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Period/Date 3rd meeting / 21-25 August 2023

Duration 2 session (60 minutes)
Topic Plants
Ss describing Cooperation Research Skills  Knows about healthy and
orally about their & Respect  Observe unhealthy plant
prediction about  Predict
healthy and  Collecting data
unhealthy plants (information)
Concept / Key 1. What are healthy and unhealthy plant?
Questions 2. What are the plants need to be healthy plant?
3. What are parts of the plant?

Activities Time
1st meeting 10
Opening (Prior- knowledge ):
 Teacher greets the student, ask to pray, and give motivation to keep their spirit.
 Teacher gain their prior knowledge by giving them questions what do they know about
healthy and unhealthy plant. What do they know about healthy and unhealthy plant by
they own words and its reason.
Brainstorming /main activities 45
Activity 1:
Students divided into 3 groups.
Teacher tells student that they will asses by :
3 2 1
Cooperation  taking part in  sharing  taking part in
grup actively, materials; group
 taking turns

Confident  Expressing ideas Feeling confident

clearly when presenting
 Feeling confident
when presenting
 Teacher tells the students that today we are going to observe something
 Teacher split students into 4-5 groups.
 Teacher shows plants (in the front field/parking area). Asks the students to observe the plant
in a group and write the observation result on a paper (to find about healthy and unhealthy
plant, based on the plant that showed).

 Teacher gives 10 minutes to do the observation.

 Teacher asks the students to stop (with klap sign or wistle) from the observation activity.
Activity 2:
 Then, teacher asks each group to do next observation based on the paper.
 Teacher asks the students to observes about plant B (unhealthy plant). Asks students to look
carefully what things that makes the plant B not good as plant A.
 Teacher asks them to look carefully about what they find around the plant B. (to knows the
cause of unhealthy plant)
 Teacher gives time 10-15 minutes for observing and writing the answer include what is the
reason from their answer.
 Tteacher asks students to understand about healthy plants and unhealthy plants and what is
the reason that they said it.
 Teacher tell the content of the surrah is talk about what? What is the relation between the
ayah and the topic.
 Teacher shows QS. Ibrahim ayat 24-26
(24) "Tidakkah kamu memperhatikan bagaimana Allah telah membuat perumpamaan kalimat
yang baik seperti pohon yang baik, akarnya kuat dan cabangnya (menjulang) ke langit,"
(25) "(pohon) itu menghasilkan buahnya pada setiap waktu dengan seizin Tuhannya. Dan Allah
membuat perumpamaan itu untuk manusia agar mereka selalu ingat."
(26) "Dan perumpamaan kalimat yang buruk seperti pohon yang buruk, yang telah dicabut akar-
akarnya dari permukaan bumi; tidak dapat tetap (tegak) sedikit pun."

Activity 3:
 Teacher shows 3 plastic cups, cotton, soil, and seeds (green bean).
 Teacher asks students to make a group to do planting.
 Teacher will gives 3 Cup A B and C.
 Each cup will be fill by soil (A) cotton (B) water (C)
 Cup B and C was placed outside the room.
 Cup A will be water every day, cup B only once. Cup C is placed inside the room and water
every day.
 Teacher asks students to do daily observation of growing plant in every day. The students
have to check regularly what happen with the plant. Each of group have to be responsible
by doing the table of taking care the plants.
 Teacher tell to the students that they will present the daily observation in the next meeting
of Science.

Closing : 5
 TTeacher asks the students to tell what they’ve learnt today
 Teacher closed the meeting and say hamdallah and pray may Allah always bless and cover us
with a good health.

RESOURCES WS observation 1 2 3

Acknowledge by,
Headmaster Teacher
Siti Hamsah Ika Kartika

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