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By Thomas R. Paradise

Amethyst may develop into the more common

citrine and rarer green quartz naturally under certain
geologic conditions. On the California-Nevada
border, just north of Reno, amethyst, citrine, and
green quartz do occur together i n clusters of crystals
in detritus. These crystals, found lying loose in rocky
and sandy rubble, appear to have eroded from
cavities and vesicles in the inaccessible cliffs above.
The quartz was deposited in these spaces by the
slow acc~~mzllation of silica jrorn migrating
solutions. Low-grade radiation over a geologic time
span was responsible for the alteration of the ferric
and ferrous quartz into its amethystine color.
Secondary, high-temperature, extruding volcanic
bodies are believed to be responsible for the Figure I . Amethyst (3.77 cts.), green quartz
subsequent color change to citrine or green quartz. (4.99cts.), and citrine (5.74cts.) faceted from
rough material found ai the same location
along the California-Nevada border.
Photograph by Tino Hummid, GIA Gem Media.

I t has been known for some time that amethyst

from specific locations may turn green rather than
the expected, and more common, citrine-yellow an optimal radiation dosage were required to pro-
when subjected to controlled induced heating. For duce amethystine purple. Through subsequent
the most part, gem-quality green quartz (also heating and the resulting disruption of the purple
known in the industry as prasiolite or "greened color center, the characteristic yellow of citrine
amethyst") is produced by exposing amethyst to and the less common green quartz were produced.
high temperatures for a specific period of time.
Amethyst from the Montezuma area of Brazil is GEOLOGY OF THE AREA
noted for its purple color alteration to green when The quartzes were discovered in pebbly talus be-
subjected to these temperature conditions (Web- low steep basalt-andesite cliffs, approxin~ately
ster, 1978).According to Nassau (1980),exposure one-half kilometer to the east of Interstate High-
of amethyst to temperatures ranging from 140°C way 395,33 lzm (19 miles) north of Reno, Nevada.
to 380°C for one hour is sufficient to artificially The amethyst, citrine, and green quartz speci-
alter the purple to green or yellow. Although this mens were found by the author in a detrital area
induced heating develops the unusual green color that followed the base of the cliffs for approxi-
in Brazilian amethyst, in very rare cases nature mately 3 km and no farther from the cliff face
has supplied the required impurities, radiation, than the highway. The quartz appeared as crystal
and high temperatures to create green quartz
without man's aid.
In 1979, the author and two colleagues ex-
amined one such occurrence on the Nevada-Cal- ABOUT THE AUTHOR
ifornia border, where ideal conditions have pro- Mr. Paradise is a geological consultant, gemologist, and
registered jeweler with Gleim Jewelers, Palo Alto, CA.
duced amethyst, citrine, and green quartz (see fig-
ure 1)in close proximity. An area of approximately Acknowledgments: The author gives special thanks to Laurel
Thompson for her great professional advice, to Donald Laufer
3 lzm2was studied, with uncovered crystals rang- for his fine work on faceting the gems illustrated in this article,
ing in size from 3 to 55 mm in length. Iron im- and to Mr. Arthur Gleim for his encouragement and example.
purities in the silicon dioxide in conjunction with "7982 Gemological Institute of America

Notes and New Techniques GEMS & GEMOLOGY Spring 1982 39

clusters, single crystals, and portions of crystals, 1960), which appears to have produced tempera-
with no quartz found in situ. Exploration of the tures of sufficient degree and duration to force the
area indicated that the quartz had formed in the radiation-induced amethyst color center into an
inaccessible basalt-andesite cliffs. A large talus unstable state, whereby the color was altered from
slope and alluvial fans extend from the base of the amethystine purple to either the brownish yellow
cliff to the roadway; here, within a few hundred typical of citrine or the far less common green.
meters of the cliff base, the detrital crystals were The hot extrusion caused the underlying ba-
unearthed. The host rock material, which con- salt material to alter in the areas closest to the
sisted primarily of basalt with andesite, is ac- rhyolite. The degree of such metamorphism is rel-
tually metavolcanic. The prefix meta denotes a ative to the degree of heat, so that the higher the
material that has been changed by subsequent temperature is, the greater the bleaching of the
events; in this case, the extruded material was amethyst should be. If this theory is correct, it
later altered by further heating. This basalt-an- should then follow that the crystals discovered
desite mass is filled with lenses of brecciated and nearest the extruding rhyolite mass will exhibit
pyroclastic material, as well as with the numer- the greatest incidence of conversion of amethyst
ous vesicles and amygdules that are ideal for the to citrine and green quartz. In keeping with this
secondary silica deposition required for the for- hypothesis, we observed that the amethyst crys-
mation of quartz (Stinson, 1960).The origin of the tals found farthest from the zone of metamorph-
host basalt-andesite dates back approximately 140 ism were a deeper purple than those found closest
million years (Jurassic period], coinciding with to the contact zone (see figure 2). Similarly, the
the early formation of the Sierran mountain core greatest concentration of green quartz was un-
(Hill, 1975). earthed nearest the rhyolite. Interestingly, we
The quartz was deposited after the cooling and found little correlation between intensity of color
microcrystallization of the basalt-andesite. Dur- and proximity to the rhyolite extrusion for the
ing the solidification of the lava (the basalt-an- citrine. No variation in the transparency or flaw-
desite in its fluid state), trapped gases slowly ac- lessness of any crystals was noted with location.
cumulated and ascended, producing the vesicles,
bubbles, and vug areas that are easily observed COLORATION
from the cliff base. As aqueous solutions migrated It is the iron impurity in silica that causes the
through the porous basaltic rock, they became purplish color of amethyst. According to Nassau
enriched with soluble elements such as silica, (1980),"the iron merely provides the defect which
which is soluble at very high temperatures or in permits the special amethyst color to occur." This
an alkaline environment, that were slowly depos- purple coloration is due to a hole color center in
ited from the saturated fluids onto the cavity amethyst. The iron impurity substitution in the
walls (Sinkankas, 1959). Chalcedony, the crypto- silica structure is required for the hole center to
crystalline variety of quartz, was deposited ini- occur. The hole-type color center forms where an
tially. As the siliceous solutions became less sat- absent electron causes the color. Thus, the word
urated, slower, more controlled crystallization hole describes this electron absence.
occurred. The larger crystals developed very grad- Simply stated, the iron impurity in quartz
ually from the ferrous and ferric siliceous solu- causes amethyst color after the material is ex-
tions deposited on the chalcedony, with sub- posed to radiation. Heat destabilizes the color
sequent lengthy low-grade radiation exposure center and consequently produces citrine when
providing the energy required for the formation ferric iron (FeS+)is present or green quartz when
of the amethyst color center (Nassau, 1980).Low- there is ferrous iron (Fez+),as explained in Nassau
grade radiation is a common natural occurrence (1980). It is possible that the rhyolite extrusion
during times of volcanic activity. provided the heat to produce these color alter-
After the formation of the crystalline quartz ations.
and its alteration to amethyst, the area under-
went a period of major metamorphism. Approxi- GEMOLOGY OF THE
mately 30 million years ago (Oligocene epoch), GREEN QUARTZ
the basalt-andesite was overlaid and bordered by The author examined approximately 45 speci-
a major volcanic extrusion of rhyolite (Bateman, mens of amethyst, citrine, and green quartz. They

40 Notes and New Techniques - GEMS & GEMOLOGY Spring 1982

Map Locatlon

Figure 2. This map and the accompanying photographs illustrate representative discovery
sites for the green qumtz, citrine, light amethyst, and dark amethyst i n relation t o the
host basalt and extruding rhyolite. The distribution of the discovery sites lends support
t o the hypothesis that the alteration in color of the amelhyst t o green quartz is directly
related to the heat provided by the rhyolite extrusion. A = faceted green quartz, 4.99 cts.;
B = faceted citrine (5.74 cts.) with rough; C = light green quartz rough (note that the
green color is enhanced with faceting); D = faceted light amethyst (19.30 cts.) with
rough; E =faceted dark amethyst (3.77 cts.) with rough. Photographs by Tino Hammid,
GZA Gem Media. Map drawn by Susan Kingsbury, GZA G e m Media.

Notes and New Techniques GEMS & GEMOLOGY Spring 1982 41

all exhibited the characteristic properties of CONCLUSION
quartz, with the green variety showing a wealc Iron-enriched silica developed and crystallized in
iron spectrum absorption band centered at ap- existing vesicles and vugs in a basalt-andesite
proximately 4420 A, while both the citrine and body along the Nevada-California border. Low-
amethyst from the same locale displayed consid- grade radiation over a geologic period forced a
erably weaker (if any) iron absorption bands in the hole color center to develop in the quartz and
spectroscope. Slight color zoning and banding were thereby gave it the purple color. We may then
observed in all the quartz specimens examined speculate that the secondary rhyolite extrusion
from this locality, with the amethyst showing the and its tremendous accompanying heat caused
greatest zoning and the green quartz the least. the destabilization of the amethyst color and the
The rough material found yielded one faceted subsequent development of the citrine and green-
round-brilliant-cut amethyst of deep color weigh- quartz coloration.
ing 3.77 cts., one round step-cut citrine of me-
dium color weighing 5.74 cts., one round-bril-
liant-cut green quartz weighing 4.99 cts., and two
oval-faceted light amethysts weighing 19.30 and
2.05 cts. each (all but the last are in figure 2). REFERENCES
These stones were exceptionally large in compar- Bateman P.C., Wahrhaftig C. 11960)Geology of the Sicrra Ne-
vada. In Geology of Northern Cnlifornia, Bulletin 190, Cal-
ison to the majority of the rough material, with ifornia Division of Mines and Geology, San Francisco, CA.
the remaining material capable of yielding single- Hill M. (1975) Geology of the Sierra Nevnda. University of
carat gems each for the most part. Again, the crys- California Press.
Nassau K. (1980)Gems Made by Mon. Chilton Book Co., Rad-
tals were difficult to find; although some were nor, PA.
found on the surface, others lay about two meters Sinlzankas J. (1959)Gemstones of North America. Van Nos-
below. Many of the crystal clusters and fragments strand Reinhold Co., New York.
Stinson M.C.(1960) Reconnaissnnce Geologic Maps of the
collected were heavily iron stained (a brownish Chilcoot, Sierraville, Portola and Loyolton Qt~ndrangle.
translucent coating); they were subsequently California Division of Mines and Geology, San Francisco,
treated in a warm oxalic acid bath to remove the CA.
Webster R. (1978) Gems: Tl~eirSources, Descriptions and
film and divulge the actual color and clarity of the Identification, 3rd ed. Camelot Press, Southampton,
specimen. England.

42 Notes and New Techniques GEMS & GEMOLOGY Spring 1982

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