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1.My brother drank milk before going to sleep last night. 1. Rara and Rani is our classmate in the class. They have a slim body and their
2.She not speaks Indonesian because she came from England. character is talk active.
3.My sister not attended to Dini’s wedding with your brother two days ago 2. My brother and I like playing guitar. We like listening to music.
4.I hate living in your city because it has always cold. 3. Zahra, Dira and Farhan are Arabian. Our family are from England.
5.My brother often drinks a cup of milk every night. 4. Ms. Jane doesn’t know about a birthday surprise that was prepared for Her
6.Fahmi gets a gift from his father every he gets the best score. 5. Dr. John or the team is committed to delivering the highest quality product to his
7.I love living in your city because it has a noisy place. clients.
8.I’m tired. I waited you in the library yesterday. 6. Those are they (Dian, Dira, and Ratna) exercises from Ms. Jane. She always gives
9.Are Sinta invited you to play a bicycle every weekend? us some Exercises in the class.
10. My computer is old, so my father bought a new computer last night. 7. Tina and Tini go to school by bus every day. Their father always picks us up after
11. Alfath always chews a bubble gum in the class. going to school.
12. Fathan and Alfath wore a white jacket two days ago. 8. When my sister saw Dito’s brother, She felt very happy.
13. Danti and Indra visited to Dira’s house last week. 9. Maria saw two men in the station. they wear a black T-shirt and their face look like
14. The boy often draws a prominent building in front of the school. her friend in the school.
15. I know Dika’s grandmom often wears a veil, and her character was humorous to 10. Mr Jack orders us to do our homework by ourselves without cheating.
everyone. 11. My sister met their (Dito and Rani) mother in the market.
16. My aunt sent me a gift this morning, because I will B’day and every weekend she 12. My brother wants to buy a guitar that looks like his (Farhan) guitar.
calls me from Aceh 13. My sister saw His (Dani) grandpa in the garden He is drawing some pictures
17. My boss not allowed me to go home last night because she was a meeting with the beautifully
client 14. Ms. Jane ordered their (Farhan and Deni) sister to do her homework herself
18. My lecturer often gives a test in the class, but last night I not studied because I felt 15. Danar knew her (Dini) secret from her sister.
tired after helping my mom. 16. Your mom always gives her children a surprise every weekend
19. Fatma and Lidya not-joined us going to a concert two weeks ago. Because their 17. (Hana and Dita) Their Parents never feel angry to them.
parents neverpermited them to go there even though they got a holiday time in the 18. Mr. Jack will give her nephew a present. He often buys something for us.
school. 19. My sister is a kind person. She always helps her sister any time.
20. My father and I fishes some fish every weekend. And yesterday we catched five 20. I saw his (Fathan) car in front of her (Rani) house. Her car is luxury.
fish. 21. Their/his/her father is so stingy. Dito and Dira told me yesterday.
21. My sister felt disappointed, because she lost her wallet two days ago at school. 22. I saw her (Dini) brother wore a black T-shirt and his style is the stylist.
22. Hana has a news anchor, she always likes reading a news breaking but two years
ago she has a reporter.
23. My boss often gives me a lot of jobs to do quickly to finish on time. I sleeps
middle night for doing my job and yesterday I felt sleepy, and it was hard to focus
on doing anything.
24. Ms. Jane felt angry with me because I arrived to school late this morning. She
never gave punishment.
25. Mr. Jack not uses a car every Friday. He likes to use a bicycle with his friend.

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