C 10 December 2021 Newsletter

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Mrs. Saqui

The Holiday season will be soon upon us and we would like to

wish everyone a very happy and joyful holiday season!
As we are entering the fourth month of the school year, it is such a pleasure
to see how the children have become so independent in their academic and
social performances. It is very obvious that you are all encouraging your chil-
dren to try new skills at home and allowing them to be more independent .
We appreciate all your help and support both in school and at home. We are
looking forward to working with your child with their continued development
in the New Year.
We are fast approaching December and the time for our concert! Although it
is going to be a virtual Christmas concert, we are still very excited and love to
share our joy and cheer with you all !

During the first

We wrapped up our week of December,
literacy theme “Relationships, Rules and Re- we will continue practicing and prepare for
sponsibilities”. Christmas concert.
After listening to different texts within the We will be focusing on a unit in Social
poster /books, we discus how these ele- Studies to learn about winter holidays and
ments work together to make a strong com- celebrations around the world. Through
munity in our class, school, home and this unit, children will be introduced to
neighbourhood. different holiday traditions that are cele-
In Language, children were introduced and brated in different countries. We will also
practiced how to make a connection while talk about the importance of appreciating
reading a text or a book. We also worked on and respecting different traditions.
word study knowledge such as: rhyming, an- We will also start a science balanced litera-
tonym and compound words. We could spot cy unit that is called “Living Things in the
these words within texts and view them in a Environment”.
variety of posters. .
Curriculum Updates– Sensorial Activities
All the activities in this area encourage the use of the senses, the hand, and the mind. The activities
nurture the mind with information and encourage the child’s intellectual development. As children ab-
sorb the information, they begin to discriminate and create an internal order. These activities are de-
signed to develop the child’s ability to observe, compare, discriminate, refine and classify information.
The Sensorial Curriculum is divided into the following areas:
• Visual sense: The child learns how to visually discriminate differences between similar objects and
differing objects.
• Tactile sense: It enhances the child’s ability to discriminate different textures by touch.
• Auditory sense: it helps child to discriminates between different sounds .
• Olfactory and Gustatory sense: It enhances the child’s sense of smelling and tastes.
• Thermic sense: It helps the child to refine a sense of temperature.
• Baric sense: to stimulate child's interest and awareness to differences in weight.

“The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. Our apparatus for educating the
senses offers the child a key to guide his explorations of the world, they cast a light upon it which makes
visible to him more things in greater detail than he could see in the dark, or uneducated state.”
Maria Montessori

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