CCX - Discontinuing Operations

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April 13, 2021


Dear Clients,

This letter is to inform you that CurrentCX will be discontinuing operations as of April 16, 2021. If you
have an existing balance or outstanding trades, we will contact you in 1-2 business days to begin the process to
settle all accounts.

While CurrentCX is winding up, our Director of Operations, Trisha Paguyo, has accepted a new role at
Bitbuy, a leading Canadian digital currency trading platform. Should you decide to join her at Bitbuy and transition
your existing trading account, please complete the attached form and send back to us at

Similarly, our Director of Business Development, Phil Leibovski, will be continue to be an advocate in the
cryptocurrency space while pursuing other entrepreneurial ventures. To learn more about his next steps and stay in
touch, you can reach him at

Lastly, we want to express our gratitude as we deeply value your business and support over the past few
years. You took a risk on a small, unknown startup and trusted us to fulfill your cryptocurrency trading needs. We
took a differentiated approach, dedicated to providing our clients with a seamless transaction process and
personalized service offering. We truly appreciate being a part of this journey with you and wish you all the best.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at


Legal Corporate Name

Full Name


By signing this form, I authorize Trisha Paguyo, to disclose the personal information provided during the Know Your
Client/Anit-Money Laundering onboarding process to Bitbuy for the purpose of transitioning my trading account. This
information includes self-attested copies of certain documents demonstrating proof of identity, proof of entity, and
proof of address.

I understand I may be subject to follow-up questions and enhanced customer due diligence procedures as part of the
transition process. Failure to satisfactorily address any outstanding issues or questions can result in, among other
things, termination of the services.


Full Name: ________________

Position: ________________

Company Name: ________________

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