Stress Support

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For dogs that need extra support
for stress and anxiety, (always in
addition to behavior modification
and daily movement therapy) there
are some effective, all-natural
supplements to try.

L-THEANINE is a calming amino acid found primarily

in tea. It promotes alpha wave brain production,
which reduces anxiety and noise phobias, and
supports a relaxed but focused mindset. Veterinary-
prescribed products are available, but L-theanine is
also widely available in human health food stores
The most effective dose in reducing anxiety in dogs is 1 mg per pound (2.2kg) of
body weight, given twice daily.

ASHWAGANDHA is a small evergreen shrub that grows in India, the Middle East,
and parts of Africa. Ashwagandha is called an “adaptogen” because it helps the
body deal with stress by supporting brain function, lowering blood sugar and
cortisol levels, and helping fight symptoms of anxiety and depression. It’s also been
shown to help improve liver function in older dogs.

DOSE: 50–100mg/kg (110mg-220mg/lb), divided into two doses on food.

BACOPA MONNIERI is a staple plant used in Ayurvedic medicine. Numerous

clinical studies have found that it enhances memory retention—dogs learn faster
and remember longer—and reduces stress and anxiety, including depression.
Some animal studies have even shown that its anti-anxiety (“anxiolytic”) efficacy
is comparable to benzodiazepine (e.g., Xanax) but won’t make your dog sleepy.
Doctors around the world are adding bacopa monnieri to their support protocols
for patients with cognitive degeneration because it’s a proven memory enhancer.

DOSE: 25–100 mg/kg (25-220mg/lb) a day on food, divided in meals. Use the low end
for cognitive well-being and the high end for addressing anxiety.

RHODIOLA ROSEA is another adaptogenic herb that fortifies the body to better
handle stress. Several studies have found that rhodiola rosea supplements improve
mood and decrease feelings of anxiety.
DOSE: 2–4 mg/kg/day (4-9 mg/lb) on food should do the trick.

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