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Letter N v One evening, as Nonoy slept soundly, he dreamed he saw many objects whose names begin with letter Nn: numbers nurse neck _ notes net nine needle nest notebook Questions: |.Who slept soundly? 2. What was his dream? 3. What did he see when he wake ey ere EEE EEE Dick's Pig Dick has a pet pig. The pig is Nick. Dick and Nick love to play. Dick loves to sit on Nick's back. But Nick wants to get big. So he likes to sip milk rom the tin in the pit. Guin Te ES |.Who has a pig? 2. What is the pig's name? » 3. Where does Dick love to sit? An Indian and an Igorot with her infant met near an igloo. They talked about the invitation with the ink spots and with a smell of ilang-ilang flowers. They happily received the invitation. Questions: |.Who met near an igloo? 2. What flower was mentioned? 3. How did they feel? The Zoo Have you been to the zoo? What do you see in the zoo? In the zoo, we see wild animals. We see a zebra, a tiger, a lion and a crocodile. We also see other animals like eagles, monkeys, large fis' ostrich. Questions: |. What do you see in a zoo? 2. Give examples of wild animals that you can see there. Zs’ gsi eet ies ade HurerGrercueeoreiLiea| . . . Gay and Her Friends * Gay liked to stay in the garden. She enjoyed playing the guitar under the guava tree while watching her goat and gander play together. One day, her goat gave her a gift. This was to hunk her for being good to him and his friend, the gander. ? : J Questiones |.Who likes to stay in the garden? 2. What does she enjoyed doing? 3. Who gave Gay a gift? A Rabbit A rabbit saw a dog at the foot of a carabao. He was holding empty envelopes and a basket of eggs and eggplants. His elbow got hurt so he went home and slept. Questions: |.Who saw a dog? 2. What was the rabbit holding? 3. Why did he go home? err . Sacer se YY Ben, Bong and Bing Ben was playing basketball. Bong and Bing, Ben's brother and sister, watched him play. They sat on the bench and watched Ben play Bong ate his bread and Bing read her book. Ben, Bong and Bing were happy to be together. Questions: |.Who was playing basketball? t 2. Who watched him play? 3. Where did Bing and Bong sit? 4. What did they do while watching A Package Popoy received a door-to-door package from his parents in the United States. It contained a pair of pants, colored pencils, pad paper, a _ purse, a pillow, a piggy bank and a _ picture. He was very happy. Questions: |.Who received a package? 2. Who sent him the package? 3. What was in the package? xf Mom and Her Son a Mom has a son. Her son is Don. "Come, Don," said Mom. "Put the toys in the box. Then help me mop.” "Yes, Mom," said Don. So Don hops to mop the floor. Questions: |.Who has a son? 2. What is his name? 3. Where did Don put his toys? FPR rerreeLresT SS 4. How did Don help his mother? ae As’ gsi ei Ola tes ea SELAiSres cue SoteiLiaal A Boy . Bud is a boy. He lives in a hut. Every day he hears the hum of the bird. He listens to it as he chews his gum. Bud and Rum are having fun. In the hut, they hum and hum. Bud gets a rug. And puts it on Rum. Bud and |.Who is the boy? 2. What does he live? 3. What does he hear every day? 4. What did Bud and Rum do in the ut? Ss err . ' Jogging Jay ‘ One morning, Jay wore his jogging pants to jog in the park. He put on his jacket and rode in his jeep. He brought with him bread and jam, a small jar with water, juice, and jumping rope for his exercise. After the jogging exercise, he rested and started to eat his food. While eating, he saw a big jet pass overhead. What a nice day to jog and exercise. ° Questions: |.Where did Jay jog? 2. What did he bring with him? y 3. What did he see while resting? Det ete eG beater Ge caetener ed e Yani One day, Yani was watching a yacht - sail. She had been watching the yacht the _ whole morning until she felt sleepy. She _ rested under the coconut tree. She put _ down the yoyo, the yarn, and the yam ~ beside her. She yawned and fell asleep. ~ Yani slept soundly. She dreamed about Questions: |.What did Yani watch? 2. Where did she rest? . 3. What did she dream about? The Octopus The octopus wanted to eat the olives near the ostrich. But it saw an ox under the orange tree. The octopus stayed in the sea. Questions: |.Who wanted to eat the olives? 2. What did the octopus see under the orange tree? 3. Where did the octopus stay? DS iaeuteteseseselb=asetototeecSenorcted Lito used the ladder to pick some fruits from the tree. He was holding a letter from his loving mother who was in Laguna. His sisters, Lita and Linda lovingly waited from him. As they waited, Lita sat on a log holding a lollipop while Linda played with her Questions: |.What did Lito use to pick fruit from the tree? 2. Where was his mother? 3. What do you think did Lito and his sister e eel for their mother's absence? —————— Dan and His Cat Dan has a pet cat. The cat's name is Pat. Pat has a cap. It naps on the mat. Oh!How Dan loves his cat Pat. Questions: |.Who has a pet cat? 2. What is his pet's name? >. 3. Where does Pat nap? It was Dog Danny's birthday. Dog Dada and Duck Debbie came and joined the dance party. Everyone greeted Danny "Happy Birthday” as the others danced to the music played by the drummers. Everyone was happy Questions: |.Who was celebrating for his birthday? 2. Who joined the dance party? 3. How did everyone feel for Dog Danny? Det ete es bth ELiearortGecaenencr ed 9 Ana dreamed that she was in a forest. She saw different animals. - There was horses, cows, carabaos, snakes, wild pigs, monkeys and birds. Questions: |.What was Anna's dream? 2. What animals did she see? Zs’ Masi einaes ea SEuTaiGhes ee eerenLieal Henry Henry was grilling hotdogs for father because father had fixed the house. With Henry were his pet animals, the horse and the hen. Father was happy to see Henry happily helping him work and grill hotdogs. Questions: |.Who likes to stay in the garden? 2. What does she enjoyed doing? 3. Who gave Gay a gift? The Two Friends Roy and Remy are friends. They like to watch the rainbow and run under the rain. They run to the fields. Roy brings his rocket nd Remy brings her red doll. They play with the robot who runs around the rocks. Questions: |.Who are friends? 2. What did they like to do? 3. Whom did they play with? Moo Cobb oho d bobo hbo Mother just came from He market. She rushed to the kitchen and placed the basket full of mangoes and the melon on the floor. She was surprised to see a mouse, a matchbox, - and a mug on the table. She held the mug but the water spilled on the floor. Mother got the mop and cleaned the floor. == go, unlad Questions: |.Who came from the market? 2. What did she see on the table? > 3. What happened to the water? The Queen ‘ There was a queer queen who loved to wear a quilted skirt. She asked her soldier to look for the duck that quacked whenever the quail laid eggs. If the soldier found the duck and Un Gueenun ae i. the quail, the queen promised to give him a quarter pound of gold from the palace. Questions: |.Who received a package? 2. Who sent him the package? pos eee scale: 3. What was in the package? FRR rerrereLrrsE Ke \ Karen and Kokoy Karen and Kokoy went to the yard. In the yard, Kokoy played with his kite. Karen got the kettle and poured the water into the tub to give her kitten a good bath. Karen's kangaroo was watching while playing with the keg. Questions: |.Who went to the yard? 2. What did Kokoy do? 3. Who watched Karen while playing with the keg? . The Candy Man Mang Carlo is a candy man. He sells his favorite candies: candy canes, cotton candy and chocolates. Children with caps clap their hands when the candy man comes along. ® . ay se YY {S \ f Kean, = = Questions: 4 |.Who is the candy man? 2. What candies does he sell? 3. Who clap their hands when the candy man comes along? Boy was playing upside and his uncle was resting under the tree. Boy's uncle was thinking of his undershirt and his umbrella, which he lef the underpass. He thought,” them tomorrow". Questions: |.Who was playing upside? 2. Where did his uncle rest? 3. What was his uncle thinking? SCHOOL: &} + My Reaoine Lac LEARNER'S NAME

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