Christian Ziegler Interview Redacted

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Case# 23.048937 Interview of Christian Ziegler Date 11/1/2023 Present: Detective Cox, Sergeant Riffe Christian Ziegler: Yeah. No. Hello? Detective Cox: Hi, Mr. Ziegler? Christian Ziegler: Yes. Detective Cox: Hi, I'm Detective Cox. This is Detective Riffe, Sergeant Riffe: How you doing? Christian Ziegler: How you doing? Appreciate it. Sergeant Riffe: Nice to meet you. Detective Cox: Okay. If you've got a couple of minutes, we're just investigating a compl to you, if you have a couple of minutes? t and we just wanted to talk Christian Ziegler: Acomplaint against me? Detective Cor ‘Well, we have a report that's come in, so we just wanted to talk to you about it. Christian Ziegler: Okay. Let me put my dog away. This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Detective Cox: Okay. Sergeant Riffe: Sure, no problem. Christian Ziegler: Sorry, we're clean... We're kind of moving around, but you guys- Detective Cox: Oh, that's okay. All right. Thanks. Where... Christian Ziegler: We'll go right back here. Detective Cox: Okay. Sergeant Riffe: ‘Thanks, sir. Appreciate it. Christian Ziegler: Sorry about that. We're moving rooms around and stuff. We'll sit out here. This is probably- Detective Cox: Okay. All right. That'll work. It is chilly- Christian Ziegler: The air is cold in here. Detective Cox: Yeah, keep it nice and cold. I'm going to sit right here, if that's al right. Christian Ziegler: [inaudible 00:01:33} Detective Cox: That's okay. [inaudible 00:01:37], so you got kids, little kids, right? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 2 of 29 Transcript by ‘This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Rife Christian Ziegler: Yeah, | do. Detective Cox: Okay. So | just wanted to talk to you about a report that came in, and see- Christian Ziegler: Let me... Yeah. Sorry. Detective Cox: Let you what? Christian Ziegler: | also want to know what's public, what's public information or.. Sergeant Riffe: Everything we do is public record. Everything we do. Christian Ziegler: Okay. Allright, go ahead. Detective Cox Yeah, So first, do you even know anyone that ives at thellAm | pronouncing thot ich A Christian Ziegler: I do. Should | have my attorney present? Sergeant Riffe: mean, you're in your own house. Detective Cox: You can tell us to leave anytime you want. Christian Ziegler: So what is... Sergeant Riffe: ‘There's a criminal allegation. COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 3 of 29 ‘Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Christian Ziegler: Okay. Sergeant Riffe: Okay. Christian Ziegler: So | think | kind of know what's this is about. Detective Cox: ‘Okay. So you have an idea of why we're here? Christian Ziegler: It's not... But yes. So what... Sergeant Riffe: ‘We've only got one side of it. Okay? That's why we're here, to talk to you- Christian Ziegler: So, when does an arrest occur? Can | ask questions without it being written down, or no? Sergeant Riffe: No. Detective Cox: Yeah. Sergeant Rife: Like you said, everything we do is public record. Okay? Christian Ziegler: understand. Sergeant Rife: So what you've got to understand is we've only got one side of this, so that's why we're here. We're not here to arrest you. Christian Ziegler: The problem is, is with my role, everything gets played out very publicly. So that's what I need to make sure that, am | allowed to ask questions and understand what's going on? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 4 of 29 ‘Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Rife Detective Cox: Absolutely. Christian Ziegler: Oris that going to be written down and.. Sergeant Riffe: You're like any other private citizen. Okay? Christian Ziegler: understand. Sergeant Riffe: No special rights, nothing like that. So if we were interviewing your neighbors about something, it'd be the same things as we're interviewing you. Christian Ziegler: Now when you go to interview... Because I don't know. I don't know how the process works. When you go to interview, when does it get serious? You're obviously fact finding. Detective Cox: We're just in the beginning stages of a report that was filed, and we're just coming to get, like he said, another side of the story. Christian Ziegler: Okay. When does this get published? The first report- Sergeant Riffe: Everything we do is public record, ike | said. Christian Ziegler: Tunderstand, but- Sergeant Riffe: The conclusion of investigation is that- Detective Cox: ‘So when everything's done. COXA03I1 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 5 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Sergeant Riffe: Yes. There's nothing- Detective Cox: When it's closed or inactivated. Christian Ziegler: So when you guys say, "Hey, there's no allegations or there's no... This is not..." Detective Cox: ‘Then we just didn't activate the report. Christian Ziegler: But it still shows that there was a report, right? Sergeant Riffe: Correct. Detective Cox: Correct. Christian Ziegler: So report occurs, you investigate, and then at the conclusion of it, you make a decision. Do you press charges? Do you move forward? Detective Cox: Right. Christian Ziegler: ‘And then at that point, after you make that decision, that's when it becomes public, correct? Detective Cox: Correct. Christian Ziegler: Okay. And how long is that process? Detective Cox: However long it takes. We don't know. From start to finish, investigations could last a week, they could last months. COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 6 of 29 ‘Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here, Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Christian Ziegler: Okay, understood. Detective Cox: So we don't know. Because we're just in the beginning- Christian Ziegler: ‘Are you documenting anything I'm saying right now? Sergeant Riffe: We are, we document everything- Detective Cox: Everything's documented. Yeah. Christian Ziegler: But even the questions I'm asking or... Sergeant Riffe: Yeah, everything's going to be documented. Christian Ziegler: Or is it just with the case? Sergeant Riffe: No, no, no. Everything's documented. | mean, obviously, we're more inclined to... We're worried about the case. We'll answer any of the questions you have, but we're here for the case, the allegations made. That's why we're here. Christian Ziegler: ‘When I deal with reporters, right? It's off the record, on the record. Everything's on the record. Detective Cox: Nothing we do is off- Christian Ziegler: But even if lask questions, is that in the report? fit has nothing to do generally, specific with the report, if | ask you questions, is that documented? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 7 of 29 Transcript by ‘This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Sergeant Riffe: | mean, it's not going to be purview to the case, but it's still going to be something that we'r not going to write, "Christian Ziegler asked a question about if this was public record." That' Christian Ziegler: Okay. That's what | mean. When you start writing, it's public record, correct? Sergeant Riffe: Mm-hmm. Christian Ziegler: Yeah. I've never dealt with a criminal complaint. So I'm trying to understand. Sergeant Riffe: Sure. Christian Ziegler: So when | explain something, that all goes in the public record, so then that becomes. Sergeant Riffe: Part of the case. Christian Ziegler: Part of the case. And that's word for word? Sergeant Riffe: Yes. Generally. | mean, we do a brief explanation of it, but if somebody wanted to pull that and go, "I want to hear the interviews", absolutely, Christian Ziegler: Which is going to happen in my case, right? Detective Cox: Thave no idea. Christian Ziegler: ‘And | don't want this... Can 1 explain something? Not about the case, but just about me, without it being written down or not? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 8 of 29 ‘Transcript by ‘This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Detective Cox: Mm-hmm. Sergeant Riffe: Yeah, Christian Ziegl So I'm chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, so there'll be a high public interest in the case. | have ‘to navigate this not just from the fact base, but from also a political, PR angle. So that’s what I'm trying, to navigate, if need to bring in an attorney. So what happens if | request that | have an attorney present? Detective Cox: We don't talk to you anymore, until you have an attorney present. Christian Ziegler: ‘And then, how long is that process? Sergeant Rife: Depends on who your attorney is, Christian Ziegler: And I've never dealt with this, so 'm just trying to understand. From your perspective or your experience, how is that process? Sergeant Riffe: The process Do you have an attorney? Christian Ziegler: No. Sergeant Riffe: Okay. If you don't have an attorney, you can hire- Christian Ziegler: Ill go hire one. Yeah Sergeant Riffe: Yeah. You can hire one. And if you want to have your attorney come down with you and answ COXAO3I1 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 9 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe er some questions, you can have him do so. We can meet your attorney here. We can go to their office. Whatever you'd like to do. Or if you want to answer our questions. ! mean, like I said, we're here on a fact finding mission, like Detective Cox stated. Christian Ziegler: Understood. Sergeant Riffe: We're here to... We've only got one side of it. That's why we came to you. Because- Christian Ziegler: | don't get access to the other side. Correct? You interview and then you interview, and then you publish or whatever. Detective Cox: Just like everybody else, you get anything anybody else is privy to. Christian Ziegler: ‘Oh, | know. But I'm just trying to understand, how does that process work? Sergeant Riffe: Well, you got to think, Mr. Ziegler, we're here because there was a complaint made against you. Okay? ‘We would not be here unless we had an allegation or if we had some sort of... We already know some of the answers, and some of the questions we're going to ask. And you know that. | mean, we've been doing this job a long time. So we want you to be honest with us. Christian Ziegler: ‘And I'll be honest. Sergeant Riffe: Absolutely. But that's up to you, whether or not you want an attorney present. | mean, that's completely up to you. I mean, we're here because- Christian Ziegler: Like | said, just 'm not an expert at this stuf. So... Sergeant Riffe: It's something we just... We have a complaint- COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 10 of 29 Transcript by ‘This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Rife Detective Cox: ‘And if we ask @ question and you don't like it, you don't have to answer it. We'll move on to the next one. If you have an explanation, like you seem to have for whatever we're here for, because you say you already know- Christian Ziegler: I think | know. Detective Cox: You can just tell us your side of the story and we'll be done with it. You're not leaving here in handcuffs today. So I mean, you can tell us to leave at any time. We're just trying to get facts. Christian Ziegler: It Just sucks that when someone makes a complaint, that it can be public, even if there's no basis to it. Correct? | mean, any complaint's public, right? Sergeant Riffe: Yeah. Every complaint we do. | mean, we get complaints against us, they're public record. | mean. Christian Ziegler: No, I get it, Sergeant Riffe: We serve the public. That's what we do. We serve the citizens of Sarasota. Christian Ziegler: I'm not necessarily worried about the complaint, 'm worried about the public side of it, and I'm worried about the complaint, even just the allegations of it. Sergeant Riffe: ‘And we have no control over that. How- Christian Ziegler: No, | understand. You guys have a job to do. Sergeant Riffe: Yeah, sure. If somebody wanted to spin that however they want to spi it, that's completely- Christian Ziegler: It just ruins... Yeah. Just give me a second. Can | make a call? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 11 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riff Sergeant Riffe: Sure. Christian Ziegler: That's fine, sitting here for a second? Sergeant Riffe: You're free to call whoever you want. | mean, this is your house. We're guests in your house, right? Christian Ziegler: No, | understand. And I'm no . Trust me, I mean, again, 'm... Detective Cox: That's a lot of plane traffic. Christian Ziegler: 'm usually a very transparent, open guy, and usually | would just go through whatever you want to go through. But then legally, that can get you in trouble I guess, or something. So I'm a little bit sensitive towards that. Detective Cox: Not if there's nothing criminal, it's not going to get you in trouble. You know what I'm saying? Christian Ziegler: ‘Yeah, But some of your statements, like statements that | make, | mean, | don't know how detailed or what you guys are going to go into, but... Sergeant Riffe: Well, I mean, we do have questions- Detective Cox: You just go as far as you want to, telling us whatever you want to tell us, and then we'll go from there. How's that? Christian Ziegler: But ist like a transcript of the interview? Is t like... What's public? | know you say everything's public, but how is it laid out? I've never read a police report or interview. COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 12 of 29 Transcript by This trans - view latest version here. ript was exported on Feb 06, Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Detective Cox: They can request the actual interviews themselves. We don't transcribe them- Christian Ziegler: Later on? Detective Cox: Yeah, later on. Christian Ziegler: So you're not going to ask, "Hey, what's your favorite color?" "Blue"? And then you're writing that down and then that's publi Detective Cox: No. No, no, no. Christian Ziegler Oh, it's not- Detective Cox: No, we're just talking, We're just talking Christian Ziegler: So then what happens if, after our conversation, you're like, "Well, there's really no basis here"? Detective Cox: ‘And we may not even know that today. But leaving here, we'll know more than we did when we got here. Right? Christian Ziegler: {just got to be careful about what details | give you, because that's going to be public. Right? Detective Cox: At some Sergeant Riffe: Yeah, at some point. Everything we do- COXAOSI1 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 13 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Christian Ziegler: At some point, that's what | mean. Sergeant Riffe: Everything we do is Christian Ziegler: So I'm more sensitive about the PR side, the political side, than | am about the facts. Okay? Sergeant Riffe: Okay. Christian Ziegler: \ think that that's my concern, So that's why I'm asking these questions that you probably don't have people ask a lot of times. So that's what | want to fully understand in this process, Detective Cox: Just to make it as simple as we can, you can answer whatever questions you want and you don't want to answer. Christian Ziegler: Let's say | don't answer, then doesn't that make me look guilty in that way, or no? Detective Cox: No, People do ital the time. But nothing will be public record until my investigat way or another. is complete, one Christian Ziegler: Al ight. Let me make a call. Are you allowed to tell me what the allegation is? Sergeant Riffe: Sure. Detective Cox: Sure. Yeah. It says- Christian Ziegler: Can we do that and then stop? COXAO311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 14 of 29 ‘Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det, Cox, Sergeant Riffe Detective Cox: We can do whatever you want. Like you said, we're a guest in your home. So you tell us, "We're done", we're done- Christian Ziegler: know. But again, I'm asking from a... 'm sorry to be a pain in the ass. Sergeant Riffe: No, you're fine. Christian Ziegler: I respect what you guys do. love cops. I'm not... But how does that show up publicly? Sergeant Riffe: What do you mean? Christian Ziegler: If you were to ask me a question, or if you were to tell me the allegation, and then I just stopped everything, what would that show? How would that show? Sergeant Riffe: How about this? You said you know what this is about. Christian Ziegler: Well, | don't want to offer that data. Sergeant Riffe: Okay. So if you know what this is about... Detective Cox: ‘Then you know what the report is. Sergeant Riffe: Yes. Detective Cox: If you already know. You know what I'm saying? Christian Ziegler: Not really. | mean, | don't know: COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 15 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Sergeant Riffe: Te | Christian Ziegler: That's the building downtown? Sergeant Riffe: Mm-hmm, Christian Ziegler: Yeah. Okay. Sergeant Riffe: Do you know a lot of people- Christian Ziegler: But I don't know... | know a couple. Sergeant Riffe: Okay. Christian Ziegler: But I don't know the specific allegations or how that works. I don't know that. Sergeant Riffe: ‘Okay. So we investigate crimes. Christian Ziegler: Yep. Understood. Sergeant Riffe: Obviously, we're the criminal investigations’ division, and that's why we're here. We just want to get ‘your side of it. Whoever you want to call is completely up to you. And I'm not trying to be short with you. Christian Ziegler: No, no, you're fine. I'm being a pain in the ass. Sergeant Riffe: No, no, no. And I know that you've got to look at the big picture, because this affects you. COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 16 of 29 ‘Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Christian Ziegler: Even if it's baseless, it still impacts me [inaudible 00:12:53}- Sergeant Riffe: Right. Christian Ziegler: That's my concern. Sergeant Riffe: Yes. So if you want to tell me what the allegation is, we can tell you what the allegation is and you can make your decision. Christian Ziegler: But how does that show up? That you told me the allegation and then | stopped everything? Or how does that. Detective Cox: Exactly. Because that's what happened. You know what I'm saying? If! tell you somethit say- and then you Christian Ziegler: You can tell me the allegation, and I'm going to stop it there probably. Detective Cox: Okay. Christian Ziegler: ‘And I'm going to make a call, Detective Cox: It's sexual battery. Christian Ziegler: Okay. So what does that mean? Detective Cox: What do you mean, what does it mean? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 17 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Christian Ziegler: What does that... mean, I'm guessing- Sergeant Riffe: What is the crime? Christian Ziegler: The definition. Sergeant Riffe: You don't need to look up the definition. It's basically, you had sex, you forced somebody to have sex against their will. Christian Ziegler: Okay. Sergeant Riffe: That's the allegation. Detective Cox: Or you had sex with somebody that wasn't capable of giving consent. Sergeant Riffe: Right. Detective C Could be in your- Sergeant Riffe: ‘There's a lot of different factors within that statute. Christian Ziegler: So how does that work? | mean, how do you know? In terms of... What do you mean, in that statute? Sergeant Riffe: If somebody... What? Somebody's ability to give consent? Christian Ziegler: Well, what's the statute? | guess I'll look it up. COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 18 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Sergeant Riffe: It's 794,011, is the sexual battery statute. Christian Ziegler: Hold on. Detective Cox: But then there's dozens of subsections. Christian Ziegler: What is it again? Sergeant Riffe: 794.011. Christian Ziegler: Okay. Let me make a call, Sergeant Riffe: Sure. Christian Ziegler: [inaudible 00:14:10) so ! got to plug it in over here. Sergeant Riffe: | Just don't like sitting with my back. Detective Cox: Can you... Sergeant Rife: 1s my back dirty from that thing? Detective Cox: I don't see anything. | would ask you if mine is, but it wouldn't show. Sergeant Riffe: Yeah, it's black. Let me see. No. See you got all dressed up there. COXAO0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Transcript by Page 19 of 29 This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Detective Cox: | just couldn't find nothing, so | just grabbed the first thing in the closet. Sergeant Riffe: It's on right now too. Detective Cox: Mm-hmm. Christian Ziegler: She didn't answer. But, so how does it work if | say that I'm going to wait for an attorney? I think that's probably the best. Sergeant Riffe: Yeah, completely up to you. Christian Ziegler: Does that make me look more guilty? Detective Cox: We don't have an answer for that one, one way or another. It's just- Christian Ziegler: But you guys are the ones, I mean, you refer to the state attorney, right? Sergeant Riffe: We do. Christian Ziegler: And then the state attorney makes the decision on... Sergeant Riffe: Ultimately. 1 mean, the state... Go ahead, Andy. Christian Ziegler: I'm a little bit nervous because this, Detective Cox: You're fine. COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 20 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here, Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Christian Ziegler: The problem is- Detective Cox: If we have enough probable cause to get an arrest warrant, we just send it straight to the judge. If we feel like it needs to be reviewed first by the state attorney, then we send it to the state attorney. Christian Ziegler: ‘And then they do more fact finding? Detective Cox: ‘And then they go through whatever they do, and they decide if there's going to be a warrant issued or not. Sergeant Riffe: What they'll dois, they will callin witnesses, they'll cal in the victim, and they'll depose them. Ask their ‘own questions, and they'll make their own product decision. Christian Ziegler: But you guys could look at the i | responses and say, "There's nothing here.” Right? Detective Cox: Imean, yeah, we can do that. Christian Ziegler: You guys, that's what you do, is you ask one side, you ask another, you look at it and say, "There's nothing here.” Detective Cox: Right. Christian Ziegler: And then at that point, it's not referred to the state attorney, it's not referred to the judge. Detective Cox: Yeah. If we don't have- Christian Ziegler: No arrest occurs. COXAO0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 21 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Detective Cox: If we don't have any probable cause or any reason to believe that probable cause could be developed, then we don't do anything, other than inactivate the case. Christian Ziegler: Okay. Interesting. So how does it... And this isn't for me, I'm just curious. So let me lay this out, just to make sure L.. Let me see if... Alright, So you guys have been very helpful. 'm not trying to be @ pain in the ass, Sergeant Riffe: That's fine. Detective Cox: No. Christian Ziegler: So someone makes an allegation, doesn't matter what the allegation is, you guys go and do the report, Christian Ziegler: And they lay out details in a report. Is that right? Sergeant Riffe: Mim-hmm. Christian Ziegler: At that point, you take that report and you go ask the other side, right? Detective Cox: Right. Christian Ziegler: You do a fact finding, asking questions, looking for information. Right? Boom, boom, boom. And then at that point, you either refer to a judge, if you think there's probable cause. And then there's an arrest. Correct? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 22 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Detective Cox: Mm-hmm. Christian Ziegler: Or you take that and you go... Why would you refer to a state attorney? Sergeant Riffe: We let them make the filing decision. Christian Ziegler: ‘Oh, then you don't know if there's probable cause? t's not really clear- Sergeant Riffe: It’s not that we don't know, it's just something we're going to let them decide. Christian Ziegler: You're just not clear. Sergeant Riffe: Well, okay, Detective Cox: If they want to prosecute it or not. Christian Ziegler: ‘And then you send it to the state attorney, and then at that point, the state attorney can refer it toa judge or kill it? Sergeant Riffe: Well, the state attorney, they can file for a warrant directly, Christian Ziegler: Okay, understood, And then arrest occurs at that point, right? Sergeant Riffe: Correct. Christian Ziegler: Okay. Now, if| ask for a lawyer, how does that process work? You guys are going to... What do we do right now? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 23 of 29 Transcript by ‘This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Sergeant Riffe: Ifyou. Christian Ziegler: IF say, "Ineed a.” Detective Cox: So if you choose not to answer any questions, you want to contact attorney, then we just leave. Christian Ziegler: ‘And then what? Detective Cox: ‘Then we continue our investigation. Sergeant Riffe: And then we will give you a business card. Detective Cox: And if you want to call, you can. Sergeant Riffe: You would call us and say, "Hey, Ihave such and such for an attorney." If you'd like to come down and give youa statement, we can go to their office, we can come back here. Wherever you want to meet, we'll meet you. Christian Ziegler: Understood. And then what's the deadline or the timeframe on that? Sergeant Riffe: | mean, there's not a deadline. But sooner or later, | mean, if we don’t hear from you, then we're just going to go with what we have. | mean, we only have one side of it at that point. Christian Ziegler: Got it. So it’s in my best interest to have the other side basically presented. Sergeant Riffe: No, I mean we're not trying to persuade you- COXAO311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 24 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Detective Cos To sway you either way. Christian Ziegler: Understood. Lead fine print. | wish we could be friends and have beers. Sergeant Riffe: But it’s one of those things that, a lack of response sometimes is no response. So if we only have one side, we never talk to you. And we're here talking now, but if we never got the questions answered that we have, then we're going to continue about our investigation. Christian Ziegler: This will be a national story. Not necessarily because of the details, but even just the report. Sergeant Riffe: Okay. Christian Ziegler: All right. So then that's what I'll do, is| guess I'll wait. Detective Cox: Okay. Christian Ziegler: I'm sorry to waste your time. | appreciate you guys Sergeant Riffe: Didn't waste our time at all. Christian Ziegler: ‘As much as how horrible this is, and... inaudible 00:20:16). Okay. Sergeant Riffe: Do you have one of your cards? Detective Cox: Yeah. Christian Ziegler: So is any of this public yet? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 25 of 29 Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Sergeant Riffe: None of this is public~ Detective Cox: Not until it's closed. Sergeant Riffe: Completed. Right? Detective Cox: Not until it's closed. Christian Ziegler: You visiting my house? Sergeant Riffe: We don't disclose the [inaudible 00:20:38]. Is there people, as far as the victim's side, if the victim tells. somebody else, we can't control that. Christian Ziegler: You can't control that. But- Sergeant Riffe: If somebody wants to step to us and say, "Hey, do you have any reports against Christian Ziegler?" We have nothing right now. Christian Ziegler: Detective A... Oh, what's your... Detective Cox: Cox. Christian Ziegler: Oh, okay. | was like, "Oh, detective. That's a weird name." Sorry about that. Do you have a cart? Sergeant Riffe: Isure do. Christian Ziegler: Yeah. This is going to be not good. COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 26 of 29 ‘Transcript by ‘This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Detective Cox: You can reach out whenever you decide or don't decide, or not. However you want to handle it. All right? All right. Thank you. Thanks for your time. Oh, ! was about to get tangled up there on- Christian Ziegler: [inaudible 00:21:27) our kids stuff. Detective Cox: No worries. Christian Ziegler: So what happens... Is the victim, if she changes her mind and drops this... Or how does that work? Detective Cox Yeah, they can do- Sergeant Riffe: They can do that anytime. Detective Cox: It's their choice, Christian Ziegler: ‘And then what happens? Does that still show as public record? Detective Cox: Yes. Sergeant Riffe: Yeah. Everything we do is still public record. So your name will still be in a report. Christian Ziegler: ‘And then, now there's criminal and there's civil. Right? Sergeant Riffe: ‘We do nothing as far as civil Christian Ziegler: But is that a case that could be pursued civilly? COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 27 of 29 ‘Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Riffe Sergeant Riffe: For you, yeah. You can pursue anything civilly. Christian Ziegler: ‘Them against me? Sergeant Riffe: Sure. They could do that too. | mean, it goes vice versa, Absolutely. Anybody's entitled to any type of civil litigation. Christian Ziegler: {inaudible 00:22:09). So you can do a civil case with stuff lke this? Detective Cox: Yeah, anybody can sue anybody for anything. Sergeant Riffe: But we have no control over that. Detective Cox: We only deal with the criminal part. Christian Ziegler: understand, But sometimes they refer to the criminal on the civil side. Sergeant Riffe: They do. Basically, they would get all the reports and try to draw an inference of whichever was, | guess the... Because there's a preponderance of evidence in the civil side. Christian Ziegler: Okay. All right. | appreciate that. Detective Cox: Allright. Thank you. Thank you. Christian Ziegler: Sorry you had... Well, 'm sorry I got to deal with this, but I'm sorry you guys had to, Sergeant Riffe: No worties. COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 28 of 29 ‘Transcript by This transcript was exported on Feb 06, 2024 - view latest version here. Interview of Christian Ziegler 11/1/2023 Det. Cox, Sergeant Rife Detective Cox: No worries. Christian Ziegler: ‘Thank you. Detective Cox: Thank you. COXA0311 (Completed 02/06/24) Page 29 of 29 ‘Transcript by phlag Da

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