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and J. F.

CORNWELL:High Field Transport in Semiconductors (I) 209


phys. stat. sol. (b) 49, 209 (1972)

Subject classification: 14.3.4; 6; 13.1; 13.4; 22
Department of Theoretical Physics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland

High Field Transport in Semiconductors,

The Drifted Maxwellian Approach
I. General Theory

The rates of loss of energy and momentum by electrons t o the polar optical, acoustic, and
ionised impurity scattering mechanisms are calculated. They are averaged exactly over the
drifted Maxwellian distribution function, from which the high field transport characteristics
of semiconductors can be calculated. The formulae are expressed in terms of a generalised
band structure, and the effect of the mixing of Bloch states with spin-reversal scattering is
On a calculB les vitesses de transfert d’6nergie e t de quantitb de mouvement des Blectrons
par les mhcanismes diffusion polaire5 optiques, acoustiques, e t de impuritBs ionisks. On a
6tabli prbcisement les moyennes de celles-ci au-dessu d’une fonction de distribution de
Maxwell emport6 dans I’Bnergie, des-queues on peut dBduire les traites de transport en
presence des hauts champs Clectriques. Les formules sont exprimBs en termes d’une rela-
tion gBnBraliske entre 1’Bnergie e t la quantitb du mouvement e t la superposition d’htats de
Bloch avec le effet du changement de spin de 1’Blectron est compris.

1. Introduction
A complete solution of the high field transport problem in semiconductors
necessitates the solution of Boltzmann equation. Because of the complexity
of the Boltzmann equations involved, the only exact solutions that have been
obtained so far have utilised numerical techniques.
A common way of simplifying the problem is t o assume a distribution func-
tion, usually a transformed Maxwellian distribution function. The usual form
for this is the displaced Maxwellian
f ( k )oc exp [- A2 (k - k,)2/(2m* k, T,)], (1)
where the electrons are out of thermal equilibrium with the lattice a t a tempera-
ture T,, and k, is the displacement of the electron distribution function in
momentum space due t o the applied field. This would be the exact distribution
function if the electron4ectron energy exchange is much greater than the ener-
gy exchange with the other scattering mechanisms, but this is only of marginal
importance in most physical situations. A discussion is given by Conwell [l].
It is not immediatelyobvious asto how equation (1) can be applied t o more gener-
al non-parabolic band structures. Licea [2 to 51 assumed a displaced Maxwel-
lian of the form
exp [- (112 - kl)/kBT,l . (2)
Perhaps a better definition is that of the drifted Maxwellian of Hammar and
14 physica. (b) 49/l
210 T. Y. STOKOE

Weissglas [6], where

With this form the electrons assume a Maxwellian distribution a t a temperature

T,, in a reference frame moving a t a velocity VD relative t o t h a t of the lattice.
I n the present paper expressions are derived for the rate of loss of energy and
of momentum, and for the averages of these quantities over a drifted Maxwellian
distribution (3)for any generalised band structure which is spherically symmetric
in k space. These expressions are given separately for scattering by polar optical
phonons, acoustic phonons, and ionised impurities. I n each case the effects of the
mixing of Bloch states and spin-reversal scattering are explicitly included. No
assumption is made about the ratio of the drift velocity to the “thermal” veloc-
ity of the electron.
There are two methods of calculating the mobility-field characteristic of a
particular syste& with an assumed distribution function. One method is t o
average the electron energy and momentum over the change of the distribution
function with time due t o the electron-lattice interaction. The resulting equa-
tions are [7]
- p(g),d3k = e VD a P ,

-PIC(;) L

where P is the applied field, and VDis the resultant drift velocity. An alternative
but entirely equivalent method (cf. [l, 61) is t o average the rate of loss of energy
and the rate of loss of momentum t o the lattice, giving

-s[% ( h k)]f(k)d3k = e P.
Both these methods involve a triple integration over the momentum space of the
lattice followed by a triple integration over the electron momentum space. Since
equations (5) do not invoke the distribution function until the last triple inte-
gration, it will be shown that this leads t o a simpler and more generally appli-
cable formulation than that of equations (4). Thus using the distribution func-
tion (3) in equations (5) it is possible t o calculate the mobility-field character-
istics of various combinations of scattering mechanisms in closed integral form.
I n a following paper I1 the case of InSb will be investigated by means of nu-
merical calculations based on the expressions of the present paper.

2. Polar Optical Scattering

The rate of loss of energy and momentum by electrons to the polar optical
mode scattering mechanism have been calculated for a parabolic band by Con-
well [8] and Paranjape [ 9 ] , and for a simplified Kane band structure [12] by
Hammar and Weissglas [ 6 ] . They will now be evaluated for a generalised band
High Field Transport in Semiconductors (I) 211

The rate of loss of energy by a n electron in a state k is given by

where Pa( k + k +
q ) is the absorption probability, and P, ( k .+ k - q ) is
the emission probability, A wq is the phonon energy, and q is the phonon wave
vector. Similarly the rate of loss of momentum in the direction k is

where qk = ( k . q )k,k defining the unit vector. Now according t o Prohlich [lo],
h A h

the matrix element for s-type wave functions for polar optical scattering is given

where N = (exp ( h w/k,T,) - l)-l, V is the crystal volume, w is the frequency of

t,he longitudinal optical phonons (taken as constant), To is the lattice tempera-
ture, cm and E, are the high and low frequency dielectric constants, respectively,
and c0 the permittivity of free space.
2.1 Rate of loss of energy
The parabolic case is described by Conwell [l]'), it will now be generalised for
an arbitrary band structure. Assuming the validity of pertnrbation theory,
equation (6) can be written as

- - qI B ~l ko) I 2 6 (Ek-q, N + 1 - Ek, N ) ] *

With the usual transformation

5 --f &///qz sin 8 dq d8 de,
(8) and (10) give
-d _
E- e2(h
- $)///[a + qp) - E ( k 2 )- A w )
(E ((k


- exp (s)
(4nc0)2 n h coo

6 ( E ((k- q)2)- E ( k 2 )+ h w ) ] sin 8 do dq dp, .

I + @ )= J J 6 ( E ((k+ q ) * )- E(k2)- h w ) s i n 8 d 8 dp,
I - ( E ) = J J 6 ( E ((k- q)2)- E ( k 2 )+ h w ) sin 8 d8 dq .
To facilitate the evaluation of these integrals the function F ( E )is defined such
t h a t k2 = F ( E )is the inverse of E = E(k2). Thus, integrating over 8 , and taking
l) Page 156.
212 and J. F. CORNWELL

F'(E) = d F / d E ,

The limits of integration are obtained from the balance of energy condition
E ((k + + +
q)2)= E(k2) h w , SO that pz:; = [ F ( E h o)j= iF(E). On inte-

I-(E) =
F' ( E - h w ) iP(E)+ I F ( E - A w)
2 im log l/P(E) - VF ( E -%-a)'

2.2 Rate of loss of momentum

Substituting equations ( 8 ) and (10) into equation (7)

d e2hwN M + ( E ) - e x p ( k ) M - ( E ) } , (12)
- ( h k) =
dt 4nEoJF(E) kBT0
M + ( E )= J J p cos 8 6 (E ((lc + q ) z )- E ( k 2 )- h o)sin 8 dB dp ,
M - ( E ) = J J p cos 8 8 ( E ( ( k - - E(k2) + h sin 8 d8 dp .

These integrals can be evaluated in the same way as those appearing in equation
( l l ) ,giving

High Field Transport in Semiconductors (I) 213

2.3 Averaging the rates of loss of energy and mometitum

Averaging the rate of loss of energy over the distribution function given by
equation (3),

1/ /g
2n n

exp -[ &( E ( k 2 ) - h VD
. k) k2 sin y dk dy dy

Tffexp [- ~
k~ Te
) h VD k) k2 sin y dk dy d y
( E ( k 2- '
0 0 0

where x' is the upper limit of the band. Hence

sinh a , and a
where Y ( E , VD, T e )= ___ =
h V D P m
a k,Te .

Similarly averaging the rate of loss of momentum in the VD direction,

h v,, .k)]k2 sin


k)]k2 Bin y dk


where Z ( E 7 VD, T e )= - ( a cosh a - sinh a ) .
Thus, averaging equations (11, 12) as indicated above, taking the limits of
integration over the energy from 0 to - h o for absorption, and from h o to x
for emission,
214 and J. F. CORNWELL



x log J F ( E + h 4 + j P ( E ) exp
f P ( E f h 0 )- / F ( E )
(- ")

V D , T e ) F ' ( E + h ~ ) F ' ( E ) {(E+hw)llE'(E)exp(--)dE,


I , = { Y ( a ) f m F ' ( E ) e x p ( - k,
x )Te

R*(E, V,, T,) =

Y and Z are defined above. Also a h V , r/F(E)

b T e
= ~and b = -(FV D
( E ho). +
If we assume that the drift parameter in the distribution function is small,
taking a first order approximation it can be seen t h a t Y and Z tend t o unity.
2 m*
Choosing F ( E ) = -E, as is the case for a parabolic band where m* is the
effective mass a t the centre of the B.Z., equations (15, 16) reduce to those given
by Stratton [ll]. For an approximated Kane band structure [ E l , where F(E) =
2 m*
-- ( E E2/G),G is the band gap, equations (15, 16) reduce to those of
Hammar and Weissglas [S]. (A factor of 1/A k, Teis missing from equation (8)
in reference [6], but i t is included in the subsequent calculation of t h a t paper.)
2.4 Inclusion of the mixing of Bloch states and spin-reversal scattering
When the full effect of the periodic lattice is taken into account, not only is
the band structure non-parabolic, but the electron energy eigenfunctions are not
pure plane waves. The latter part requires the insertion on the right-hand side of
equation (8) a multiplicative factor G ( k , k', y), where
High Field Transport in Semiconductors (I) 215

@*k are the cell periodic parts of the Bloch wave functions, and p, p' are spin
labels. Kane [12] has evaluated these functions in the case of compounds with
a conduction band minimum a t the centre of the B.Z., which result in an expan-
sion of the form

G ( k , k', y) = E(k, k ' ) + e ( k , k ' ) y + d k , k ' ) ya 9 (17)

A , .

where k' = k 5 q and y = k k'.

The rate of loss of energy can be derived in the same way as the plane-wave
case in Section 2.1. Thus

I s P + ( E )= J J Q ( k ,k', y) 6 ( E ((k + q ) 2 ) - E ( k 2 )- h o)sin 8 d8 dq .
Hence, with k' = f F ( E + h o),


ISP+ (El = +hW)klogIc'--k
k' +k - 2 R k k' + 2 S k k' (k'2 + k2)
2 iP0
- P' (E + h w ) T ( E , E + h o).
2 Ilm
I . .

P' ( E - h 0)
lsp- (El = ~ T(E-ho,E).
2 ijF(E)

The rate of loss of momentum can be calculated in exactly the same manner
216 T.Y . STOKOE


-2 R k k' +2 S k k'(kI2 + k 2 )
Q k k' -R k k' (k'2 + k2) + S k k'
- F' ( E A W ) { [ F( E +A W) - P ( E ) ]T ( E ,E +h 0)- 2 u ( E ,E + 0))
- 4 F(E) )

F' ( E - h W )
Ms,-(E) =
4 F ( E )-
x { [ F ( E )- F ( E - 12 w)] T ( E - h W , E ) +2 U (E -h
E)}. W,

Equations (18) and (19) can be averaged in exactly the same way as equations
(11) and (12), resulting in modified forms of equations (15) and (16).

3. Acoustic Scattering
Acoustic scattering can be treated in almost exactly the same way as polar
optical scattering. The s-type matrix element that is analogous to that of equa-
tion (8) is given by Conwell [112) and is

where N , = [exp (2) - 11

, El is the deformation potential, u the
average longitudinal sound velocity, and Q the density of the crystal. The
remaining parameters have been defined earlier.
A linear dispersion relation W , .= u q will be assumed for the longitudinal
acoustic phonon spectrum. Also it will be assumed that h w,< k,T,, so all
terms will be expanded t o first order in the phonon energy throughout.
3.1 Rate of loss of energy
The parabolic case is described in [113). It will now be calculated for a gener-
alised band structure. Substituting equations (10) and (20) into equation (6)

- (Ng + 1 ) 6 (E ( ( k- Q ) ~-) E ( k 2 )+ h w,)} q2 sin 8 dq d8 dpl .

,- kBTo
hW, 2
since h W , <kBT,, thus
-~ E {J+(E)- J - ( E ) },
dt = 4 n p u 2
2) p. 108.
a) Chapter 111.
High Field Transport in Semiconductors (I) 217

6 (E ( ( k + q ) 2 )- E(k2) - h u q) sin 6 d0 dg

J-(E) = / / q 3 ( k B T o + yl h ~ 6q( E ( ( k - q ) 2 ) - E ( k 2 ) + h u q ) s i n O d O d q .
With the usual substitution k2 = F ( E ) ,

J + ( E )= (F'(E) + h u F"(E))

The limits for the q integration are given by the allowed range of q which satisfy
+ +
the energy balance equation E ( ( k q)z)= E ( k 2 ) h u q. Thus qmin= 0, and
qmar = f 2 F ( E ) h u F'(E),so

+ (2 I./F(E)+4h u F'(E))4 kBTo F''(E) - ~


- (2 yF(E) - h u F'(E))4 kBToF"(E) - ~

- E' [k,To (F'Z(E) + F ( E )F"(E))-
dt ne
For a parabolic band structure, and E > kBTo,the above formula reduces t o
equation (3.4.27) in Conwell [l].

3.2 Rute of loss of momentum

Substituting equations (10) and (20) into equation (7), and

- (Nq + 1 ) 6 ( E ((12 - q)z)- E ( P ) + h wq)}q2 sin 6 dq d6 dq ,

L + ( E )= ~ ~ q 3 0 0 s 6 ( k B-
T02 6 ( E ((k+q)2)--E(k2)-htzq)sinOd0dq.
T.Y. S T ~ K Oand


x (F’(E) + h u p P ” ( E ) )dp =
1 (2 + A u F’(E))4kBToF’(E)
+ A u (* - -
L ( E ) = ___
(2 fP(E) - h u F ’ ( E ) ) 4
Since all terms involving h u are very small,
kBT0 F’(E) + h u (* * .)

Divide through by h k , assume a parabolic band structure and equation (22)

reduces t o the momentum relaxation time given by Conwell [l], equation (3.1.11).
3.3 Inclusion of the mixing of Bloch states and spin-TeversaZ scattering
When the factor G ( k , k‘, y) defined by equation (17) is inserted in the right-
hand side of equation.(20), the effect is t o replace J + ( E ) of Section 3.1 by
J s p + ( E ) , where

+ (C + h u q D ) (P3- h u p & ) + (G + h u q H ) (P+ h ~ q & ) ~ l .

Here all terms are expanded t o first order in the phonon energy, such that
w,k’) A ( E ) + h u p B ( E ) , @(k, k’) = C ( E ) + h u q D ( E ) ,
d k , k’) G ( E ) + h u q H P ) , y P(E,q ) + h u q &(E,q ) .
= =
Only first order terms in h u q are retained in the above integration. Then by
a straightforward calculation J s p + ( E ) and Jsp-( E ) can be obtained. The
resulting rate of loss of energy is
dE E; h (P(E)
k,To(P(E) + P(E) 2
+ kBT, F ( E )P’(E)
and b y a similar calculation,

Equations (21) and (23))(22) and (24) can be averaged by direct substitution in
equations (13) and (14).
Transverse acoustic phonon scattering will arise when p-type electron wave
functions are included, but their effect will be neglected along with any variation
in the deformation potential.
High Field Transport in Semiconductors (I) 219

4. Ionised Impurity Scattering

The mass of a n ionised impurity is much greater than t h a t of an electron, so
it will be assumed t h a t the electron-impurity collisions are elastic. If the inter-
action is via a screened Coulomb potential, applying the Born approximation,
the s-type matrix element is given by [13]
(4 n)ze4 1
Jk- !lN2 = (4 &, &,)2 V (22 + q2)2 ’
where 111 is the screening length of the impurity.
4.1 Rate of loss of momentum
The impurity ions will be assumed stationary so the electrons will only lose
momentum. Thus, substituting into equation (7), and taking NI as the impurity
d ( h k )-
____ 2n k
- --___ -V
NIT([- q2 (4 n ) 2 e4 A q cos 0
dt A fF(E) 8x3 (472 E, &,)2 v (22 + q2)2
0 0
x 6 (E ((k - q)z) - E ( k 2 ) )sin 0 dq d0 de, .
This equation reduces t o

- - k 2 72 N , e4 F’(E)
d ( h k )_
(472 Eo E s ) 2 f P-~
3(E) I
(AZ +q342)2 dq.
The limits of integration must satisfy the equation E ((k - q ) 2)= E(k2),so
that qmin = 0, and qImS= 2 iP(E).

where Z = 4 F(E)/12,and B ( 2 )= log (1 2 ) - Z/(1 2 ) defines the Brooks- +
Herring function [13].
The resulting momentum relaxation time from equation (26) agrees with that
of Barrie [141.
4.2 Inclusion of the mixing of Bloch states and spin-reversal scattering
The appropriate matrix element is given by Ehrenreich [15]. It is the product
of equations (23) and (15). This leads t o
2 m
2 x N , e4 F‘(E)
dt (4 x Eo E s ) 2 f F 3 ( E )
(Q - R q2 + S q4) dq .
Q , R, and S are as defined in the polar optical calculation. Thus, integrating

Equations (26) and (27) can be averaged by direct substitution in equation (14).
220 T. Y. STOKOE
and J. F. CORNWELL:High Field Transport in Semiconductors (I)

The authors wish to thank J. W. Allen for valuable discussion. T.Y.S.
acknowledges the financial support of the Science Research Council.

[l] E. &I.CONWELL, High Field Transport in Semiconductors, Academic Press, New York/
London 1967.
[2] I. LICEA,phys. stat. sol. 25, 461 (1968).
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[4] I. LICEA,phys. stat. sol. 37, 795 (1970).
[5] I. LICEA,phys. stat. sol. 38, 841 (1970).
[6] C. HAMMAR and P. WEISSGLAS, phys. stat. sol. 24, 531 (1967).
[7] H. FROHLICH and V. V. PARANJAPE, Roc. Phys. SOC.BG9,21 (1956).
[8] E.M. CONWELL,Phys. Rev. 148, 657 (1965).
[9] V. V. PARANJAPE, Phys. Rev. 150, 608 (1966).
[lo] H. FRORLICH, Proc. Roy. SOC.AlG0, 230 (1937).
[ll] R. STRATTON, Proc. Roy. SOC.A246,406 (1958).
[12] E. 0. KANE,J. Phys. Chem. Solids 1, 249 (1957).
[13] H. BROOKS, Phys. Rev. 83, 879 (1951).
[I41 R. BARRIE,Proc. Phys. SOC.BG9, 553 (1956).
[15] H. EHRENREICH, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2, 131 (1957).
(Received August 5,1971)

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