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1. Accurate Representation: Make sure the edible model

shows the main parts of the cell correctly. Show what the
nucleus, mitochondria, and other important parts look 20
like in a cell (plant or animal).

2. Safe to Eat: Use foods that are safe and meant for eating.
For example, use fruits, candies, or veggies. For instance,
use Jell-O for the cell's jelly-like material (cytoplasm) and 20
grapes to show the nucleus.

3. Labels: Attach small flags or use toothpick labels to show

which edible parts represent which cell structures. This 10
helps to know what each food item stands for in the cell.

4. Try for Proportions: Aim to keep the sizes of the cell parts
similar to real cells, even if it's not perfect. Try to show 10
roughly how big each part is in comparison to others.

5. Be Creative: Have fun using different foods to show the

cell parts. You can use candies or veggies creatively to 10
match the colors and shapes of the cell structures.

6. Sturdy and Neat: Make sure the model can stay together
and doesn't fall apart easily. Use a strong base or 10
container to hold it in place.

7. Clean and Fresh Foods: Use fresh and clean foods,

especially if planning to eat the model later. Wash fruits 10
and veggies properly before using them.

8. Explain Your Model: Give a simple explanation of what

each food item represents in the cell. Explain why you 10
chose those foods to show specific cell parts.

TOTAL: 100

When making an edible cell model, it's important to learn and talk about what each part does in a cell.
Have discussions about the roles of these parts while creating the model.

Group number: ___

Group members: 1. ____________________ 4. ____________________

2. ____________________ 5. ____________________

3. ____________________ 6. ____________________

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