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= Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education Regen VIL Cos Vises DepED DIVISION OF CEBU PROVINCE eraxruent Wor encear Sudlon, Lahug, CebuCity October 23, 2016 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No,_76 _,s. 2018 DIVISION LEVEL POPULATION QUIZ AND ON-THE-SPOT SKILLS EXHIBITION ON POPULATION DEVELOPMENT To: Assistant Superintendents Education Program Supervisors/Coordinators District Supervisors/OICs Elementary and Secondary Schoo! Heads Heads, Private Elementary and Secondary Schools 1. ___ This Office announces the conduct of the “Division Level Population Quiz and On-The-Spot Skills Exhibition ‘on Population Development” with the theme: “Celebrating Diversity Through the Performances, Talents and Skills, for Sustainable Inclusive Education” on November 06, 2016 at Capitol Social Hall, Capitol, Cebu, 2. There are five categories of the competitions as follows: a.Popdev. debate, Pop quiz, and Jingle writing and singing - Secondary b.Poster making, and the Kasaysayan,Heograpiya at Kultura ng Pilipinas Quiz - Elementary 3. Qualified contestants in the Secondary Level are either Junior or Senior High School students while in the Elementary are from grade 4-8 respectively. Leamers wit disability as part of the team in Kasaysayan, Heograpiya at Kultura ng Pilipinas Quiz must present valid MOV's upon registration 4. Contest materials are provided however, contestants are not discouraged from bringing their own stuff for the activity as long as it conforms to the contest mechanics and guidelines. Poster making contestants should use oil pastel/crypas 2s coloring materials. 5. __ Prizes of the Division Level Contest Winners in all categories are provided by the Cebu Provincial Government, the Provincial Social Welfare and Development (PSDO) - Population Program Cebu Province as follows: First Prize- Php 1,500.00; Second Prize Php-1,000.00; Third Prize-Php800.00; and consolation prizes 6. __ Participants of this contests are the District frst place winners/the champion in every category together with their coaches, However, for the Elementary level since this the first time where the contest on Population Development is Introduce to elementary level, District AP Coordinators are encouraged to observe the proceedings of the competitions. 7. _ PSDS's and the Municipal POPED/Social Studies Coordinators are advised to initiate and spearhead the Municipal Level Population Quiz and On-The-Spot Skils Exhibition on Population Development prior to the date of the Division Level ‘Competition. 8. Food and snacks are served to the student contestants with their respective coaches however, traveling and other incidental expenses relative thereto shall be chargeable against local school SEF/ MOOE! PTA funds, subject fo the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 9. This memorandum serves as the Travel Authority ofthe participants. 10. Mechanics for the said skills exhibition are attached as Enclosure 1 "1 Wide dissemination of and compliance with this Memorandum is desired. RHEA MAR AJANGTUD, Ed.D.,CESOVI Is Bivision Superintenden “Telephone Number: ‘Website: ww depatecboprovnce om ‘Schools Divison Soperntendent (032) 255-6408 small Add dcpoecbuproiacetsyabon com KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON VU, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION VIL, CENTRAL VISAYAS Sudion, Lahug, Cebu City sire i GIO} MEMORANDUM EI 0 ete "i 8. 2018 2018 POPULATION DEVELOPMENT ON-THE-SPOT SKILLS EXHIBITION To: Schools Division Superintendents 1. This Office announces the schedules of Division Level Population Development ‘On-the-Spot Skills Exhibition with the Theme: “Celebrating Diversity through the Performances, Talents and Skills for Sustainable Inclusive Education.” 2. Each Division Focal Person in Pop. Devt. shall observe the schedules as agreed during the conference with Population Commission personnel last September 13, 2018 at DepEd Ecotech Center, Sudion, Lahug, Cebu City. The schedules are as follows: Division Date Bayawan City is ‘September 28, 2018 | Dumaguete City ‘October 3, 2018 re | Negros Oriental Bais City Bs Talisay City Tanjay City Carcar City : ‘October 11, 2018(PM) - Tagbilaran City ‘October 11, 2018(PM) Guihuingan City __| October 12, 2018 Mandaue City ‘October 12, 2018 Toledo City October 12, 2018 Siquijor October 12, 2018 Danao City ‘October 16, 2018 Cebu City WY ables October 17, 2018(PM) City of Naga 5 ‘October 17, 2018(PM) Bogo City ne October 17, 2018 Lapu-Lapu City ‘October 19, 2018 Bohol Province ‘October 30, 2018 ‘Cebu Province November 6, 2018 3. During the conduct of Division level completion, only the Pop Quiz test materials will be prepared by the office of Population Commission while the rest of the contest events shall be prepared by the Division Focal Person in Population Development. Otee of he Decor (ORD, Te Non: (092) 291-14 ‘eT Aen Dron TAD) Ne. 0 "Quay Asvernace Division (OAD), Te 1 Developmen 3, 235039 ‘aucnion Seppo: Series Divison (PSSD Te Ne (2) 24062 Planing Poy and Resees Dison PRON Te Nes os) 3530 Research ‘147045 Adrien, Te. Non: (032) 414 736, 31-4367, 418-766, 0-72 14-0) Pinece Diva, Te Non (032) 256-257, 259-9060 414-7201 “ £90 2015: Karapatan ng Laheat, Fananagutan ng Lahat” 4. Division first place winners for each area of competition will qualify to participate in the 2018 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) which will be held on December 12- 14, 2018 and will be hosted by Bohol Province Division. 5. Mechanics for the said skills exhibition are attached as Enclosure 1. 6. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is directed. wr JULIET A. JERUTA, Ph. D., CESO IV Director IV 7 DEV. EdD. EDUCATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR JAUSTJEBESOBS: CLD ‘18 Enclosure No._ to DepEd Memorandum No. ,s. 2018 Implementing Guidelines on the 2019 National On-the-Spot Skills Exhibition on Population Development (PopDev) Areas for Population Development ‘The areas for Population Development Competition, number of participants per event and time allotment are the following: No. of No. of ‘Areas for Time Allotment Participants | Coaches Skills Exhibition PerRegion | PerRegion _ | (excluding interview) [z-Poegaie 1 1 Shows Pop Qui }oUrs 3.__Jingle Writing and Singing 1 1 15 hour 4. Poster i 1 1.5 hour 5. Kasaysayan, Heograplya at Kultura ng Pilipinas 2 2 hours Quiz 6 6 TOTAL 12 Page 1 of 11 Enclosure No. _ to DepEd Memorandum No. ,s. 2018 2019 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills Exhibition on Population Development ‘Component Area | ARALING PANLIPUNAN, Grade Level Junior and Senior High School Event Package PopDev Debate No. of Contestants | One ‘Time Allotment | Three (3) Hours Description ‘The event is a combination of argumentation and debate that is conducted in a modified round table discussion. tenables the contestant to use his critical analysis and deep reasoning about the different issues that occur in the society. Criteria Percentage Delivery 20% Criteria for Use of Supporting Evidence 25% Assessment ‘Organization 25% Reasoning and Ability to answer 30% Total 100% a. Event Rules and Mechanics Round-Table Argumentation and Debate ‘The event is a combination of argumentation and debate that is conducted in a round table discussion. It enables the contestant to use his critical analysis and deep reasoning about the different issues that occur in the society. This also develops the ability of the students to organize his ideals promptly and logically. ‘The event shall follow the rules and guidelines below: a, There shall only be one (1) contestant/debater from each region. The debater shall be accompanied and trained by the duly approved coach. b. Bach contestant shall wear a formal attire. Moreover, they are required to present their valid school ID during the registration. ©. Contestants shall be assigned a number that will correspond to the number on the judging sheet. d. Topics to be debated shall revolve on the following issues: country’s foreign and economic policies, environment, gender and society, governance, peace and order, population and reproductive health, and other current/contemporary issues. e. The debater is required to use the English language asa medium except for terminologies on certain topics that are only stated in Fitipino. £. The debate will consist of two rounds: Round [: Elimination Round ‘A. Bach debater will be given a maximum of 3 minutes to deliver his/her speech on the topic drawn, B. After the discourse of the first contestant/debater, the second debater will interpolate on the speech of the first debater. The questions for the interpolation will be focused on the Page 2 of 11 Enclosure No. __to DepEd Memorandum No. ,s. 2018 ‘arguments of the opponent. Categorical questions will be allowed (Answerable by yes or no), however, the responder may choose to qualify or not his/her answer. A total of five (5) ‘minutes shall be allotted to other contestants to ask their clarifications, rebuttal and other questions. €. The second contestant will also give his/her speech on the topic, the third debater will be asking questions to debater 2, debater 3 will be asked by debater 4, debater 4 by debater 5, debater S by debater 6 and so on. Round 2 : Final Round d. After the first round, eight (8) debaters will be chosen to proceed to the second round. The debaters will be following the same order as the first round. eA new topic for debate will be given on the second round. The topics will also be selected from the issues enumerated previously during the first round. £. The same process from round 1 (letter c) shall be followed. . g, Prompting and coaching during the duration of the debate shall be strictly prohibited. bh. The criteria for judging are: of enthusiasm are convincing to others) Use of supporting evidence - (examples and facts to support reasons with references) 25% Organization. 25% {view points and responses are outlined both clearly and orderly) Reasoning and ability to answer - a 30% (reasons are given to support viewpoints, arguments made by the other are responded to and dealt with effectively) TOTAL 2, pcre meer 11100 % h. The decision of the board of judges shall be final. L___ Resource Res ms Contestants Host Host Region School/Venue ‘Attire Corporate = = ‘Tools and Equipment Timer 5 Oth ‘Sound System Utility expenses Stage mene Page 8 of 11 Enclosure No.__ to DepEd Memorandum No. ,s. 2018 @ 2018 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills DepED Exhibition on Population Development Area Component | ARALING PANLIPUNAN Grade Level | Junior and Senior High School Event Package | Pop Quiz No. of ‘One Contestant/s Time Three (3) Hours Allotment Description | Quiz based on the following Population Education Core Messages/Key ae i. Concepts: + Family Life and Responsible Parenthood + Gender and Development + Population and Reproductive Health + _ Population, Environment, Resources, and Sustainable Development Round Points per correct answer Criteria for Easy z Assessment ‘Average 2 Difficult 3 ‘Total = 1. Event Rules and Mechanics ‘The formulation of test questions at the local and national levels shall be based on the following Population Education Core Messages/Key Concepts: Family Life and Responsible Parenthood Gender and Development Population and Reproductive Health Population, Environment, Resources, and Sustainable Development. Review materials for the PopQuiz will be provided by Department of Education (DepEd) or Population Commission (PopCom); During the quiz, participants will be provided with whiteboard, markers and erasers. English or Filipino will be used as the official language in the conduct of the quiz. Participants will be given a total number of twenty (20) questions, of which six (6) are “easy,” seven (7) are “average,” and seven (7) are “difficult.” Points for every correct answer will be given as follows: One (1) point shall be given to correct answer for each “easy” question, Two (2) points for each “average” question, Three (3) points for each “difficult” question. Participants shall be given ten (10) seconds to answer each question, For questions that. require computation, participants shall be given a maximum of thirty (30) seconds. h. The quizmaster will only read each question twice. Countdown will start after the question has been read the second time and the quizmaster says GO. When the quizmaster says “STOP “or “TIME IS UP.”, contestants must raise their answers to the audience and to the Board of judges until such time that the Proctors have verified or confirmed the answer. A general reminder will be given to all. However, if the contestant still violates, his /her answer shall not be considered. A participant shall be allowed to change his/her answer within the allotted time. Page 4 of 12 Enclosure No. __ to DepEd Memorandum No. ,s. 2018 j. National winners will be proclaimed based on cumulative scoring, Kk. Incase of tie, a clincher question drawn from the “difficult” category shall be asked until a winner emerges. 1 Incase ofa protest or inquiry during the actual quiz proceedings, the following procedures shall be observed: ‘* Only the contestant or the official coach of the participant is allowed to raise a protest or inquiry before the next question is read. The protest or inquiry will be addressed orally to the chair of the board of judges who will recognize the protest or inquiry. ‘+ The chair will announce the decision upon deliberation with the members of the board of judges. m, The decision of the Board of judges is final. TL Resource Requirements Contestants Host Host Region a ‘School/Venue Attire NFoT shirts [= = ‘Tools and Equipment ‘Timer = Sound System Utility expenses Others ‘Tables and chairs LCD Projector Page § of 12 Enclosure No. _ to DepEd Memorandum No. ,s. 2018 2019 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills DepED Exhibition on Population Development ‘Component Area | ARALING PANLIPUNAN Grade Level Junior and Senior High School Event Package Jingle Writing and Singing Contest No, of Contestants | One Time Allotment | One hour and 30 minutes Description Giiteria Percentage Lyrics (Relevance to the theme) 50% pa Musicality (Execution /Overall Performance) 30% Originality (Creativity) 20% Total 100% Event Rules and Mechanics a. The theme of the showcase will be announced on the actual day of the skills, exhibition. b. The order of the presentation shall be determined through draw lots. This will be done during the registration. © The jingle must be an original composition highlighting the theme. Lyrics must be in English. 4. Performance must be done in acapella within two (2) to three (3) minutes. TL Inputs (Resource Requirements) Contestants Host Host Region School/Venne NFOT Shirt = = Aitire Tools and Equipment : Timer : Sound System Utility expenses Others Tables and chairs Holding room Page 6 of 11 Enclosure No._ to DepEd Memorandum No. ,s. 2018 @ 2019 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills Exhibition on Population Development [Component Area | ARALING PANLIPUNAN Grade Level Grade 4-6 Event Package On the Spot Poster Making ‘One ‘Time Allotment | One hour and 30 minutes Criteria Relevance to the theme 20% nce to the eee Creativity and Presentation 50% ae Originality 30% Total 100% 1. Event Rules and Mechanics The contestants shall draw their numbers during registration. They will be given a ‘number tag which will be attached to the poster. b. The theme of the showcase will be announced on the actual day of the skills exhibition, Any artwork in the poster must be original in design. . The contestants shall be provided with the materials to be used in the skills exhibition. ‘Only the materials provided by the organizer shall be utilized. (oil pastel, ¥ illustration board, lead pencil, sharpener, eraser, ruler, black pentel pen, cotton / tissue) H.____Resource Requirements Host Contestants School/¥ Host Region . NFOT Shire ‘Tools and Equipment Timer = Sound System Utility expenses Others Tables and chairs Page 7 of 12 Enclosuré No.__to DepEd Memorandum No. ,s. 2018 @ 2019 Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills DehED Exhibition on Population Development Component | ARALING PANLIPUNAN Area Grade Level | Elementary (Grades 4-6) Event Package _| Kasaysayan, Heograpiya at Kultura ng Pilipinas Quiz No. of Two (2) Contestants Time ‘Three (3) Hours Allotment Description _| Quiz based on the concepts of Philippine Geography, History, and Culture from Araling Panlipunan Grades 4-6. Round Points per correct answer Criteria for Easy 1 Assessment ‘Average 2 Difficult Peace 3 Total - Tl. Event Rules and Mechanics ‘a. The quiz is open to all types of learners who are offically enrolled in grades 4-6 . ‘The team shall be composed of regular learners and learners with disability such as those with seeing and hearing impairment, physically challenged, learners with autism and others who shall present valid MOVs upon registration. (MOVs ¢/o CO). . Test questions shall be based on Araling Panlipunan Grades 4-6 competencies. Official list of references shall be released by the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD) through the Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD). 4. During the quiz, participants shall be provided with white board, markers and erasers. . Filipino shall be used as the official language in the conduct of the quiz. f. Participants shall be given a total number of twenty (20) questions, of which six (6) are “easy,” seven (7) are “average,” and seven (7) are “difficult.” g. Points for every correct answer shall be given as follows: One (1) point for “easy” question, Two (2) points for “average” question, and Three (3) points for “difficult” question. In case of tie, a clincher question drawm from the “difficult” category shall be asked until a winner emerges. h. Participants shall be given ten (10) seconds for easy, twelve (12) seconds for average, and fifteen (15) seconds for difficult round to answer the question. 1. The quizmaster shall read each question twice. Countdown shall start after the question has been read the second time and the quizmaster says “GO". When the quizmaster says “STOP “or “TIME IS UP”, contestants must raise their answers to the audience and to the Page 8 of 12

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