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Dear Respondents:

Greetings with peace and prosperity!

As per requirement in our subject Practical Research 2, we, the undersigned, are the Grade 12 Humanities and Social
Sciences students of this institution. We are conducting a study entitled “DIGITAL LITERACY AND ACADEMIC
respectfully request your permission to be one of our respondents in this study. Rest assured that your responses will
deal with utmost confidentiality.

We are hoping for your usual support and kind consideration.



Demographic Profile

Name (optional): ___________________________________ Sex: ________ Strand: _______________

Digital Literacy Scale

Directions: Indicate how much you agree or disagree with the statements that best reflect your opinion by checking (√) on
the boxes beside the questions. The following scale may serve as your guide in answering the questionnaire:
Please answer with full honestly, and as much as possible, minimize answering the neutral portion of the scale.

5 - Strongly Agree-The statement is ALWAYS applicable on me in terms of me being Digitally Literate

4 - Agree-The statement is USUALLY applicable on me in terms of me being Digitally Literate
3 – Neutral-The statement is SOMETIMES applicable on me in terms of me being Digitally Literate
2 - Disagree-The statement is RARELY applicable on me in terms of me being Digitally Literate
1 - Strongly Disagree-The statement is NEVER applicable on me in terms of me being Digitally Literate

Statements 5 4 3 2 1

1. I can easily read online contents from screen.

2. I know how to write formal emails.

3. I interact through online audio-video call.

4. Online listening through headphone and speakers is troublesome for me.

5. I know the consequences of using copyright work online without permission.

6. I give acknowledgement/reference in my online work while using collusion (copying from

fellow students).

7. I am able to find different pieces of information online, and put them together to solve a

8. In online world, I do not use and share others’ personal information, pictures, conversation
etc. without their consent.

9. I avoid posting negative online comments and poking in others’ discussion and chatting.

10. I remain neutral and tolerant during online discussions.

11. I communicate with others in a respectable way while using technology.

12. I know the consequences for violating cyber laws in digital world.

13. I accept and follow the terms and conditions for accessing any information.

14. I respect the cultural differences in online world, and respond accordingly.

15. I search for material from renowned websites.

16. I actively participate in online polls/surveys.

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17. I encourage and help my community to post their problems and issues on social media for
getting attention.

18. I like to post new information on my social media account(s).

19. I develop my own videos and post them online.

20. In the online world, I work with others in groups.

21. Working in online groups helps me to learn from others.

22. I work online with my peers to find solutions to the problems.

Adapted from Amin, H., Malik, M. A., & Akkaya, B. (2022). Development and Validation of Digital Literacy Scale (DLS) and its
Implication for Higher Education. International Journal of Distance Education and E-learning, 7(1), 24–43.

Academic Motivation Scale

Directions: Indicate how much you agree or disagree with the statements that best reflect your opinion by checking (√) on
the boxes beside the questions. The following scale may serve as your guide in answering the questionnaire:
Please answer with full honestly, and as much as possible, minimize answering the neutral portion of the scale.

5-Very True of Me-The statement is VERY applicable on me in terms of me being Academically Motivated
4-True of Me-The statement is USUALLY applicable on me in terms of me being Academically Motivated
3-Neutral-The statement is SOMETIMES applicable on me in terms of me being Academically Motivated
2-Not True of Me-The statement is RARELY applicable on me in terms of me being Academically Motivated
1-Very Not True of Me-The statement is NEVER applicable on me in terms of me being Academically Motivated

Statements 5 4 3 2 1

1. In a class like this, I prefer course material that really challenges me so I can learn new

2. If I study in appropriate ways, then I will be able to learn the material in this course.

3. When I take a test I think about how poorly I am doing compared with other students.

4. I believe I will receive an excellent grade in this class.

5. I'm certain I can understand the most difficult material presented in the readings for this

6. Getting a good grade in this class is the most satisfying thing for me right now.

7. When I take a test I think about items on other parts of the test I can't answer.

8. It is my own fault if I don't learn the material in this course.

9. It is important for me to learn the course material in this class.

10. The most important thing for me right now is improving my overall grade point average, so
my main concern in this class is getting a good grade

11. I'm confident I can learn the basic concepts taught in this course.

12. If I can, I want to get better grades in this class than most of the other students.

13. When I take tests I think of the consequences of failing.

14. I'm confident I can understand the most complex material presented by the instructor in this

15. In a class like this, I prefer course material that arouses my curiosity, even if it is difficult to

16. If I try hard enough, then I will understand the course material.

17. I have an uneasy, upset feeling when I take an exam.

18. I'm confident I can do an excellent job on the assignments and tests in this course.

19. I expect to do well in this class.

20. The most satisfying thing for me in this course is trying to understand the content as
thoroughly as possible.

21. I think the course material in this class is useful for me to learn.

22. When I have the opportunity in this class, I choose course assignments that I can learn from
even if they don't guarantee a good grade.

23. If I don't understand the course material, it is because I didn't try hard enough.

24. Understanding the subject matter of this course is very important to me.

25. I'm certain I can master the skills being taught in this class.
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Adapted from Dayel, S. B., Diab, A. A., Abdelaziz, A., Farghaly, A., & Ansari, A. (2018). Validity of the motivated strategies for
learning questionnaire in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Medical Education, 9, 309–315.


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