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Checkpoint: Reagans Economics

Reagans Economics

HIS 135 July 24, 2011

Checkpoint: Reagans Economics

Ronald Reagan was one of the most determined conservatives in politics to this date. As he did try and make some reforms as being a conservatve, he was not able to do very much in his quest. However, the effort towards reforming his policies concerning his views of this changed the economy and society of his time. For instance, his conservative policies included allowing religion in schools, and banning abortions. Both were accepted by most, but were not dealt with, or passed until George W. Bush went into office. His economic policies, however, did make a difference in society and still do today. The monetary targets policy enabled a drop in the recession and poverty growth rate, and thus led to very low unemployment. This policy still makes a difference in the world today as we do not have as much unemployment as we would have. He also created policies towards foreign countries like the Soviet Union, using tough love in dealings with them. This policy led to the fall of communism and encouraged support of the president as he made beneficial moves for our country. All in all, Reagan stimulated the economy by making moves that benefited the wellbeing of the people, and only the people which earned him support and excellent feedback.

Checkpoint: Reagans Economics References

Davidson, J. (Ed.). (2006). Nation of nations: A concise narrative of the American republic (4th ed., Vol. 2). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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