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Speaking, Part 1
1. Do you like to watch films?
2. What kinds of movies do you like best?
3. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?
4. How often do you watch films?
5. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?
6. What was the first film that you watched in cinema?
7. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?
8. What was the best movie you watched?

1. Do you like to watch films?

 Sure, I love watching films. It's a great way to relax and unwind.
 Absolutely! I really enjoy watching films. It's a great way to relax and be
 Absolutely, I'm a huge movie buff. Watching films is a favorite pastime of
 Yes, I enjoy watching films. It's a great way to escape and be entertained.
 Definitely! I love going to the movies or just having a cozy movie night at

2. What kinds of movies do you like best?

 I'm really into action and adventure films. The thrill and excitement keep me
 I'm a big fan of action and adventure films. The excitement and adrenaline
rush are what I look for in a movie.

3. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

 I enjoy both, but I guess I watch more Hollywood movies. They're widely
available, and the production quality is usually top-notch.
 While I appreciate foreign films for their different perspectives, I tend to
watch more Hollywood movies. The production quality is usually top-notch.
 I appreciate both, but I tend to watch more Hollywood films. They have a
broad appeal and high production value.

4. How often do you watch films?

 I try to catch a movie at least once or twice a week. It's a nice way to take a
break from the daily routine?
 I try to watch a film at least once or twice a week. It's a nice way to relax,
especially on weekends.
 I try to catch a movie at least once a week. It's a nice way to unwind after a
busy day.
 I'm a bit of a film fanatic, so I probably watch movies three to four times a
 I watch films whenever I have some free time, so it varies week to week.
5. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?
 I go to the cinema maybe once a month. I usually watch movies at home, but
the big screen experience is special once in a while
 I go to the cinema about once a month. I enjoy the cinematic experience,
especially for big blockbusters.
 I prefer the comfort of my home, but I try to catch a movie in theaters every
couple of months

6. What was the first film that you watched in the cinema?
 I think the first film I watched in the cinema was "The Lion King." It left a
lasting impression on me.
 The first film I watched in the cinema was "The Lion King." It's a childhood
memory that has stuck with me.
 My first cinema experience was with "The Little Mermaid." It left a lasting
impression on me.
 I believe the first movie I saw in the cinema was "Toy Story." It was a magical
experience for a kid.

7. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

 It depends. Sometimes I enjoy the solitude of watching a movie alone, but I
also like the social aspect of going with friends, especially for comedies
 It depends on my mood. Sometimes I enjoy the solitude of watching a movie
alone, but watching comedies with friends is always a blast.
 I enjoy both. Sometimes I like the solitude of watching alone, but watching
with friends adds to the fun.
 It depends on my mood. Action movies are great with friends, but I like quiet
dramas by myself.

8. What was the best movie you watched?

 Oh, that's a tough one. There are so many great movies. Recently, I was really
impressed with "Inception." The storyline and special effects were mind-
 It's hard to pick one, but recently I was blown away by "Inception." The
storyline and special effects were mind-blowing
 It's hard to pick one, but "The Shawshank Redemption" has to be up there. It's
a classic.
 Recently, I was blown away by "La La Land." The music, the story, everything
was fantastic.

1. Mind-blowing (mengagumkan)
2. Couch potato (orang yang suka menonton TV terus-menerus)
 After a long day at work, I just want to be a couch potato and watch some TV.
3. On the same wavelength (sama pikirannya)
 We always watch movies together; we're on the same wavelength when it comes to
film preferences.
4. Popcorn flick (film ringan yang menyenangkan)
 I'm in the mood for a popcorn flick tonight, nothing too serious.
5. Catch a flick (menonton film)
 Hey, want to catch a flick this weekend?
6. Tube (televisi), I spent the whole day in front of the tube watching my favorite shows.
7. Flick (film, biasanya digunakan secara informal)
8. Cheesy (klise atau terlalu dramatis, biasanya untuk film atau acara TV), The romantic
scenes in that movie were so cheesy.
9. Blockbuster (film yang sangat sukses dan populer)
10. To be on the same page (memiliki pemahaman atau pendapat yang sama), Let's make
sure we're on the same page about which movie to watch
11. Absolutely! Tentu saja, benar sekali, tentu
12. relax and be entertained, bersantai dan terhibur
13. I'm a big fan of (saya penggemar berat). I'm really into (aku benar-benar menyukai)
14. I tend to (saya cenderung untuk)
15. Solitude (kesunyian, kesendirian)
16. blown away (terpesona)
17. It left a lasting impression on me. (Film ini meninggalkan kesan mendalam bagi
Speaking, Part 2
Describe a TV drama series you like.
You should say:
 what TV series it is
 what it is about
 who acts in it and explain why you like it.
- Sure! One movie I really like is "Interstellar." It's a cool space movie directed by
Christopher Nolan.
The story is about Earth being in trouble, and Matthew McConaughey's character, Cooper,
has to go into space to find a new home for humans. Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain are
also in it.
What's awesome about "Interstellar" is how it mixes amazing visuals, a great story, and some
science stuff. The movie talks about love and how it can go beyond time and space. The
actors are fantastic, and the music by Hans Zimmer is epic.
I love sci-fi, and "Interstellar" is mind-blowing. It takes you on a big adventure through space
and makes you feel things. The mix of emotions, space exploration, and the big story is why I
enjoy it so much. Every time I watch it, I notice something new that makes the whole
experience even better.
- Sure! I really like "Interstellar," a cool space movie by Christopher Nolan.
The story is about Earth having problems, and Matthew McConaughey's character, Cooper,
goes to space to find a new home for people. Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain are also in
What's great about "Interstellar" is the awesome space scenes and the exciting story. It talks
about love going beyond time and space. The actors are fantastic, and the music by Hans
Zimmer is really cool.
I love space movies, and "Interstellar" is one of my favorites. It's a fun and emotional journey
through space. The mix of feelings, space travel, and the big story is why I enjoy it so much.
Every time I watch it, I find something new to enjoy.

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