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Textbook Review: MCR 3UI Unit | Part I Review Pg. 704 1-4,7,8 xtty?=25 Function: Yes or (No) Fea) 32 Ye 5 (2.3), (2.4),(3.4),(7,-2)} ee [exces a [2 $xez]-2,213, Sez |-2, 3,4 2. Create a table of values with at least 5 key points and sketch each of the parent functions below. Radical Function Reciprocal Function ‘Quadratic Funetion [= Fe x x 7@) o 0 =z 2 q 1 ii 4 ei ) 4 | 3 ; poise Ho 4 2 a 4 {X=x* |W rH - oo Sesieehiaa MCR 3UI Unit 1 Part | Review 3. Sketch a graph of the functions with the following domain and range using the grid below: a) D: (re Rix # 5} R: (y € Rly #—4} b) D:[1,00) R: (-,3] 4. IEG) = -6VE=G + 2, determine a) fa2) by f@+7) 6) x when f(x) = ~40 fia)= -Oia-S +2 tas: -UJart3 ty xs +a ot +2 "WIR 2-4 = OHS -(D+2 (ox en Simplify the following expressions. by a) 4V2+3V5-11V2+8V3 by (V3 +2)(5-V3) °) + V7 SYRBIS +83 =Sys-3+10-2Js °3 Je 15h 410 557 5 4435s = (SJB-JTO +108, “sf * 6, Determine the exact base length ofa triangle that has a height of em and an area of a fe. th b=? je - Ba y/ (Ages oe By be 3/2 AS tio = (S) p- Je = 5S che oact base | fualh is 3]3 an

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