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APPLIED CALCULUS C HAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Calculus is the mathematics of motion and change. Where there is mot where motion oF i A at Work producing acceleration, calculus isthe right matkenoese to apply Tet Ytible forces beginnings of the subject and it is true today titanate Calculus was first invented to meet the mathematical needs of Seventeenth centuries, needs that were mainly mechanical in nature, Thee i calculus called Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus. ‘wo min branches of Differential caleulus deal with the problem of salcylating rates of change. It enabled People to defin Tapes of curves fo aeatee eI accelerations of moving bodies, to find fring angles thet on, ire amon els greatest range, and to predict the times when planets would be closest together or farthest apart, In Determine the average speed at which blood flows t ® Select the most economical seeatioet Sen, > Calculate how high a projectile will travel. : > Find the production level that will maximize a company’ ade om MATHEMATICIANS TO CALC! LEGG TREEIONS OF and the German Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) are Isaac Newion (1642 - 1727) i a emiricians eredied with inveating calculus. They worked independenly of each other. Newton eo 1665 but took more than 20 years to publish his results hence Leibni’s development Yerested eal ded first. Furthermore, Leibniz’s notation was considered superior to Newton's us notation, and it is still used today. 1.1 WHAT IS CALCULUS PPLIED CALCULUS 13 HOW TO LEARN CALCULUS hmti, algebra and geometry. In hese subjects, you fam Learning calculus is not the same as learning asi Sy dares gueaitits ad caltaliie Wi primarily how to calculate with numbers, how to simplify alaebrave. ETT ose techniques Variables and how to reason about points, lines and figures in ee - evel. Calculus introduces so and skills but develops others as well, with greater precision and & oo no longer be able to leam many new concepts and computational operations, 1 fact, that you oe oomn by wet wtticatier everything you need in class. You will have to leam a fair amount on Yo students. Read the text: You will be able to le attempting the exercises. You will need examples step-by-step. Speed-reading wil in a step-by-step logical fashion. This kind o takes attention, patience and practice. > Do the given work in time, keeping the following principles in mind: «Sketch diagrams whenever possible, ao = Write your solutions in a connected step-by-step logical fashion, as if you were explaining to someone else. * o) * Think about why each exercise is there? Why was it assigned? How it is related to the other assigned exercises? + Use your calculator and computer whenever possible: Graphs provide insight and visual representations of important concepts and relationships. > Try to write your own: Write short descriptions of the key points each-time you complete a section of the text. If you succeed, you probably understand the material. If you do not, you will know where there is a gap in your understanding. EXERCISE 1 1. What do you know about calculus and its applications in different fields of sciences? ‘am all the meanings and connections you need just by to read relevant passages in the book and work through I not work here. You are reading and searching for detail f reading, required by any deep and technical content, 2. How many branches are there of calculus and what do you know about them? 3. hs are the contributions of Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the development of calculus? 4. Mention briefly about the uses of calculus, 5. How can you learn calculus by taking different steps? APPLIED CALC ULUS CHAPTER TWO : . FUNCTIONS {Leaming calculus is a process; it does not come all at once. Be patient, keep trying asking questions, discuss ideas. work with classmates and seck help when you need The rewards of leaming calculus willbe very satisfying, both intellectually and proessosaliy a 2.1 REAL NUMBERS The sly of slementary calculus requires knowledge ofthe real mamber system. The real nimbers canbe considered points on a line, To every real number there corresponds one point. To corresponds one real number. (See figure) pai celia 52 | Als 2 WB, 2632 Inequalities.can be used to compare real numbers. The symbols used are > (greater than), < (less than), 2 (greater than or equal to), and < (less than or equal to). For example, x> 3, <4,,x>5,y< In some applications, it is useful to combine two fies im order to_ . between any two For example, 2 Sa, 7 ber tine. > 1 NOTE: Absolute values give distances between two points om the mum 2.1.2 Method of Solving Inequalities ‘ In order to solve inequalities, ¥e first convert the inequality sn araered: equation”. Solutions of the sssociated ‘equatior inequality. Ifa rational expression occurs in an equality, then t are nog points in the domain of the rational expression. These mu nnusibers are not the part of the solution. ‘ wee Aftef finding the undary numbers, Tocate them on the rea! Line, The real line will be divided into a ate ro aitinct “reeions” each of which belongs to the solution ‘et in its “entirety”. Finally, we check taerpeuatty by taking a point selected from each region. Union of all such regions constitutes a solution set of the ineq : EXAMPLE 01: Solve ()3x+55 2 (Sx+6)25 or (xt 6)25 7 ? x2-/5 or -5x- 625 DZS BxS-1N/5 ‘Tus the solution set is (20, -11/5] U [-1/5, ). This solution set is graphically shown below. The thick line shows the solution set of the given inequality. jon, This equation is known as “boundary numbers” for this the denominator vanishes “free numbers”, These into an equat n are called fhe numbers where imbers are called e as atte ct (ii) The associated equation is x? - Sx + 6= 0 x= 2 and x ~ 3. These are the boundary numbers for the . m fo given —— he real line is divided into the following regions with the help of boundary numbers as Region A Testx=0 6<0 Result Rabon Tears (2.3) -5@.5)+6=0.25 <0 Result tw gi Testx= 4 4 5(4)+6=2<6 Result: False Ta Seren 8B form the solution set, Therefore the solution set is: S= 2,3). Ney be ted ht i ie eptaced ty 2a 3 he ely, wl be oo ae He , only solution which is shown here in the form of thick line segment. (iv) The associated equation ix? - 2x +2=ODx=147 feats Wels: Piracy Which can not be represented on the real line. Thus there a1 real value of x rerefore one region, that is, the entire real line a the given inequality 8 ‘ru ince the open interval are no boundary 1e for every 2x xv +2x-3= 0. This gives, (*) The associated equation is: ata These x3! Ta eth boundary numbers forthe given ines heGe ee is 1 = 2x ig zero fort = V2. The Malte hence it can not be in the solution set. fea line is divided by the boundary num! and the free boundary numbers ‘This isthe frée boundary number forthe as shown in the following Region 4 APPLIED CALC ULUS (16-2)18) > 7 Result Region B: (1-2y(142) > 4 Result: Region ¢ st (9/16 -2y(1-372)> 1 Result: True Region D: Testx=2 (4-2)(1-4) > 1 Result: False the solution set is therefore, $= (3) M2, 1 Coral, tne ston oe shown by thick tine segments inthe above figure. 2.2 INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONS. Recall the geometry tormula 4 =n? which says that the area A of the region withi 7 times the square of the radius a circle equal to The equation =r? defines a correspondence between the two variables, r and A, For every (non- negative) value of r there is a Corresponding value of 4, The formula A= nr? provides the rule of Sorrespondence: it indicates how to compute the A value that corresponds to any particular r value supplied. The correspondence can be viewed as: —> © approx: 3.14 gs AR eppecnc TST ‘The area example, 4 provides an introduction to the concept of function. The function is a rule that assigns one 4 value to each r value. (A is @ function ofr). The equation y =2x-+1 also defines a function; for every x value supplied: there is one y value, (is a function of x). 241 et Se y Ingeneral, “A function is 2 rile of correspondence by whi exactly one element of the other set (2).” cach clement of one set (X) is assigned to In A= sr? the set of all possible input values for the radius is called the domain of the function. The set of all output values of the area is the rarige of the function, Since circles cannot have negative radii or ‘areas, the domain and range of the function are both the interval [0,c0), consisting of all non-negative real iw ‘mathematician, Leonard Euler (1707 ~ 1783) invented a symbolic way to say, “y is a function of 2” by writi y= fle) (this is read as: y-equals f of x) letter x, called the independent variable, is nota bot f represents: the funciion. The letter x, uci dpe domain of and y the sipedent vanle, represents te comesponting ‘ourput value in she range of f. In the “ oe eae ay % (x, fe))sxe X.fOe! : ‘Syrmbifically; i 8 indicated by’ 7's XL» Yan in vead as ‘fa fnction ftom the set Xtothe set Y%, NOTE: (i) In caleulus we deal with fanctions from Rt R (i) Functions defined from Ro Rare called renkvalucd neon (ii) Bach etement y of the set ¥ is called an image am image of the function f- ibe EXAMPLE 02: Which of the following diagrams descr X ={1,2,3,4) into theset ¥ = {abd} “ f @ x ¥ ———, Pl, Solution: (i) fis not a function from X into Y as the element 4 of the set X is not assigned to any of the clement of the set ¥. Gii) g is not a function from X into Y as the element 2 of the set. x is assigned to two different elements ‘a’ and “dof set Y and thus the image of the element 2 of is not unique. EXAMPLE 03: Let the function f be defined by f(x) = Sx? —4x+8- Determine each of the following vatues: (a) (0) (6) (2) (e) 4-3) @) s(x+2)- Solution: (a) Atx=0, £(0)=5(0) -4(0)+8=8 (6) Atx=2, 4 (2)=5(2)' -4(2)+8=20 (c) Atx S(-3)=5(-3) ~4(-3)+8=65- (@) Atx=atl, f(x+1)=5(x+1) -4(x41)48= 5x7 +10x+5—42-4+8 = 5x7 +6x+9- 2.2.1 Zeros of a Function A zero of a function fis any real number x for which f(x) ~ 0. Geometrically, itis @ point where the function crosses or touches the x-axis. This is shown in the figures below: It may be noted that a function may have more than one zero. EXAMPLE 04: Find the zeros of each of the following functions: (a) s(x)=5x-20 (6) flx)= x7 +Se-4 Solution: (a) Given (x)= $x-20. It follows that f(x)= the only zero of this funetion is 4 (by Given f(x)=x* solved by factoris ie; Sx-20=0- Solving, we getx=4- Thus +5x-14, It follows that f(x)=Oie: x7 +5x-14=0. This quadratic equation, jon method gives: (x+7)(x—2)=0= x47=0 oF 2-2=0-93=-7 of x=2 ‘We conclude that the zeros of this funetion are—7 and 2. 2.2.2 Domain, Co-domain and Range of Real Valued, ae ees cee ; function y = fx) from the set. to set ¥. The set X fs cal ymain and set ¥ is Sea ie bea eboed ee y. don fhe tof Hoe elements of ¥ which form the images of the elements of the set X is called the range of the function / For etample, let f(x)~2x-+ be a function from R to R: Here x can be any real number and, when a real umber is used for x there will be a corresponding real number /(x)or y. The domain and range of this function / therefore, include all real numbers. The co-domain of this function is also a set of all real numbers. Similarly let y = f{x) = x7 be a function R 10 R- ‘Here x can be any real number and, when a real number is Used for + there will be a corresponding real number f(x).or »: The domain of this function isthe set of all a ‘ APPLIED C; ie eenbes. Baws avs Know that the Square oF areal mabe i always aon-negative, therefore he range willbe the set of non-negative real numbers but the co-domain of this function is the set R. NUW consider a function f(x) = x ‘ (2x +3), where x represents the length of one side of a rectangle and (4443) represents the length of another side of the rectangle. Here x can not be negative; therefore, the x¢4 and the denominator x+1£0=>x£1 ‘ t 1. Injective Function: To show that a given function is inj known as One-One function. For exatn iTerent images in i2}> sitesi aly tees ea not one-one because different values ofx have the basa trig slae i et, then y= 1. Thus, fortwo different values ofc » has the same image. For if x= 1 then y= value, Hence this is not a 1-1 function. a 7 atte Be y LIED CALC UL ; if R, is equal to the co-domajn in i: R to Ris said to be Surjectiv of Surjective Function: A function f from T petearctinciotag, fa he function f. That is, if XY and-¥ = Ry then fis a Surjective functi known as onto function. For. exam =? from R to R is onto, whereas the f t example, the function f(x)= funeti =x? because YAR. ‘ 1 1 Bijective finetion if it is both Injecive ang jective Function: A function. from R to R is said to be Z As 3 lee Fc one iron carnaens: Fr tal te fin f (x)= és Bijective function. 2.2.4 Even and Odd Funetions tapi ‘A function y= f(x) is said to be an even function if f(=t) = fp and is called odd function if f-x) = -Ax). Ifa functivn docs not satisfy these conditions, it is said to be neither even nor odd function. For example, the function fix) = x°+ | is even function, for e=Ayax th ‘The function f(x) = 1° +x is odd function because fl-x) = (x) + (+2) =~ =- (e+) =-f). ‘The function flx) = x° x is neither even nor odd function. Readers may verify it. 2.2. § Algebra of Functions Let f and g be given functions. The sum f +g, the difference f~g, the product fg and the quotient //g ‘are funetions defined by: W) U+akd=se)+sb) VxeD, 0D, (i) (¢-Xed=s@)-8} Yr DOD, (ai) UeXe)= sel) vreD, 9D, () (£}a= 48. V re D, Dy, g(x) #0- ‘The reciprocal of the function fis denoted by 1// and defined as © ()e=75 ¥ re D, where /(x)#0- (a) (erXx)=0) ¥xeDy,ceR: EXAMPLE 07: If f(x)= 2x-1 and g(x)=x7 +1, where x ¢R, find 0 Uaeks) «@) Uae) @) Usted &) (29) © (Eo) 9) Carte) (vit) (+2) (vit) g(x~3) ‘Solution: @ Since Dy = R,D, = R 80 Dp AD, = R.Now (f +aXx)= s(x) s g(x) =2x-1437 +128? +25 =x(x+2) VxeR @ (-aXx)= fle)- els) v xeD,/0D, =(Qx-1)-[e2+t}e-x? +2x-2 VER = (eke=s)xe( ¥xeDy ND, \ =(2x-1)x? +1)=2x? =x? +2e-1 VER wy (S}o=t5- v xe Dy, f(x)#0 = . ¥xeR, 2x-I40 sh vrer-{i}! APPLIED CALC ULI L\y. 20) Ww (£0.49, VED, AD,, glx)e0 e2t-l ‘ ‘eal VreR, wh Cied=-asG) vier " =~3Qx-I)=3-6r VecR wit) S(x+2)= 2a 2)-1e2e+3 (iii) 808-3) =(x-3) +1027 6249412? 62410 2.2.6 Composite Function . " . aa fiA—<$—=P B 8B ——>c ‘ze functions of an independent variable x, then composite function is denoted by fog (fcircle g”) and isa function hs A——» defined as: g ‘i & (roaye)= sleld)=m2) '* g consists of the numbers x in the domain of g for which g(x) lies in the domain of - ition is another method for combining functions. Graphically. ‘The relation of fe g togandf ‘The definition says that the two Functions can be composed sshen the range ofthe first lies in the domain of ~ the second (fig). To find (fe gXx) we first find (x) and then find f(¢(x))-To evatuate the composite fonction ge f (when defined), we reverse the order, finding f(x) first and then g(f(x))- The domain of © f isthe set of numbers x in the domain of fsuch that f(x) lies in the domain of g. NOTE: The functions fog and g o fare usually not equal, Le.fog #2 0/, EXAMPLE 08: If (x)= Vx? —3 and g(x)=x? +3, find () Feahe) (a) (ge she) (ii) (7+ 1%2) (or) (seas): ‘Solution: o (yo ahsl= rlela))= Ae? +3)= ye? +3) -3 =e 9 7 oH @ (g+/he)=s/00)= (1 -3)-(2) ted sees? wo gontdereedO3)((P>}>} wm Gg es) = alata) = ch ?+3)=(? #3) 3x4 #6x*412- We see that fog# g of. 2.2.7 Graph of a Function wer eirci ean . ywing that shows the relationship Betws ul 1 damng a ton one Descartes, Apt deseribs 2 function vist, 9 ee APPLI Us J the pie chart are used to display numerica| ‘There are various types Of graphs, Some such as histogram ‘an ane information in a form that is simple and quickly epee: Others such a5 liagrams may be used in analyzing the results of a scientific experimen ; . ; In calculus. graphs are used to give a geometric representation e Se ie ne equations can be solved by drawing the of the equations eae | te an ieee ion, Grophs are particularly helpful in the study of Analytical Geometry me tapin wih, 0 must cirjerstand the system of coordinates where the graph is to be drawn. To begin with, we introduce the Cartesian coordinate system in the plane. ecard The position ofall point in a plane can be measured with respect © PCY cular real lines in the plane at 2 pom ealled the origin. Moreover, horizontal rel line is called the ‘x-axis and the vertical real line, the y~ axis, Both together are called coordinate axes. Second quadrant (-.+) Negative 2-005 Third quadrant (-. Negative y-axis If Pis any point in the plane, we can draw lines P perpendicular to the two coordinate axes. Ifthe Te ae reecaxis at ‘a’ and the y-axis at “b', then ‘a’ is the x-coordinate of P, also (also known #3 abscissa) and “bis the »-coordinate of P (also known as an ordinate). The ordered pair (a,6) is the point's ‘coordinate pair. “The x-coordinate of every point on the y-axis is zero. ‘Similarly, the »-coordinate of every point on the 1-axis is zero. The origin is the point (0,0)- The origin divides the x-axis into the positive 2 isto the right and the negative x-axis tothe If. Similan, it divides the axis into the positive y-axis Qe puesd direction and the negative y-axis tothe downward direction. The axes divide the plane into four regions called “quadrants”, numbered counterclockwise as shown inthe above figure. 2.2.8 Graphs of Some Well-known Functions I, Linear Function ‘A function described by the equation: y= mx +¢ i called a linear function. In other words, a linear finction of x is onc, which contains wo term in x of degree higher than the first. The general form ofa linear function is axtby+c=0 where x and y are variables, and a band ¢ are constants. This function is called linear because is raph in the Cartesian coordinates is always a straight line. th straight line completely derenmined by two points; therefore to draw the graph of a straight line we [ocala east two points one line, By joining the two pois we obtain the required graph ofthe Kine. Let us take an example now. ‘ “Draw the graph of the linear function y = 2x + Solution: We cen let x be 0, Ténd 2 (oF any other numbers) and then determine each conresponding y vale from the equation, . Oc tng os aero points have been bined, dey can be played in the x — plane and 8 straight line will be passed through them. z x Point Bo Mt H 3 mo afol tf PPLIED CALC U} ‘A function defined by the equation y = ax? + br +br+ 9) ria Men yep ec a of the shapes as shown below: '¢ graph of such a parabola will have oa when @>0 Thus. (fone of the variables in an equat the graph is a parabola. To draw the branches of the parabola. As noted y=27, branches move upward: when a<0 ion appears as its single power and the other in its square form, then ‘raph of such a parabola one needs the vertex and the direction of earlier. there are four basic forms with vertex at origin, Js since y is non = negative, (Wy =-x*, ys negative and hence branches move downwards. (ii) x = y7, x is positive implies that branches move tothe right. (iv) x = —y” xis negative means the branches move tothe left 4. The Circle ‘The equation ofa circle with radius @ and center (0,0) is x? + y? =a? so that yt eat x? = y=tVa?—27 - This equation does not represent 2 funtion because we see that for one value of x, there are two values ofp. Moreover. D)=[- a. a] (@ Since, above the x-axis, y is positive, therefore graph of y= Va? — x? is the upper semi-circle. fa Similarly the equation y=—Va? —x* represents the lower semi — circle. Also, Dy~[- a). (2) The equation x* + y? =a? can also be written as xt aa? —y?, so that x=tfa?—y? - Since xis positive on the right of y— axis, therefore graph of Re 4] x= a? —y? is the right semi— circle. Similarly 2=—Ja? —y* represent the left semi cite Ee Ke] Remark: The circle x? + y? =1 whose center is at the origin and the radius is 1, is calle the uml circle inction ; aS ee is defined by /(z)= vx .x20-The domain of the square root funetion consists of all sage rea ters that i, (20) because Que onto eptive amber isnot a real ont ‘number. fe)=ir . Cot gee en i Tee LIED CALC UL ig The graph of 5. Cube Function f=x? ‘Cube function is defined as fle)= The domain of the cube function cons sts of all the real numbers. ya @ i 2 a a 6. Reciprocal Function “fibied function's - s(a)=4. x20 represents a curve called rectangular hyperbola. 7. Constant Function ‘ Le RR be defined by f(x)=¢ forall re R, cbeinga fixed real number. fee. if c>0 Slx)=0, £ e<0 se Et NOTE: () Function /(x)=c isa straight line parallel to x — axis. (i) In particular f(x)=0 represents the x-axis. 8. Adentity Function A function f :R—> R defined by (x)=x forall xe Ris called the édentuty junction. its graph is a straight fine passing through the origin and making angle of 45° with the x and y-axes. Here Dy= R. 9. The Absotute-Valued Function A function f':R— R defined by me ot fo = is called the absolute-valued function. The graph off consists of parts of the lines Sx) = xand f(x)=—x above the x—axis. [he nae oes pen Wee ERED OTe REE a inction 10. The Bracket Functions © Greatest Integer Function 'A Function whose value at eny number x isthe greatest integer less than or equal to x, i called ‘Greatest Integer Function’ and is usually denoted by f(x)=[x|. The graph is shown below: F(x)=0, Osx sin w Since (cosx.sinx) satisfies the ati ape : cfealirfcns NoG PARI nh 1 Site fet en Faneinay ee SA IED C, UL (i) Hyperbolic Functions {n the following figures, there are shown the graphs of the exponential functions e* and e* respectively. —S= siemeree “ The graphs of the curve = and that of y = “S*— are chown below: vis found that these two functions have properties which in many respects are similar to those of y = cosx andy =sin.x- It can be shown that they bear a similar relation to the hyperbola that thie tiganometie or feet Circular functions do to the circle. The function y= is called the hyperbolic cosine, and = a a> ae 'iney déséribe the motions of'Haves in elastic solids, the shapes of hanging electric power lines, and the temperature distributions in metal cooling fins - The center line: OF the Gateway Arch to the West in St. Louis is a weighted hyperbolic cosine curve. There are four other hyperbolic functions, that is,’ Gateway Arch in St. Louis NOTE: The curve of coshx, is an important one. It is called the catenary, and is the curve formed by 4 voiform Mexible chain that hangs freely with its ends fixed. - ‘These functions can be expressed in the form of series, which are derived from the series for e*. Since, 15 aes ee ane ar | Hence by ation and subtraction e ‘ ee coshx =1+ ty Formulae Connected with Hyperbolic Functions : achat There is a close correspondence between formulae sarees ak mes between hyperbolic functions and similar relations between circular functions. Consider the following: (e%+e (2 eset} cosh? x~sinh? x cosh? x—sinh’ x=1 0) This is the basic relation of hyperbolic functions and is analogue of the trigonometric relation, cos? x+sin? x=1 Dividing both sides of (1) by cosh? x, we get 1+tanh? x=sech?x ) Dividing both sides of (1) by sinh? x, we get coth? x-1=esch*x 6) 2.2.11 Vertical Line Test The definition of a function says that for every x there is one y. The graphical interpretation of this idea is considered in the vertical line test. If a vertical line (VL) intersects a curve in two or more points, then the ‘graph of the given curve does not represent a function. Afterall in that case, there would be two or more y values corresponding to a particular value of x. Sec the following figures: VL — Jets. Not function Not function | he wl as A function 2.3 PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS OF FUNCTIONS ‘There is perhaps no field or area where functions are not used. In real life, where there isa relation between two variables, the application of function is must. These applications are found in social and natural sciences, engineering and technology. Applications of functions are also known as mathematical modeling ‘of functions. Case Studies (Applied Problems and Simple Mathematical Modeling) EXAMPLE 01: Workers at a fast food restaurant earn $5 per hour for the first 40 hours in a week and then $7.5 per hour for additional hours. Let x be the number of hoars worked in a week, write a ‘two piece function H that deseribes a worker's pay. Solution: If'a worker works for 0 up to 40 hours, he will be paid $5 per hour. Hence his pay is a function of (hours), which is W(x) =5x for 05 x540- parse 16 mF <— APPLIED CALC ULUS ee ‘worker makes $5 per hour for 40 hours ($200 total) plus $7.5 per hour for at se 40 ‘hours. The extra hours will be (x-40), so the eaming would be 1200 + 7.S(x- 40)} dollars. ‘After simplification, we have : W(x) = 751-100 for x>40 Thus. the two piece function His given: by the formula myefie for 040 AMPLE 02: A passenger train travels continuously fo } ly for 10 hours. For the first 4 hours, the travels at am average speed of 70 mils per hour The remalnder of the trip a igh, andthe train oes an average of 58 miles per hour. Using ¢ for time (in hours) and A for average speed (in miles yer hour), write th d [ig ae : rite the two piece funtion A(@ that describes the train’s average speed during the 10 Solution: Fort between 0 and 4, the wain travels 70 miles per hour. Hence, Alt)= 701 for O<1<4- ‘When 4 < 1s 10 the train travels $8.miles per hour. The extra time will be (¢—4) hours, so average speed can be expressed as follows in the form of two valved function: 701, for Osts4 AW)= . Me) (ae for 420 is in hundreds of gallons and f is in dollars, Find the monthly charge for each of the g usages. 30 gallons (i) —- 3000 gallons (iif): 4000 gallons When is a gach hour above 1 ‘Solutio (i) Since ¥ ts in hundreds of gallons, hence | unit of gallon will be 1/100 = 0.01. Thus 30 gallons will be equivalent to 0.30 units. Now. according tothe given domain: f(03)=s18, (ii) Since x is in hundreds of gallons, 3000 gallons will be equivalent to 300/100 = 30 of units. Now, according to given domain: £G0)=18 + 0.1(30-20)=$19- (iii) Since x is in hundreds of gallons, 4000 gallons will be equivalent to 4000/100 = 40 of units. Now, according to given domain: ‘ f(40)=18 + 0.1(40 -20)=$20- NOTE: Gallon is a unit of liquid measure equal to 4.546 liters, used in United Kingdom and Canada. EXAMPLE 04: A rectangular fence is to be constructed so that its length is 3x +2 and its width #8 x mneters. If Pis the funetion that gives perimeter, determine Ps)? +2 Solution: Perimeter is the sum of the sides of any polygon. Now for rectangle as shown in the figure, z Pix) = 2(3x +2) 2x = Bx +4 meters. =F EXAMPLE 05: A colony of bacteria is placed into a bacteria present at any time / in hours) is given by m()_ growth inhabiting environment. The number of = 1000+ 201+ 7. Find: (0), (1) and (10), sister ve ie + 0 = 1000, This means thats the beginning (+= 0) the numberof batter in lution; (0) = 1000 + 0+ . sae cone hour number of bacteria is 1021 (1) ~ 1000 +20-+ 1 = 1021, this shows shat after “ (10) = 1000 + 20 (10) + (107 = 1000 + 200 +! colony after 10 hours is 1300. = 1300. This means that number of bacteria in the CALCULUS 1 value to managemet, can be of a tion (P).- Functions that provide information about cost, revenue, and Profit Frmatin (R) and profi 9 af ) ‘This section offers an introduction tothe cost fmetion (C) revenue” sing y for the number of of We begin by establishing the notation for three important types units produced or sold. we have Cost, Revenue, Profit C(x) = ‘The total cost of producing x units. (x)= The total revenue from the sale of x units. (x)= The total profit from the production and sale of x units. ; is EXAMPLE 06; Assume thatthe cost of producing x computer chips O(x)= 04x? +7x-+ 95 Dollars (a) Find the cost of producing 20 chips. (®) Determine the cost of producing the 20" chip. tts (©) Determine the cost of producing no chip. Interpret the Fes Solution: (a) The cost of producing 20 items is C(20)=0.4(20)? + 7(20) +95 =$395 (b) The cost of producing the 20* chip =C(20)- C(19)=395 -372.4 =22.6 dollars vias (©) C(0)= $95. This means if no chip is produced; the manufactiring cost is $95. This is gia fixed cost It includes the cost of the machine, equipment pai! design and other expenses that exi regardless of how many chips are produced. Note: C(O) means fixed cost ‘ AA profit function P is sometimes given directly, but some times it may be necessary to determine the profit as revenue minus cost. Profit=Revenue—Cost OR P(x)=R(x)-C(x) EXAMPLE 07: It costs a manufacturer C(x)=0.4x? +7x+95 dollars to produce x computer chips. ‘They can be sold at $40 each; that is, revenue from the sale of-x chips is R(x)=40x dollars. (a) Determine the profit funetion. (®) What is the profit on the manufacture and sale of 25 chips? (c) What is the profit on the manufacture and sale of 2 chips? Solution: (@) Using P(x)= R(x)- C(x), we have P(x)=(40x)-(0.4x? +7x+95) P(x)=-0.4x? +33r-95 Dollars (6) P(2)=-0.4(25F +33(25)-95=480 ‘This means on manufacturing and sale of 25 chips, the profit will be $480. () P(2)=-0.4(2)' +33(2)-95=-30.6- The minus (negative profit) indicates a loss. This means that the company woald manufacture and sale of 2 chips. vs Hens Sen NOTE: Following point must be remembered: Profit when —R(x)>C(s) Loss when C(x)> Rx) 2.3.1 Functions in Eeonomies {tis natural 10 ask that what will be the profit when R(x)= C(x): Because P(r)= R(x)-C(x) clearly P(x)=0 when {x)= C(x): This is known as break-even point when (x)= 0 , which shows “No Loss and No Gain”. The point of intersection of the graphs of p = Rx) and y=C(x) is called the break - even point. This is depicted in the following figure. This phenomenon is a tnd No omnborant for the managers to see that how many items should be produced to have “No Gain ODDPPOD Loss Profit (c>Rr) (k>c) EXAMPLE 08: The management of a Publishing company informs the aes forms the marketing department that the profit function is P(x)= 0.08 75 bee 200 dollars where x is the number of items that are old of (a) How would mana; * Quantity iReMent react to sales of 100, (6) How many dollars of ar et! of sales are needed to break ~ even? : (a) When x=100,000, wethave P(100,000) -08(100,000) - 15,200 = -$7200- This indicates that the management will have a items. a loss of $7200 it (0) For break — even, point, the profit must be zero. That is, er ne 0.08 -15,200=0= 0.08x = 15,200 = x = 190,000- Thus, 190,000 of items are required to be sold for the br Point. managemer ‘must produce and sale at least 190,000 items to awasGnerie wo EXERCISE 2 |. Draw the graphs of the following functions. Also mention the domain and range of these functions. @y=2e+7 )y=F +1 Oy=@+IV@-1) e 2. Solve each of the following inequalities: (a) 2x + 5|> [2 — Sx} () i+ fe—1>1 © l2P-2sr+12>0 @Mpttxtj>1 ()x*=4r"+4 >0 (f) 2xx + 2) 2 xK(x-2) 3.If f(x)=Ve? =I and g(x)=——— show that fogt sof. 4. In 1998, a patient paid $300 per day for a semiprivate hospital room and $1500 for an appendectomy operation. es the total amount for an appendectomy as a function of number of days of hospital confinement. ‘ 5. In some cities you can rent a car for $18 per day and § 0.20 per miles. a. Find the cost of renting the car for one day and driving 200 miles. : DI the ear ig rented for one day then express the total rental expenses as a function of the number x 6. Sennett tian side of a rectangle has twice the ‘oss of shorter side, and if x is length of shorter i i function of. side, the perimeter ofthe rectangle asa function : i here ap is Cie atx miles per bee! =i te aa: Seas! fet foes the car will travel + if car travels 175 ft after the driver de & nen ‘weighing 150 pounds on earth has weight given by: * afd) = 22800.000.000 7 mites above the earth sersce, (4.00044)? is lane at 29,000 feet? is person weigh while flying ate above the surface. If he weighs 150 pounds ronait 0! 2 : Andy how much does he weigh while nol? ¥ _ eas, oe an 2 3 5 =

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