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Unit Progress Tests: Recommendations for more practice

Look at the table for more practice you can do before you take the Unit Progress Test again.


If you want to improve your score for this section, you can go back to this unit of the
student's course and do the Listening skills activity in Lesson 3 and the Listening and
speaking skills review in the Unit Review lesson. You can also try the Time to watch
You can click here or go to the last page to read some tips on listening tests.


If you want to improve your score for this section, you can go back to Lesson 1 of this unit
of the student's course. Try the Vocabulary presentation if you want to see the words
from this lesson again. You can practice the vocabulary in Vocabulary practice 1 and
Vocabulary practice 2.
If you don't have much time, you can go to the Vocabulary review in the Unit review to
see everything you learned in Lesson 1.


If you want to improve your score for this section, you can go back to Lesson 2 of this unit
of the student's course. Try the Vocabulary presentation if you want to see the words
from this lesson again. You can practice the vocabulary in Vocabulary practice 1 and
Vocabulary practice 2.
If you don't have much time, you can go to the Vocabulary review in the Unit review to
see everything you learned in Lesson 2.

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If you want to improve your score for this section, you can go back to Lesson 1 of this unit
of the student's course. Try the Grammar presentation if you want to see the grammar
from this lesson again. You can practice the grammar in Grammar practice 1 and
Grammar practice 2.
If you don't have much time, you can go to the Grammar review in the Unit review to see
everything you learned in Lesson 1.


If you want to improve your score for this section, you can go back to Lesson 2 of this unit
of the student's course. Try the Grammar presentation if you want to see the grammar
from this lesson again. You can practice the grammar in Grammar practice 1 and
Grammar practice 2.
If you don't have much time, you can go to the Grammar review in the Unit review to see
everything you learned in Lesson 2.


If you want to improve your score for this section, you can go back to this unit of the
student's course and do the Reading skills activity in Lesson 4 and the Reading and
writing skills review in the Unit Review lesson.
You can click here or go to the last page to read some tips on reading tests.

When you are ready, you can take the Unit Progress Test again to improve your score.

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Tips for a listening test

1. Before you listen, read the rubric (instructions) and think about who the speakers are,
where they are, and what they might talk about.
2. Look at the questions and notice any key words, e.g. names, places, numbers, verbs.
3. Listen for the key words in the questions, or for synonyms of those key words.
"Synonyms" are words with the same, or similar, meaning.
4. Choose what you think is the correct answer on your first listen.
5. Be careful of "distractors" – information you think answers your question, but is wrong.
6. If you can't answer a question, don't worry about it. Concentrate on the next question.
7. Have a second listen to check your original answers again and decide if you want to
change any of them. Answer any questions you missed at the first listen.

Tips for a reading test

1. Read the title (if there is one) and predict what the text might be about.
2. Quickly read the text to get a general idea of what it is about. Look carefully at the first
sentence of each paragraph. Don't spend very long doing this.
3. Look at the questions and notice any key words, e.g. names, places, numbers, verbs.
4. Scan the text for the key words in the questions, or for synonyms of these key words.
Then read that part of the text carefully to find the answer. "Scan" means read quickly to
find information. "Synonyms" are words with the same, or similar, meaning.
5. Be careful of "distractors" – information you think answers your question, but is wrong.
6. If there are multiple choice (A, B, C) questions, decide if any options are obviously
wrong and forget about those. Concentrate on the answers that might be correct.

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