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Tendon With Z-Lengthening Technique and

Construct Assessment: A Biomechanical Study for
Use in Tendon Reconstructions
William J. Weller, MD,* Zach Goldstein, MD,† Fang Li, PhD,‡ Ahmed Aljawad, BS,§ Jeffery A. Greenberg, MD*

Purpose Tendon reconstruction is frequently required under conditions of tendon deficiency.

The authors sought a technique that could obviate the need for tendon harvest yet meet the
minimum load of 45 N required for an early active motion protocol. This study was designed to
determine the ideal suture construct utilizing the tendon with Z-lengthening (TWZL) technique.
Methods Sixty fresh-frozen cadaveric flexor digitorum profundus tendons of the index,
middle, and ring fingers were randomized into 5 different TWZL construct designs using 3-0
braided polyethylene suture. Constructs were tested on an electromechanical actuator until
failure was observed on the load-elongation recording. Data points on maximum yield and
load at 8% strain were recorded for each construct.
Results The maximum yield data revealed the construct with a 4-core suture type configuration
(construct #4) had the highest overall mean load to failure at 150 N compared with all other
constructs. The construct with the highest mean load at 8% strain was that with a 4-core type repair
(construct #4) at 59 N. The constructs with Krackow locking sutures (constructs #2, #3, and #4
were found to withstand a significantly higher mean load at 8% strain than those without Krackow
sutures (#0 and #1). Comparison among constructs with Krackow locking sutures #2 (56 N), #3
(48 N), and #4 (59 N) did not show a significant difference in mean load at 8% strain. Construct
#3, however, had an SD and 95% confidence interval that fell below the 45 N early active motion
threshold, whereas both #2 and #4 had 95% confidence intervals that fell no lower than 50 N.
Conclusions This study provides evidence that the TWZL technique utilizing either construct
#2 or #4 could provide sufficient strength and reproducibility for tendon reconstruction.
Clinical relevance The study describes the application of the TWZL technique for utilization in
tendon reconstruction and quantifies differences in the yield strengths of the 5 proposed
constructs. (J Hand Surg Am. 2020;45(7):661.e1-e10. Copyright Ó 2020 by the American
Society for Surgery of the Hand. All rights reserved.)
Key words Extensor tendon reconstruction, flexor tendon reconstruction, tendon grafting,
tendon lengthening.

From the *The Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center Indianapolis; the †Department of Orthopaedic Funding for this study was provided via an institutional grant from Acumed, LLC, Hillsboro
Surgery, Indiana University; the ‡Department of Mathematics; and the §Department of OR, grant number: 17014. The funding source played no role in the study design or writing
Biomechanical Engineering, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN. of this manuscript.
Received for publication January 19, 2019; accepted in revised form November 22, 2019. Corresponding author: William J. Weller, MD, Campbell Clinic Orthopedics, 1400 S.
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received related directly or indirectly Germantown Rd., Germantown, TN 38138; e-mail:
to the subject of this article. 0363-5023/20/4507-0019$36.00/0

Ó 2020 ASSH r Published by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. r 661.e1


OMPLEX OR DELAYED TENDON reconstruction is the most basic design with no 3-0 reinforcing braided
frequently associated with tendon deficiency. polyethylene suture (Maxbraid; Biomet-Zimmer,
Current techniques require a tendon graft or Warsaw, IN). Construct #1 has a simple Krackow
transfer to fill the tendon gap, with the exception of suture placed at the split juncture site to prevent
sacrificing the flexor superficialis and suturing it to propagation of the split. Construct #2 has 2 total cm
the flexor profundus for later distal tenodesis, or us- of Krackow sutures, with 1 cm placed on either side
ing a flexor tendon allograft. 1e8 Whereas some of the tendon split interface. Construct #3 differs
tendon reconstructions require the harvest of only 1 from construct #2 in that it has 3 cm of Krackow
tendon such as the palmaris longus, which is often suture, 1 cm placed prior to the bridge site, 1 cm over
readily available in the same wound, occasionally the bridge site, and the final centimeter distal to the
there are times when multiple tendons need recon- bridge site. Construct #4 has 2 total cm of Krackow
struction. These multitendon reconstruction scenarios sutures, with 1 cm placed on either side of the tendon
subsequently require the harvest of tendons from a split interface; however, an additional Krackow su-
site outside the primary surgical wound and, thus, ture is placed on top of the previous Krackows at the
can lead to increased morbidity. split tendon interface in order to add 2 more core
A recent publication describes using a native suture strands at this weak point in the tendon. This
extensor pollicis longus tendon to reconstruct the creates a 4-core strand configuration at the split
tendon gap in chronic extensor pollicis longus rup- tendon interface for construct #4.
tures.9 In addition, an earlier study by Urbaniak
et al10 has also described a Z-lengthening technique TWZL suturing technique
with advancement of the distal tendon utilized in Twenty fresh-frozen cadaver arms were obtained and
flexor pollicus longus lacerations. Our study was the FDP tendons of the index, middle, and ring fin-
designed to accomplish 2 purposes: to determine the gers were harvested. A standard flexor carpi radialis
feasibility of the tendon with Z-lengthening (TWZL) approach to the forearm was undertaken from the
technique in cadaveric flexor digitorum profundus musculotendinous junction (MTJ) in the forearm to
(FDP) tendons; and to analyze the ideal suture the A1 pulley in the palm, utilizing oblique incisions
construct based on maximum yield strength. The null at the wrist and palmar creases. The transverse carpal
hypothesis for this study proposed that the 5 different ligament was divided ulnarly in line with the third
cadaveric FDP TWZL construct designs do not meet web space, and the median nerve was retracted
the theoretical maximum yield strength demand of 45 radially. The FDPs to the index, middle, and ring
N for early active motion (EAM). fingers were identified as they entered the A1 pulley.
Here the FDPs were transected to simulate a similar
MATERIALS AND METHODS location where the surgeon may have tethered the
tendon stump in a 2-staged flexor tendon recon-
Pilot study
struction scenario. The tendons were individually
A pilot study was initially undertaken to determine an freed from the palm by pulling on them in a proxi-
appropriate reinforcement method for biomechanical mally directed manner. The remaining lumbrical
testing. The TWZL technique was applied to 6 flexor muscle origins were removed with a No. 15 scalpel
digitorum superficialis tendons of the middle finger. blade. A 1-cm length of the distal tendon stump was
Preliminary testing showed maximum load to failure measured and marked to delineate the interface from
between 34 N and 101 N. Based on these data, the where the tendon would be split in half longitudi-
authors devised 5 different TWZL constructs of nally. This 1-cm zone was given the name the bridge
varying Krackow lengths and core suture number at site because it bridges the split interface between the
and around the bridge site in order to determine 2 TWZL limbs. Using a No. 15 scalpel blade, the
whether any significant difference in maximum yield tendon was split in half longitudinally from just distal
existed between the constructs. to the MTJ and distally to the 1-cm bridge site
marking. Two limbs were thus created, the limb on
Construct design the ulnar side of the tendon having been incised at the
The constructs were designed from the most basic to MTJ and then flipped distally, effectively doubling
the most complex in order to see whether addition of the tendon length (Fig. 1). Next, the bridge site was
core sutures or Krackow numbers in series would folded back onto itself, effectively forming a tube of
increase the yield strength by stabilizing the weak the TWZL construct and thus decreasing the bulk or
point where the tendon has been split. Construct #0 is node at the bridge site. A simple 3-0 braided nylon

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. 45, July 2020


FIGURE 2: TWZL technique. Top: The proximal MTJ interface

is at site A þ B to the left of figure. The distal tendon stump is
depicted at site C þ D to the right of figure. The bridge site is
shown by a 1-cm bracket. Middle: The longitudinally halved
tendon is flipped while the bridge site is kept intact. Bottom: The
limbs are folded together to make the construct more tubular and
a stay suture is placed.

opening of the A1 and A0 pulleys, the likelihood for

catching with flexion was assumed to be limited in
the clinical setting. After TWZL construct comple-
tion, each tendon was labeled according to their
construct number design and digit. They were placed
FIGURE 1: TWZL technique. Top: Retrieve the FDP tendons
in moist gauze and stored in a refrigerator while the
from the A1 pulley anchor site, remove the remaining lumbrical remaining tendons were completed.
muscle belly, and mark the 1-cm bridge site. Bottom: Split the
FDP longitudinally from the MTJ to the 1-cm bridge site, transect
Biomechanical testing
one of the limbs created at the MTJ, and flip distally. Suture the
bridge site down with 3-0 braided nylon stay suture to make the The tendon constructs were placed in a cooler and
construct more tubular. transported to the biomechanical testing facility. The
constructs were individually removed from the cooler
and tested on an electromechanical actuator testing
suture (Surgilon; Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) was machine (Test Resources 100 Series Test Instrument,
placed in the bridge site to keep the junction in a Shakopee, MN). The construct was mounted such
tubular configuration (Fig. 2). that a 50-mm length of the tendon construct was
Sixty cards were labelled #0, #1, #2, #3, and #4 so tested on each of the 60 tendons. The sutured TWZL
that there would be 5 different constructs with 12 portion of the tendon was placed equidistant from the
tendons in each cohort. The tendons were then mountings.
randomly assigned to a group. A 3-0 braided poly- Next, a 5-N preload was applied to the construct
ethylene suture was used to place the Krackow su- and then the load cell was zeroed. The construct was
tures according to the construct design to which it then loaded at a rate of 0.2 mm/s until failure was
was randomly selected. Five Krackow sutures were observed on the load-elongation recording. A
placed for every 1 cm of construct length involved high-speed camera (Sony HDR Camera; Sony Cor-
(see Appendix A for clinical photographs of each of poration, Tokyo, Japan) was utilized to capture
the constructs). The TWZL construct was completed macroscopically the manner in which the tendon failed.
by tying back to the first braided polyethylene throw Construct failure via gapping was noted in relation to
and 5 square knots were completed. The bridge site where the tendon failed relative to the TWZL sutures
portion of the constructs after completion was com- and recorded. This process was repeated identically for
parable in bulk to a Pulvertaft weave, and with the 60 tendons. There was 1 tendon (tendon 35) test

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. 45, July 2020


that failed to have the data recording saved; thus, it was differences in yield strength among the constructs that
not included in the final analysis. exhibited the higher maximum yield strengths (con-
structs #2, #3, and #4). A 45-N value was felt to be too
Statistical analysis large a difference given the ranges; however, if it had
The biomechanical testing data were imported into a been chosen, a smaller number of tendons would be
spreadsheet and stress-strain graphs were constructed. required.
Next, data points on maximum yield and load at 8%
strain were all recorded from the testing data. The
means and SDs were calculated. The 95% confidence RESULTS
intervals (95% CIs) for maximum yield and load at 8% Maximum yield
strain were calculated for each construct design. The The maximum yield data revealed construct #4 to
data for maximum yield and load at 8% strain were have the highest overall mean load to failure at 150
analyzed individually utilizing an ordinary 1-way N. Utilizing the 1-way analysis of variance model
analysis of variance model. A Tukey-Kramer adjust- with a Tukey-Kramer adjustment to compare the
ment was added to do the pairwise comparison among constructs, construct #4 was found to have a signifi-
the 5 construct types. A post hoc power analysis was cantly higher maximum yield than all other constructs
undertaken and found that the sample size should be at P less than .05 (Fig. 3).
least 8 tendons for each of the 5 construct types in order
to detect a significant difference of 30 N maximum
yield strength between 2 types with a power of at least Load at 8% strain
0.80. The 30-N value was chosen for the post hoc The construct with the highest mean load at 8% strain
power analysis in order to attempt to detect significant was construct #4 at 59 N. Constructs #2, #3, and #4
differences among the constructs given the ranges were found to withstand a significantly higher load at
exhibited in the results in regard to maximum yield and 8% strain than constructs #0 and #1 (P < .05).
maximum yield at 8% strain. Specifically, the authors Comparison among constructs #2, #3, and #4, how-
were interested in trying to determine significant ever, did not show a significant difference in load at

FIGURE 3: Mean maximum yield for the 5 tendon constructs. Different colored stars denote statistically significant differences in mean
maximum yield among the constructs; similar color stars denote no significant difference. The 95% CIs are shown in gray boxes and the
range of the values for each construct is shown in vertical brackets. Mean maximum yield values are denoted by blue diamond figures
for each construct.

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. 45, July 2020


FIGURE 4: Load (N) at 8% strain by construct. Different colored stars denote statistically significant differences in mean load at 8%
strain among the constructs; similar color stars denote no significant difference. The 95% CIs are shown in gray boxes and the range of
the values for each construct are shown in vertical brackets. Mean loads for each construct at 8% strain are denoted by blue diamond
figures for each construct.

8% strain (P ¼ .32 for #2 vs #3; P ¼ .05 for #3 vs #4; Although maximum yield is a valid parameter to
P ¼ .90 for #2 vs #4) (Fig. 4). measure from a biomechanical properties standpoint,
it is not truly indicative of how the tendon or tendon
Mode of failure construct behaves when stress is applied at physio-
The tendon constructs displayed 5 different modes of logical levels. Previous biomechanical testing shows
failure. The most common mode of failure was split that native tendons exhibit elastic properties until
propagation (50 tendons), where the tendon under about 4% strain. Above 4%, and up to 10% strain, the
load continued to split into the bridge site (Fig. 5). tendon undergoes plastic deformation or microscopic
The second most common mode of failure was failure failure of the collagen fibrils. At strain larger than
of the tendon adjacent and proximal to the bridge site 10% to 13% macroscopic failure occurs.11e13 Like a
tendon split interface (5 tendons). The tendon failed native tendon, the reconstructed TWZL tendon
distal to the construct in 2 tendons and only 1 tendon construct will also undergo strain as load is applied.
failed with both split propagation and distal tendon However, unlike the native tendon, which distributes
failure. One tendon also failed at the superior mount the load evenly, the reconstructed TWZL part of the
on the actuator testing machine. tendon, specifically the bridge site, is at highest risk
for failure if the construct is loaded prior to tendon
healing as it would be with an EAM protocol. This is
DISCUSSION demonstrated by the observed mode of failure where
The null hypothesis for this study proposes that the 5 85% of tendons failed by split propagation into the
different cadaveric FDP TWZL construct designs do bridge site at maximum yield.
not meet the theoretical maximum yield strength With the risk of split propagation in mind, we
demand of 45 N for EAM. The results from this study sought to propose an acceptable degree of strain that
show that the null hypothesis can be rejected because would be able to withstand the load imparted to the
Figure 3 shows constructs #1, #2, #3, and #4 resulted TWZL flexor tendon constructs at their earliest po-
in maximum yield strengths above the 45-N tential application of load. In the clinical setting, this
threshold. would be at initiation of an EAM protocol. According

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. 45, July 2020


FIGURE 5: Modes of failure. The distal tendon is oriented at the top of each photograph.

to previous studies, the minimum load threshold for how much load our TWZL constructs withstood at
a flexor tendon construct to be able to withstand an 8% strain.
EAM protocol should be at least 45 N.14e17 Thus, The results in Figure 4 showed that at 8% strain
any proposed reconstruction technique should constructs #2, #3, and #4 all exhibited mean loads of
meet, and ideally exceed, this 45-N threshold. To greater than 45 N. Only construct #3 had a range and
address the question of what degree of strain is 95% CI that fell below the 45-N threshold, whereas
tolerated by the TWZL construct before significant both constructs #2 and #4 had 95% CIs that fell no
split propagation occurs, we selected 8%, because lower than 45 N. Constructs #2 and #4 also exhibited
this represents approximately 4 mm of elongation overall higher mean loads at 8% strain, but not
of the 50-mm TWZL tendon construct length that significantly compared with construct #3. Consid-
was tested. In addition, Lieber et al18,19 has shown ering these data, constructs #2 and #4 more consis-
that muscle and tendon adaptions are possible after tently sustained loads greater than 45 N at an
surgical tensioning procedures in rabbit models with appropriate strain in this biomechanical model. These
strain as high as 15%; therefore, our value of 8% is a loads are above the threshold recommended for EAM
smaller, but acceptable, degree of strain. We then and, thus, suggest that they would be able to with-
reviewed the biomechanical testing data to evaluate stand this rehabilitation method. Although the 95%

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. 45, July 2020


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J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. 45, July 2020


APPENDIX A. Electronic Component

FIGURE A1: Construct #0 clinical photograph. Note no stabi- FIGURE A2: Construct #1 clinical photograph. Note that 1
lizing suture is placed at the split tendon interface; the only suture simple Krackow suture is placed at the split tendon interface.
is a stay suture to keep the tendon tubularized. Distal tendon is Distal tendon is oriented to the top of the photograph and prox-
oriented to the top of the photograph and proximal to the bottom imal to the bottom of the photograph.
of the photograph.

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. 45, July 2020


FIGURE A3: Construct #2 clinical photograph. Note 1-cm of the FIGURE A4: Construct #3 clinical photograph. Note 3 cm of the
Krackow suture is placed on either side of the split tendon Krackow suture construct is centered over the bridge site. Distal
interface to make a 2-cm total suture construct. Distal tendon is tendon is oriented to the top of the photograph and proximal to
oriented to the top of the photograph and proximal to the bottom the bottom of the photograph.
of the photograph.

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. 45, July 2020


FIGURE A5: Construct #4 clinical photograph. Note 2 cm of

Krackow sutures are centered over the split tendon interface, and
an additional Krackow suture is placed at the split tendon inter-
face to make a 4-core repair at that juncture. Distal tendon is
oriented to the top of the photograph and proximal to the bottom
of the photograph.

J Hand Surg Am. r Vol. 45, July 2020

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