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A Outline Submitted to the Department of Criminology, Colegio de Kidapawan,

Kidapawan City In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of


APRIL 2022


Background of the Study

Every student appreciates the teacher with the ability to inspire. Creating

program that can Inspiring students is integral to ensuring their success and

encouraging them to fulfill their potential. A teacher that inspires is a role model, an

influence that goes far beyond academic achievement to freshmen student. That

freshmen criminology student who experience this program that teacher would be will

show improvement in critical thinking skills, and that this will contribute to greater

levels of academic success.

Among the many factors associated with academic performance are the

learning styles of students. Interest on understanding the learning styles of learners

has gained interest among educators and researchers for the past decades Several

studies revealed that learning styles are predictors of academic performance. These

studies proved the importance of learning styles and their relation to students’

academic performance which are crucial for curriculum planners and implementers.

(Hall & Moseley, 2005)

The thought that learning style affects how they study and learn is a real

concern for educators as well as researchers. In line with different models,

researchers developed questionnaires to measure learning styles. Hawk and Sha

(2007) reviewed several of these and explained their similarities, evolution and
differences. One of the main reasons for its consideration is the wide range of learning

styles that

it measures. The aforementioned models and tools have their unique

contribution to the development of assessing individual learning styles.

In an effort to address this problem, an investigation on the learning styles of

every instructor in Colegio de Kidapawan is sought. Taking into account how learning

styles influence educational outcomes, this study is conceptualized to understand the

learning styles of every instructor in Colegio de Kidapawan in order to improve

academic performance, and to help them perform well in the licensure examination.

The result would have a great bearing on instructional processes and other

intervention programs. (Wilson, 2012)

Statement of the Problem

This study was entitled Level of Appreciation of Freshmen Students towards

Criminology Program. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1.What are the socio demographic profile of the respondent in terms of: Age, Sex,

Religion, Tribe, and Marital Status.

2.what are the level of the appreciation of freshmen students towards criminology

program in terms of:

2.1 Career Opportunity

2.2 Employment

2.3 Curriculum
3. What are the Inputs in Enhancing Teaching Styles in preferred to the Criminology

student in terms of:

3.1 Lecture

3.2 Teaching Methologies

3.3 Demonstration Teaching

4. What is the significant relation between the Level of Appreciation of Freshmen

Students towards Criminology Program and Input in Enhancing Teaching Style


The general objectives of the study was to determine the Level of

Appreciation of Freshmen Students towards Criminology Program. Input in

Enhancing Teaching Styles.

1.To determine the socio demographic profile association of respondent in terms of:

Age Sex, Religion, Marital Status, and Tribes.

2.To determine the level of appreciation of freshmen Students towards Criminology

Program in terms of:

2.1 Career Opportunities

2.2 Employment

2.3 Curriculum

3.To determine the Inputs in Enhancing Teaching Styles in preferred to the

Criminology Student in terms of:

3.1 Lecture

3.2 Teaching Methodologies

3.3 Demonstration Teaching

4. To find out the significant relations between the Level of Appreciation of Freshmen

Students towards Criminology Program and Input in Enhancing teaching styles.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study had a great significance to the Level of Appreciation of

Freshmen Students towards Criminology Program. Whose the purpose is to know the

good inputs in Enhancing Teaching style.

To the instructor this is serves as giving capabilities in teaching in able to reach the

preffered learning styles.

The researchers of this study will gain more learning and gives a great important

because it deals with the Appreciation of freshmen Students towards Criminology

Program by enhancing teaching styles.

To the Students. This study will contribute ideas in understanding the importance of

Enhancing Teaching Styles, the result of this study will be used to develop and

strengthen their abilities in teaching and trainings towards the Freshmen Students.

To the future researchers. this may be used by researchers as reference materials

and guide in the conduct of a study to the previously conducted research

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study was focus to the freshmen students towards Criminology program.

Inputs in Enhancing Teaching Styles. The respondent of the study will be the

freshmen student of Criminology of Colegio de Kidapawan. This study will focus on

socio graphic profile of the respondent in terms of age, gender, religion, marital

status, lectures and Giving Activities be limited only to the Freshmen Students.

Operational Definition of terms

The terms used in the study defined operationally follows:

Appreciation: The act of recognizing or understanding that something is valuable.

Recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.

Career Opportunities:


Demonstration Teaching:


Lecture: Is an oral presentation intended to present information or teach people about

a particular subject.

Teaching Methodologies:

Teaching styles: Also called teaching methods, are considered to be the general

principles, educational, and management strategies for classroom

Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on Andragogy/Adult Learning Theory Theorist like Knowles

(1980) believed adults are problem-oriented participants that want to incorporate

experience and self-direction into subjects or projects that are relevant to their lives.

Andragogic education tends to incorporate methods like constructivism and

connectivism, leveraging task-oriented processes and projects, also stressing


behaviorist and cognitivist perspectives. Objectivist instruction tends to be directive

and linear, valuing inductive logic, and often leverages objective assessment. The

conditions and processes through which learning occurs, providing teachers with

models to develop instruction sessions that lead to better learning. These theories

explain the processes that people engage in as they make sense of information, and

how they integrate that information into their mental models so that it becomes new

knowledge. Learning theories also examine what motivates people to learn, and what

circumstances enable or hinder learning.

Conceptual Framework

This study consists of Independent variable and Dependent variable. The

Independent variable was the Level of Appreciation of Freshmen Students toward

Criminology students. The dependent variable was the Input in Enhancing teaching

Styles with the following namely:

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Enhancing Teaching
Appreciation of Freshmen
students towards
criminology program
1. 3.
Fig. 1 The conceptual framework showing the relationship between independent

variable and dependant variable of the study.

Hypothesis of the study

Ha: There is a significant relation between Level of appreciation of freshmen student

towards Criminology program and Inputs in enhancing teaching styles.


Review Of related literature

The literature reviewed excerpted provided of the study wherein it discuss the Level

of Appreciation of Freshmen Students towards Criminology Program and Input in

Enhancing Teaching Styles with the following indicators namely; Career

Opportunities, Employment, Curriculum, for independent variables while Lecture,

Teaching Methodologies, Demonstration Teaching.

Career Opportunities
At the start of an interview, you may be asked about your desired career opportunity as a
job seeker. Career opportunity by definition refers to a particular job that may be a
steppingstone to loftier ambitions. Common examples of career opportunities for recent
college graduates include management trainee, production assistant and technician. An
experienced job applicant may seek a career opportunity as a manager or team lead.

The hiring manager asks for a description of your preferred career opportunity to see if you
can articulate how the job you’re seeking fits into your long-range career plans. The right
answer to this question shows that you have clearly defined career goals related to the job
you're seeking. (Mary Down, 2020)

Universities have multiple functions of teaching, research, community development, and

social impact, with the teaching function often thought of as just equipping students with
professional knowledge and skills. However, the purpose of students’ higher education may
span more than just career preparation, and this knowledge of other purposes could
influence how universities can provide opportunities for attaining these goals. Through in-
depth interviews of undergraduate students, we find three core purposes of higher
education: It qualifies students to receive the necessary knowledge, skills, and certification
for professional involvement; it socialises them to broader perspectives of society and
others; and it makes them subjects who think for themselves and clarify what values they
hold. Although most students still put primacy on the qualification purpose of higher
education, the integration of these three purposes will have an impact on how education
quality may be more clearly understood, better assessed, and more intentionally pursued.
(Trinidad, Raz, and Magsalin 2021)

A lecture is defined as one person speaking, more or less continuously, to a group of people
on a particular subject or theme. For the university administrator, a lecture is “a slot in the
timetable where students are taught in a designated space, a lecture theatre, in a group
which size can vary from 20 to 800 and more, and where one lecturer has the primary
responsibility for ‘delivering content’” (Edwards, Smith and Webb, 2001).

Lecture is a teaching method where an instructor is the central focus of information transfer.
Typically, an instructor will stand before a class and present information for the students to
learn. Sometimes, they will write on a board or use an overhead projector to provide visuals
for students. Students are expected to take notes while listening to the lecture. Usually, very
little exchange occurs between the instructor and the students during a lecture. Ramsden
(2003) describes this didactic method as education through the transmission of information
and suggests that this theory of learning assumes that students are passive recipients of
knowledge transmitted by the lecturer.

The lecture method bases itself upon the transmissive teaching model- that is knowledge is
an object that can be transferred from the teacher to the learner. Practically it implies a
lecturer holding a lecture for a group of people. A strength is that it is possible to educate
large number of people at once, thereby lowering costs. A limitation is that it yields less
deep knowledge compared to other teaching methods such as case-based learning. (Chaplin
2009, White et al. 2009, Grunwald & Hartman 2010)

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methods are the broader techniques used to help students achieve learning
outcomes, while activities are the different ways of implementing these methods. Teaching
methods help students in master the content of the course and learn how to apply the
content in particular contexts.

Instructors should identify which teaching methods will properly support a particular
learning outcome. Its effectiveness depends on this alignment. To make the most
appropriate choice, an instructor should consider learning outcomes, student needs and the
learning environment. (University of Buffalo, 2022)

Given the global emphasis on education as a road to national and individual success, it is not
surprising that a vast amount of research concerns which teaching methods enable
education to fulfil its aims. Although education concerns many areas, such as educational
policy, the organisation of education, financial systems, and school leadership, there seems
to be wide agreement that teaching, in the end, is the key factor in making educational
systems successful (e.g. Barber & Mourshed, 2007; Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012; Hattie, 2003;
OECD, 2016; Stigler & Hiebert, 2009).

When we graduate we leaves the sanctuary of the academe desire to find the best
employment out there in the job market. However, a job seeker’s desire for the best job is
hampered by lack of basic skills relevant to the job, lack of experience, poor communication
and social skills and among others. Competencies learned in college, mode of job search and
career-choice related factors can be considered as predictors of employability of graduates.
Age, civil status, region of origin, and educational attainment are graduate-related factors
that predict graduate employability. Competencies in human relations, communications and
information technology serve as advantages to young graduates when looking for
employment. Graduates who are recommended by someone and with strong passion for the
profession immediately find employment.( Ballon 2007)

Specifically, it ascertained the following: profile of the respondents; reasons for taking the
course; employment status when we graduates; status of the employed; strategy used to
find the first job; reasons for not being employed, were able to land in a job relevant to the
curriculum they had in college; and academic competencies learned in college which were
useful on the job. It also determined the relationship between the profile of the graduates
and their employment status. (Study og Negro and Amporado 2017)

Raising standards in the core curriculum subjects continues to gain momentum in
states and school across the country. In essence, “the process of setting standards for state
assessments should follow the suggestions of many experts—good judgment and
pragmatism must guide the final standard setting” (Pellegrino, 2007, p. 541). In this regard,
states have begun to use academic standards to make clear what students should learn and
what teachers should teach. The curricula recommended by state governments, as well as
learned societies, will help curriculum coordinators and teachers make decisions about
developing their instructional programs.(Pellegrino,2007,p.541)

As school administrators and curriculum leaders, the authors believe that the written
curriculum must be authentic. Schmoker (2007) supports this belief, saying, “There is every
reason to believe that these capacities [the ability to read, write, and think effectively], if
acquired across the disciplines, will change lives by the millions and will redefine the
possibilities of public education” (p. 488). Similarly, Steven Wolk (2010), associate
professor at Northeastern Illinois University, believes that we need visionary educators who
see bold purposes for school and who understand that what students read in school has
profound, lifelong effects. As an aspect of early authentic literacy discussions, Walker (1979)
was one of the first to note that written curricula can be both generic and site specific.
Let’s review the concepts of generic and site-specific curriculum

This chapter includes the research method, locale and respondent of the study,
sampling size and sampling method, research instrument , research procedure and statistical

Research Method
This study was purely descriptive correlation survey method. The study was all
about the Level of Appreciation of Freshmen Students towards Criminology Program. The
Questionnaire was personally distributed by the researcher to respondent. The respondents
were given enough time to answer the questionnaire.

Locale and Respondent of the Study

This study was conducted at Colegio de Kidapawan cdk, There are expected 50 freshmen
student and instructors who was the respondent

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