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PHONE NO: 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z : 4 i g This Assignment consists of Section Qizz y ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ! ‘http://www ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU MPA-014: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1919011854308 Course Code: MPA-O14 Assignment Code: Asst/TMA/2022- 23 Marks: 100 1 and Section - II. There are five questions in each section. You have to answer a total of five questions in about 500 words each, selecting at least ‘two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks. » 2 3) 4) 3) 9) 1) 8) 9% 10) Write a note on judicial approach to disci SECTION—1 Define Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and highlight its approaches. 20 Describe the process and aspects of Manpower Planning. Discuss major objectives of performance appraisal. Write a note on job evaluation. Define redeployment and analyse its guiding principles and key issues. SECTION =U ‘What do you understand by Management Development? Discuss approaches to Management Development. Explain significant steps in capacity building and bring out its objectives. Define TQM and distinguish it from traditional management. Discuss the objectives and process of collective bargaining. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 YwG3@ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNMENT GURU_Page- 1 NOU. PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU a Zz 3g z g q 5 SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS Qizz cea \nsinasmi nomen IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU 2022-23 MPA-14 Human Resource Management rst Wee ip Th ers Sa Tor o Ts aT en PT Ws Sang RaT OT we fered nae encheiaer Aufrs they ar guiancof ssi og an nes toute cane Gusto gue agen ‘gman cars dream oo orcas of tos arp stoners unsure txese elnodge ana capi orate escort Sore some ey essen the Gudea eterno prepare he anes theese genie asngrnat Asesinas ae repre hi Coca so tects ore nent be Scary sao ors gy fegeteahowghevey ce as bean lente prep es ‘Spl Arkon Phos your ow Teche Tr bette ou prepare a Puree reer ae! ar psd ard eat women. ds i Sh ‘Sider snout ress rtetn sty rater rode yess te sgn sca pn hoya nth r= SECTION I Q. 1. Define Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and highlight its approaches. Ans, Strategy is a unified, comprehensive and integrated plan that relates the strategic advantages of the firm to the challenges of the environment. Itis designed to ensure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved through proper execution by the organisation. Therefore, a strategy is a pattem or a plan that integrates an organisation's major goals, policies and action. Strategic human resource management as the integration of HRM, which improve business performance and achieve organisational goals, In the traditional view, Human Resource Management as a staff or advisory function and strictly operational. Under traditional HRM, human resources are managed by specialists in line. Under strategic HRM, the responsibility for managing human resources is placed mostly on line managers who basically manage people at work. Features of strategic human resource management could be inferred as mentioned below: > Organisational Level: Because strategies involve decisions about key goals, major policies and the allocation of resources, they tend to be formulated at the top. > Focus: Strategies are business-driver and focus on "organisational effectiveness". People are seen primarily as tesources to be managed towards the achievement of strategic business. > Framework: Strategies by their very nature provide a unifying framework that is broad, contingency-based and integrative. They incorporate a full complement of the HR goals and activities designed especially to fit extent environment and be mutually reinforcing and synergistic. Again some of the basic features of SHRM has discussed in the following: 1. Strategic human resource management is relevant in both public and private organisations. 2. SHRM has both policy and operative aspects. 3. SHRM as universal academic discipline. ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU _Page-2 PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 4 i g ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ZOU 1919011854308 ouassi ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU 4, SHRM deals with the pattem of planned human resource deployment and activities. 5. It also involves in the management process of human capital. Approaches of SHRM Strategic Human Resource Management as the integration of Human Resource Management which mainly improves business performance for only achieves organizational goals. Strategic Human resource management is based on the belief that naman resources are uniquely important to sustained business success. An organisation can achieve competitive advantage by making effective use of its human resources. Line manager is responsible for managing human resources, who basically manage people at work: Authors have attempted to provide more analytical frame works for strategic human resource management. Delery and Doty make a distinction between three different theoretical frameworks: 1. Universalistic: Where some HR practices are believed to be universally effective. This approach prefers common, standard, individual HR practices, and treats them as principles claiming verifiability and consistent applicability. 2. Contingency: Where effectiveness of HR practices is taken as dependent on organisation's strategy, systems interaction and achievement of vertical fit regarding policies. It goes beyond simple linear cansal relationships for prescription on HR practices and allows for interaction effects and varying intervariable relationships during strategy fornmlation 3. Configurational: This approach gives pattems of HR practices that together form on internally consistent whole. Wright and Snell's model of SHRM aims to achieve both fit and flexibility. They emphases distinction between HRM practices, skill and behaviour in relation to strategy on the one hand, and the issne of tight and loose coupling on HR practices and strategy on the other. The Best Practice Approach This approach is based on the belief, which potentially lead to supetior organisational performance. Pfeffer's list of the seven HR practices in successful organisations. (a) Employment Security: It is fundamental to the implementation of such high performance management practices as selective lining extensive training, information sharing and delegation. (b) Selective Hiring: Selective recruitment is needed to minimize training costs. Organisations should look for people with the right attitude, values and cultural attributes that may be hard to inculeate by training. (©) Self-managed Teams: These are a critical component of high performance management systems. They: (i Substitute peer-based control for hierarchical control of work; i) Lessen tiers in hierarehy; and ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU _Page-3 PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 4 i g ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ZOU 1919011854308 ouassi ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU (iii) Permit employees to pool their ideas in order to produce better and more ereative solutions to work problems. (@ High Compensation Contingent of Performance: Compensation offered to employees is, made contingent on organisational performance, for example, gain-sharing on profit-sharing can be related to individual or team performance or even unique or particular individual skills. (©) Training: It provides skills and creating motivated work force that has the knowledge and the capability to perform required tasks (f) Reduction of Status Differentials: The fundamental premise of high-performance work systems is that organisations should be able to top ideas, skills and efforts of its employees. For this to be possible, status differentials should not be emphasized to the detriment of team spirit in an organisation, (g) Sharing Information: Sharing information playing a vital role in the organisation. It gives positive message to the employees, which is most essential in training, Best Fit Approach: Benchmarking has its uses as a means of identifying areas for innovation or development practice applied to good effect elsewhere. In the view of Purcell, "Organisation should be less concerned with best fit and best practice, and be more sensitive to the process of organisation! change to avoid being trapped in the logic of rational choice". It may be notable that rational choice argument does not always apply in real life situations. Conclusion Stuategy should be evolved to maximize the utility of the HR function, Strategic human resource management is relevant to all organisation, public or private, SHRM has both policy and operative aspects. SHRM is therefore contingent ou (a) identification of end, (b) auticulation of strategy, and (©) integration of sub-strategies into the whole i. organisation policy key concems in strategic lmman resource management. They are listed as: aligning resources whiclr strategies, making strategies adaptable to new courses and new strategic directions; and periodic renewal of strategic human as well as organisational resources with a view to sustaining competitive advantage for the organisation. SHRM is recognised as universal academic disciplines, On the whole, the concept of strategic human resource management (SHRM) is applied within an organisation. Specially the psychological underpinnings to human behaviour at work are important in strategic human, resource management. Strategies involve decisions about key goals, major policies and the allocation of resources. Strategies mainly focus on "organisational effectiveness." Strategic ‘human resources management involves the management process which are specialised in the management of human capital. It also believes that employees are the primary resource for ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU_Page-4 PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 3 4 i g ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ZOU 18811854308 /uwwignouassignmentguru, ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU gaining competitive advantage, It also involves the pattem of planned human resource deployment Q. 2. Deseribe the process and aspects of Manpower Planning. Ans, Generally, Human Resource Planning (HR) is called manpower planning and personnel ‘management it deals with the productive exploitation of manpower resources. Moreover management involves choosing the right personnel and it also involves upgrading qualitatively, the existing human resources. Human resources planning is simply the formal process of linking organisational strategy with human resource practices Manpower is defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities and aptitudes of an organisations, work force. But when we analyse, planning is nothing but it is mostly deals with the effective implementation of production plans. After preparing the plans, people are grouped together to achieve organisational objectives. In this way, planning is concemed with coordinating, motivating aud controlling of the various activities within the organisation. Manpower planning therefore, is a technique of conecting imbalances between manpower demand and supply in an organisation at a mnicro-level and in the economy at the micto-level. So that, it is necessary to plan for long-term growth. In the Human Resources Planning, we face two aspects (a) Quantitative and (b) Qualitative. Again, there are two major objectives of Human Resource Planning: (1) Formulation of recruitment plans to avoid unexpected shortages, ete, and (2) Identification of training needs to avoid skill shortages. Manpower plans covers up for such contingencies by providing for future requirements in a planned way. In statistical terms, it is a process of data collection, analysis and projection to help management match manpower supply with demand in accordance with the requirements of the organisation. Manpower planning is not an isolated paper exereise but an integral management function. Human resource planning has to be in keeping with organisational objectives. Process of Human Resources Planning ‘The process of HR planning has been discussed in the following: (1) Analysing Organisational Plans: Plans concerning technology, production, marketing, finance, expansion and Giversificafion give an idea about the value of future work activity. (2) Manpower Forecasting: Job analysis and forecast of future activity levels help in human resource forecasting. It is necessary to make projections for new position to be created and the vacancies arising in current manpower. Techniques employed in manpower forecasting are - managerial judgement, work stidy method, ratio trend analysis, and rhatheinatical models (3) Forecasting Supply of HR: Each and every organisation has two source of supply of human resources-Intemual and External, Internally, human resources can be obtained for certain posts through promotions and transfers. Extemal factors consists of working population, unemployment level, education and training institutions, housing and transport facilities, social security measures, technology, ete. (4) Estimating Manpower Gaps: Generally, gaps may occur in terms of knowledge, skills and aptitudes, Manpower gaps can be identified by comparing demand forecasts and supply forecasts. ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU_Page-D PHONE NO; 9811854308 2 5 3 E & @ 2 {roid And iOS Download Our Ar ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ZOU 18811854308 / ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU (8) Action Planning: Once the manpower gaps are identified, plans are prepared to bridge these gaps. Action planning deals with recruitment plan, redeployment plan, redundancy plan, promotion plan, transfer plan, training and development plan, productivity plan, retention plan. (© Monitoring and Control: Once the action plans are implemented, the human resource structure and system needs to be reviewed and regulated, An organisation operating on a five- year planning cycle may record hnman resource levels in such a way that itis easy to monitor progress and hold managers responsible Aspects of Human Resource Planning: For the Human Resource Planning, itis essential to discuss the varions steps and requirements, Here, the question arises, what strategy should be employed to make the workforce creative, innovative and dynamic? There are some basic aspects of Human Resource Planning (1) Organisational Planning and Development (a) Establishing organisational objectives, goals and targets. (b) Redesigning organisational structure. (©) Building inter-personal relationships intra and inter agencies and thereby in the total system. (2) Career Development (a) Staffing: (i Recruitment and selection (ii) Placement and transfer (iii) Promotion. (b) Training: (i) Training (i) Refiesher courses (iii) Briefing (iv) Sabbatical leave (3) Terms of Employment (a) Salary administration (b) Incentive (c) Fringe benefits (@) Retirements benefits. (4) Employee Welfare (a) Medical Facilities (b) Leave IGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU_Page-6 PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 3 4 i g ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ZOU 18811854308 /uwwignouassignmentguru, ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU (©) Recreation (@) Housing (©)Leave travel concession (® Children's education, (5) Personal Records (a) Personal files (b) Personnel data for decision-making (© Performance appraisal (© Morale and Motivation (a) Financial and non-financial incentives. (b) Conduct and discipline (©) Professional standards (@) Satisfaction of social and psychological needs. (7) Management Staff Relations (a) Professional associations and Union (b) Participative management (©) Effective joint professional association. (8) Personnel Research and Review (PER) (a) Planning and determining programme areas (b) Analysis and interpretation (c) Development of more appropriate personnel programmes and policies) (a) Development and integrated personnel approach (©) Follow-up improvement action (9) Effective communication The department of personnel must provide for effective communication between the staff and the management. Organisational change may actually give counter results and it is not official statements of confidential reports that earn staff loyalty. So that, staff members appreciates and understands the objectives and purposes of communication, especially regarding about changes that solidarity is achieved, The role of the administration to encourage employees to participate in developing solutions. According to the Ted R_Brannen, only by an understanding of the individual, his habits, ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU_Page- 7 ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ZOU 18811854308 /uwwignouassignmentguru, ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU expectations, and beliefs, can the administrator knows what is needed to induce his, spontaneous cooperation for the benefit of the organisation. (10) Motivation through Decentralisation Delegation and Job Enlargement Employees or unions or associations should be dealt with non-compliance or alleged insolence on the part of any worker. In order to create confidence among the staff workers and increased commitment on their part towards the organisation, the only way is involvement of a lower level staff in the affairs of the organisation q SECTION - It 3 Q..6. What do you understand by Management Development? Discuss approaches to 3 Management Development. g Ans. Generally, management development related to a systematic process of learning and y growth by which managerial personnel gain and also apply to knowledge, skills, attitudes and Z| insights to manage the work in their organisations effectively and efficiently. It is an educational process through which executives learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge and ‘managerial skills in an organised manner. The main aim of formal education for manager is to 5 increase his ability to lear from experience. Management development involves relating z expire 3 = Main Approaches to Management Development: Management Development concept is E defined by the various thinkers, which is discussed in the following. 5 g In the opinion of Molander, "management development is a conscious and systematic process to control the development of managerial resources in the organisation for the achievement of goals and strategies.” Basic features of management Development has been explained in the followings: 1. Management development is a planned and organized process of learning, 2. It is an ongoing or never ending exercise. It continuous throughout an executive's entire professional career because there is no end to leaming. 3. It is a long-term process as maniageriatskills cannot be developed overnight 4, It is guided self-development. An organisation can provide full opportunities for development of its preseut;and potential managers: 5. It aims at preparing managers for better performance and helping them to realise their full potential. Management development means to improve managerial effectiveness through a planned and deliberate leaming process, by which managers and executive acquire not only skills and competency in their present jobs, but also capabilities for future managerial tasks 8 z 3 4 i g It is sure that, development is a continuous and dynamic process where managers often learn through informal, and unplanned experiences. To achieve a more comprehensive view of development, there is need to incorporate additional aspects such as: IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU_Page-8 Framework for setting, linking and balancing individual and organisational objectives: ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 3 4 i g /uwwignouassignmentguru, ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU Systems for identifying and selecting managers; ‘Structures to support, motivate and reward; Plans to enable career progression; and Mechanisms to measure and evaluate performance. ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS 18811854308 According to Mumford, "Management development is an attempt to improve managerial effectiveness through a planned and deliberate learning process.” For Flippo, "Management development includes the process by which managers and executive acquire not only skills and competency in their present jobs but also capabilities for future managerial tasks of increasing difficulty and scope." Approaches to Management Development Mumford describes three types of approaches to management development. They are: 1. Piecemeal Approaches 2. Open System Approaches 3. Unified Approaches TYPE (1) Informal Managerial’ Accidental Processes Characteristic Occurs within manager's activities Unstructured in development terms Owned by managers Explicit intention is task performance Not planned in advance No clear development objectives. TYPE (2) Integrated Managerial Oppor-timistic Processes Chiatacteristi¢s Occur within managerial activities Stnictured for developmient by boss aid subordinate Owned by managers Explicit intention is both task perfonmance and development. Planned beforehand and reviewed subsequently as learning experiences Clear development objectives. TYPE (3) Formalised Development Planned Process Characteristics Often away from normal managerial activities Structured for development by developers Owned more by developers than managers Explicit intention is development ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU_Page-9 PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 3 4 i g ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ZOU 18811854308 /uwwignouassignmentguru, ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU ‘* Planned beforehand or reviewed subsequently as leaming experiences. * Clear development objectives. 1. Characteristics of Piecemeal Approach: Piecemeal approaches are inefficient and ineffective development. They are similar to Type 1 and Type 2 development. Here there is no management development infrastructure. Development is not linked to business strategy Development is based on the needs of the organisation and it fails to meet the learning needs and aspiration of individuals and groups. Here management education and training is of silent support. Therefore, itis an inefficient and ineffective development. In this approach, there is lack of common vision among those responsible for management development. It is very difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of a piecemeal approach as there is no clear direction and established objectives. Most of the organisations don't like to adopt this approach, but they are forces to adopt it. There are some reasons why organisations are forced to adopt these approaches. These are: © Limited resource © Group who seeks to exert control over development. Lack of awareness about linking management development to organisational strategy on the part of those responsible for initiating development. 2. Open System Approach: Open system approach becomes an integral part of a wider organisational system. It is linked to the reality of management work. In the open system approach, management development focuses on the following: + The management development process interacts influences and is influenced by variables from other environmental and organisational sub-systems. It is composed of identifiable parts or components. A Tange of inputs is transformed in the management development process to produce a range of output. If an organisation like to adopt an open system perspective of management development they must overcome the problem created by the piecemeal approach. In this system management development, reveals full extent of its influence on the organisationyif' you devlop the manager ‘You develop the organisation and vice-versa 3. Unified Approach: In the unified system, management development is at the heart of the organisation's mission, business goal, philosophy and hnman resource strategy. Here manager performance is measured and development activity can be linked clearly to the organisational values and the achievenient of strategic goals. Q.7. Explain significant steps in capacity building and bring out its objectives. Ans, Generally, capacity building means development of capacity. It may be organisation or employee. Employee capacity building means development of an individual's skill and knowledge both in technical and human relation fields. Where as organisational capacity building means development of an organisation's core skills and capabilities such as leadership, management, finance and find raising in order to build the organisation's effectiveness and sustainability. Employees require proper education and training for their capacity building ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU _Page-1O PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 3 4 i g ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ZOU 18811854308 /uwwignouassignmentguru, ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU where as organisations require up to date technology and human eapaeity for their development. Steps in Capacity Building: Significant steps in capacity building are studied as followed: (a) Promotion over all Human Capacity Building: Employee capacity building will not be possible without the overall human capacity is promoted, It is necessary to emphasise the following activity areas 1, Human capacity building with in overall social and economic development strategy, recognizing the critical importance of human capital by developing more integrated approaches to capacity building, 2. Develop relevant programmes to enhance entrepreneurial and management skills, particularly among small and medium enterprises to meet the new demands from globalisation and the new economy 3. Develop policies to provide incentives for the business sector to participate in the development of human capacity building, such as providing facilities and infrastructure ensuring that access is maintained forthe development of ecommerce etc 4, Facilitate nmutual recognition of professional qualification, in respective countries, which should be based on the standard of achievement and outcomes that are mutually agreed between economics. 5. Establish mutual linkage between sectoral networks including business, education, training sectors and government to draw out synergy effect fo the human capacity building. 6. Encourage trade union to develop and implement relevant training programmes, and motivate and mobilize workers to undertake life-long learning. 7. Setting up a life-long education aud learning society, (b) To build employee capacity on a continued basis, it is felt necessary to set up a life- long education and learning society to: 1. Encourage the opening of ediication and training facilities, including facilities which transcend national boundaties. 2. Establish a life-long leaming system fo ensure pre-employment, education continual training and upgrading of knowledge and skills for workers. 3. Establish accessible, wide and multi-dimensional learning networks to empower the whole community. 4, Endeavour to convert education and training systems that are more supplier-centtic into consumer oriented systems that are in tine with demands. 5. Enhance the skills and responsiveness of governments employees to better equip government to design appropriate policy infrastructure and process in a changing environment, Strengthening the Managerial and Employee Training: Managerial and Employee training need to be strengthened for ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU_Page-1 1 PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 4 i g ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ignou souseiesaz08 ASSIGNMENT GURU jeune 1. Developing a package of liberalisation measures to ensure continued open access including various elements of commerce and to; 2. Retraining of both employees and employers in developing economies to help them catch up with the requirements of new economy for sustainable growth and equitable development. Conclusion: For employee capacity building, the above steps are necessary. Without development of human capacity, organisational development is impossible. The aim and objectives of capacity building is to develop the employee as well as the organisation. For this end, proper education and training of employee is essential. It not only widens the skill and knowledge of an employee, but also developed the organisation, Objectives of Capicity Building: National AHEC leadership conference was held on August 20, 2008 at Portland. In this conference especially topic discuss on "Capacity Building Needs and Strategies", had the following agenda 1. Developing capacity building plan; 2. Building effective collaborations; 3. Assessing organisation capacity; 4. Assessing change management strategies; and 5. Developing keyboard and management capacities, The following objectives were articulated by the: National AHEC Leadership Conference 1. Developing specific outcomes to achieve along with strategies and tactics; 2. Prioritizing the areas for improvement; 3. Identifying resource required to achieve identified outcomes; 4. Beginning again including suitable modifications; 5. Implementing, and 6. Evaluating, what worked, what did not and what was leamt in the process Q.8. Define TQM and distinguish it from traditional management. Ans, The concept of total quality management is introduced by the Japanese, Dr. Edwards Demmings and J.M.Muran, in the year of 1950s. They extended the process of improvement from manufacturing to administrative functions and service industries. Japanese industry sneceeded in achieving over whelming success because they were able to improve the quality of their products. During the eighties, a number of North American manufactures emulated Japanese success and extended the application of the total quality concepts to the areas of employee motivation, measurement and rewards. Generally, total quality management, analyzing the three words, we have, ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU _Page-1 2 PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 4 i g ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ignou souseiesaz08 ASSIGNMENT GURU jeune Total: Made up of the whole Quality: Degree of excellence, a product or service provides, Management: Act, art or the manner of handling, controlling, directing ete Therefore, TQM is the technique of managing the whole, to achieve all round excellence. Although the concept of quality is old, quality management is the major pre-occupation of, organisation's today. In the globe, many organisations are conducting Organisations Development (OD) Programmes and works to change the attitudes of their employees. Basically, total quality management has been inspired by the changes taking place in the global economic, changing market conditions and customers expectations and increasing competitive pressures. Total Quality Management TQM is an enhancement of the traditional way of managing organisations. TQM is a proven technique to guarantee survival in international competition only by changing. The fimction of management, culture and actions of the entire organisation can't be changed. Thus, TQM is essential for all round development of the organisation. TQM is a continuous process of improvement in all aspects of an organisation with the involvement of every body. It is a total system approach and an integral part of corporate strategy. TQM is the technique of managing the whole, to achieve all round excellence, TQM are primarily inspired by the changes take place in the global economy, changing market conditions and customer's expectations and increasing competitive pressures, which require organisational excellence on a continued basis. The concept of total quality management is mainly focus on customer satisfaction, production of high quality goods and services, increasing employees’ education. Employees are motivated large span of control, and ete On the whole, total quality management creates goal-directed connections between customers, managers and workers. It also empowers each and every employee to find better ways to work. Differences between TQM and Traditional Management Following are some of the basic and fundamental differences between Total Quality, Management and Traditional Management: 1. Total Quality Management gives more importance to the customers. Customers are viewed as dominant resource. 2. TQM takes the View that profits based on quality, not the other way found, 3. According to TQM, quality is composed of multi-dimensional attributes. In the opinion of Garvin, there are eight customer-oriented quality dimensions. Performance, features, reliability, aesthetics, conformance, durability, service ability and perceived quality. Traditional Management neglects these customer-oriented dimensions. 4. In Traditional Management, economy of scale is seem as a desirable objective characterised by long production and achieve high efficiency. In TQM, economy of time and economy of scope are pursued just in time production, shorter lead-times, low inventories, quick customer response. ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU _Page-1 3 PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU 8 z 4 i g ‘SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ZOU 1919011854308 ouassi ‘ASSIGNMENT GURU 5. In traditional management, high volumes, long runs and maximum produets are perceived as desirable. 6. TQM basically directed connections between customers, managers and workers. In TQM, each and every employee find out the better way to work. They are participated in the management. Employees are given a significant role under TQM. In the traditional management, the workers must work and the manager should manage. The manager is responsible for quality. 7. Traditional Management is based on divisions of labour. TQM emphasis on multi-skilled workforce that can move easily from one job to another 8. TQM is a process-oriented approach. It is also a long-term ineremental approach to improving process quality. It empowers people to improve the way they work, people are at the root of all improvement efforts. If the working environments are improved, then people feel comfortable at the workplace, Result-oriented approach is based on the process of setting objectives, collecting feedback and providing incentives to attain objectives. 9. Hierarchical and vertically structure of organisations in traditional management. On the other hand, TQM seeks and create a culture of networking across and among functions. It seek a permanent solution to each problem, 10. The traditional management favour many layers of authority, with short spans of control. In TQM organisation structure is with large spans of control, where authority is pushed as far down as possible and flexibility actively encouraged. Conclusion From these differences we know that in traditional management, the workers must work and ‘managers should manage. The manager on quality control is responsible for quality. The basic characteristics of traditional management are strong divisions of labour, separation of manual work from the mental work, hierarchical, based on spans on control, and so on. Therefore, the concept of total quality management has been widely accepted for achieving highest standards of quality in all spheres of business. Its development have been applied to socio-economic policy. It is the art of managing the whole to achieve excellence. It is a proper technique to guarantee survival in world-class competition. Its basic aim is to improve the quality of the product and services im the global market ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU _Page-1 4 PHONE NO; 9811854308 Assignment GURU a Zz 3g z g q x SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS ioelisesiinimmetmsom You can also Buy Solved Previous Year Question Papers and Solved Guess Papers and |mpotent Question Answer which can help you in your exam time for more details visit Ignou ASSIGNMENT GURU Ei, 1s:// www. Dhhups./titter.convignou guru Unk ‘ \s:// YoulB nttps://www hIJtEEOLZAXHYFp7awbaA For Free Classroom and Education video https,; HELP US TO SERVE YOU BETTER Make A Donation PAYTM +919811854308 ‘uD @ Ei /IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU IGNOU ASSIGNMENT GURU_Page-15

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