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Ex vivo penetration of low-level laser light through

equine skin and flexor tendons

Katja F. Duesterdieck-Zellmer dr med vet, phd OBJECTIVE

To measure penetration efficiencies of low-level laser light energy through
Maureen K. Larson ms
equine skin and to determine the fraction of laser energy absorbed by
Thomas K. Plant phd equine digital flexor tendons (superficial [SDFT] and deep [DDFT]).
Andrea Sundholm-Tepper dvm SAMPLE
Mark E. Payton phd Samples of skin, SDFTs, and DDFTs from 1 metacarpal area of each of 19
equine cadavers.
Received September 15, 2015.
Accepted October 30, 2015. PROCEDURES
From the Department of Clinical Sciences, College of A therapeutic laser with wavelength capabilities of 800 and 970 nm was
Veterinary Medicine (Duesterdieck-Zellmer, Larson, used. The percentage of energy penetration for each wavelength was de-
Sundholm-Tepper), and the School of Electrical Engi- termined through skin before and after clipping and then shaving of hair,
neering and Computer Science, College of Engineering
(Plant), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331; through shaved skin over SDFTs, and through shaved skin, SDFTs, and
and the Department of Statistics, College of Arts and DDFTs (positioned in anatomically correct orientation). Influence of hair
Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK color; skin preparation, color, and thickness; and wavelength on energy
74078 (Payton). Dr. Sundholm-Tepper’s present ad- penetration were assessed.
dress is Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences,
College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State RESULTS
University, Pullman, WA 99164.
For haired skin, energy penetration was greatest for light-colored hair and
Address correspondence to Dr. Duesterdieck-Zellmer least for dark-colored hair. Clipping or shaving of skin improved energy pen-
( etration. Light-colored skin allowed greatest energy penetration, followed
by medium-colored skin and dark-colored skin. Greatest penetration of
light-colored skin occurred with the 800-nm wavelength, whereas greatest
penetration of medium- and dark-colored skin occurred with the 970-nm
wavelength. As skin thickness increased, energy penetration of samples
decreased. Only 1% to 20% and 0.1% to 4% of energy were absorbed by
SDFTs and DDFTs, respectively, depending on skin color, skin thickness,
and applied wavelength.
Results indicated that most laser energy directed through equine skin was
absorbed or scattered by the skin. To achieve delivery of energy doses
known to positively affect cells in vitro to equine SDFTs and DDFTs, skin
preparation, color, and thickness and applied wavelength must be consid-
ered. (Am J Vet Res 2016;77:991–999)

T he effectiveness of LLLT for the treatment of mus-

culoskeletal conditions such as tendon injuries or
osteoarthritis is not universally accepted, as studies1,2
and oxygen consumption in cells cultured in vitro,9,10
which may be explained by absorption of laser light
(wavelength, 600 to 1,000 nm) by cytochrome c,11,12
have failed to unequivocally show clinical benefit. a component of the mitochondrial electron transport
Reported positive effects include decreased inflam- chain. Further, absorption of light energy by cyto-
mation,3 decreased pain perception,4,5 improvement chrome b and flavoproteins of the cell membrane-
of delayed wound healing,6 and improvement in bound nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
healing of injured deeper tissues such as tendons.2 (reduced form [NADPH]) oxidase complex13 has
The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying been suggested to induce subtle changes in cells’
these effects have not been established. However, it redox potential by promoting the production of re-
is thought that absorption of light energy by cellular active oxygen species,13–15 resulting in altered gene
components triggers a chain of chemical reactions, expression.16
resulting in altered cellular metabolism—a process Although in vitro investigations in other species
termed photobiostimulation or photobiomodula- have suggested possible benefits of LLLT in the treat-
tion.7,8 For example, LLLT increased ATP production ment of tendon injuries, such as promotion of fibroblast
proliferation,17 increased decorin and type I collagen
ABBREVIATION gene expression in tenofibrocytes,17 and stimulation of
LLLT Low-level laser therapy tenocyte migration,18 LLLT failed to improve the his-

AJVR • Vol 77 • No. 9 • September 2016 991

tologic appearance of experimentally induced tendon detector photocurrent. The voltage across the load
lacerations in horses.19 Also, LLLT did not appear to resistor was connected to the 1MΩ input of a direct
affect clinical outcome in racehorses with superficial current-coupled 100-MHz oscilloscope.d With a time
digital flexor tendon injuries.20 These negative results sweep of 500 µs/major division and a reduced band-
may be attributable to energy doses (termed fluence width of 20 MHz, and by continuously averaging 16
[measured in J/cm2]) of LLLT that were inappropriate. sweeps to reduce the noise level, each measurement
The relationship between laser fluence and biological was recorded on 3 occasions and a mean value calcu-
response appears to be biphasic, with low fluence as- lated. The signal level for the 100% laser signal with
sociated with biostimulatory effects and high fluence no tissue sample but with clean plastic wrapc and ap-
associated with no or negative effects, emphasizing the erture in place was maintained < 8 V to assure detec-
importance of appropriate fluence selection in LLLT.21 tor linearity at all signal levels.
Alternatively, it is possible that LLLT is ineffective in
equids because of unknown species-specific factors. Collection of tissue samples
When attempting to affect deeper tissues with Tissue samples were collected from a randomly
LLLT, translation of effective in vitro fluence to the in chosen forelimb of each of 19 horses euthanized
vivo setting is hampered by loss of laser energy via re- by means of an IV overdose (≥ 1 mL/4.5 kg of body
flection, absorption, and scattering by the skin. Prep- weight) of pentobarbital and phenytoine for rea-
aration of skin and hair has been shown to influence sons unrelated to the investigation. Breeds included
low-level laser energy penetration through horse American Quarter Horse (n = 11), Thoroughbred (4),
limbs, with clipping of hair followed by cleaning the warmblood (3), and Miniature horse (1). All hors-
skin with alcohol allowing greatest energy penetra- es were ≥ 2 years of age. One sample per horse of
tion through the tissues.22 However, it is unknown grossly healthy-appearing skin with normal hair coat
how much laser energy is transmitted through equine and superficial and deep digital flexor tendons was
skin. In the only previous study22 to investigate the collected en bloc from the middle to distal third of
penetration of laser light through equine tissues, mea- the metacarpal region (minimum proximal to distal
surements were made with the laser beam penetrat- length, approx 7 cm), dissected to separate skin and
ing the entire distal portion (from lateral to medial) both tendons, and frozen at –20°C. All samples (n =
of the equine limbs. Thus, the objective of the study 19) were allowed to thaw to room temperature (ap-
reported here was to measure penetration efficiency prox 21°C) before measurements were obtained.
of low-level laser energy through equine skin and to
determine what fraction of delivered laser energy is Skin samples
absorbed by the superficial and deep digital flexor Tissue thickness of shaved skin was determined
tendons of horses. We hypothesized that, similarly to in the area of laser application with a dial caliper.f
what has been shown previously in vivo, skin prepa- Perceived colors of hair and skin were recorded sepa-
ration influences penetration of laser energy through rately. For data analysis involving measurements with
skin ex vivo. We further hypothesized that hair color, hair present, samples were categorized into 3 groups
skin color, and skin thickness influence penetration on the basis of hair color (light, medium, or dark). For
of laser energy through equine skin ex vivo. data analysis involving measurements of clipped or
shaved skin, samples were categorized into 3 groups
Materials and Methods on the basis of subjectively perceived skin pigmenta-
tion (light, medium, or dark).
Laser unit and measurement setup To ascertain that subjectively perceived skin col-
A class IV therapeutic lasera with wavelength ca- or was consistent with more objective measures of
pabilities of 800 and 970 nm was used at its minimum skin pigmentation and to provide a continuous inde-
beam diameter (12 mm) and at a constant distance pendent variable for skin pigmentation, the percent-
(9.0 cm) from a photodetector. Results of preliminary age of scattered light at the 750-nm wavelength was
experiments indicated that the distance between the measured for all shaved skin samples. For these mea-
photodetector and the laser did not influence energy surements, the wavelength of 750 nm was selected
penetration efficiencies. The photodetector was a sili- because it is the visible wavelength23 that is closest
con PIN photodiodeb with an active region of 9.7 X to the wavelengths of the therapeutic laser used in
9.7 mm, reverse biased by a 9.3-V battery in series this study. The percentage of scattered light was de-
with a 100-Ω load resistor. To assure a sample area termined by directing a white-light quartz halogen
smaller than the active region of the photodetector, microscope illuminatorg onto the skin from near-nor-
a 5-mm-diameter aperture in a 0.5-mm-thick alumi- mal incidence and a distance of 10 cm. The scattered
num plate was centered over the photodetector. To light spectrum from 400 to 800 nm was collected at
protect the detector from contamination by the tissue near-normal incidence with a 250-µm-diameter opti-
samples, a film of plastic wrapc was placed over the cal fiber and miniature spectrometer.h The 100% ref-
aluminum plate, and tissue samples were situated di- erence scattering spectrum was measured by use of a
rectly over the aperture onto the plastic wrap. sheet of bright white paper i instead of a skin sample.
The optical signal was quantified by measuring Subsequently, skin samples were ordered (highest to
the voltage produced across the load resistor by the lowest) on the basis of the percentage of scattered
992 AJVR • Vol 77 • No. 9 • September 2016
light at the 750-nm wavelength (Table 1). It was ap- determine the effects of skin color, skin thickness,
parent from this ordering that grouping based on and laser energy wavelength on penetration of laser
subjectively perceived skin color was adequate to energy.
reflect measured skin pigmentation at a wavelength
of 750 nm. The percentage of scattered light at a Laser energy absorption by digital flexor
wavelength of 750 nm for white-colored skin samples tendons
(group designated as light-colored skin; n = 4) was To calculate the percentages of laser energy ab-
66.0% to 48.9%. For dark brown–, gray-, and all dark sorbed by shaved skin, superficial digital flexor ten-
gray–colored skin samples but 1 (group designated dons, and deep digital flexor tendons, measurements
as medium-colored skin; n = 9), the percentage of were obtained from shaved skin, shaved skin with the
scattered light at a wavelength of 750 nm was 25.0% superficial digital flexor tendon arranged in anatomi-
to 9.6%. For 1 dark gray– and the black-colored skin cally correct orientation, and shaved skin with the
samples (group designated as dark-colored skin; n = superficial and deep digital flexor tendons arranged
6), the percentage of scattered light at a wavelength in anatomically correct orientation. The respective
of 750 nm was 4.7% to 3.2%. values were expressed as a percentage of reference
laser energy, which was measured without any tissue
Experimental conditions between laser and photodetector. For the purpose
Optical transmission measurements were made of these calculations (Appendix 1), it was assumed
for continuous wave laser power of 1.0 W at 800 nm, that all energy that did not penetrate tissue placed
at 980 nm, and then at 800 and 980 nm emitted simul- between the laser and the detector was absorbed by
taneously. Measurements at these wavelengths were the tissue or tissues of interest.
performed without any tissue between the laser and
the photodetector (100% reference laser energy) and Data analysis
then with skin with the natural hair cleaned with wa- Penetration of laser energy through tissues was
ter to determine the influence of hair color on en- determined as a percentage of the laser energy de-
ergy penetration through haired skin samples. Subse- tected without any tissue between the laser and the
quently, to determine the effect of skin preparation photodetector at the same laser settings. Values are
on energy penetration, measurements of skin-only reported as mean ± SEM to provide an estimate of
samples were repeated after clippingj the hair and the precision of the sample mean in relation to the
cleaning the skin with water and then after shavingk population mean. Statistical analysis to determine dif-
the hair and cleaning the skin with water in the same ferences in laser energy penetration through equine
location as previous measurements. Measurements skin under the various experimental conditions was
from shaved-skin-only samples were then used to performed by ANOVA and post hoc F-protected t
Table 1—Characteristics of 19 equine skin samples collected from 1 metacarpal area of each of 19 equine cadavers and used to
determine skin penetration of laser energy at 3 different wavelength settings (800 nm, 970 nm, and both 800 and 970 nm emitted
of scattered light
at 750 nm Assigned skin Perceived hair Assigned hair Skin thickness
for each sample Perceived skin color color group color color group (mm)
66.0 White Light White Light 2.6
64.2 White Light White Light 1.6
52.1 White Light White Light 2.8
48.9 White Light Palomino Light 2.7
24.9 Gray Medium Dark chestnut Medium 2.5
23.1 Gray Medium Gray Medium 3.5
21.1 Dark brown Medium Chestnut-sorrel Medium 2.4
18.2 Gray Medium Brown Medium 1.6
12.6 Gray Medium Palomino Medium 2.7
12.3 Gray Medium Light brown Medium 1.5

12.1 Dark gray Medium Light gray Light 1.9
9.7 Dark gray Medium Mixed light and dark brown Medium 1.7
9.6 Gray Medium Mixed black, gray, and white Medium 1.5
4.7 Dark gray Dark Black with single cream Dark 1.8
and brown-colored hairs
4.6 Black Dark Black Dark 1.6
4.1 Black Dark Black Dark 2.5
3.9 Black Dark Black Dark 2.0
3.6 Black Dark Black Dark 1.9
3.2 Black Dark Black Dark 2.4
Grossly healthy-appearing skin with normal hair coat and superficial and deep digital flexor tendons were collected en bloc from the middle to
distal third of the metacarpal region and then dissected to separate skin and both tendons. Subjectively perceived hair and skin colors of samples
were recorded, and then the percentage of scattered light at the 750-nm wavelength was measured for skin samples after shaving and cleaning with
water. Those values were ordered (highest to lowest) and confirmed that sample grouping based on subjectively perceived skin color was adequate
to reflect measured skin pigmentation at a wavelength of 750 nm.

AJVR • Vol 77 • No. 9 • September 2016 993

tests.l Association between tissue thickness and la-
ser energy penetration was determined by multiple
linear regression analysis,m,n with wavelength and
percentage of scattered light at 750 nm in the model.
Significance was set at a value of P < 0.05.

When the beam was directed through skin-only
samples prior to clipping or shaving, the subjectively
determined hair color significantly influenced energy
penetration at all 3 wavelength conditions (ie, con-
tinuous wave laser power of 1.0 W at 800 nm, at 980
nm, and then at 800 nm and 980 nm emitted simulta-
neously). Energy penetration through skin with light-
color haired was higher, compared with skin samples
with medium- or dark-colored hair (all P < 0.001).
For skin samples with light-colored hair, mean ±
SEM percentage laser energy penetration (compared
with laser energy penetration in the absence of tis-
sue) was 14.9 ± 3.6%, 11.3 ± 2.1%, and 13.3 ± 2.7% at
wavelengths of 800 nm and 970 nm and at both wave-
lengths emitted simultaneously, respectively. For skin
samples with medium-colored hair, mean percent-
age laser energy penetration was 0.3 ± 0.1%, 0.8 ±
0.2%, and 0.6 ± 0.2% at wavelengths of 800 nm and
970 nm and at both wavelengths emitted simultane-
ously, respectively. For skin samples with dark-colored
hair, mean percentage laser energy penetration was
0.04 ± 0.1%, 0.6 ± 0.6%, and 0.1 ± 0.1% at wavelengths
of 800 nm and 970 nm and at both wavelengths emit-
ted simultaneously, respectively.
Skin preparation had a significant effect on la-
ser energy penetration through equine skin samples
(Figure 1). For skin samples with subjectively deter-
mined light- or medium-colored hair, penetration was
increased after clipping or shaving of the hair, com-
pared with the effect of only cleaning the hair, in all
wavelength settings. However, for skin samples with
subjectively determined dark-colored hair, this effect
was detected at only the 970-nm wavelength setting.
For shaved skin samples, subjectively determined
skin color significantly influenced laser energy pen-
etration at all 3 wavelength settings (Figure 2). Laser
Figure 1—Mean ± SEM laser energy penetration (expressed energy penetration of light-colored skin was greater
as a percentage of laser energy detected without any tissue than that of medium- or dark-colored skin. Laser en-
between laser and photodetector) of equine skin samples
with light-colored hair (n = 5; A), medium-colored hair (8; ergy penetration of medium-colored skin was greater
B), or dark-colored hair (6; C) at 3 different wavelength set- than that of dark-colored skin.
tings (800 nm, 970 nm, and both 800 and 970 nm emitted Wavelength setting (800 nm, 980 nm, or 800 and
simultaneously). A class IV therapeutic laser with wavelength 980 nm emitted simultaneously) had a significant ef-
capabilities of 800 and 970 nm was used at its minimum beam
diameter (12 mm) and at a constant distance (9.0 cm) from fect on laser energy penetration in the shaved skin
a photodetector. Measurements of laser energy penetrating samples (Table 2). For shaved light-colored skin
skin from 1 metacarpal area of each of 19 equine cadavers samples, laser energy penetration at a wavelength
were obtained first with hair present that was cleaned with of 800 nm was more efficient than that achieved at
water (light gray bars), then after hair was clipped and skin a wavelength of 970 nm. For shaved medium- and
was cleaned with water (gray bars), and finally after hair was
shaved and skin was cleaned with water (black bars). Re- dark-colored skin samples, laser energy penetration
peated measurements were performed in the same location at a wavelength of 970 nm was more efficient than
as previous measurements. *Value for samples with cleaned that achieved at a wavelength of 800 nm. With the
hair present is significantly (P < 0.001) less than the value for combined wavelength setting, the efficiency of laser
the same samples after clipping or shaving. †Value for samples
with cleaned hair present is significantly (P < 0.01) less than energy penetration was intermediate for shaved skin
the value for the same samples after clipping or shaving. samples of all colors.

994 AJVR • Vol 77 • No. 9 • September 2016

Results of the multiple linear regression analysis 750 nm, had a significant effect on laser energy pen-
indicated that skin thickness, as well as skin pigmen- etration through shaved skin samples (adjusted R2 =
tation measured as a percentage of scattered light at 0.87; P < 0.001; multiple regression equation: y = 8.6
– 3.5x1 + 0.38x2, with x1 being skin thickness in milli-
meters and x2 being the percentage of scattered light
at 750 nm). As skin thickness increased, laser energy
penetration decreased (P < 0.001). Furthermore, the
greater the percentage of scattered light at 750 nm,
the greater the laser energy penetration (P < 0.001).
Laser energy penetration was determined for
samples of shaved skin, shaved skin with the superficial
digital flexor tendon, and shaved skin with the superfi-
cial and deep digital flexor tendons, arranged in anatom-
ically correct fashion. Laser energy absorption by skin,
the superficial digital flexor tendon, and the deep digital
flexor tendon was calculated (Table 3).

Low-level laser therapy has been shown to posi-
Figure 2—Mean ± SEM laser energy penetration of the tively affect tendon-derived fibroblasts of some spe-
equine skin samples in Figure 1 classified on the basis of skin cies in vitro. The positive effects include cell activities
color (light-colored skin [n = 4; light-gray bars], medium-col- thought to be necessary for tendon healing, such as
ored skin [9; gray bars], or dark-colored skin [6; black bars])
at 3 different wavelength settings (800 nm, 970 nm, and both increased cell proliferation,17,24 cell migration,18 and
800 and 970 nm emitted simultaneously). First, subjectively expression of tendon matrix proteins.17,18 These ef-
perceived skin color (white, gray, dark gray, dark brown, or fects were found to occur at a relatively narrow range
black) of samples was recorded, and then the percentage of of low fluence, with 2 J/cm2 possibly having the great-
scattered light at the 750-nm wavelength was measured for
samples after shaving and cleaning with water. The values est effects. Translation of effective in vitro fluence to
were ordered (highest to lowest) and confirmed that sample an in vivo setting requires adjustment for losses of
grouping based on subjectively perceived skin color was ad- laser energy via reflection, absorption, and scattering
equate to reflect measured skin pigmentation at a wavelength by tissues overlying the injured tendon. In the pres-
of 750 nm. The group designated as the light-colored skin ent study, the influence of subjectively assessed hair
sample group included samples with skin color perceived as
white. The group designated as the medium-colored skin color, skin pigmentation, skin preparation, and wave-
sample group included samples with skin perceived as dark length on laser energy penetration through equine
brown and gray. The group designated as the dark-colored skin was investigated. The intent was that the study
skin sample group included 1 sample perceived as dark gray data would provide guidance for equine practitioners
and the samples perceived as black. *,†,‡Within a given wave-
length setting, different superscript symbols indicate signifi- with regard to adjustment of laser energy outputs for
cant (all P < 0.001) differences between the means. See Figure individual patients to achieve delivery of appropriate
1 for key. in vivo energy fluence for augmentation of healing of

Table 2—Mean ± SEM laser energy penetration (expressed as a percentage of laser energy de-
tected without any tissue between laser and photodetector) at 3 different wavelength settings
(800 nm, 970 nm, and both 800 and 970 nm emitted simultaneously) through shaved equine skin
samples in Table 1 that were classified as light-, medium-, or dark-colored skin.

Wavelength Mean percentage

Skin color (nm) laser energy penetration P value
Light (n = 4) < 0.001
800 25.1 ± 2.1a
970 19.1 ± 1.7b
800 and 970 combined 21.9 ± 1.6c
Medium (n = 9) < 0.001
800 5.9 ± 0.8a
970 9.0 ± 1.3b
800 and 970 combined 7.5 ± 1.0c
Dark (n = 6) 0.006
800 1.2 ± 0.4a
970 3.5 ± 0.9b
800 and 970 combined 2.4 ± 0.7a,b
A class IV therapeutic laser with wavelength capabilities of 800 and 970 nm was used at its minimum beam
diameter (12 mm) and at a constant distance (9.0 cm) from a photodetector.
a–cWithin a given skin color group, values with different letters are significantly different.

See Table 1 for key.

AJVR • Vol 77 • No. 9 • September 2016 995

Table 3—Mean ± SEM laser energy absorption (expressed as the percentage of the total laser energy detected without any tissue
between the laser and the photodetector) at 3 different wavelength settings (800 nm, 970 nm, and both 800 and 970 nm emitted
simultaneously) in samples of shaved skin, superficial digital flexor tendons, and deep digital flexor tendons collected en bloc from
1 metacarpal area of each of the 19 equine cadavers in Table 1 that were classified as having light-, medium-, or dark-colored skin.
Skin color group

Light (n = 4) Medium (n = 9) Dark (n = 6)

800 and 800 and 800 and

Tissue 800 nm 970 nm 970 nm 800 nm 970 nm 970 nm 800 nm 970 nm 970 nm

Skin 74.9 ± 2.1 80.9 ± 1.7 78.1 ± 1.6 94.1 ± 0.8 91.0 ± 1.3 92.5 ± 1.0 98.8 ± 0.4 96.5 ± 0.9 97.6 ± 0.7
Superficial 20.7 ± 2.7 16 ± 1.7 18.2 ± 1.9 5.2 ± 0.7 7.9 ± 1.1 6.6 ± 0.8 1.2 ± 0.4 3.3 ± 0.9 2.3 ± 0.6
digital flexor
Deep 4.1 ± 1.7 2.8 ± 1.4 3.4 ± 1.5 0.7 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.3 0.9 ± 0.2 0.1 ± 0.0 0.2 ± 0.0 0.1 ± 0.0
digital flexor

To calculate the percentages of laser energy absorbed by shaved skin, superficial digital flexor tendons, and deep digital flexor tendons, measure-
ments were obtained from shaved skin, shaved skin with the superficial digital flexor tendon, and shaved skin with the superficial and deep digital
flexor tendons, arranged in anatomically correct fashion. The respective values were expressed as a percentage of reference laser energy, which
was measured without any tissue between laser and photodetector.
See Tables 1 and 2 for key.

flexor tendon injuries in horses. The data obtained in It has been stated that longer-wavelength laser
the present study suggested that without laser energy light penetrates deeper into tissues, compared with
output adjustment based on perceived equine skin the effect of shorter-wavelength laser light,8 but in the
color and skin thickness, it is unlikely that effective present study, this was dependent on skin pigmenta-
energy fluences are delivered to injured tendons. tion of the equine skin samples. In skin samples with
Similar to findings in a previous study22 in horses, moderate or dark pigmentation, laser energy penetra-
penetration of laser energy through skin samples was tion was greater at a wavelength of 970 nm than at a
significantly less when the hair was not clipped or wavelength of 800 nm. However, laser energy pen-
shaved, although there was no difference between etration in nonpigmented skin samples was greater
the effect of clipping and shaving in the present at a wavelength of 800 nm than at a wavelength of
study. In the presence of natural hair, only white or 970 nm. A possible explanation is that more laser ener-
cream-colored hair allowed laser energy penetration gy was absorbed by melanin in the skin at the 800-nm
through equine skin, whereas gray, brown, chest- wavelength than at the 970-nm wavelength and that
nut, or black hair blocked > 99% of the laser energy more laser energy was absorbed by water at the 970-
penetration. Thus, the data obtained in the present nm wavelength than at the 800-nm wavelength.8 In
study supported previous recommendations to clip nonpigmented skin, the major chromophore may be
or shave and then clean the skin over the area to be water because of the lack of melanin, which would
treated via LLLT.22 After clipping or shaving the skin, result in better skin penetration by laser energy at
penetration of laser energy through equine skin was the 800-nm wavelength, compared with the effects
significantly affected on the basis of the subjectively of longer wavelengths.
perceived skin color; laser energy penetration was In our opinion, the best estimate for a clinically
greatest for nonpigmented skin, followed by that for effective laser fluence delivered to tendon fibroblasts
moderately pigmented skin and then black-pigmented in the area of a tendon lesion in vivo is the fluence
skin. This was not surprising, given that skin color is that has been shown to improve cellular functions in
influenced by the type and amount of melanin within vitro. After receiving a laser fluence of 2.0 to 2.5 J/cm2
the skin and light of a wavelength of 800 or 970 nm is (660 nm, 50 mW, and continuous mode), rat Achil-
absorbed by melanin.21 les tenocytes in monolayer culture had increased
In the present study, skin thickness was sig- cell proliferation24 and cell migration.18 Furthermore,
nificantly associated with laser energy penetration administration of 1 to 3 J/cm2 (820 and 635 nm,
through equine skin samples, but the effect was small, 40 mW, and 50-Hz pulse frequency) was associated
compared with the effect of skin pigmentation. This with increased gene expression of decorin and col-
may be a result of the minor variability in thickness lagen type I in porcine Achilles tendon fibroblasts.17
of the skin samples used (thickness range, 1.5 to 3.5 Cell proliferation was enhanced at a fluence of 2.00
mm). Correction of laser energy settings on the basis to 2.16 J/cm2, but not at higher fluences.17,26 On the
of skin thickness would theoretically be possible by basis of these findings, a fluence of 2 J/cm2 may be
ultrasonographically measuring skin thickness at the the most appropriate fluence in vitro to stimulate cel-
region requiring treatment.25 However, correction of lular functions that possibly benefit tendon healing.
laser energy settings on the basis of skin thickness With as little as 1.9% of emitted laser energy penetrat-
is apparently much less important than corrections ing shaved, black-pigmented equine skin in the pres-
based on skin pigmentation. ent study, the question arises whether it is feasible

996 AJVR • Vol 77 • No. 9 • September 2016

to deliver this energy fluence to injured flexor ten- that which provides effective laser energy fluences
dons within a reasonable amount of time. When at- in vitro, adjustments to laser energy output must be
tempting to treat the superficial digital flexor tendon made depending on the preparation of the skin and
in a horse with black-pigmented skin, the prediction the subjectively determined skin color. Hair color in-
based on the data obtained in the present study is fluenced penetration of laser energy through equine
that use of a laser beam at a wavelength of 800 nm skin at wavelengths of 800 and 970 nm. Only hair of
would most likely result in only 1.9% of the laser en- light color (white or cream colored) allowed penetra-
ergy penetrating the skin (Table 2). Also, in general, tion of sufficient laser energy to treat an area without
1.8% of the laser energy is absorbed by the superfi- clipping or shaving the overlying skin and without
cial digital flexor tendon (Table 3). Thus, with the la- excessively long treatment times. As has been shown
ser set at a 1-W power output and a spot diameter of previously, penetration of laser energy through
1.2 cm, it would take 10 minutes and 24 seconds of equine skin was improved by clipping or shaving of
treatment time to deliver a fluence of 2 J/cm2 to a ten- the hair, followed by cleaning of the skin. Laser en-
don lesion that was determined to be 1 cm in width ergy penetration of equine skin was dependent on
and 5 cm in length (Appendix 2). However, even wavelength. Penetration of nonpigmented skin was
the assumption that 1.8% of laser energy is absorbed better with a wavelength of 800 nm, compared with
by the superficial digital flexor tendon is probably an the effect of a wavelength of 970 nm, and penetration
overestimation because additional energy is likely to of pigmented skin was better with a wavelength of
be reflected or scattered by the tendon. This energy 970 nm, compared with the effect of a wavelength
loss is very difficult, if not impossible, to assess27 and of 800 nm. Laser energy penetration decreased with
subsequently has not been taken into account in the increasing skin thickness, but it was influenced to
example calculation. a much greater extent by skin pigmentation: the
When attempting to treat the deep digital flexor darker the skin pigmentation, the less laser energy
tendon, it may be theoretically beneficial to avoid penetration of the skin. Thus, we accept our hypoth-
having to penetrate skin and superficial digital flexor eses that hair color, skin preparation, skin color, and
tendon by directing the beam toward the lesion in skin thickness influence penetration of laser energy
the lateral or medial plane, as opposed to the sagit- through equine skin ex vivo. We also conclude that
tal plane, from the palmar or plantar aspect because laser energy of 2 J/cm2 can be delivered to equine
only approximately 1% of laser energy (at the 800- superficial digital flexor tendons, even in horses with
nm wavelength) penetrated black-pigmented skin black-pigmented skin, although adjustments must be
and the superficial digital flexor tendon in the pres- made to assure adequate duration of treatment. In our
ent study. However, we did not attempt to determine opinion, delivery of that fluence to the deep digital
and thus do not know how much laser energy would flexor tendon or the suspensory ligament appears to
be absorbed by healthy tendons when treatment is be impossible if the laser beam is directed through
directed in this fashion. skin and the superficial digital flexor tendon.
A limitation of the present study was that we
used cadaver tissues with lack of blood flow. Hemo- Acknowledgments
globin is a chromophore, and it is conceivable that Supported by the Department of Clinical Sciences, College of
perfused equine skin attenuates the laser beam to a Veterinary Medicine, Oregon State University.
Presented in part in poster form at the 2014 American College
greater extent than does nonperfused skin, resulting of Veterinary Surgeons Surgery Summit, San Diego, Calif, October
in target tissues that receive even less laser energy 2014.
than what was calculated in this study. Also, absorp-
tion of laser energy by damaged areas of tendon, such Foonotes
as core lesions, may be different from findings for a. K Series 1200, K-Laser, Franklin, Tenn.
the normal tendons used in the present study. Fur- b. FDS1010, Thorlabs, Newton, NJ.
thermore, it is unknown how much laser energy is c. Saran, SC Johnson, Racine, Wis.
d. TDS 220, Tektronix, Beaverton, Ore.
absorbed by tenocytes located at different depths e. Beuthanasia-D Special, Merck Animal Health, Madison, NJ.
within the tendon. This illustrates the difficulty of f. Series 505, Mitutoyo, Aurora, Ill.
translating biostimulatory effects of LLLT in monolay- g. L2, Leica, Buffalo Grove, Ill.
er cultures to 3-D tissues. It is also unknown whether h. USB4000, Ocean Optics, Dunedin, Fla.
i. X-9, Boise White Paper, Boise, Ind.
tenocytes surrounded by tendon matrix would have j. 40 blade, Oster, McMinnville, Tenn.
the same biostimulatory responses as tenocytes in k. Disposable single-blade shaver, Bic, Clichy, France.
monolayer culture. Additionally, inflammatory media- l. SAS, version 9.4, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC.
tors that are found in tendon lesions28 may also alter m. Daniel’s XL Toolbox add in version 6.52 for Excel, Daniel
tenocytes’ responses to LLLT. Finally, it is possible Kraus, Würzburg, Germany.
n. Excel 2010, Microsoft, Redmond, Wash.
that LLLT is ineffective in influencing tendon healing
in equids because of species-specific factors, such as
biomechanics or wound healing.
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Appendix 1
Calculations used to determine absorption of laser energy by samples of shaved skin, SDFTs, and DDFTs obtained from the meta-
carpal areas of equine cadavers.
Variable Calculation

Value measured with no tissue between laser and detector Etotal = 100% of emitted energy

Value measured with skin only between laser and detector Tskin = % of energy transmitted through skin
Value measured with skin and SDFT between laser and detector Tskin + SDFT = % of energy transmitted through skin and SDFT
Value measured with skin, SDFT, and DDFT between laser and detector Tskin + SDFT + DDFT = % of energy transmitted through skin, SDFT,
and DDFT

When only skin is between laser and detector Etotal = (%)Askin (%) + Tskin (%)
When skin and SDFT are between laser and detector Etotal = (%)Askin (%) + ASDFT (%) + Tskin+SDFT (%)
When skin, SDFT, and DDFT are between laser and detector Etotal = (%)Askin (%) + ASDFT (%) + ADDFT (%) + Tskin + SDFT + DDFT (%)

Energy absorbed by skin Askin (%) = 100% – Tskin (%)

Energy absorbed by SDFT ASDFT (%) = 100% – Askin (%) – Tskin + SDFT (%)
Energy absorbed by DDFT ADDFT (%) = 100% – Askin (%) – ASDFT (%) – Tskin + SDFT + DDFT (%)
DDFT = Deep digital flexor tendon. SDFT = Superficial digital flexor tendon.
E = emitted energy. A = absorbed energy. T = transmitted energy.

Appendix 2 appears on the next page

998 AJVR • Vol 77 • No. 9 • September 2016

Appendix 2
Example calculation of treatment time with a therapeutic laser to provide LLLT in an SDFT in
metacarpal area of a horse.
Size of the tendon lesion (in the SDFT): 5 X 1 cm = 5 cm2
Attenuation of laser energy by black pigmented skin (through absorption and scattering): 98.2%
Target fluence to be delivered to tendon lesion: 2 J/cm2 = 10 J/5 cm2
Laser settings: power output = 1 W; spot size diameter = 12 mm

1) Calculation of energy emitted by laser:

1 W/1.13 cm2 = 0.89 W/cm2 = 0.89 J/s/cm2

2) Calculation of actual fluence delivery rate to the SDFT:

0.89 J/s/cm2 X 1.8% = 0.01602 J/s/cm2

3) Calculation of time necessary to deliver 2 J/cm2 to the SDFT:

2 J/cm2 / 0.01602 J/cm2 = 124.84 seconds
The treatment time required to deliver 2 J to 1 cm2 of an SDFT is 124.8 seconds. The treatment
time required to deliver 2 J to 5 cm2 of an SDFT is 624.2 seconds. Thus, the treatment time
required to deliver 10 J to 5 cm2 of SDFT is 10 minutes and 24 seconds.
SDFT = Superficial digital flexor tendon.

AJVR • Vol 77 • No. 9 • September 2016 999

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