G3 - Science (Social) - 9th Meeting (Money, Wants and Needs)

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Period/Date 6th March 2023
Duration 2 session (60 minutes)
Topic Money, Needs, Wants
Project based for Cooperation &  Observing  Knows about money and its function
mid test Respect  Describing  Understand the concept of Needs -
 Classifying Wants and its difference

Concept / Key 1. What is money and its function?

Questions 2. What is Needs-Wants and its difference?

Activities Time
1st meeting 10
Opening (Prior- knowledge):
 Teacher greets the student, ask to pray, and give motivation to keep their spirit.
 Teacher shows some of surah, let students read the ayah.
“Dan berikanlah kepada keluarga-keluarga yang dekat akan haknya, kepada orang miskin dan orang
yang dalam perjalanan dan janganlah kamu menghambur-hamburkan (hartamu) secara boros.
Sesungguhnya pemboros itu adalah saudara-saudara syaitan dan syaitan itu adalah sangat ingkar kepada
Tuhannya.” (Surat Al Isra’ ayat 26-27)
“Hai anak Adam, pakailah pakaianmu yang indah di setiap (memasuki) masjid, makan dan minumlah,
dan janganlah berlebih-lebihan. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berlebih-lebihan.”
(QS. Al-A’raf: 31)
 Teacher asks the students what you can learn from Surah Al Isra' verses 26-27.
 Students share their opinion orally.
Brainstorming /main activities 45

Activity 1: Money and its function

 Teacher shows some of picture using projector

 Teacehr asks some of question:

1. What do you see on the screen?
2. Why is it called money? What are the characteristics of money?
3. What is the difference between the pictures above?
4. What is the function/benefit of money?
5. If you have the money (e.g. Rp. 100,000) what things would you do? What things would you buy as
a student?Guru menuliskan jawaban siswa di papa tulis.
 For question number 4, teacher gives sticky notes and asks the students to write what they would buy
with the money (write 5 items).
 After the students write their answers, the teacher asks the students to choose only 1 item that they
would buy + the reason why they chose it.

Activity 2: Watching video Needs-Wants

 Teacher shows a short video about Wants and Needs (study case)
 Teacher asks the students to watch the video.
 Teacher discusses with the students while watching the video.
 Teacher asks the students questions:
1. Which items are needed when someone is landed on an unknown island?
2. Why did you choose those items?
3. Which items are not needed? or
4. Which items do you want but don't really need? Why?

Activity 3: Story Telling Needs-Wants

 Teacher reads a story from a book about needs and wants.
 Teacher asks the students to listen to the story carefully.
 Teacher asks the students questions based on the story:
1. What things are needed and should be bought? Why?
2. What things that don't needed but want to buy? Why?
 The teacher writes the students' answers on the board

Activity 4: Individual Worksheet

 To find out students' understanding more deeply, the teacher gives individual worksheets to students.
 Students work on the worksheet and present their work in front of their friends.
Closing: 5
 Teacher asks the students to tell what they have learnt today
 Teacher closed the meeting and say alhamdulillah and pray may Allah always bless and cover us with a
good health.

 Sticky Note  Power point – Money
RESOURCES  WS  Sticky note
 Video
 Story Book
 WS
Acknowledge by,
Headmaster Teacher

Siti Hamsah Deki Nur Tajudin


Needs and Wants

Name : _________________________ Date: _____ ______________ 2024

Activity :

1. Cut and stick the pictures based on the categorize!

Needs item Wants item

2. Explain how you would categorize the pictures above (write the reason)!






3. Doni is a student with poor financial condition so he must save the money first if he wants to buy
something. From the results of saving for 2 years, he collected Rp. 500,000 to buy his broken
shoes. After arriving at the store, Doni looks at two different types of shoes. Shoe A is priced at
Rp 250,000 and shoe B is priced at Rp 500,000. Doni likes both of shoes.
Which shoe do you think that Doni should buy? Why? Explain your opinion!






4. Ahmad is a rich people and one day, he will go to the supermarket. Before leaving, Ahmad looked at
some of the items he was going to buy. Ahmad found that some items had run out, such as
stationery, toiletries, and his school bag was broken. Then Ahmad made a list of items he would
buy, such as: ice cream, pencils, lego, shoe, socks, school bag, doll, toy cars, pizza, candy, shampoo.
Help Ahmad to categorize the items that he will buy based on "Needs" and "Wants"!

No Needs item Wants item

5. Based on the story number 4 above, what should Ahmad do if he practices Surah Al Isra verses
26-27 ? Explain your opinion!
(Surat Al Isra ayat 26-27: “……. dan janganlah kamu menghambur-hamburkan (hartamu) secara
boros. Sesungguhnya pemboros itu adalah saudara-saudara syaitan dan syaitan itu adalah sangat
ingkar kepada Tuhannya.”







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