High Field Transport in Semiconductors Based On Eigenvalue Solution To Boltzmann

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High‐field transport in semiconductors based on eigenvalue solution to Boltzmann

Srinivasan Krishnamurthy, A. Sher, and A.‐B. Chen

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 55, 1002 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101717

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101717
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HighBfield transport in semiconductors based on eigenvalue solution
to Boltzmann equation
Srinivasan Krishnamurthy and A. Sher
SRI International, Menlo Park, California 94025
A.-So Chen
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849
(Received 22 May 1989; accepted for publication 27 June 1989)
The Boltzmann equation is solved by expanding the distribution function in terms of a finite
number of basis functions. The zero eigenvalue of the resulting matrix is solved for the hot-
electron distribution. This method arrives at the solution at least two orders of magnitude
faster than the commonly used Monte Carlo method. Using the scattering rates due to ionized
impurities, phonons, aHoy disorder, and intervalley scattering calculated from a realistic band
structure, we obtain velocity-field curves for various semiconductor alloys and compounds
without any adjustable parameters. The results are in good agreement with experiments.

The analytical solution to the Boltzmann transport sen basis set. It is clear that the eigenvector corresponding to
equation rarely exists except for a few simple and usually the zero eigenvalue of the matrix M gives us the required
unrealistic cases. However, numerical solutions can be ob- expansion coefficients to obtain the distribution function.
tained by iterative techniques. 1,2 The most popular numeri- The drift velocity can then be calculated from
cal technique is the Monte Carlo method in which an equiva- 1
lent solution is obtained by simulating the motion of one Vd =-
N k
I Vz (k)/(k), (2)
electron in momentum space through a large number of scat-
tering processes,3 -5 While these methods are successful in wherev z = dEkldkz andEk is the conduction-band energy at
explaining various results numerically, they are extremely k.
time consuming, particularly when a fuH band structure is If the chosen set is complete, the zero eigenvalue is en-
used. Also, when the functional form of the scattering rates sured, and the distribution function can be accurately oh-
is not known, the Monte Carlo technique will he much more tained. However, if the basis set contains a very large number
time consuming. Consequently, there has been a continuing offunctions, then a numerically difficult diagonaHzation of a
effort to develop faster numerical techniques. 6 - 9 These very large matrix must be carried out. Hence, we need to
methods either assume a known form of distribution func- make an educated guess of the basis set that is finite and that
tion with adjustable parameters,6 they use expansions specif- can accurately describe the distribution function at high
ic to the nature of the problem,7.H or they obtain an approxi- electric field strengths.
mate solution by solving a large set of coupled equations.'} We use this eigenvalue method to obtain the velocity-
In this letter we describe a much faster numerical meth- field curves in GaAs and InP compounds, and GalnAs,
od of solving the Boltzmann equation (BE) without resort- InP As, and InPSb alloys. An accurate band structure of the
ing to the electron temperature or effective mass approxima- constituent material is obtained through the method devel-
tions. This method is then used with various scattering rates oped by Chen and Sher,1O in which all long-range interac-
calculated with realistic band structures to obtain the veloc- tions are included. The band structure is then fine tuned to
ity-field characteristics of various semiconductor com- agree with experimental values of effective masses, various
pounds and alloys. The results are then compared with ex- optical transitions, and valley separations, The alloy band
periments. structure is first calculated in the virtual crystal approxima-
Neglecting diffusion for the purpose of illustration, the tion and then corrected for alloy disorder in the coherent
steady-state BE in the presence of an applied constant elec- potential approximation. to These full band structures are
tric field is used in the calculation of electron coupling constants, densi-
ties of final states for impurity scattering, phonon scattering,
~ V k f(k)'E = )' IS(k,k')j(k') - S(k',k)j(k) L (1) alloy disorder, and deformation potential coupled interval-
Ii 1:'" ley scattering rates. 11-!3 In the calculation of these scattering
where S(k,k') is the scattering rate from the state k' to the rates and in the solution to the BE, it is incorrect to sum over
state k, E is the strength of the electric field, andJtk) is the the usuall/48th of the Brillouin zone (BZ). The symmetry
carrier distribution function. Now, we expand the distribu- is hroken by the scattering process. Hence, the sum over k
tion function in terms of a known set of basis functions, states must be carried out over the entire BZ. While these
cI>;(k), such thatf(k) = ~ C'¢i(k). We substitutcJtk) in calculations are time consuming, they had to be evaluated
this form in to BE as given in Eq. (1), and multiply that hy only once in this formalism. Also, the intervalley scattering
cI>; (k), then sum over alI k to get a matrix equation MC=O, mediated by alloy, LO phonon, and impurity scattering are
where M is an n X It matrix, C is a column matrix, and 0 is a naturally included in this calculation.
null matrix; n is the number of the basis function in the cho- To obtain a solution to the BE, we assume the electric

1002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 55 (,OJ, 4 September 1989 0003-6951/89/361002-03$01,00 Cc) 1989 American Institute oj Physics 1002

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field is in the z direction. The speed of the method depends
on a rational selection of the basis set. We choose two basis
functions (s and p z like) at each r, L, and X valley. Because
/.-~- ...... ,
;' "-
the L valleys are symmetrically located with respect to the
/ '" ""
field direction, the number of basis functions associated with '/
L valleys can be reduced to just two. However, we need two
sets of basis functions at X valleys; one set at the X valley in
the E direction, and the other set at the X vaHey perpendicu-
lar to the E direction. Hence, as a reasonable compromise
between completeness and simplicity, we use eight basis
functions in our set, given as follows: oL-~ __-L__-L__

~ __L--J__

o 2 4 6
E [kV!cm]

FIG.!. Calculated (solid line) and experimental (dashed linc) v-E curves
for bulk GaAs at a lattice temperature of 300 K and an impurity concentra-
tion of 5 X 10 1(, em -- " respectively.
where i is r, X, or L, N i is the normalization, and E'x and E'L
are energies at X and L valleys, respectively. Because the
basis set is incomplete, there is no assurance that M will have We plot gee) as a function of e (see Fig. 2) tha.t we calculat-
a zero eigenvalue. We adapt an iterative procedure to mini- ed using our distribution function (solid line) and the dis-
mize the effect of the finiteness of the basis set. In all calcula- placed Maxwellian distribution (dashed line), which gives
tions reported here, we have used a simplified basis set with correct u-E curves at 1 and 5 kV lern of electric field strength
a i = Pi = a for all i. This set yields accurate answers for the in GaAs. At 1 kV /em of an applied electric field, the dis-
low-to-moderate electric field strengths. It corresponds to placed Maxwellian does not differ much from the calculated
taking the effective temperature for the basis set to be the distribution function. However, at 5 kV Icrn of an applied
same for alloys. Although this basis set will accurately de- electric field, the displaced Maxwellian distribution differs
scribe the drifted Maxwellian at the corresponding tempera- substantially from solution to BE. Although the displaced
ture, we emphasize that this should not be construed to mean Maxwellian distribution gives the correct drift velocity at
that j(k) is approximated by a drifted Maxwellian at this this electric field, it is quantitatively different from an accu-
temperature. We varied a to obtain the zero eigenvalue. In rate solution to BE. It exhibits the familiar bimodal behavior
all cases, the zero eigenvalue is obtained in less than ten itera- that corresponds to rand L vaHey occupancy. The v-E
tions where each iteration takes approximately 3 cpu se- curves are calculated for the InP compound, and GalnAs,
conds on an Apollo DN-1Ooo0 computer. It may be noted InP As, and InPSb alloys. The calculated values of peak drift
that this indicates an improvement of at least two orders of velocity, vI" and the inverse of threshold field E 1- 1, are
magnitude in speed over the values previously reported us- shown in the units of GaAs values in Fig. 3. In general, cal-
ing a matrix method with effective mass and parabolic band culated vI' and ET are in good agreement with experiments.
structures. 9 The matrix method'} was also shown to have a For example, in GUO 47 Ina.53 As, the peak drift velocity and
distinct speed advantage over the Monte CarIo method, par-
ticularly at high electric fields. Hence, the eigenvalue meth-
od described here is expected to be a few more orders of
magnitude faster than the Monte Carlo method to arrive at
an equally accurate solution to the BE.
The calculated velocity-field curves for the GaAs com- ->
pound are shown in Fig. 1. The lattice temperature and the i; ~ 10
impurity concentration are assumed to be 300 K and ~ 5
5 X 10 16 cm - 3, respectively. The impurity concentration was 0:::
~ 0 '---'-~-.I-
adjusted to obtain the reported low-field mobility of 7500 o 0,1 0.2
cm 2 /V s in this compound. 14 The drift velocity increases
with the electric field to reach a maximum value of 2.3 X 10 7
cm/s at a threshold field of 4 kV fern, The v-E curves are 2 E = 5 kVlom
shown for electric field strengths less than 10 kVfcm. For
larger electric fields, one needs more basis functions than the
ones chosen here. However, we find that our calculated val-
ues are in excellent agreement with recent experiments 14 also
shown in Fig. 1. As our basis functions depend on energy and ENERGY!eV)
k, the distribution function cannot he plotted as a function of
energy alone. We define g( £) such that FIG, 2. Om geE) (solid line) is compared with that calculated using the
drifted Maxwellian distribution (dashed line) at a 5 k V/ern electric field in
g(E') = ~.+-f(£k )b(c - £1.). (4) GaAsat 300 K. Corresponding curves are shown ill the inset for 1 kV /ern of
electric field strength.

1003 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55. No. iO, 4 September 1989 Krishnamurthy, Sher, and Chen 1003

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2.0 r-----::>I""..-------~/~...., This work has been supported by the Defense Advanced
/ Research Projects Agency through the Air Force Office of

" Scientific Research (AFOSR) contract F49620-85-C-0103,
and by the AFOSR contract F49620-86-D-OOI8. The au-
thors thank Mark van Schiifgaarde for many valuable dis-
oL-______- L______ ~~ ____ ~

GaAs InA. inP InSb

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