked the Pope for most important impacts of the Crusades
help in defending his Empire was the increase of trade that was stimu-
against the expansion of the Seljuk Turks. lated within Europe and between Europe
•The Turks had recently conquered the Holy and the Middle East.
Land of Jerusalem. The Byzantine Emperor •Goods from the Middle and Far East flowed
sought help from the west, and the Pope into Europe en masse for the first time since
saw an opportunity to extend his influence. the fall of Rome. Roman roads, long unused
Keeping in mind that the East-West Schism in Medieval Europe, were bustling with
occurred in 1054, the Pope saw this as an trade and travel by the end of the Crusades.
opportunity to reconcile the two churches. •More than just goods flowed into
•The Pope also saw this as a way to Europe. Technology and innovation
channel the energies of the military like the astrolabe and compass also
segment of society. In other words, arrived, and began to stimulate
knights and warriors were creating European interest in exploration.
a significant amount of violence in •Political Effects: The increase in trade
European society — violence that would help bring about the end of feudal-
was better aimed at the Middle East. ism. Trade necessitated the growth of
towns, and towns lay outside the manor
Course of the Crusades system and outside the control of lords.
Towns were under the control of kings, and
•Overall, there were nearly a dozen crusades kings gained substantial power over lords
over the course of 200 years. Some as a result.
were more successful than others •The Church also lost power during this
(some were dismal failures). time, and national monarchies began to take
•In each crusade, a military effort shape with the rise of powerful kings.
was mounted to regain the Holy Land of Je- •Social Effects: The split between the Ro-
rusalem, and in some cases, they were met man Catholic Church and the Eastern Or-
with success. In general however, the Byz- thodox Church was solidified in this time
antine Empire, or the Crusader states that period. Western crusaders sacked Constan-
were set up in the Holy Land, were too weak tinople, and killed fellow Christians there.
to hold the territory, and they reverted back Bad feelings following this would persist.
to Muslim possession
Global History Name _____________________________________
The Crusades
1. What were the “Crusades”? 6. Describe the effects of the Crusades.

2. Who called for the first crusade? When?


3. Who asked the Pope for help? Why? Political

4. Describe 2 motivations for the Pope to call

for the Crusades.


7. Why do you think some historians refer to

the Crusades as the most successful failures
5. How many crusades were there? What
in history?
were the military results?

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