Lec# 12

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Lec# 12 Linear Transformations 02-Jan-24

The linear transformation T : V → W is called invertible if there exists a linear transformation

S : W → V such that TS is the identity linear transformation on W and ST is the identity linear
transformation on V . If T is invertible, the linear transformation S is unique and is denoted by
T −1 . Furthermore, T is invertible if and only if T is bijective.

Theorem 2.1.12
Let V and W be vector spaces over the field F and let T : V → W be a linear
transformation. If T is invertible then T −1 is linear transformation from W to V .

Let w1 , w2  W and k  F .We wish to show that T −1 (kw1 + w2 ) = kT −1 ( w1 ) + T −1 ( w2 ) .
Let v1 = T −1 (w1 ) and v2 = T −1 (w2 ) , that is, v1 ,v2 be the unique vectors in V such that
T (v1 ) = w1 and T (v2 ) = w2 . Since T is a linear transformation,
T (kv1 + v2 ) = kT (v1 ) + T (v2 ) = kw1 + w2 . Thus, kv1 + v2 is the unique vector in V which is sent
by T into kw1 + w2 and so, T −1 (kw1 + w2 ) = kv1 + v2 = k (T −1 (w1 )) + T −1 (w2 ) and T −1 is linear.

Remark: If we have an invertible linear transformation T : V → W and an invertible linear

transformation S : W → Z . Then ST is invertible and (ST ) −1 = T −1 S −1 .

If T is a linear transformation, then T (v − u) = T (v) − T (u); hence T (v) = T (u) if and

only if T (v − u) = 0 . This basically simplify the fact that T is one-to-one. We call a linear
transformation T non-singular if T (v) = 0 implies that v = 0 . That is if the null space of T is {0}
. Clearly, T is one-to-one if and only if T is non-singular. The extension of this remark yields
that non-singular linear transformation are those which preserve linear independence

Dr. Muhammad Awais Yousaf awaisysf@gmail.com

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