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In "An African Thunderstorm" by David Rubadiri, the poet employs two powerful

literary devices: imagery and personification, to vividly portray the raw energy and
dominance of nature during a thunderstorm.
Imagery is extensively utilized throughout the poem, with phrases like "angry-
bellied clouds" and "roiling waves" painting a vivid picture of the storm's ferocity.
Through these descriptive images, Rubadiri effectively transports the reader into
the heart of the tempest, evoking a visceral response and immersing them in the
chaotic atmosphere. The effectiveness of imagery lies in its ability to evoke
sensory experiences, allowing readers to feel the pounding rain, hear the roaring
thunder, and see the trembling trees, thereby intensifying the emotional impact of
the poem.
Additionally, personification infuses the elements of nature with human qualities,
heightening the drama of the storm. The portrayal of clouds as "warriors" and trees
as "angry men" personifies nature, imbuing it with agency and emotion. This
personification not only amplifies the sense of awe and wonder but also
underscores the theme of nature's supremacy over humanity. By depicting nature
as a formidable force capable of expressing anger and wreaking havoc, Rubadiri
emphasizes our vulnerability and insignificance in the face of its power.
In conclusion, through the adept use of imagery and personification, Rubadiri
masterfully captures the theme of the poem, illustrating the awe-inspiring might of
an African thunderstorm while highlighting humanity's humble place within the
natural world.


An African Thunderstorm" by David Rubadiri vividly portrays the overwhelming

force of a thunderstorm in Africa. The poem evokes the sudden onset of wind and
rain, the clash of clouds like battling warriors, and the earth's trembling beneath
nature's fury. Through striking imagery and personification, Rubadiri illustrates the
storm's power and its impact on the environment and people. Despite its brief
duration, the storm leaves behind a sense of renewal and tranquility in its wake

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