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The Floral Anatomy of the Avocado

Author(s): Philip C. Reece

Reviewed work(s):
Source: American Journal of Botany, Vol. 26, No. 6 (Jun., 1939), pp. 429-433
Published by: Botanical Society of America
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Accessed: 09/02/2013 20:39

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Orville T. Wilson

to the readiness species, Medicago sativa L. was the only one which
THE WRITER has called attention
with which cuttingsof alfalfa regenerateroots failed to regenerate roots. As this result was con-
(Wilson, 1915). I,a Rue (1933) listed forty-two tradictory to the writer's experience with alfalfa,
additional experimentswere carried out to test the
regeneratingcapacity of the cotyledons.
In these experiments the cotyledons were re-
moved from seedlings in the early juvenile leaf
stage and set, cut end down, in moist greenhouse
__|_E!R" soil, with most of the blade exposed. A glass cover
was placed over them to prevent excessive evapora-
tion, but this was removed after the first week.
Afterthree weeks, approximately 50 per cent of the
cotyledons were green and healthy (80 per cent in
one experiment). When these were removed from
the soil, they were found to be well rooted in a ma-
Fg Rote eoyedn of alala Medcg sativ jority of cases. In one experiment sixty-seven
L. X1I5 Phtgrp by Arhu Blickle
cotyledons out of one hundred transplanted, regen-
erated roots. Two rooted cotyledons are shown in
For an adequate discussion of the problem of root
regenerationfromcotyledons the reader is referred
to La Rue's paper (1933). The present record
serves only to supplement the long list of positive
results there presented.

species of plants of which he tested the regenera- LITERATURE CITED

tion of roots from cotyledons by transferringthe WILSON, 0. T. 1915. Vegetative regenerationof alfalfa.
removed cotyledons to moist filter paper in Petri Science N. S. 42: 126-127.
dishes and noting development. Of the forty-two LA RUE, C. D. 1933. Regeneration in mutilated seed-
1 Received for publication April 24, 1939. lings. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 19: 53-63.


Philip C. Reece

THIS STUDY of the anatomy of avocado flowersis All the cultivated varieties of avocados belong to
a part of an investigation now under way on the the single species, Persea americana Mill. (Persea
familyLauraceae. This article is to be followedby a gratissima Gaertn.)
report on fruitbud formationof avocados and by a The regular, bisexual, trimerousflowers of Per-
morphologicalinterpretationof the apparent evolu- sea are borne in cymose panicles. The floral plan
tionary tendencies in the Lauraceae, based upon of three, so conspicuous in this species, is popu-
comparative data. larly associated with monocotyledonous angio-
The family inhabits the tropical regions of the sperms. However, this fundamental plan of three
Americas, Asia, Australia, and Polynesia. The avo- is more prevalent among dicotyledons than is gen-
cado is native to Central America and Mexico. Its erally realized. The yellow or greenish six-parted
culture has now become a thrivingindustry in the perianth consists of two whorls upon which are in-
relativelyfrost-freeareas of California and Florida.
I Received for publication April 26, 1939. serted four stamen whorls of three members each.
The writerwishesto expresshis appreciationto Dr. The anthers of the two outer whorls are introrse.
A. J. Eames, who,by his advice and criticism, aided in Those of the third whorl are extrorse and bear
thedevelopment of thismanuscript. Part of the research glands on each side of the filamentnear the point
here reportedwas carried on in the laboratoryof the
Departmentof Botany,CornellUniversity, Ithaca, New of attachment on the perianth. The fourth whorl
York. has been reduced to gland-like staminodes. The uni-

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June, 1939] REECE-AVOCADO 431

locular ovary is superior. The simple style is ter- All the stamens have three traces traversing the
minated by a small obtuse stigma. The solitary, major portion of the filament.The lateral veins in
pendulous, anatropous ovule ripens to produce a each filamentweaken and disappear below the an-
very large seed which is devoid of endosperm. The thers. Each stamen of the third whorl possesses a
seed coat is membranous. gland on each side of the filamentnear the base.
Examination of sections of the pedicel reveals The glands are supplied by two additional veins
the vascular tissue arranged in a siphonostele. Six which arise by the radial forkingof the outer veins
areas of primaryxylem stand out sharply, with the in the filamentbase. Then fivetraces are in a row
tissue in the intervening regions in a procambial (fig. 5). The veins enter the glands above the level
state (fig. 1). At higher levels, approaching the re- at which the membersof all the whorls become free
ceptacle, these areas depart fromthe stele and pass (fig. 6).
through the cortex as six tepal traces. (The term The single, large anatropous ovule is attached to
tepal is used in this reportto designate any perianth the parietal placenta near the top of the loculus. A
segment, regardless of whether it is a member of bundle, which has been formed by the fused ven-
the inner or outer whorl. At this point, no attempt trals, entersthe funiculusof the ovule and continues
is made to identifythe segments as sepals or pet- down the opposite side throughthe raphe (fig. 7).
als.) Three traces advance slightly ahead of the The bundle in the ovule branches profusely,so that
others and supply the outer perianth whorl (fig. 2). the integumentis traversed by a network of veins.
After the departure of the tepal traces, the gaps These are conspicuously developed in the seed coat
left in the stele quickly close. Only a limited amount when the fruitis mature.
of vascular tissue remains. The stele "shrinks" to- The fourth androecium whorl consists of three
ward the center of the axis, as the end of the recep- staminodes, which are not as high as the ovary.
tacle is approached (fig. 3). The carpellary traces The anthers of the stamens of the two outer whorls
depart near the tip of the axis as the stele "closes are introrse,those of the third whorl are extrorse,
in." The carpellary supply consists of a dorsal trace and are borne on long filamentswhich extend to
(midrib), two or more lateral traces, and two ven- about twice the height of the ovary. The dorsal and
tral traces (marginal veins) which are united into two lateral carpellary traces extend up throughthe
a single, morphologically compound vascular bun- simple style (fig. 8). The lateral traces disappear
dle. These traces enter the ovary (fig. 4) with the below the stigma. The strong dorsal trace extends
dorsal trace lying along the radius of a member of into the stigma (fig. 9).
the outer perianth whorl. The ventral trace stands It is becoming generally recognized that imper-
directly opposite the dorsal or at an angle of 1800. fect or incomplete flowershave attained that condi-
The membersof each perianth whorl are coherent
tion through simplificationand loss of parts. They
at the base, as well as adnate to each adj acent
are simple through reduction and not primitively
whorl. A cup is thus formedaround the base of the
simple. Anatomical evidence of such simplification
ovary by the periantb with the stamens perigy-
nously insertedupon it. In this cup, the tepal traces persists long after external evidence has disap-
divide, indicating that at lower levels the bundles peared. Therefore anatomical investigation of the
are morphologically compound. The branching of floral anatomy supplies valuable criteria for a mor-
the bundles is in a tangential plane, so that a tepal phological interpretationof the flower.
trace and two stamen traces lie upon the same ra- Considerable differenceof opinion exists regard-
dius. This is immediatelyfollowed by branching in ing the nature of the perianth in this genus. Small
the radial plane. Traces apparently form a reticu- (1913) believes that the perianth consists of six
late vein system with anastomosing connectionsbe- deciduous sepals, in two series, united at the base.
tween the vascular supplies of the various whorls Popenoe (1914) refers to the perianth as a "ca-
(fig. 4). lyx deeply six-parted,-the corolla wanting." Gray
Fig. 1-10. Persea americana Mill. In these figures: S, sepal (outer tepal) midrib; P, petal (inner tepal) midrib;
ST, stamen bundle; ST', staminode bundle; G, gland; D, dorsal carpellary trace; V, ventral carpellary trace; L, lat-
eral carpellary trace; T, ovule trace.-Fig. 1-9. Cross section diagrams of the flower.-Fig. 1. Through the pedicel.-
Fig. 2, 3. Successive levels showing the departure of the outer tepal (sepal) traces and the inner tepal (petal)
traces. The carpel dorsal (midrib), the fused ventrals (marginal veins) and two median lateral veins are distinguish-
able at the level of fig. 3. The vascular tissue of the stele is fading out at the end of the axis.-Fig. 4. The perianth
cup surrounds the base of the ovary. The sepal and petal traces have divided tangentially to produce the traces of
four stamen whorls and radially to produce branch traces in each whorl.-Fig. 5. The perianth segments and the
filaments of the third stamen whorl have become free. The locule is visible in the ovary.-Fig. 6. All floral whorls
are free. The longitudinal section in fig. 10 is in the plane X-X. The ovule trace, derived from the fused ventrals,
enters the funiculus and passes down the opposite side of the ovule near the dorsal. The integumentis invested with
numerous small branches of this trace.-Fig. 7. Section through the top of the ovule showing the origin of the ovule
trace. The lateral stamen traces have disappeared in the upper portion of the filaments. The fourth stamen whorl
reduced to staminoides has disappeared between sections indicated by fig. 6 and 7. The perianth has been omitted
from this diagram.-Fig. 8. Through the anthers and style.-Fig. 9. The dorsal trace continues to the stigma.-
Fig. 10. Longitudinal diagram of the flower. The levels of the cross section diagrams fig. 1 to 9 are indicated. The
longitudinal diagram is in the plane X-X in the cross section fig. 6.

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(1908) and Hutchinson (1926) also speak of the tance through the parenchyma of the somewhat
six-parted calyx and imply the lack of a corolla. fleshystamen. The lateral bundles branch dichoto-
This viewpoint may be attributedto a lack of ana- mously near the base of the filamentto supply the
tomical evidence and to hesitancy in interpreting glands. Reduction of a primitivefertilebranch sys-
the perianth of a dicotyledon as consisting of a tem has probably proceeded in many directions to
three-partedcalyx and a three-partedcorolla. How- produce the stamen. The avocado stamen may
ever, Van Tieghem (1891) considered the floral have been derived from a much branched structure
formula to be "(3 S + 3 P + 3 E + 3 E' + 3 E" through some intermediate three-branched stage,
+ 3 E"') + C" and said that "the calyx and the forminga series similar to the series postulated by
corella, composed each of a single whorl, are sepa- Hunt for the carpel.
loid or petaloid, but like each other and concrescent The gynoecium consists of a single carpel. The
in a tube. The median sepal is posterior." existing carpel usually lies in the plane of a sepal
The floral anatomy supports the view of Van (outer tepal) and is alternate with the membersof
Tieghem. There is no evidence that the corolla is the fourth androecium whorl (staminodes). How-
absent. The concrescence of the perianth into a ever, the carpel frequentlylies on the radius of a
tube and the resemblance of one whorl to the other petal (inner tepal) and opposite a staminode. The
may not be accepted as valid criteria for consider- writer believes that this is evidence of reduction
ing that the perianth consists of a calyx only. If froma multi-carpellateancestor.
such reasons were to be considered valid, thev The great increase in size which comes with the
should be applied in the interpretationof the peri- ripening of the ovary is accompanied by the forma-
anth in liliaceous forms,in which the morphological tion of many additional cells in the pericarp. In the
conditions of the calyx and corolla are exactly the mature fruit,although the main vascular systemre-
equivalent of those found in the perianth of the avo- mains fundamentallythe same, it is complicated by
cado. However, the fact that the perianth traces branches which are differentiatedin the new tissue.
arise at two levels is in itself sufficient
evidence that These branches consist chieflyof protoxylem cells
the perianth does not consist of a calyx alone. accompanied by a few elongated parenchyma cells.
Comparative studies of present plant forms as The presence of a single seed with its very large
well as paleobotanical studies indicate that the fun- embryo and no endosperm indicates a high degree
damental type of architecturein pteropsid vascular of specialization. Indeed, the gynoeciumhas become
plants is dichotomy. Working upon this theory, so specialized that in so far as this species is con-
Hunt (1937) investigated the vascular anatomy of cerned all evidence indicating the presence of more
the style and stigma in certain groups. A study of than one ovule in ancestral forms is lost. The pro-
the gross and anatomical structureof these organs fuse vascular supply in the integumentmay be re-
convinced him that evidence still exists in the mod- garded as the retentionof a primitivecharacteris-
ern flowerindicating that the carpel has been ulti- tic. This conditionhas been retained coincidentwith
mately derived by reduction from a dichotomous the development of the large seed.
branch system through the intermediate stage of Hutchinson (1926) states that the members of
an unspecialized palmately three-lobed appendage. the Lauraceae represent the extreme limits of re-
The simple stamen commonlyfound in angiosperms duction in the Magnolian alliance and that valvular
may also have been similarly derived by reduction dehiscence in this group and in the Berberidaceae
from a sporophyll which, in the ancestors of the is probably due to parallel evolution and is not a
angiosperms,was probably a fertilebranch system. sign of affinity.He places them in the Apetalae but
The condition in which the vascular supply to a upon a differentline from that giving rise to the
number of stamens arises as the result of the divi- Amentiferae.
sion of a single bundle has been investigated in a The writerhas investigated the floralanatomy of
number of forms by Wilson (1937), who believes the Fagaceae (1938) and findsstriking similarities
that such stamens have been derived from a primi- of floral and inflorescencecharacters. Both groups
tive branch system,the ultimatebranchlets of which are mainly tropical and display a trimerous floral
were terminatedby sporangia. plan with a six-parted perianth and twelve perigy-
Reduction in most angiosperms has progressed so nously inserted stamens. The gynoecium in each
far in the stamen that only a single trace passes case has apparently been reduced froma six-carpel-
through the filamentto the anther which consists late ancestor. A networkof veins in the membranous
of two bi-sporangiate synangia brought into close seed coat surrounds the large fleshy embryo. The
conjunction. It may thereforebe assumed that the ament of the Fagaceae is also fundamentallya cy-
additional traces in an avocado stamen probably in- mose panicle but is much more specialized than that
dicate a retentionof a primitivecondition. The va- of the Lauraceae.
rious whorls exhibit various degrees of reduction. The possibility of a commonorigin of the Laura-
Members of the third whorl are the most primitive. ceae and Fagaceae in the early differentiationof
Although each trace is fused with a tepal trace Angiosperms is suggested by these similarities of
through part of its course, the trace later branches floral and inflorescencecharacters. However, these
to produce three bundles, a median which extends similarities are the result of parallel evolution and
to the anther and two laterals which pass some dis- do not indicate close relationship.

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This study of the floralanatomy of Persea ameri- GRAY,A. 1908. New manual of botany. New York.
cana reveals that this species is clearly a specialized HUNT, K. W. 1937. A study of the style and stigma
formderived froma primitiveangiosperm stock and with reference to the nature of the carpel. Amer.
Jour. Bot. 24: 288-295.
that the perianth consists of a three-parted calyx
HIJTCHINSON, J. 1926. The families of floweringplants.
and a three-parted corolla. The anatomy does not Vol. I, Dicotyledons. London.
support the interpretationthat the perianth con- POPENOE, F. W. 1914. Persea, in L. H. Bailey, Standard
sists of a six-parted calyx or that the corolla is ab- Cyclopedia of Horticulture. Vol. V, p. p2555. New
sent. York.
The vascular anatomy of the stamen indicates REECE, P. C. 1938. Morphology of the flowers and in-
that it has been derived by reduction froma branch florescencesof the Fagaceae. Thesis, Cornell Univer-
system. Vertical compression has resulted in the sity.
fusion of the vascular supply of the main limb or SMALL, J. K. 1913. Flora of the southeastern United
rachis of this branch system to the bundles supply- States. P. 821. New York.
VAN TIEGHEM, P. 1891. Traite de Botanique, Deuxieme
ing the perianth.
Partie, p. 1592-1594. Paris.
U. S. HORTICULTURAL FIELD LABORATORY, WILSON, C. L. 1937. The phylogeny of the stamen.
ORLANDO, FLORIDA Amer. Jour. Bot. 24: 686-699.


A. C. Joshi

AS LITTLE work had been done on the embryology arises from each of the two margins of the carpels.
and cytology of the family Menispermaceae prior As the carpellary margins come close together and
to 1933, an investigation of some members of this fuse, the two ovules come to lie nearly in one line,
group was started by the writer in that year. Dur- and one of them takes up a position slightly above
ing the course of this work an account of the devel- the other. Both continue to develop equally until
opment of pollen was published (Joshi and Rao, the megaspore-mothercell stage (fig. 1). Generallv
1935), and in 1937 the writer described the struc- after this, growthsuddenly stops in the lower ovule,
ture of the gynoeciumand developmentof the ovule which is then gradually crushed into an insignifi-
and embryo-sacin Cocculus villosus. In the present cant scaly structureby the developing upper ovule
paper a similar study has been made of Tinospora (fig. 2, 3). One can see the beginning of this
cordifolia Miers. gradual degeneration of the lower ovule as the
The earlier work on the family was fully sum- tetrad is formedin the upper. By the time the lat-
marized in the paper on Cocculus villosus (Joshi, ter reaches the 4-nucleate embryo-sacstage (fig. 2),
1937). There is thereforeno necessity to recapitu- the lower has completelylost its shape.
late it here. It is necessary only to mention that This behavior of the ovules in Tinospora, how-
since then the writer has come across a small em- ever, is not so constant as in Cocculus. While ex-
brvological work on Tinospora cordifolia by Abra- amining the latter (Joshi, 1937), I found no excep-
ham (1935), but this is not very critical, and in it tion to this condition. In Tinospora, exceptional
several features have been left unobserved by the cases are frequentlyseen. Figure 5 shows a carpel
author. in which both the ovules have reached the 4-nucleate
THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURE OF THE embryo-sac stage simultaneously.Figure 4 shows a
OVULE.-The gynoecium of Tinospora cordifolia carpel in which the lower ovule has reached the
consists of 3-6 free carpels. The most common 4-nucleate embryo-sacstage, while the upper is still
number is three. Gynoecia with four, five, or six at the one-nucleate embryo-sac stage. But such va-
carpels are increasingly rare. These carpels arise riations are of no importance in the end. By the
fromthe floral axis in a spiral order, and when the time the mature embryo-sacis formed in the upper
number is more than three, the last carpel is fre- ovule, the lower ovule always ceases to grow and
quently abortive just as in Cocculus villosus (Joshi, is crushed in every case. The general form and
1937). structure of the carpel at this stage is shown by
The mature carpels are always uni-ovulate (fig. figure3, and no exception to this conditionhas been
3), but, as in Cocculus, two ovules are present in observed.
each carpel in the early stages (fig. 1). One ovule Both ovules after their differentiationfrom the
1 Received for publication March 22, 1939. carpellary margins continue to grow straight til-l

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