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1. What is the study of the relief features of the Earth’s crust known as?

A. Seismology
B. Geomorphology

2. Which geological force is responsible for the vertical and horizontal movement of the crust resulting
in mountains?
A. Erosion
B. Diastrophism

3. What process is responsible for the physical removal of rock by geomorphic agents such as water, ice,
and wind?
A. Erosion
B. Weathering

4. What is the process by which rocks decompose when exposed to the Earth’s surface and atmosphere?
A. Diastrophism
B. Weathering

5. What term refers to the variety of processes associated with the surface discharge of magma or hot
water and steam?
A. Erosion
B. Vulcanism

6. What is a geyser?
A. A geothermic vent emitting volcanic gases
B. A surface vent ejecting hot water and steam periodically

7. Which geological feature emits volcanic gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide?
A. Geyser
B. Fumarole

8. What geological feature is typically a cone-shaped hill or mountain formed by the extrusion of lava or
ejection of rock fragments from a vent?
A. Earthquake
B. Volcano

9. A volcano is an example of what type of volcanism?

A. Intrusive
B. Extrusive

10. From where did the term “volcano” derive its name?
A. Island in Sicily
B. Island in Greece
11. Where are more than 75% of the world’s active volcanoes located?
A. Sahara Desert
B. Circle of Fire

12. What geographical feature rings the Pacific Ocean and hosts a belt of volcanoes?
A. Circle of Fire
B. Arctic Circle

13. What is the most striking part of a volcano, usually composed of mixtures of lava and Conclas?
A. Crater
B. Cone

14. What is the opening through which an eruption takes place?

A. Magma chamber
B. Vent

15. Where is the large underground pool of liquid rock found beneath the Earth’s crust?
A. Caldera
B. Magma chamber

16. What is a basin-like depression over a vent at the summit of the cone?
A. Caldera
B. Crater

17. Which volcanic depression is much larger than the original crater?
A. Crater
B. Caldera

18. What is the rock or magma expelled from a volcano during an eruption?
A. Lava
B. Dikes

19. What are the barrier or obstacles found in a volcano?

A. Lava
B. Dikes

20. What are solidified lava flows that originally forced their way between and parallel to older layers of
A. Sills
B. Dikes

21. What is the channel or pipe conveying liquid materials such as magma?
A. Conduit
B. Sills
22. What is the side of a volcano called?
A. Flank
B. Summit

23. What is the highest point or apex of a volcano?

A. Flank
B. Summit

24. What is the entrance of a volcano called?

A. Throat
B. Summit

25. What is expelled into the atmosphere during a volcanic eruption, composed of pulverized rock and
A. Ash cloud
B. Pyroclastic flow

26. What are the chunks of lava blasted into the air that solidify before reaching the ground?
A. Volcanic bombs
B. Ash cloud

27. What refers to fast-moving currents of hot gases and rock traveling downhill from a volcano?
A. Pyroclastic flow
B. Tephra fall

28. What refers to fragmented material consisting of pumice, scoria, lithic material, or a combination of
the four?
A. Tephra fall
B. Lahar

29. What are flowing mixtures of volcanic debris and water?

A. Pyroclastic flow
B. Lahar

30. What instrument allows scientists to monitor volcanic eruptions from a distance by analyzing the
light coming through a volcanic plume?
A. Seismograph
B. Spectrometer

31. What are the solid rocks blown from the vent during a volcanic eruption called?
A. Volcanic ash
B. Pyroclastic debris
32. What effect does volcanic ash have on weather when scattered in the atmosphere?
A. Cooling effect
B. Warming effect

33. If magma’s pressure is insufficient to generate a volcanic eruption, what does it do?
A. Cools down and solidifies into hard rocks
B. Forms a lava flow

34. Which method of formation explains the existence of Japan’s islands?

A. Subduction
B. Distension

35. What is a hotspot?

A. A region of high volcanic activity not located at any plate boundary
B. A region of low volcanic activity located at a plate boundary

36. According to the first hypothesis, what causes hotspots?

A. Hot mantle plumes rising as thermal diapirs from the core-mantle boundary
B. Extension of the lithosphere allowing passive rising of liquid materials

37. Where is magma contained inside a chamber located?

A. Inside the mantle
B. Inside the crust

38. What is a volcano considered if it is currently erupting or shows signs of unrest activities?
A. Inactive
B. Active

39. Where is the most active volcano in the world located?

A. Iceland
B. Hawaii

40. What characterizes the fumarolic stage of a volcano?

A. Emission of acid gases and vapor
B. Eruption of lava flows

41. What activity is exhibited by the Old Faithful of Yellowstone National Park?
A. Emitting acid gases
B. Erupting steam and scalding water

42. When is a volcano declared inactive or dormant?

A. If the last traces of volcanic heat disappear and it has not erupted in 2,000 years
B. If it has erupted within the last 100 years
43. What happens to a volcano during its inactive stage?
A. It progressively reduces its size due to erosional forces
B. It continues to grow larger due to volcanic activity

44. What classification do volcanoes receive if they have exceeded a period of dormancy of at least
10,000 years and are not expected to erupt?
A. Extinct
B. Active

45. Where is Mount Kilimanjaro located?

A. Tanzania
B. Australia

46. Which type of volcano is constructed atop a vent and largely made of basalt?
A. Composite volcano
B. Cinder cone

47. What are cinder cones primarily composed of?

A. Alternating layers of pyroclastic elements and lava flows
B. Gas-charged lava particles and blobs expelled from a single vent

48. Where can cinder cones be commonly found?

A. Hawaii’s shield volcanoes
B. Along the boundaries of Earth’s tectonic plates

49. What is another name for a composite volcano?

A. Shield volcano
B. Stratovolcano

50. What is one of the most important features of a composite volcano?

A. Core or clustered set of vents in its conduit system
B. Limited lifespan as classified by the geologic time scale (GTS)

51. What type of volcano is characterized by broad, gently sloping landforms built by many layers of low-
viscous lava flows?
A. Composite volcano
B. Shield volcano

52. What material primarily composes shield volcanoes?

A. Pyroclastic elements
B. Low-viscous lava flows

53. Where are many shield volcanoes found in Oregon and Northern California?
A. Along ocean ridges
B. On the flanks and in the calderas of Hawaii’s shield volcanoes

54. Which volcano is known as the world’s most active volcano and stands at over 13,000 feet above sea
A. Cinder cone
B. Mauna Loa

55. What type of volcano is characterized by small, bulging masses of lava primarily composed of dacite
or rhyolite?
A. Composite volcano
B. Volcanic dome

56. How does lava flow from a volcanic dome?

A. It flows smoothly from the vent
B. It piles over and around the vent until it cools and solidifies

57. What type of volcanic eruption is associated with volcanic domes?

A. Explosive eruptions
B. Non-explosive eruptions

58. What term describes a volcanic center capable of producing the largest eruptions on Earth?
A. Active volcano
B. Supervolcano

59. What is the magnitude threshold for a volcanic eruption to be classified as a supervolcano?
A. Magnitude 5 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)
B. Magnitude 8 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)

60. How are volumes of tephra typically obtained?

A. By measuring the depth of magma chambers
B. By mapping the distribution and thickness of tephra on the ground after an eruption

61. Where are submarine volcanoes primarily found?

A. Deep underground
B. Near ocean ridges

62. What type of lava is commonly ejected by submarine volcanoes in shallow water?
A. Basaltic lava
B. Obsidian lava

63. How do submarine volcanoes behave differently from terrestrial volcanoes?

A. They grow larger in size due to the unlimited supply of water
B. They hardly grow in size due to the high pressure and confined conditions underwater
64. What term describes a volcano created by eruptions beneath the surface of a glacier or ice sheet?
A. Submarine volcano
B. Subglacial volcano

65. What Icelandic word refers to great floods of water caused by subglacial eruptions?
A. Jökulhlaups
B. Fumaroles

66. Where does most magma originate?

A. 200-400 km below the Earth’s surface
B. 60-200 km below the Earth’s surface

67. What can cause volcanic activities to occur?

A. Decrease in vapor pressure
B. Decrease in confining pressure

68. What poisonous gases are emitted during a volcanic eruption?

A. Sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen halides
B. Carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen

69. What can sulfur dioxide gas lead to locally during a volcanic eruption?
A. Acid rain and air pollution
B. Increased soil fertility

70. What are small gas bubbles in magma called?

A. Tephra
B. Vesicles

71. Which event is associated with the opening of cracks in rocks beneath a volcano before an eruption?
A. Release of volcanic gases
B. Lava flow

72. Which country experienced ashfall during the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo?
A. Malaysia
B. Singapore

73. What factor determines the viscosity of lava?

A. Gas dissolved in magma
B. Number of volcanic vents

74. How does the silica content of lava affect volcanic eruptions?
A. Higher silica content leads to more explosive eruptions
B. Lower silica content leads to more explosive eruptions
75. When is lava less viscous?
A. When its temperature is hotter than its solidification temperature
B. When its temperature is near its solidification point

76. What type of magma has the highest gas content and viscosity?
A. Mafic
B. Felsic

77. What type of igneous rocks are formed beneath the surface and have coarse-grained textures?
A. Extrusive igneous rocks
B. Intrusive igneous rocks

78. Which type of igneous rocks are formed from lava that cools rapidly on the Earth’s surface?
A. Extrusive igneous rocks
B. Intrusive igneous rocks

79. What type of eruption is characterized by the outpouring of lava without significant explosive
A. Explosive eruptions
B. Effusive eruptions

80. Which type of eruption is driven by the bursting of gas bubbles within the magma, leading to
fountains of lava?
A. Strombolian eruptions
B. Vulcanian eruptions

81. Which type of eruption is named after an Italian island and is characterized by explosive eruptions
due to trapped gases in viscous magma?
A. Pelean eruptions
B. Plinian eruptions

82. What type of eruption is considered the most explosive and powerful, with a volcanic explosivity
index (VEI) of 8?
A. Pelean eruptions
B. Plinian eruptions

83. Which type of magmatic eruption is named after the Hawaiian Islands and is characterized by the
effusive emission of highly fluid basalt lava?
A. Hawaiian eruptions
B. Strombolian eruptions

84. What type of magmatic eruption is driven by large quantities of gas, dust, ash, and lava fragments
blown out of a volcano’s central crater?
A. Pelean eruptions
B. Plinian eruptions

85. Which type of eruption is named after an undersea volcano off the coast of Iceland and involves
explosive interaction between magma and shallow groundwater or surface water?
A. Surtseyan eruptions
B. Submarine eruptions

86. What type of volcanic eruption takes place beneath the surface of the water, often at subduction
zones and within tectonic plates?
A. Submarine eruptions
B. Subglacial eruptions

87. Which type of volcanic eruption occurs beneath a glacier, resulting from the interaction between
lava and ice?
A. Submarine eruptions
B. Subglacial eruptions

88. What type of eruption is driven by explosive expanding steam resulting from cold ground or surface
water coming into contact with hot rock or magma?
A. Phreatic eruptions
B. Surtseyan eruptions

89. Which type of eruption is also known as steam-blast eruptions?

A. Phreatic eruptions
B. Strombolian eruptions
Key Answers:
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. B
15. B
16. B
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. A
25. A
26. A
27. A
28. A
29. B
30. B
31. B
32. A
33. A
34. A
35. A
36. A
37. A
38. B
39. B
40. A
41. B
42. A
43. A
44. A
45. A
46. B
47. B
48. A
49. B
50. A
51. B
52. B
53. B
54. B
55. B
56. B
57. B
58. B
59. B
60. B
61. B
62. A
63. B
64. B
65. A
66. B
67. B
68. A
69. B
70. B
71. A
72. A
73. A
74. A
75. A
76. B
77. B
78. A
79. B
80. A
81. B
82. B
83. A
84. A
85. A
86. A
87. B
88. A
89. A

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